What's the proper way to implement complex custom view controllers - ios

Note: I'm not talking about custom view controller transition effects which can be done by using a custom view controllers it's the iOS 5+ API.
I'm talking about transitioning to another view controller, where a view from the presently displayed view controller is animated to the view controller to be presented's view.
-you have friendsViewController which displays a list of the current users friends. Each table view cell has a profile picture and name.
-click on a cell, all other cells fade away and the name and picture animate to the top. At this point, UserProfileViewComtroller is displayed.
-I could easily do this by combining the two view controllers, but UserProfileViewComtroller can be launched from other parts of the app.
-if the UserProfileViewControllers view is instantiated, I could convert the coordinates using UIViews methods
I feel like there is a more appropriate/cleaner solution here which is why I'm asking the community for help :)

It seems to me that what you want is exactly about view controllers transition, since you want to do 'something' that would look to the user as if you took a view from old VC and moved it to the new VC.
Then you're in luck, as you're allowed to move a UIView from one view controller to another using [superview addSubview:view] as part of the transition you want to do.
This can be done on any iOS version, although it's easier now as in iOS 7 there's a delegate you write (see <UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning> reference) which has access to both VC's view hierarchies and can change them at will (move one view, fade other views) during transition period.
Also, making your new view controller during the transition transparent (or using old controller's snapshot) will help you hide the fact that VC changed.

Not so much an answer but a technique that might inspire a solution. I did an app that had need for a custom transition like this. The original app arranged itself then took a snapshot, so at the last moment the user is looking at an image. The second viewController was created, given coordinates etc, and the image, then shown immediately. It put the image into its view (subview with same bounds).
At this point the second vc has complete control, and can fade in some other content etc. the reverse was more or less as the start - the image is used, swapped, used removed to uncover the real view content.
Note that this took a bit of time to get it working with no glitches etc.
EDIT: if you are concerned in turning the whole original view into an image, then modify the technique. For instance, in the original view, fade all other content to black but the cell, then snapshot the one cell. The second view will start with an all black background, and place the cell image over top it, then go from there.
EDIT2: As mentioned in the comments, you of course push the second view with no animation, so it happens instantaneously. By setting a small image on the second vc, with an agreed upon background, you can quickly "pass the baton" so to speak and let the second controller go to work quickly and seamlessly.


iOS UINavigationController-like behaviour in a partial screen area (2016)

(I have read other questions and answers on this topic, but most are very old and do not relate to iOS 9 or 10.)
The app design calls for the top half of the display to always contain the same content. (An image being edited by the user.)
The bottom half of the display needs a UITableView. When a UITableViewCell is tapped, the bottom section needs to transition to a new UIViewController with slide-on animation, similar to how UINavigationController push segues work.
Problem: only the bottom view needs to transition to the new view controller(s), and back again. The upper half of the view hierarchy needs to remain unaffected. For this reason, I can't place everything inside a UINavigationController, and I can't have a UINavigationBar at the top of the screen.
Question: what approach should I take in such a situation, where I need only one UIView hierarchy to transition in push-segue fashion, but not anything else? Thanks.
Edited with Solution
Solution follows, for those following along at home.
Yes, you can actually use a UINavigationController for the bottom half.
If you are using Storyboards, the easiest way to do this is to use a container view for each part of the screen which you then can embed a UIViewController in for the top part and a UINavigationController in for the bottom part. If you are doing this programmatically, just add the view controllers as child view controllers to your app's initial view controller (see this answer for more info) which is essentially what the Storyboard will do for you automatically when using a container view.
As a child view controller, the UINavigationController will act independently from the top UIViewController and should behave as expected.
I recommend the programatic approach for the following reasons:
It helps you understand the inner workings of child/parent view controllers much better which will likely save you a significant amount of debugging time down the line.
It makes adding/removing/swapping child view controllers as simple as a few lines of code. Trying to do this with Storyboards is notoriously hacky and cumbersome.
It's much easier to keep track of changes using GIT (most mid-size/larger companies actually prohibit Storyboards for this very reason)
If you want change in part of the screen you can use container view. For details refer Swift - How to link two view controllers into one container view and switch between them using segmented control?
You can use multiple view in one view controller and can give animation like push or pop to show or hide it.
Second approach is you can use Container View which will give exact effect like navigation stack.

