Retrieving UDID via private API - ios

I'm looking for a way to retrieve the UDID on devices running iOS 6+ (Enterprise deployment only - no app store limitations).
Calling the (now private) method uniqueIdentifier returns the 'vendorIdentifier' starting with 'FFFFFFF'. Unfortunately thats not what I want.
Any ideas? Is there another private method or something?
Thanks in advance.

I recommend you reading this article. To sum up:
The previously deprecated uniqueIdentifier now works like vendorIdentifier on iOS 7+, so it's no longer usable even for Enterprise Apps
OpenUDID cannot be shared between Applications on iOS 7+ and now can change. It's still usable but no longer recommended.
The vendorIdentifier hasn't changed, but it's not recommended for Enterprise Apps because it can change when updating the App.
The new advertisingIdentifier API is the way to go for new Apps. It's the same for all Apps and should not change frequently, but the user can reset it in the settings page.
Edit: Website obtains the real Device UDID instead of the obfuscated one if you need it for anything outside your App. If you need the UDID from within the App, see my answer above.

You can get a Unique UDID via this method using private api. Follow this link
Look for the code in accepted answer.

Sorry, but Apple warned it would be deprecated and it has been. I've had the same headache myself.
I can't help you identify the device in the same way Apple do, but you can always generate an unique UUID on app launch and stash that away in KeyChain. It won't be perfect, but it will persist between installations and will be unique to the device. As far as I know, that's the current solution


Is DeviceCheck or indentifierForVendor safe?

I am planning on using DeviceCheckor indentifierForVendor to ensure that the same device is not being used to redeem multiple times the same gift (free money for example sake) offered to new users. I am wondering however, if it is possible to trick this system on a jailbroken device? Or using a custom simulator or a botnet (do iOS botnets exist?)?
I haven't tried it myself, but I think it is possible to change the bundle identifier, resign the app and side load it to your device.
This will change the change the identifier for both DeviceCheck and indentifierForVendor.
Now, for this to really affect you, the user needs to get a hold of the ipa. Which is getting increasingly difficult with the newer versions of iOS.
If you are interested in trying what I've discussed, refer to this link.
And probably AirSign (much easier). Its a paid app for the Mac.

Best way to uniquely identify iOS device?

I'm aware if the following methods, each which has it'd flaws
Advertising Identifier
Vendor ID
The problem with UDID is that its deprecated and doesn't even work as of ios7, problem with other two is that the user can change them via software reset of phone or reinstallation of app
Another interesting solution I found is to randomly generate one yourself and then save to keychain to avoid deletion upon app reinstallation however would this work across software resets? And surely there's a very small chance that two devices would randomly generate the same ID?
I think the best option might be to use UDID but I would like to know if, even though the UDID is incorrect as of ios7, is it still unique?
Yet another option is MAC address but as far as I know, there is no API for these
Please advise on the best option
Starting iOS 7 deducing MAC address isn't possible. You can, however, use below:
[[[UIDevice currentDevice] identifierForVendor] UUIDString]
Per Apple Documentation:
The value changes when the user deletes all of that vendor’s apps from
the device and subsequently reinstalls one or more of them. The value
can also when installing test builds using Xcode or when installing an
app on a device using ad-hoc distribution. Therefore, if your app
stores the value of this property anywhere, you should gracefully
handle situations where the identifier changes.

iOS 8 Unique Identifier (Serial Number preferred)

I am working on an enterprise app and need access to programmatically retrieve the device's serial number. Is there an API or any documentation on how to retrieve this in iOS 8? From what I can tell, this functionality has been removed in iOS 8.
Is there a suitable replacement identifier for the serial? I need something that is reliable and will never change even if the device is reset.
It will be for enterprise usage so App Store approval is not a concern.
You're up a creek here. The two "tracking" features are Advertising Identifier and Identifier for Vendor. The former can be reset within the Settings app quite easily while the latter will reset once the user uninstalls all apps with the root bundle identifier associated with the app suite. Both also change with a device reset of course.
If you're deploying the app with an MDM solution you will have access to that device's UDID as it still flows forward to MDM servers, you just can't access it programmatically in your code. The complete deprecation of UDID, serial number and MAC address (even with private APIs) stomped all over some custom utilities I wrote within our Enterprise to try and accomplish something similar to what you're looking to do. If you find somethingthats consistent I'd love to see the follow-up!
I had an epiphany while circling back to this situation again. If you are in fact using AirWatch (I can't speak to Mobile Iron, etc) you can setup the console to send a keychain value to each device at the time of app install. From there the app will be able to consume the value AirWatch sends down. The same goes for any attribute that AirWatch harvests for the device (serial, UDID, MAC, etc). While this workaround comes with a big caveat (using AirWatch for deployment) it will work. Since Apple neutered all Serial Number work arounds win iOS8 this is the most viable option I have found.

iOS 8 How to get Serialnumber

In our applications the user autentications is based on the serial number.It seems that in ios 8 it is not possible to get the serialnumber.Is any other way?
Thanks in advance.
Apple deprecated access to a unique-per-device UUID (known as uniqueIdentifier as of iOS 6. As of iOS 7, they also blocked access to MAC querying the address, and other sorts of unique identifiers. Sometime between iOS 6 and today, they started rejecting any application that accesses this property.
There are two replacement APIs that might help: on UIDevice, there is identifierForVendor, that is consistent across your apps. And there is also an entire framework, AdSupport, who's job is to provide an identifier that can be used for advertising networks. This identifier has the limitation of people can change it whenever they want, so you cannot rely on it being consistent across multiple launches.
The hint Apple is trying to pass on here is "you cannot consistently, uniquely identify people per device across multiple apps that are not your own".
In addition to zadr excellent explanation I would like to not iCloud as another possible solution:
Simply store a value (as file or key-value) in iCloud. Only disadvantage of this approach is, that you will have to add the iCloud entitlement to your app if your app does not use iCloud yet. On the other hand there are some advantages
Very little / none additional effort necessary if your app already uses iCloud
No additional Frameworsk like AdSupport necessary
The saved value will be consistent between devices and app re-install
More than one app can share the ID by using the same iCloud (ubiquity container)
Of course in some cases this might be a little overdone but in other this can be a handy solution.
I would recommend using uniqueIdentifier as suggested above but saving in keychain. This way its reliably available to you all the time, and can be used to track the user.

Uniquely Identify iOS device over multiple users

I have done a lot of research on this so please read the question before marking this as similar to some other question.
Our app needs to uniquely determine an iPhone such that even when user completely wipes a phone, when he runs our app we can be sure that it is the same device. The most important thing is we also need to determine devices over multiple Apple ID users so suggestions containing Keychain access and uniqueVendorID might not work as those change when another user starts using that phone. And as I have read using MAC addresses and old UDID for devices is not longer available as of iOS 6.0. I went through [UIDevice identifierForVendor] but this NSUUID changes when all the app by the same vendor has been uninstalled Reference.
I have looked through these resources:
UIDevice uniqueIdentifier Deprecated - What To Do Now?
What is a long-term method I can use to uniquely identify an iOS device?
I can not disclose the nature of work that my app performs due to non-disclosure, but to clarify what I require:
Multiple users might use our app on same phones, I need a way to know that the device user A used before and has reported to have handed over to user B is the same device on which our app was run. Is there any way to achieve this?
There's no way to achieve this.
If it's really the case that different users might use your app on the same device after a factory reset of the device, then what you want is not possible. Apple deprecated UIDevice uniqueIdentifier which would have been the way to do this.
as long as they dont restore/wipe the device identifierForVendor is ok
