how to Tell StructureMap to use a specific constructor? - structuremap

have two services that require an XPathDocument. I want to be able to define named instances of XPathDocumnet to use in the configuration of the two services. I also want to be able to tell StuctureMap which constructor of XPathDocument to use. When I try to get an instance of XPathDocument it tells me that it can't find the plugged type for XmlReader. I want to use the constructor that requires a string uri for the xml file. I cannot seem to get this to work. Here is the StructureMap configuration code.
public class Service1 : IService1 {
public Service1(XPathDocument document) {}
public class Service2 : IService2 {
public Service2(XPathDocument document) {}
public class Registry1 : Registry {
.CtorDependency<XPathDocument>().Is(x => x.TheInstanceNamed("XPathDocument1"));
.CtorDependency<XPathDocument>().Is(x => x.TheInstanceNamed("XPathDocument2"));
ForRequestedType<XPathDocument>().AddInstances(x => {

Since XPathDocument is a framework type that is not under your control, you should register it with a factory delegate.
container.Configure(r => r.For<XPathDocument>()
.Use(() => new XPathDocument("XmlFile1"));
But since you need a dofference instance per service, you might be better of not registering this class itself, but only configure your services with a constructor argument where you specify the lambda delegate.


DI parameters to class library without controller

So I'm not sure if I'm just missing something, but basically every example of DI I see with core shows passing of parameters from the appSettings.json file through a constructor in the controller and then to anything else.
Can I bypass the Controller and just inject directly a Class Library?
For an example of what I'm trying to do, let's say I have appSettings.json with
"EmailSettings":{"smtpServer":"", "port":123, "sendErrorsTo":""}
Then a Class Library for EmailServices
public class EmailSettings{
public string smtpServer {get;set;}
public int port {get;set;}
public string sendErrorsTo {get;set;}
public interface IEmailService
void SendErrorEmail(string method, Exception ex);
and EmailService.cs
public class EmailService :IEmailService
private readonly EmailSettings _emailSettings;
public EmailService(EmailSettings emailSettings)
_emailSettings = emailSettings;
public void SendErrorEmail(string method, Exception ex)
Startup.cs in the main core application
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddScoped<IEmailService, EmailService>(p => {
return new EmailService(p.GetService<EmailSettings>());
Without loading the EmailServices or the appsetting.json parameters through the controller and then into the BusinessLayer class library, I want to be able to call the SendErrorEmail from BusinessLayer (or any other place).
public MakeItWork()
catch (exception ex)
IEmailService.SendErrorEmail("BAL - MakeItWork",ex)
But it just fails with a null exception. The DI in the startup doesn't create the EmailService in place of the IEmailService, and I'm going to guess the parameters are not there either.
Thanks for any help you can give.
I ended up just switching to using AutoFac for DI. It's able to accomplish what I was looking for. Accepted the answer below to give Phantom the points for trying to assist.
A couple of things:
In your MakeItWork() method, you have code that "calls" a method using the interface name - not even sure how that will compile. You need to use an object of a class that implements that interface to actually make method calls at runtime. For example, in your DoWork class, you could have a constructor requesting for an instance of a class that implements the IEmailService interface and store it for future use in other methods.
Second, in the Services collection, you are adding a "Scoped" dependency (in the ConfigureServices method). A "scoped" dependency is only created upon a (http)Request, typically via calls to controllers. From your code and your explanation, it looks like you are wanting to add a Singleton object for your IEmailService interface. So, instead of adding a Scoped dependency use AddSingleton - as you have done, you can also create the specific object in the call to AddSingleton - that means this object will be provided every time you request it (through class constructors, for example). If you are using it as a singleton, you should also make sure that it is thread safe. Alternatively, you can also add the dependency using AddTransient - if you use this, a new object will be created every time you request it.
Sample Code
Modify your ConfigureServices to make the EmailService as Transient (this means a new object every time this service is requested):
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddTransient<IEmailService, EmailService>();
Your "DoWork" class should request the EMail Service in the constructor:
public class DoWork()
private IEmailService _emailService;
//Dependency should be injected here
public DoWork(IEmailService emailService)
_emailService = emailService;
public MakeItWork()
catch (exception ex)
//Use the saved email service object to do your work
_emailService.SendErrorEmail("BAL - MakeItWork", ex)
It doesn't end here. The question remains as to how you are going to create an Object of the DoWork class. For this, one idea is to create an interface for the DoWork class itself and then setup the container for that interface as well. Then wherever you would want to use the DoWork implementation you can "request" the interface for DoWork. Or use the container directly to create an instance.

