Cannot visualize images inside Xcode - ios

I cannot visualize images in Xcode 5. When I select them on the left panel they don't show, this used to working.
Is it some configuration from coming from Xcode 4 that I am missing?
I tried restarting and creating other project and does not seem to work for me, only code is seen, no images, tried png jpeg etc no do

Check this question, are you perhaps running Xcode on full-screen?
There's a known bug about images missing on Xcode 5:
I just tried a new sample project with Xcode 5.1 Developer Preview and it looks like it is not fixed yet.


Xcode 9 not finding assets after using xcode 10

I downloaded Xcode 10 to test some new features on a project, Now when I reopen the same project on Xcode 9. It seems that Xcode can't find any assets ( images)
This would work fine on Xcode 10 :
let image = UIImage(named: "AsunnyDay")
// this would find the correct image
However, on Xcode 9
let image = UIImage(named: "AsunnyDay")
//image would be nil
I guess it's something related to XCode 10 categorizing the assets as either for dark appearance or light. but I don't understand why would Xcode 9 not find them.
Guys this is how I fixed it.
Open project in Xcode 10 beta
Go to the assets
Select all the images you have
In the inspector, you will have an option to choose the appearance type. Choose Any, Light,Dark
This will create extra placeholders for other images:
Open Project in Xcode 9. the assets will look something like this
Reorder the 1x , 2x , 3x into place.
Delete the extra unassigned placeholders
For me i just reran the project using Xcode 10 and then reverted back to Xcode 9 and it worked for me.
Change your command line tool and clear your derived data first.
Clear your project.
After that force quit Xcode and reopen it.
It solved my assets warning problem.
Hope it will help you.

App compiled with Xcode 6 runs on iPhone 5s top/bottom of screen blank

Recently we switched to Xcode 6, and I am having this issue: my simplest tabbed app compiled with Xcode 6 occupies just part of the screen, when it runs on iPhone 5s. There are two black strips sitting at the top and bottom of the screen. Like below:
By default, it looks that way (that is, I created the project using Xcode's template, and compiled and ran it without any modifications). I have also tinkered with various project setting bits, but in vain. Tried creating the project in both Swift and OC, both had the same issue. Never had this problem in Xcode 5.
Can anyone tell what's going on here?
Set up launch images in your app. It is mandatory now for ios 9. Refer this
This happens when you dont have the right image assets in your project.
Correctly again drag drop the correct image assets in your project (check the splash images) and it will work.
Dont know why this happened but I suffered from this too ones and then saw the splash images got deleted.

