How to create Service Account in new Google Cloud console? - oauth-2.0

The Google cloud console seems to have changed. I am unable to create a service account under the new console. There are 5 options available on the new console:
Web application
But I am unable to find the service account option.

see the following answer from a few days ago - this option has recently moved: google oauth2 how to get private key for service account


trouble with Google API's?

I have been running google maps and google places API in my app for about a year now. I woke up today and was not able to use the map which was greyed out, or searches. In the console,
ERROR AUTO COMPLETE Error Code=-4 "Operation failed due to an invalid (malformed or missing) API key. See the developer's guide ( for information on creating and using an API key." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Operation failed due to an invalid (malformed or missing) API key. See the developer's guide ( for information on creating and using an API key., NSUnderlyingError=0x283e81560 {Error Code=-2 "REQUEST_DENIED" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=This API project is not authorized to use this API. Please ensure this API is activated in the Google Developers Console:, NSLocalizedDescription=REQUEST_DENIED}}}
The thing is all of my API's are called in the right place and I have been able to use maps for a while. Why all of a sudden it stops working?
Recently Google announced the new version of Places SDK client and deprecated the previous one. I believe you should migrate to new version asap, because the deprecated version will stop working very soon.
The new Places SDK client requires that you enable Places API web service in your Cloud project. The error message This API project is not authorized to use this API. Please ensure this API is activated in the Google Developers Console:, refers to the Places API web service.
Double check if the Places API web service is enabled, API key created and billing account configured properly.
The official documentation has the following statement
To use the Places SDK for iOS, you must:
Include an API key with all API requests.
Enable billing on each of your projects.
Enable the Places API service for each of your projects
For further details have a look at migration guide:
I hope this helps!

Access Not Configured for Google OAUTH Login

I am building a wordpress woocommerce site and am trying to get the users to login using G+.
Everything was going just fine till I changed the plugin I was using and added new redirect URLs to the OAUTH 2.0 Client ID.
Now the users get the error:
Access Not Configured. Google+ API has not been used in project
1033299751186 before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting
then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for
the action to propagate to our systems and retry. Please notify about
this error to the Site Admin.
Any help would be appreciated.
You need to go to google developer console as it says under the project 1033299751186 and enable the Google+ api.
Your project needs to have each of the different APIs enabled that it needs to access.
Look for API manager -> Enable APIs (its a tab at the top)

Unable to authenticate user via iOS Outlook SDK

I'm trying with iOS Outlook SDK introduced at, their source code at
I tried to register an application via Application registration tool with both an Office365 developer account and Outlook development account(request from Outlook) to get clientId, but none of them is working, I try to authenticate user but get error Application 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' is not supported for this API version
Could anyone let me know how to get a valid clientId to work with this SDK?
That sample requires the use of the Azure v1 app model, which requires that you register the app in Azure AD, per these instructions:

OfflineConversionError UNAUTHORIZED_USER

I am working on a Google AdWords integration built on .NET, which was developed some time ago for API v201409. That version of the API has not been retired and I am now trying to migrate to the latest (v201506).
I have updated the Nuget package and it builds fine.
The account that I use to upload conversions is a manager account, with around 50 client accounts being managed by it.
When trying to upload conversions to some of the client accounts I am getting OfflineConversionError.UNAUTHORIZED_USER errors.
When I check the setup on the Google AdWords website everything looks fine. Each client account has the manager account set in the Account access settings.
I have used the ManagedCustomerService API to retrieve a list of client accounts that are managed by the manager account and it returns all accounts, including those that throw the error.
All refresh/access tokens appear to be working fine.
Has anyone experienced similar problems?
The OfflineConversionError.UNAUTHORIZED_USER is returned when you attempt to upload conversion data to an Adwords account other than the account that the click originated from.
If you have a manager account with multiple client accounts, make sure that the account ID is the correct one.

"accessNotConfigured" error occurred using Youtube API v3

I have been struggled with Youtube API and now I am stuck.
What I did is:
create a project at google developers console(
enabled "YouTube Data API v3"
generate api key of iOS.
access to{API KEY}&part=id&q=soccer by web browser and got the error message
Am I missing something?
I have read many questions but I cannot solved yet.
In step 3 "generate API key for IOS", the comment on the Google Developer Console web page says
Use of this key does not require any user action or consent, does not grant access
to any account information, and is not used for authorization.
Clicking on the *Learn More" button, it says:
Use an API key when your application is running on a server and accessing one of the following kinds of data:
•Data that the data owner has identified as public, such as a public calendar or blog.
•Data that is owned by a Google service such as Google Maps or Google Translate. (Access limitations may apply.)
I think you need to use the OAuth process rather than the API Key. Click on Learn More in the OAuth section of the Developer Console web page to learn about using OAuth with Apple iOS.
To create oAuth credentials for iOS:
Create new Client ID / Installed Application / iOS
I know it sounds a bit elementary, but I solved this same problem by going back into Google developer, creating a whole new project, new API key, and then it worked. Google quirk??
