JSON Post to rails - ruby-on-rails

Hi guys I am having an issue and have read over a few topics on here and still can't solve my problem.
I am building an API on rails 4.0 and I have a method in my controller, shown bellow:
def jsonApiSearch
#firstName = params[:fn] #
#lastName = params[:ls] #
#eID = params[:custid] #
#prod = params[:prod] #
#classifation = params[:classifation] #
#status = params[:status] #
#specialty = params[:specialty] #
#aIDType = params[:aIDType] #
#aID = params[:aID] #
#address = params[:address] #
#city = params[:city] #
#state = params[:state] #
#country = params[:country] #
#postalCode = params[:pc] #
#role = params[:role]
#affiliation = params[:affill]
#priorityRank = params[:pr]
#strict = params[:strict]
#do something with the data
My Route File has the the following code:
post '/jsonsearch', to: 'api#jsonApiSearch'
So I then send a post request to the /jsonsearch endpoint.
I set the content type and the application/json, and then place this into the body as a this:
{"message": "Let's see if this works.","subject": "JSON via curl"}
I keep getting back a 422 Unprocessable Entity error.
Does anyone have any idea what I am doing wrong?
Turns out that I left protect_from_forgery enabled, which was causing an issue. That is now fixed.

Turns out that I left protect_from_forgery enabled, which was causing an issue. It is turned on be default and will stop any non-get methods from working without some sort of authorization in place. Turn it off and your post will start working.


How to get push value key in Firebase Ruby REST wrapper

I am working on a project to do CRUD Operations to firebase. I made use of this to help facilitate and link my ruby project to firebase.
def delete_firebase(event_params,rootpath="Events/")
query = init_firebase.delete(rootpath,event_params)
def new_firebase(event_params,rootpath="Events")
query = init_firebase.push(rootpath,event_params)
def init_firebase # Inits firebase project with URL and secret
firebaseURL = "myfirebaseprojecturl"
firebaseSecret = "myfirebasesecret"
firebase = Firebase::Client.new(firebaseURL, firebaseSecret)
Event params consist of my event parameters as shown below
def event_params
params.require(:event).permit(:eventID, :eventName, :attachment, :eventNoOfPpl, :eventAdminEmail, {eventpics: []})
I encountered an issue. When I push with push() into firebase, there is a random key like -LSFOklvcdmfPOWrxgBo. In such case, the structure of the document would look like this:
But I cannot delete anything from -LSFOklvcdmfPOWrxgBo as I do not have the value. I used delete() from Oscar's firebase-ruby gem. I would appreciate any help with this issue.
I re-read the gem docs, and got some help from my friends and came up with two solutions
The body's response has response.body # => { 'name' => "-INOQPH-aV_psbk3ZXEX" } and thus, you're able to find out the name if you'd like
Change the index, and don't use .push, instead I made use of .set and did a random number for every event
Final solution
def load_firebase(root_path = "Events")
firebase_json = init_firebase.get(root_path)
if valid_json?(firebase_json.raw_body)
#json_object = JSON.parse(firebase_json.raw_body)
def update_firebase(event_params, root_path = "Events/")
init_firebase.update("#{root_path}#{event_params["eventID"]}", event_params)
def delete_firebase(event_params, root_path = "Events/")
def save_firebase(event_params, root_path = "Events/")
init_firebase.set("#{root_path}#{event_params["eventID"]}", event_params)

Parse Open Graph Data in Rails using Metainspector

I am working on an app where I am required to fetch and save the open graph data of a website.
So far I have been able to grab properties such as title, description, url by using this code
before_save :get_meta_from_link
def check_link
#page_link = MetaInspector.new(sanitized_url)
rescue Faraday::ConnectionFailed => e
errors.add(:link, "Oops, can't be processed ATM")
def get_meta_from_link
page = #page_link
return unless page.to_hash.present?
if page.title.present?
self.title = page.title
if page.description.present?
self.description = page.description
if page.url.present?
self.url = page.url
I am using the metainspector gem and trying to grab values such as og:locale, og:type. How can I fetch those values?
This is the link I am using to cross reference values: https://metainspectordemo.herokuapp.com
Ok, so I managed to solve it using
def check_link
#page_link = MetaInspector.new(sanitized_url)
rescue MetaInspector::RequestError => e
errors.add(:link, "you provided is not being read by our system. Please check the link.")
in my link model
followed by
def get_meta_from_link
page = #page_link
paje = #page_link.meta_tags
return unless page.to_hash.present?
if page.title.present?
self.btitle = page.title