UIImageView missing images in Launch Screen on device

I have an app that supports iOS8 and later, built in Xcode 7 and I am using a XIB for a Launch Screen (I do not have launch images). The view contains a single UILabel with the app version, and 2 UIImageViews with images that are both present in Images.xcassets: A logo and a splash image.
The UILabel and the logo image appear correctly when I launch the application, but the splash image does not if I run the app on an iPad Air 2 with iOS9. I have tested on an Air and a Mini running iOS8, and iOS9 simulators for iPad 2, iPad Air, and iPad Air 2 and the image appears correctly in all of those.
I ran some basic troubleshooting to see if I could figure out what is going on but I haven't been able to solve it and the only difference I can see between the image that's working and the one that's failing is when I added it to the assets...
Here's a rundown of what I know:
The UIImageView for the splash image is in the correct place, at the correct size. I can tell this because I set its background color to green just to make sure. The view is there, but the image does not appear. So I'm assuming that the view is not to blame.
Setting the UIImageView for the splash image to also use the logo image makes the logo image appear in the correct place for the view. This also leads me to assume that the view is not to blame.
The UIImage that I am using in the splash image view is used elsewhere in the app and appears fine in those other views (the logo image is also used elsewhere in the app and appears fine). So I'm assuming that the image is valid and having it appear in other views is not a problem.
I've confirmed that the settings of the UIImages for the logo and splash in the xcassets file are the same. They are set to Universal, Any width and height, multiple scale factors, rendered as default. There is one difference - the logo has 1x, 2x and 3x scales while the splash image only has 1x and 2x, but I have also tried using UIImages with only 1x, and 1x and 2x values in the UIView and they work (if they were added to the project some time ago).
Adding another image of a different size or format (PNG and JPG) to my xcassets and using that UIImage in the UIImageView for the splash image also fails to display.
Adding another UIImageView to the XIB file and allocating it a UIImage that was already in the xcassets works, the image appears in the loading screen.
Copying and renaming the image files used for the logo and adding them to the project then using that UIImage in the splash view also fails to display.
I have tried cleaning the project, restarting the development machine, and deleting the app from the Air 2 and reinstalling it just in case that was a problem.
These last three steps lead me to believe that there's some issue with images added after a certain point in the project file's lifetime. While I updated to Xcode 7 yesterday, the splash image was originally added in Xcode 6, but the logo image (also added in Xcode 6) was added some months before.
I've looked over the json files for the logo image and splash image and they appear to have the same format. I've also trawled through the pbxproj file looking for differences and I can't see any.
So I was wondering if anyone had any idea why the launch screen might not display these new images I'm adding on the Air 2 specifically? Other questions I've been reading through relating to images not appearing all seem to relate either to Launch Images, or to images in XIB files that have associated classes, neither of which seems relevant here.
Turn it off and then on again.
Seriously, restart the device — that’s what fixed it for me.
Here’s what didn’t work:
Cleaning DerivedData.
Cleaning the project.
Uninstalling the app from the device.
Restarting Xcode.
Restarting the computer.
Older observations:
Just like the others, it:
Works fine in the Simulator
Used to work on the devices (iPhone 5S, iPad Air)
No code changes (verified via git reset --hard HEAD), yet stopped working.
What I remember triggering the first build where it stopped working was unplugging the iPhone while it was runnning. (Not sure if it’s related.)
However, the git reset not fixing it (combined with all the clean steps not working) tells me it this must be getting cached somewhere else. Quite possibly in one of the .gitignored files? (I’m using Git ignore file for Xcode projects)
One workaround that worked for one UIImageView (in the UIView that has three) but not for the others was putting the image into an .xcassets file. Reverting to the plain image file did not undo the fix. (Really feels like a caching error.)
UPDATE: See top — restarting the device is what fixed it. I get the feeling the wrong bitmap data is being cached on the device itself.
"The solution for me was simply to make sure that the "Clears Graphics Context" box is unchecked for the UIImageView in the storyboard. Just changing this fixed it for me."
No other solutions worked for me.
Got it from apple developer forum
I had exactly the same issue on an iPhone 6.
The very strange fact is that I was able to use another image from my images.xcassets which had the same size, compression, color space ...
I'm not able to find why it doesn't work but I found a solution :
Simply put your file outside your images.xcassets and use its full name (with extension) in Interface Builder
Hope this help !
The following sequence of operations fixed the issue for me on Xcode 7.3.1 and iOS 9.3.4:
Clean Your Build (⌘+⇧+K)
Close Xcode
Hard Reset iOS Device (Power + Home Button reboot)
Relaunch Xcode - let indexing finish and build on device once it is ready.
Many other answers suggest rebooting devices and / or rebuilding and / or reinstalling is the solution.
While these answers work for some of us, the reason these work is because the app is forced to "retake" or "rebuild" cached snapshots.