Creating a reusable control which can be embedded in UIViews and handle its own modals

There's a particular control which I'm trying to build properly. I refer to it as an ImageTile. It's basically a little square box, which, when the user taps it, will present the user (via an action sheet in a popover) the option of selecting an image from the library, or taking a photo. Depending on the response, I then either present the UIImagePickerController inside a popover (for selecting an image) or modally (for taking a new picture). Once they take/select the image, I have a modal view which appears and allows them to edit the picture in a few simple ways. When they finish editing, the modal dismisses, and the original ImageTile, rather than being a blank square box, gets filled up with the user's edited image.
The issue is that this ImageTile control is going to be used profusely throughout several different parts of the application, across numerous View Controller hierarchies, and so on... and I really want it to be a basically totally self-contained unit, such that whenever I stick an ImageTile inside a UIView onscreen, all the above functionality is handled by the ImageTile itself.
Initially, I made it a UIViewController subclass (so it could present modals etc), and just added its view as a subview of a "holder" view onscreen. I know this isn't recommended, as the controller isn't part of the VC hierarchy then... and also, I wound up with some really weird behavior regarding things like autorotation, especially when the camera was involved.
What's the "right" way to implement something like this?
I think what you've done by making it a UIViewController subclass is correct. You should just use the methods that UIViewController exposes for adding child view controllers, such as - addChildViewController:.
You will also note that Interface Builder has a Container View object designed specifically for holding a place in the hierarchy for a child View Controller:

Display new iOS UIView everywhere in existing app [duplicate]

I am subclassing UIApplication to intercept and display touches in my TouchDisplay view. I would like to extend the Application, Window, Delegate or Main ViewController in order to keep my TouchDisplay view on top of all other views. As my and most other applications work, views and controllers are added and removed all the time. I figure the correct answer will be able to deal with these additions and removals and stil keep the TouchDisplay view on top.
Thanks for your help,
Here are a few approaches you could take for this:
If you're targeting iOS 5+ and iPad only, you can make a top-level view controller which has two contained view controllers. The first would be a view controller for your "TouchDisplay" view. The second would be the application's normal root view controller. (i.e. your existing main view controller; you'll need to set definesPresentationContext to YES on this view controller) Since you're writing the container view controller, you can order those two subviews however you like. There is a WWDC 2011 Talk on view controller containment that goes into great detail about this. This is the most "correct" approach IMHO, because it gives you a view controller for your TouchDisplay view, handles rotation and generally plays nice with others. (This only works on iPad, because on iPhone a new modal view always covers the full screen.)
A more straight-forward approach is to simply add your TouchView to your existing top-level UIWindow as a subview with addSubview:. Most applications don't actually remove the top-level view controller or add new top-level ones; they just present other view controllers from it. A view you add in the top-level window will stay above those. Of course, your app may not follow this rule, in which case you might try option #3 instead. This has rotation gotchas (your view will not auto-rotate when the device rotates, so you need to do this yourself.) You could also force your view back to top, say, on a 1-second timer, if you are having issues with other things covering it. This is also not as nice as option #1 because you don't get a UIViewController, just a UIView.
The most extreme approach is that you can create another UIWindow and give it a higher window level, such as UIWindowLevelAlert and put your TouchDisplay view in that. You can then make the window background transparent, and it will stay above your normal app content. There are lots of gotchas here, especially about auto-rotation and which window is the keyWindow (which is why you should use #1 or #2 instead if you can).
After some time I was able to get my app working. I have made an easy to use overlay that shows touch feedback over your existing application.
You can download the project here:
Happy coding,