Injecting Different Implementations of Same Interface in ASP.NET 5

In ASP.NET 5, I have an IRepository interface that I used to access some databases, like this:
public interface IRepository {
IQueryable<T> QueryItems(string sql);
public class Repository : IRepository {
private readonly string ConnectionString;
public Repository(string connStr) {
// Save the injected connection string
this.ConnectionString = connStr;
public IQueryable<T> QueryItems(string sql) {
// Implementation ignored here
In my Startup.cs class, I am registering the IoC/DI like this:
services.AddTransient<IRepository>(s => new Repository("DUMMY_CONNSTR"));
That all works fine if I only have one connection string. However, how can I register and subsequently inject the correct IRepository if I use the Repository to connect to 2+ different databases with different connection strings?
services.AddTransient<IRepository>(s => new Repository("DUMMY_CONNSTR"));
services.AddTransient<IRepository>(s => new Repository("DIFFERENT_CONNSTR"));
In older IoC/DI systems, I would have use "named" implementations that could be resolved with something like a [Dependency("DUMMY")] attribute on the constructor parameter.
Any help would be appreciated.
There are a few approach that you can take one is to inject a factory and base on the specific criteria you can produce a repository, the other approach is use a Dispatcher that also produce the repository base on the criteria, below is a question that I ask with the same problem. The question below have both approach but they were codding a beta version of .net core
See this question for reference and code
You can substitute StructureMap or Autofac for the default DI container (see my blog post for detailed instructions). Both support "named" interface registration (StructureMap named instances and Autofac named and keyed services).
Additionally, if you target dnx451, you can use Autofac's WithKey attribute. Using the Visual Studio sample project from the blog post, add the following dependency in project.json:
"frameworks": {
"dnx451": {
"dependencies": {
"Autofac.Extras.AttributeMetadata": "4.0.0"
Given a test class with the following constructor:
public MyClass([WithKey("logging")] IRepository repository)
Repository = repository;
you would register everything in ConfigureServices (note the use of WithAttributeFilter():
containerBuilder.Register(c => new Repository("DEFAULT_CONNSTR")).Keyed<IRepository>("default");
containerBuilder.Register(c => new Repository("LOGGING_CONNSTR")).Keyed<IRepository>("logging");

No default Instance is registered and cannot be automatically determined for type