Cached snapshots are used by apps to present images before supporting data is loaded into memory, including the asset catalogue that contains storyboard images.
This SO answer by #jaga provides the solution, but not the reason, as to why UIImageViews are missing in the Launch Screen on device (but not in the simulator).
Recently I attempted to use a custom font in my "Launch Screen.storyboard" file.
The reason I could not became clear after reading this SO answer by #TimCamber, which prompted me to do a little more research and testing.
The reason that a custom font is not included in my Launch Screen Storyboard file is the same reason an image within an asset catalogue is not included...
The app prepares portrait & landscape snapshots of the app's Launch Screen from your Launch Screen Storyboard file and (currently) saves it in your app bundle here:
/Library/Caches/Snapshots/<<app_bundle>>/ and
This process is complete before any supporting files are loaded, including any custom fonts and the asset catalogue.
As mentioned above by following #jaga's solution, literally all that is required is to:
(old school) add an image file (.PNG) to your app's bundle (as you can see from the screenshot below I added the image file under the Supporting Files subdirectory in an Images subdirectory), and
reference that image in your UIImageView object in the Launch
Screen Storyboard file...
I was seeing the same problem. Rebooting the device (iPhone 6) and rebuilding the app to the device is the only thing that fixed it. I tried many other tips and suggestions but nothing else worked. Only reboot + rebuild helped.
My solution #iOS 11.x:
Use .jpg image instead of .png. I think image file size matters;
(Optionally) Put image file in project directory rather than .xcassets;
I had the same for app installed from TestFlight.
Delete app -> then restart iPhone -> then reinstall app works for me.
Just reinstall app or just restarting device didn't help.
What worked for me was to select Reset Content and Settings... from the Simulator menu
I was having the same problem, but restarting the device didn't help. What worked for me was deleting the UIImageView from my launch storyboard and adding a new one.
Have you tried turning the device off and on again? Do it.
Bring images out of Image.xcassets and add them again to project. It worked for me.
Remove app from mobile and then restart mobile and install app again. now the issues will be solved
I also had this exact problem in Xcode 7 with iPad and iPhone devices. Although it makes no sense, I was able to get around it most of the time by setting not only the Image but also the Highlighted image in the image view to the same image in my images.xcassets.
I use the iPhone 5s device, also meet this problem.
I fix it by :
Remove Drive Data
Clean the project
Restart Xcode
Remove the project from my device
Restart the 5s.
I think it's something wrong of Xcode to use memory, system may be allocate a little memory for Xcode cause Xcode drawing the lunch image failed (On my computer , Xcode have runned for several weeks without close)
it's worked for me.
First in xcode clean de project.
If you use the simulator, delete app and relaunch.
If you use a device, delete app and restart the device.
I think launchscreen only support image in Assets.xcassets.
Restarting Xcode did it for me.
What did not do it:
Clean build folder
Restart device or simulator (image wasn't visible on either)
Select the ImageView and then remove the image extension (.png or .jpg) in the attributes inspector tab > Image view > Image > Image Name.
On launchscreen.storyboard the image will not appear but it will be there in device. This worked for me.
It seemed a bug of iOS. Like sometimes the system animation disappeared.
Now I just reboot the iPhone and it is worked for me.
In my case I it was the image name.
I added an image named Default-568h#2x.png to LaunchScreen.xib - one of my old launch screens just for testing purposes. I was building on the iPhone X Simulator, the image didn't show up.
Changing the name to something neutral (MyImage.png) solved the issue.
It seems that the #2x was part of the problem as well as the -568h.
Which makes some sense on a -812h#3x device.
I have the same issue with imageView a launch screen storyboard. I removed reference of picture from project, I renamed my image and added it again to project. All works perfectly.
Also can 1. delete project image 2. change image name 3. add file image to project
It worked for me.
I had this problem in iOS 10 on an iPhone 6 and also in the Simulator. My image was in a folder and that seemed to be the issue. I removed the image from the folder in Xcode and put it in the project's base directory which solved the problem.
I experience the same. I change image resolution from 300 pixels/inch, change it to 72. It works for me.
Next helped to me:
change "Launch Screen File" to another xib
run the app
change xib back
Also very important: check that your is xib not opened in another tab, that can cause it as well!
I found a simple but radical solution that worked for me :
1 - Delete the file : LaunchScreen.storyboard and move it to trash.
2 - Product -> Clean
3 - Create a new launch screen file named : LaunchScreen.storyboard and put your images in it
4 - Save and build
That worked for me after trying complex methods for hours... It seems that my LaunchScreen.storyboard was write-locked and couldn't be saved or a weird caching process was blocking it.
This is too important
Must be empty! Launch Screen File
Image name is the problem.
Rename the image name used inside the Launch screen storyboard.
Make sure not to use any character other than alphanumeric ( don't use "_-&#")
Worked for me like a charm..
The only thing that worked for me was deleting the ViewController from LaunchScreen.storyboard and create a new ViewController set to
Is Initial View Controller
Simple as that :)

