Deploying a Production Rails app on an Intranet/LAN - ruby-on-rails

My usual deploy setup consists of ubuntu/postgresql/nginx/unicorn running on a vps, I need to set up an app that will only be run on an intranet/LAN(on ubuntu).
Having never done this before what are the differences from a usual vps deployment?
Do I only need to change the server_name in my nginx.conf from;
server {
listen 80;
server_name ;
root /home/deployer/example/current/public;
to server_name localhost;?

The server name will only be useful if your internal DNS server is configured to point at your web server's IP address. That way other computers on the LAN can find it by its name. If you don't want to get in to configuring an internal DNS, just set the server_name to your web server's IP address and other computers can use the IP to connect to it.
Here's an article about setting nginx in a LAN:
Here's an answer about internal DNS:


Dockercontainer with Nginx share the same network but can´t reach each other

recently I'm trying to set up a litte Home Server with a buildin DNS.
The DNS Service is given by lancacheDNS and set up in combination with a Monolithic-Cache (Port 1234) in two docker containers on (Host machine) in my local network.
Since I want to serve a Website(Port 8080) along with some independent APIs (Ports 8081, 8082 or whatsoever) I decided to use Nginx as a reverse Proxy.
The DNS does the following: -->
The routing works completely fine and gives me my website as expected.
Now the tricky part (for me);
Set up Nginx such that: --> serving website --> serving the API1 --> serving the API2
For that I created a Newtwork "default_dash_nginx".
I edited the nginx to connect to that via:
networks: default: name: default_dash_nginx external: true
Also I connected my website serving container (dashboard) to the network via --network default_dash_nginx.
The serving website gets the IP (received via docker inspect default_dash_nginx) and also the nginx server is connected to the network.
Nginx works and I can edit the admin page.
But unfortunaly event though I edited the proxyHost to the IP + Port of my website receiced from the network, the site is not available. Here the output of my network inspection:
I hope you have another Idea,
thanks in advance,
The nginx container is actually a NginxReverseProxyManager Container (I don´t know of it was unclear above or simply not important)
The Nginx container can actually Ping the website container ang also get the HTML files from Port 80 from it.
So it seems like the nginx itself isn´t working like it should.
The first answer got no results( I tried to save it as every of the mentioned files
Do I have missed something or am I just not smart enough?
nginx config, try and understand
server {
listen 80;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:8081;
server {
listen 80;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:8082;
server {
listen 80;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:XXXX;

Dockerized nginix cannot resolve DNS name

I'm trying to configure nginx to work as a reverse proxy for the proget application. Everything works fine if I use IP in browser. Unfortunately for some reason it doesn't work at domain name like I host applications on the digitalocean droplet. I have DNS configured there too.
Nginix configuration below:
upstream proget{
server proget;
server {
listen 80;
location / {
proxy_pass http://proget;
I create other containers according to the documentation:
I met similar problem in a k8s cluster before. And I fixed it by adding resolver directive to my nginx config.

Multiple Sub-Domains on a single server. Docker + NGINX # EC2

I have multiple NGNIX-uWSGI based Django Applications deployed using Docker and hosted in EC2 (currently at different ports like 81, 82, ...). Now I wish to add in sub-domains to this such that and will both work from the same EC2 instance.
I am fine with multiple ports, BUT they dont work via DNS settings. -> ->
What I cannot do
Multiple IPs ref: allocation of a new ip for each deployed sub-domain is not possible.
NGINX Proxy ref: This looks like the ideal solution BUT this is not maintained by an org like Docker or NGINX, so I am un-sure of the security and reliability.
What I am considering:
I am considering to write my own NGINX reverse proxy, similar to Apache Multiple Sub Domains With One IP Address BUT then the flow is will via multiple proxies since already there is an NGINX-uWSGI proxy via the Tech Stack
you can use nginx upstream
upstream backend {
server weight=5;
server unix:/tmp/backend3;
server backup;
server backup;
server {
location / {
proxy_pass http://backend;

Running Self-contained .net-core Executable Not Responding to Requests

I am following a tutorial and have compiled a .net standalone app and sent it to my Ubuntu 16.10 server. Now I am running the app and everything seems to work correctly
$ ./MvcMovie
Hosting environment: Production
Content root path: /home/nnkuu/CEPublished/publish
Now listening on: http://localhost:5000
Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
But when I try to access the server through my web browser on http:// SERVER_IP:5000, the browser cannot establish the connection. What am I doing wrong?
The problem is that the server is listening on http://localhost:5000. That means that if you access the app from the same machine as http://localhost:5000, it will work, but it won't work if you access it from another machine.
What you need to do is to change the URL the app is listening on. The simplest way is to add the following line to the WebHostBuilder setup in your main method:
I solved the problem by making nginx function as a proxy that forwards traffic from port 80 on the external interface to port 5000 on the internal interface where the .net application is listening. This was done by running nginx with the following configuration file:
# Default server configuration
server {
listen 80;
# Add index.php to the list if you are using PHP
index index.html index.htm index.nginx-debian.html;
server_name <server_name or IP address>;
location / {

Mongoldb over http via nginx (stream) reverse proxy

I am wanting to move a hosted mongo database service to a self hosted solution, behind a firewall. The hosted ruby on rails app connects via MongoMapper. I want to port only the database first, and then maybe the ruby on rails app.
I've set up server_name port 80 on nginx 1.9.11 to redirected to another upstream port, localhost:8090.
This is done as I also have this nginx serve a website and, but I only want to connect to the upstream tcp port. I do this as server_name is http section only, i.e. understandably not available in the stream server set-up)
so the "data-web-domain":80 to localhost:8090 config:
server {
listen 80;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:8090;
Now I then pass localhost:8090 to mongodb via stream to allow tcp connection.
stream {
server {
listen 8090;
proxy_connect_timeout 1s;
proxy_timeout 3s;
proxy_pass stream_mongo_backend;
upstream stream_mongo_backend {
server localhost:27017;
and can browse to as
You are trying to access MongoDB on the native driver port. For http diagnostic access, add 1000 to the port number
Ok so the above config allows a web request at the web domain to return an error message back from the mongodb
When connecting to the server directly, via localhost or the server's unix domain name to the port 8090 the stream redirect to 27017 works, i.e. this mongo command line connects
mongo server-unix-name:8090/dummydb -udummyuser -pdummysecret
But via the web domain doesn't
mongo -udummyuser -pdummysecret
What's broken between the to the localhost:8090?