The definition of my interface is as follows:
public interface IApplicationSettings
string LoggerName { get; }
string NumberOfResultsPerPage { get; }
string EmailAddress { get; }
string Credential { get; }
The implementation of this interface is given below:
public class WebConfigApplicationSettings : IApplicationSettings
public string LoggerName
get { return ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LoggerName"]; }
public string NumberOfResultsPerPage
get { return ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["NumberOfResultsPerPage"]; }
public string EmailAddress
get { return ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EmailAddress"]; }
public string Credential
get { return ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Credential"]; }
I also created a factory class to obtain the instance of the concrete implementation of WebConfigSettings as follows:
public class ApplicationSettingsFactory
private static IApplicationSettings _applicationSettings;
public static void InitializeApplicationSettingsFactory(
IApplicationSettings applicationSettings)
_applicationSettings = applicationSettings;
public static IApplicationSettings GetApplicationSettings()
return _applicationSettings;
Then I resolved dependency as follows:
public class DefaultRegistry : Registry {
public DefaultRegistry() {
scan => {
scan.With(new ControllerConvention());
Now when i running my application it throw me following exception:
Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
and the Inner Exception is
No default Instance is registered and cannot be automatically determined for type 'Shoppingcart.Infrastructure.Configuration.IApplicationSettings'\r\n\r\nThere is no configuration specified for Shoppingcart.Infrastructure.Configuration.IApplicationSettings\r\n\r\n1.) Container.GetInstance(Shoppingcart.Infrastructure.Configuration.IApplicationSettings)\r\n
I am using StructureMap for MVC5
The reason your code isn't working is because when you call ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IApplicationSettings>(), your registry hasn't been registered and thus, StructureMap's configuration is incomplete.
I believe what you're trying to do is the following (tested and works):
public class ApplicationSettingsFactory
public ApplicationSettingsFactory(WebConfigApplicationSettings applicationSettings)
_applicationSettings = applicationSettings;
private static IApplicationSettings _applicationSettings;
public IApplicationSettings GetApplicationSettings()
return _applicationSettings;
With your registry configured like this:
public DefaultRegistry() {
Scan(scan => {
scan.With(new ControllerConvention());
this.For<IApplicationSettings>().Use(ctx => ctx.GetInstance<ApplicationSettingsFactory>().GetApplicationSettings());
I can't really tell you why your registration fails in StructureMap, but if you allow me, I would like to feedback on your design.
Your design and code violates a few basic principles:
You are violating the Interface Segregation Princple (ISP).
The ISP describes that interfaces should be narrow (role interfaces) and should not contain more members than a consumer uses. You however defined an application wide IApplicationSettings interface and your intention is to inject into any consumer that needs some configuration settings. Changes are really slim however that there is a consumer that actually needs all settings. This forces the consumer to depend on all members, it makes the API more complex, while it just needs one.
You are violating the Open/Closed Principle (OCP).
The OCP describes that it should be possible to add new features without making changes to existing classes in the code base. You will however find yourself updating the IApplicationSettings interface and its implementations (you will probably have a fake/mock implementation as well) every time a new setting is added.
Configuration values aren't read at startup, which makes it harder to verify the application's configuration.
When a consumer makes a call to a property of your IApplicationSettings abstraction, you are forwarding the call to the ConfigurationManager.AppSettings. This means that if the value isn't available or incorrectly formatted, the application will fail at runtime. Since some of your configuration values will only be used in certain cases, this forces you to test every such case after you deployed the application to find out whether the system is configured correctly.
The solution to these problems is actually quite simple:
Load configuration values at start-up.
Inject configuration values directly into a component that needs that exact value.
Loading the configuration values directly at start-up, allows the application to fail fast in case of a configuration error, and prevents the configuration from being read over and over again needlessly.
Injecting configuration values directly into a component, prevents that component from having to depend on an ever-changing interface. It makes it really clear what a component is depending upon, and bakes this information in during application start-up.
This doesn't mean though that you can't use some sort of ApplicationSettings DTO. Such DTO is exactly what I use in my applications. This basically looks as follows:
public static Container Bootstrap() {
return Bootstrap(new ApplicationSettings
LoggerName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LoggerName"],
NumberOfResultsPerPage = int.Parse(
EmailAddress = new MailAddres(
Credential = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Credential"],
public static Container Bootstrap(ApplicationSettings settings) {
var container = new Container();
new SmtpLogger(settings.LoggerName, settings.EmailAddress));
new PagingProvider(settings.NumberOfResultsPerPage));
// Etc
return container;
In the code above you'll see that the creation of the ApplicationSettings DTO is split from the configuration of the container. This way I can test my DI configuration inside an integration test, where the start-up projects configuration file is not available.
Also note that I supply the configuration values directly to the constructors of components that require it.
You might be skeptic, because it might seem to pollute your DI configuration, because you have dozens of objects that require to be set with the same configuration value. For instance, your application might have dozens of repositories and each repository needs a connection string.
But my experience is that is you have many components that need the same configuration value; you are missing an abstraction. But don't create an IConnectionStringSettings class, because that would recreate the same problem again and in this case you aren't really making an abstraction. Instead, abstract the behavior that uses this configuration value! In the case of the connection string, create an IConnectionFactory or IDbContextFactory abstraction that allows creation of SqlConnection's or DbContext classes. This completely hides the fact that there is a connection string from any consumer, and allows them to call connectionFactory.CreateConnection() instead of having to fiddle around with the connection and the connection string.
My experience is that makes the application code much cleaner, and improves the verifiability of the application.
Thanks every one for responses. I found my solution. The solution is instead of using Default Registry I created another class for resolve the dependencies. Inside the class I used
ObjectFactory.Initialize(x =>
instead of
IContainer Initialize() {
return new Container(c => c.AddRegistry<ControllerRegistry>());
Then inside ControllerRegistry I resolved dependencies as follows:
// Application Settings
Then I called that class inside Global.asax as follows:
Finally inside Global.asax I resolved dependency for Factory class as follows:
My entire code is given below:
Bootstrap class (newly created)
public class Bootstrap
public static void ConfigureDependencies()
ObjectFactory.Initialize(x =>
public class ControllerRegistry : Registry
public ControllerRegistry()
// Application Settings

How do you output the context class using log4net as a service?