App Icon not showing up, although I have added in Xcode 5

I have added the icon as shown in the pic below but I am still not seeing the icon in my device or simulator.
This might be an XCode 5 bug that the added icons are not actually included in the app bundle, but you can work around it by going to Build Phases, expand Copy Bundle Resources, then press the "+" sign in the bottom to manually add the icon files to this category.
In addition iOS 5/6 seems to have a bug that the screen doesn't update the app icon even if the icon files are included in the bundle. To work around it (as suggested by josema.vitaminew at App Icon not changing when app version is updated in iOS 5 simulator) you can drag the app icon into a folder, then iOS will update the appearance of it.
If using the Asset Catalog, it might be worth also checking whether Images.xcassets holds all your targets as shown in the below image.
Expanding on adp's answer, if anyone has switched to asset catalogs but they stopped working, and still can't find a solution for Asset Catalog, Images.xcassets, AppIcon or LaunchImage not working, here is a reproduction of the same problem I encountered, and the solution:
I had upgraded to Xcode 6 and opened a project created by an earlier version (4 or 5, not sure) and no matter what I did, AppIcons and LaunchImages absolutely would show up when I ran the app in either iOS Simulator or the device.
I tried Xcode->Product->Clean, Xcode->Window->Organizer->Projects->Derived Data->Delete..., relaunching Xcode and the iOS Simulator, then rebuilding and relaunching the app (failed).
I tried "Reset Contents and Settings..." in iOS Simulator and even deleting ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData//Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos and relaunching the app (failed).
I tried archiving the project, hoping that it was just an issue with the iOS Simulator, but the icon in the Organizer-Archives window was still shown as the default white square with lines, confirming that the icon would also not show on a device (a helpful trick to have when no device is handy). (failed).
I tried choosing "Don't use asset catalogs" in Target Settings and creating a new AppIcon-2 and LaunchImage-2 (failed). -this is what cost me at least 2 more hours, because this should have worked and the fact that it didn't revealed the bug in Xcode but I just couldn't see it-
I tried creating a new project from the single view template and compared all of the Info.plist settings (failed).
I tried comparing the new project's Contents.json with mine in Images.xcassets (failed).
I tried dragging the images from the left sidebar Navigator into the AppIcon image wells, hoping that they were just not being copied in a build phase for some reason (failed).
Finally in exasperation at the thought of having to create a new project just to fix the icons, I tried deleting Images.xcassets in the left sidebar Navigator and choosing "Move to Trash", then quitting Xcode and relaunching in case it cached anything. Then when I went to click the App Icons Source popup menu, it only showed "Don't use asset catalogs". I had to select it in order to bring back the "Use Asset Catalog" button. Then I was able to create new AppIcons and LaunchImages, drag images to the wells, build and launch the app in iOS Simulator and finally see icons appear properly.
So the problem appears to be with how Xcode stores Images.xcassets inside the project, and not with target membership, derived data, or anything in Images.xcassets itself. You must remove your assets file and create a fresh one, then drag images to wells by hand again.
It took me 3 hours of research to solve something that should have "just worked" and the entire process of having to manually create individually sized art assets has been so tedious over the years that it has personally cost me countless hours of busywork.
Hopefully this bug workaround helps someone avoid the frustration I went through. I can't help with the friction of manually sizing art assets, but I highly recommend the Icon Slayer website to automate that (of which I have no affiliation).
I have encountered the same problem when the project is switching from xcode5 to xcode6 . The solution is just click on the icon in the image asset,open the right panel , just tick the iOS version option in the panel,add the icons that are blank run it again ... It worked for me
I want to add my solution, where the problem is only isolated to the iPad, my app icon will not show only for iPads. After trying all the solution above, and I looked in the info.plist and found this flag that was not there before the problem with iPads. A new key/value has been added called "CFBundleIcons~ipad" without my knowledge and had nothing as it's value. Removing the key helped resolve my issue.
According to Apple Docs, the icons must be placed on the root level of the app files.
IOS/Xcode will not go under directories to search your image.
Solution is to move the images onto the root of your application i.e. where your source files are, or you can create references in the same way.
In my case, I just needed to clean and rebuild my project.
I had the same problem and after a couple of hours finally I could resolved it, copying an old -info.plist from one of my backups project and replace it, this works fine for me.
My issue ended up being I had used jpg images, rather than pngs.
For me, it was a much simpler solution than the others listed here. I had simply got the assets the wrong size. I had not paid attention to the multipliers that are necessary (e.g. 2x or 3x) and therefore the build was generating a warning for the incorrect asset sizes (which I had ignored). In my case, I corrected the image sizes and voila they appeared in the simulator.
For a macOS/OSX application, you also need to always add a 128 pixel size (and 2x), you can not only use a 512 pixel size and expect it to size down.
If your app icon has any transparency then it won't work. Check it!
I had all the images in the relevant folders and when I right clicked on the empty icon image in Images.xcassets/AppIcon and chose show in finder it would find the image correctly and show it, but for whatever reason it wasn't adding correctly to the project.
After trying a lot of different things above I simply dragged the images from finder into the AppIcon area and it worked.
If you are using cocoapods be sure to check this answer from a related question. After many lost hours, this is what fixed it for me.
Xcode 9.3:
Open your project and add AppIcon images.
Click on general, go to "App Icon and Launch Image"
Click "App Icon resource" and add AppIcon (In my case it added AppIcon-1, so you can use that on rename that and do above step again).
In my case, I updated Build Rules > Using > to "Asset Catalog Compiler"
instead of any custom script and it worked for me.
I had this issue. Following the steps everyone provided did not help. However, it was because of my own ignorance. I had an issue with duplicate resources being created and one of the suggestions was to remove items from copy bundle resources. Well, it never mentioned that the asset folder was required to be in there so I deleted it. After fighting with this issue for 5 hours and recalling that it use to be in copy bundle resources I added it back and the app Icons worked.
Xcode copy bundle with appropriate file included.
make sure you create your appicons with an image 1024x1024
make sure you set 'app icon source' (project > general > App Icons and launch images) to the appropriate icon folder.
make sure you have not deleted the copy bundle resource for said app icon folder like i did.
cocoapods has a forum for a specific issue if all else fails.
Hope this helps.

