Visual Studio Team Services Monitor User - tfs

So far I was working my my project myself using Visual Studio Team Services using VS 2012, everything was good. Now I have added another user for my project and things are NOT working as I expected, below are my basic questions.
After my developer is done adding/editing files, does he needs to tell me the ChangeSet # to refer to? so I can get his Check-in's?
How Can I see What files he modified/Added? And is there a way I can get only the changes I want from the user instead of getting his/her entire changeset/files?
"Get Latest Version" does not really gets me the Latest Version of files which my developer modified.

See below answers:
After my developer is done adding/editing files, does he needs to tell me the ChangeSet # to refer to? so I can get his Check-in's?
--> He doesn't need to give you Changeset# to get latest(his check-ins). You can go to Team Explorer --> Source Control Explorer and then right click on your project and select "View History" to look at all the changes done to the project. Do you see his changes in the history? If yes then "Get Latest Version" should work. Sometimes what happens if you try to get latest version in Visual Studio Solution and if the files changed are not part of solution you won't get those files. In those cases you need to get latest from Source Control Explorer.
How Can I see What files he modified/Added? And is there a way I can get only the changes I want from the user instead of getting his/her entire changeset/files?
--> If you double click on the changeset after following the above steps to go to View History you will see all the files changed. If you want to get only few files from a check-in you will have to get the latest at file/folder level instead of getting it at project level. i.e. Find out all the files changed using above method and then go to individual files/folders in the Source Control Explorer to get latest.


TFS: Force update does not work

My objective is to get the files in the TFS into my local computer.
The computer I am using has previously been used by someone else, which I assume is the root of my problem.
I connect to the server, and in Source Control Explorer I find the folder that I want to download. I right click it, and a popup with the following pops up:
Source Control Explorer
All files are up to date.
No files were updated because the requested file versions were previously downloaded.
To force an update, use the "Get Specific Version" command with the "Overwrite all..." option checked.
Ok, so I do this, as is also suggested in this question on StackOverflow. It gives exactly the same result. I tried all different combinations of checking and unchecking the boxes.
I also tried to delete the workspace, and cleared the caches for Visual Studio and Team Foundation.
What should I do?
Problem solved.
I was not yet added to my team on the Team Foundation site.
Wierd that I could still see all the code.

Get or download Shelf Code in Team Foundation Server (TFS)

I am fairly new to TFS, like Mel from this post:
I had a project on another PC, but I have been issued another PC.
Yes, I could go to management, and bug them with all of the various steps involved with finding and then getting my shelf project that I was working on last week, but I would rather find the information on my own.
I found MSDN's article on Shelve and Unshelve Pending Changes, but it did not cover how to get my shelf item. Perhaps there is a special term that I am unfamiliar with.
Likewise, I read over the article What's New in Visual Studio TFS 2012, since we are using VS2012. It appears to go over the changes that have occurred since the newest release.
How do I find my shelf items, so that I can continue working on them?
your question is answered under "Unshelving" on the page you referred to (Shelve and Unshelve Pending Changes). You click on unshelve and first step you do is finding your sehlveset. However please remember it works only if you shelved your changes before you lost your PC.
I got this resolved, but I did not like the way I found to do it.
In Team Explorer, I opened my last successful shelf item, did a Right-Click and selected View Shelfset Details:
From there, I went to each file listed in the Changes to Unshelf list.
I selected Open for that file, and then physically copied the text from that file to the corresponding file on my PC.
Again, I did this for each file that had changed in my Shelfset Details.
For whatever reason, Team Foundation Server does not pull that data back into my project whenever I select the "Unshelve Changes" option.