I am using Log4Net as a service which is injected into other services using StructureMap.
How do I ensure the log file includes the calling service class context (class name and/or thread) which is making the log4net calls?
Surely the calling class or thread will always be the logging service which doesn't help me understand where the logging calls are really coming from.
Register code:
ObjectFactory.Initialize(x =>
x.For<ILog>().AlwaysUnique().Use(s => s.ParentType == null ?
LogManager.GetLogger(s.BuildStack.Current.ConcreteType) :
Service layer:
public class LoggerService : ILoggerService
private readonly ILog log;
public LoggerService(ILog logger)
log = logger;
log.Info("Logger started {0}".With(logger.Logger.Name));
public void Info(string message)
In the logging, I am still always getting the LoggerService as the context so I'll never see what actually called the logger. It doesn't seem to be working correctly. I feel like I'm missing something here...
Edit 2:
I've added a pastie link for a console app here:
I would expect the parent class to be logged but it isn't working at the simplest of levels.
You might want to have a look at Castle Dynamic proxy in order to solve it using AOP. There is an example of using it with Structure Map on the Structure Map Google Group.
Ayende has an example of AOP based logging using Log4Net and Windsor.
I use StructureMap in a lot of the code I generate and I have a StructureMap registry which I use to hook the logger into the context of the class that it is injected into.
For Reference, I'm using the 2.6.2 version of StructureMap but should be fine with 2.5+ where the new .For<>().Use<>() format is utilized.
public class CommonsRegistry : Registry
public CommonsRegistry()
For<ILogger>().AlwaysUnique().Use(s => s.ParentType == null ? new Log4NetLogger(s.BuildStack.Current.ConcreteType) : new Log4NetLogger(s.ParentType.UnderlyingSystemType.Name));
XmlConfigurator.ConfigureAndWatch(new FileInfo(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetAssembly(GetType()).Location), "Log.config")));
What this registry is doing is for anywhere the ILogger is injected, use the class that it's injected into is where the logging messages are logged to/context of.
*Also, in the second line (XmlConfigurator.ConfigureAndWatch) is where I tell Log4Net to get the logging information from the file "Log.config" instead of the application configuration file, you may or may not like that and can be omitted.
The code I use is a common IOC.Startup routine where I would pass if I would like to use the default registery.
ObjectFactory.Initialize(x =>
This gives me the calling class name in the logging instance where messages are logged to automatically and all that is required is to inject the logger into the class.
class foo
private readonly ILogger _log;
public foo(ILogger log)
_log = log;
Now the messages are logged as context/class "foo".

ASP.NET MVC, MVCContrib, Structuremap, getting it working as the controllerfactory?

I'm trying to get structuremap to correctly create my controllers, I'm using DI to inject an INewsService into a NewsController and thats the only constructor I have.
public class NewsController : Controller
private readonly INewsService newsService;
public NewsController(INewsService newsService)
this.newsService = newsService;
public ActionResult List()
var newsArticles = newsService.GetNews();
return View(newsArticles);
and I'm using this code to start the app
public class Application : HttpApplication
protected void Application_Start()
public static void RegisterIoC()
ObjectFactory.Initialize(config => {
config.UseDefaultStructureMapConfigFile = false;
DependencyResolver.InitializeWith(new StructureMapDependencyResolver());
But Structuremap doesn't seem to want to inject the INewsService and I get the error
No parameterless constructor defined for this object.
What have I missed?
I use the "Default Conventions" mechanism that StructureMap provides to avoid needing to individually configure each interface. Below is the code I use to make that work:
My Global.asax has this line in Application_Start (which uses the StructureMap factory from MvcContrib):
protected void Application_Start()
ObjectFactory.Initialize(x =>
x.AddRegistry(new RepositoryRegistry());
And the RepositoryRegistry class looks like this:
public class RepositoryRegistry : Registry
public RepositoryRegistry()
Scan(x =>
The DefaultConventionScanner looks for pairs of Interfaces/Classes that follow the nameing convention of ISomethingOrOther and SomethingOrOther and automatically associates the latter as a concrete type for the former interface.
If you didn't want to use that default convention mechanism, then you would add code in the Registry class to explicity map each of your interfaces to the concrete types with this syntax:
Unless I'm missing something, you are not telling StructureMap what concrete type to use for INewsService. You need to add something like:
I don't know the exact syntax off the top of my head, but that's what you're missing. Once you specify that then it will know what instance of the INewsService to inject into the controller.
ASP.NET MVC currently instantiates controllers using the default parameterless constructor, which precludes any constructor-based dependency injection. To do that, you really need to use the MvcContrib project, which has built-in support for StructureMap (and Castle/Spring.NET/Unity), although the current documentation is non-existent (literally, you get a stub wiki page, not a good sign). Erv Walter's code sample in this thread shows how to set up the StructureMap integration.