Not able to see localized images in iPhone simulator

I have an existing working iPhone project inside XCode 4.2. I localized an image (which is used on a button) and I always see the old version of it inside the iPhone simulator. Where does it find that old version?
What I've done:
Window -> Organizer -> Project -> Delete Derived Data
Product -> Clean
Inside the IPhone simulator, I tried resetting it.
I tried deleting the project and recreating it (from SVN)
I deleted everything in Library->Developer->Xcode, Library->Delveoper->Application Support->iPhone simulator, Library->Developer->Application->Interface Builder 3.0
And I still see the old version... Is it compiled somewhere inside the interface builder with the button or something like that? Weird... really weird.
Note: I'm able to localize an image button if I add a new image, but using old existing image is always showing me the old version.
Solution :
My project contained images like ImageName#2x.png (for IPad I guess).
By also localizing those + clean + build + reset IPhone Sim settings, it worked. Go figure.
Also, when I add another language for the #2x images, I have to manually add the image in the other xx.lproj (where XX is the language code) with the finder because somehow XCode doesn't it.
Delete the App in iPhone Simulator (same way you would delete it on real iPhone) and try it again.
I have encountered a similar problem to this where the XIB file would not accept modifications. I eventually fixed by renaming the XIB file and then changes were accepted. Worth a try in your case I think.