Creating a UIView to be displayed in multiple UIViewControllers

I am creating a simple little popup view, similar to the popup that appears when you push the volume buttons. I would like to display an instance of that popup view in different view controllers. I have been pondering a couple approaches, but I would like to know what is the best approach, taking into account MVC, complexity, and otherwise 'good' practices.
Currently, I am creating and displaying this UIView from within my UIViewController. I justified that approach since it's really a small view and I do a lot of work with it to modify its behavior in that VC, so that code was already going to be in the VC. Essentially, I make a frame, set the background, apply corner radius, add text to it, apply motion effects, then make it fade in then later fade out. I could copy and paste the code into my other VCs but that's obviously a bad approach.
I could create a subclass of UIView and I'm sure I could use drawRect to draw it, but I'm not sure exactly how to add that view to the VC exactly in the middle, unless I drag out a view to my VCs and change its class. But if I do that I can do most everything in Interface Builder anyways, which would be preferred especially if I can use Auto Layout to always keep it centered. But, I'd need to copy and paste that UIView into each VC and hide it - that doesn't sound good.
I could create a subclass of UIView and instead of drawing with drawRect, implement a method that creates the UIView and returns it. Then in the VCs I just call that method and add the view it returns as a subview. I've never done this, and I'm not sure if that's an appropriate approach.
What is a plausible approach to implementing such a view that can be thrown on screen from any of my VCs? Thanks!
Note that this view should always be the same size, in the center of the screen, not tied to any specific VC. It should remain on screen unaffected by transitions and such. It closely mimics the Volume popup.
I would like to display that same popup in multiple view controllers.
I expect that you mean you'd like to have separate instances of that same class in multiple view controllers. A given view can have only one superview, so it can't exist in more than one view at a time.
I'm not sure exactly how to add that view to the VC exactly in the middle
It's easy to center a view in its superview. To center horizontally, subtract the width of the view from the width of the parent. Divide the result by 2. That's your X coordinate. Same goes for the Y coordinate, except that you'd obviously use the heights.
An even easier method is to create a point by dividing the superview's width and height each by 2. Set your view's center property to that point.
What is a plausible approach to implementing such a view that can be thrown on screen from any of my VCs?
Don't try to reuse the same view. There's no need for that, and trying to pass it around between controllers will really complicate your code. Just have any controller that needs to display your popup create its own copy.
Remember, views are the interface to the data that's stored in your model -- they can display that data or let you interact with the model, but they shouldn't store app state themselves. Given that, there's no reason that you'd need to use the very same view in more than one view controller. As long as your pop up gets its data from the right place, you can have as many instances of it as you like.
If your popup really is separate from the content of any of your view controllers, another possible strategy is to use view controller containment. You can create one view controller that handles just the "app-wide" stuff, like this popup, and have it load and unload the various other view controllers as it's children. I'd caution against trying this, though -- it's probably more complicated than you need and surely more complicated than you should attempt right now given that you seem to still be getting your sea legs.
It sounds like MBProgressHUD is what you're looking for. FFCircularProgressView might also help.

Keep a UIView or UIViewController on top of all others

I am subclassing UIApplication to intercept and display touches in my TouchDisplay view. I would like to extend the Application, Window, Delegate or Main ViewController in order to keep my TouchDisplay view on top of all other views. As my and most other applications work, views and controllers are added and removed all the time. I figure the correct answer will be able to deal with these additions and removals and stil keep the TouchDisplay view on top.
Thanks for your help,
Here are a few approaches you could take for this:
If you're targeting iOS 5+ and iPad only, you can make a top-level view controller which has two contained view controllers. The first would be a view controller for your "TouchDisplay" view. The second would be the application's normal root view controller. (i.e. your existing main view controller; you'll need to set definesPresentationContext to YES on this view controller) Since you're writing the container view controller, you can order those two subviews however you like. There is a WWDC 2011 Talk on view controller containment that goes into great detail about this. This is the most "correct" approach IMHO, because it gives you a view controller for your TouchDisplay view, handles rotation and generally plays nice with others. (This only works on iPad, because on iPhone a new modal view always covers the full screen.)
A more straight-forward approach is to simply add your TouchView to your existing top-level UIWindow as a subview with addSubview:. Most applications don't actually remove the top-level view controller or add new top-level ones; they just present other view controllers from it. A view you add in the top-level window will stay above those. Of course, your app may not follow this rule, in which case you might try option #3 instead. This has rotation gotchas (your view will not auto-rotate when the device rotates, so you need to do this yourself.) You could also force your view back to top, say, on a 1-second timer, if you are having issues with other things covering it. This is also not as nice as option #1 because you don't get a UIViewController, just a UIView.
The most extreme approach is that you can create another UIWindow and give it a higher window level, such as UIWindowLevelAlert and put your TouchDisplay view in that. You can then make the window background transparent, and it will stay above your normal app content. There are lots of gotchas here, especially about auto-rotation and which window is the keyWindow (which is why you should use #1 or #2 instead if you can).
After some time I was able to get my app working. I have made an easy to use overlay that shows touch feedback over your existing application.
You can download the project here:
Happy coding,