TFS Server 2012 and Promoting changes

I started using TFS Team explorer 2012 and happen to notice a new process called promoting. As I understand it, the Team Explorer detect any changes made to the files outside of the TFS explorer and count them for promotion? Am I right?
How do I take care of the situation where I made a change to the file which is already checked out through TFS, then made a change via Windows Explorer\Notepad but dont want to include the changes made through the Windows Explorer\Notepad.
This is a new feature of TFS 2012 called Local Workspaces.
You are correct in that changes made outside of visual studio can be included in the check-in by promoting them, if they are not already under source control.
If they are already in source control and you do not want to commit them, then you would need to right click the file and choose Exclude. This will move the file from Included Changes into Excluded Changes.
If you do not like the new Local Workspaces you can tell TFS to go back to the old model of Server Workspaces:
Open Team Explorer
Go to Settings
Under Team Project Collection select Source Control
Click the Workspace Settings Tab
Here you can choose the workspace type.
While everything that discens said is correct, one thing bears explicit mention: there is no change to the level of granularity of Team Foundation Server. You still check out files and edit files and check-in files.
In your example, if you have a file checked out and you edit it in Notepad, the changes will be checked in. There is no change here from previous behaviors. There is no way to keep these changes from being checked in, short of saving the file with a different file name.

Remove project from TFS Source Control when Collection/Team Project don't exist

I have a Visual Studio Solution (2010) containing code projects that were under source control in Team Foundation Server 2010. That collection/project no longer exists, but the code was not removed from the collection. The collection and project have been created over again exactly as it was the first time. When I open the solution in VS, it tells me that it can find my project, it is offline, and asks if I would like to go online. I click yes, but then it errors and says it can not find the workspace. All my files are read only. I assume this is because of the source control and, since it's not hooked up, I can't check them out (remove the read only).
How do I purge the solution of the old and hook everything back up again, short of recreating all the code solutions over again?
To clarify:
Collection refers to TFS Collection
Project refers to TFS Team Project
Solution refers to VS Code Solution
The problem is the code solutions are still associated with the team project, which doesn't exist. When I open it, I get the message "This solution is offline, but its associated TFS server is available. Would you like to go online with this solution after it has loaded?" Yes "Unable to determine the workspace for this solution"
When you have loaded the projects, enable the Source Control - Team Foundation Server tool bar, click the "Change Source Control" button (only one enabled) and it asks you if you wish to permanently remove the association with source control.

Deleted a file out side Visual Studio, TFS doesn't recognize it

I am new to TFS. I checked out a folder from TFS using Visual Studio and then deleted bunch of files/added couple of files within that folder using windows explorer (actually I didn't do it, but that folder has third party libraries and I used an installer which made all these changes).
Now if I go to Visual Studio and try to check in that folder, I am getting this error:
Check in: Operation not performed
Could not find file : /ThirdPartyFolder/aDeletedFile.aspx
I tried to follow the solution proposed in this post, but that didn't work out:
When I do 'Get Specific Version' and specified 'change set 1', it doesn't show the deleted files in red as it does in the screenshot of that blog post. Also, when I click OK, it shows the Pending Changes-Conflicts window with all the files that got deleted. Even though I selected "Keep Local Version", when I try to check in, I am getting the same error again.
Is there a way in TFS to take what is in my local version and over write what is in the server with my local version files?
I have done similar operations using Subversion, and this has never been a problem. Hopefully someone will let me know how to achieve this in TFS.
Team Foundation Server requires that you explicitly pend changes for these files - if you delete a file locally, this does not explicitly pend a delete against Team Foundation Server. This is actually a useful feature - the server optimizes the data it sends you based on its knowledge of your local filesystem. That is to say, if you say "get latest", it knows your current versions and will only deliver the changes. If you're working with very large projects, this can be very efficient.
However, when other programs decide to make changes without pending the changes to the server, things can get a bit confused. Fortunately, TFS has the ability to detect changes that were made outside without explicitly pending those changes. You can use the "return online" capabilities of your TFS client.
You'll need the Team Foundation Server Power Tools installed, then you can simply run: tfpt online to detect those changes and select which ones to pend to the server.
(VS2012) Select the missing files from TFS "Check In" list and then right click on them and click on "Undo Changes" to exclude them from the list of "Check In"s forever.
This is one of the major differences between svn and tfs. Svn is somehow more integrated with windows shell and every change in your working folder will affect the server on commit. I propose you to perform any move, delete and rename actions within tfs UI, not from shell.