Running GET Request Through Rails on separate thread

I have a get request that retrieves JSON needed for graphs to display on a page. I'd do it in JQuery, but because of the API that I am using, it is not possible -- so I have to do it in rails.
I'm wondering this: If I run the get request on a separate thread in the page's action, can the variable then be passed to javascript after the page loads? I'm not sure how threading works in rails.
Would something like this work:
Thread.new do
url = URI.parse("http://api.steampowered.com/IDOTAMatch_570/GetMatchHistory/v001/?key=#{ENV['STEAM_WEB_API_KEY']}&account_id=#{id}&matches_requested=25&game_mode=1234516&format=json")
res = Net::HTTP::get(url)
matchlist = JSON.parse(res)
matches = []
if matchlist['result'] == 1 then
matchlist['result']['matches'].each do |match|
def GetMatchWin(match_id, id)
match_data = matchlist["result"]["matches"].select {|m| m["match_id"] == match_id}
Given that the above code is in a helper file, and it then gets called in the action for the controller as such:
def index
if not session.key?(:current_user) then
redirect_to root_path
gon.winlossdata = GetMatchHistoryRawData(session[:current_user][:uid32])
The "gon" part is just a gem to pass data to javascript.

How to make a PUT request from a Rails model to controller?

I want to update model via PUT request in Rails app. What would be the best way to do that?
Basically I have:
def method
#relation = Relation.find(34)
#relation.name = "new_name"
This gives me errors in SQLite ("cannot start a transaction within a transaction").
Switching to put/post should I guess save the problem.. What would be the right way to do it?
So after some time, I actually found the solution. Here is the code for the Resque worker, that updates the Relation model via PUT. Using this method I don't get SQLite busy exception errors.
class VideoCollector
def self.perform(rel_id)
#relation = Relation.find_by_id(rel_id)
#url = Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.relation_url(#relation)
#uri = URI(#url)
#body ={"collected" => "true"}.to_json
request = Net::HTTP::Put.new(#uri.path, initheader = {'Content-Type' =>'application/json'})
request.body = #body
response = Net::HTTP.new(#uri.host, #uri.port).start {|http| http.request(request) }
Maybe that will be useful to someone.

Rails: Accessing Controller Variables in a Sweeper

So I have some code here I need to modify regarding a Rails Sweeper:
class UserTrackingSweeper < ActionController::Caching::Sweeper
observe User
def after_update(user)
return if user.nil? || user.created_at.nil? #fix weird bug complaining about to_date on nil class
return if user.created_at.to_date < Date.today || user.email.blank?
user.send_welcome_email if user.email_was.blank?
#use sweeper as a way to ingest metadata from the user access to the site automatically
def after_create(user)
if !cookies[:user_tracking_meta].nil?
full_traffic_source = cookies[:user_tracking_meta]
if !session.empty? && !session[:session_id].blank?
user_tracking_meta = Rails.cache.read("user_meta_data#{session[:session_id]}")
full_traffic_source = CGI::unescape(user_tracking_meta[:traffic_source])
traffic_source = URI::parse(full_traffic_source).host || "direct"
rescue Exception => e
Rails.logger.info "ERROR tracking ref link. #{e.message}"
traffic_source = "unknown"
full_traffic_source = "unknown"
# if I am registered from already, than use that for now (false or null use site)
registered_from = user.registered_from || "site"
if params && params[:controller]
registered_from = "quiz" if params[:controller].match(/quiz/i)
# registered_from = "api" if params[:controller].match(/api/i)
meta = {
:traffic_source => user.traffic_source || traffic_source,
:full_traffic_source => full_traffic_source,
:registered_from => registered_from,
:id_hash => user.get_id_hash
The problem is I've noticed that it dosen't seem possible to access the cookies and parameters hash within a sweeper yet it appears fine in some of our company's integration environments. It does not work in my local machine though. So my questions are:
How is it possible to access params / cookies within a Sweeper?
If it's not possible, what would you do instead?
I'm sure you can use session variables in a Cache Sweeper so if anything put whatever you need there and you're set
