#All Hello,
I am trying to add and display .pod files outside initializeScene method. I can add them and display them properly inside initializeScene method but i need to show some of the .pod files dynamically after initializing scene.
I checked there is method onOpen but i tried adding there but it does not show up.
I am trying with below methods:-
-(void) initializeScene {
_autoRotate = TRUE;
[self setTouchEnabled:YES];
// Create the camera, place it back a bit, and add it to the scene
cam = [CC3Camera nodeWithName: #"Camera"];
cam.location = cc3v( 0.0, 0.0, 8.0 );
_cameraAngle = M_PI / 2.0f;
_cameraAngleY = M_PI / 2.0f;
_cameraHeight = INIT_VIEW_HEIGHT;
_cameraDistance = INIT_VIEW_DISTANCE;
_swipeSpeed = 0.0f;
[self addChild: cam];
// Create a light, place it back and to the left at a specific
// position (not just directional lighting), and add it to the scene
CC3Light* lamp = [CC3Light nodeWithName: #"Lamp"];
lamp.location = cc3v( -2.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
lamp.isDirectionalOnly = NO;
[cam addChild: lamp];
[self createGLBuffers];
[self releaseRedundantContent];
[self selectShaderPrograms];
[self createBoundingVolumes];
LogInfo(#"The structure of this scene is: %#", [self structureDescription]);
// ------------------------------------------
[[[CCDirector sharedDirector] touchDispatcher] addTargetedDelegate:self priority:0 swallowsTouches:YES];
-(void) onOpen {
[self.viewSurfaceManager.backgrounder runBlock: ^{
[self addSceneContentAsynchronously];
-(void) addSceneContentAsynchronously {
[self addContentFromPODFile:#"myObject.pod" withName:#"Mesh1"];
CC3MeshNode *meshNode = (CC3MeshNode *) [self getNodeNamed:#"Mesh1"];
[self addChild:meshNode];
self.activeCamera.target = meshNode;
self.activeCamera.shouldTrackTarget = YES;
[self.activeCamera moveWithDuration: 0.5 toShowAllOf: self withPadding: 2.5f];
I have .pod models separately so i just need to add them into scene and show them in camera. But asynchronously and dynamically.
Also if i add .pod files in initializeScene method it all works fine.
In cocos3d, when you load assets on the background thread, each occurrence of the addChild: method actually dispatches back from the background thread to the rendering thread to actually add the node to its parent.
The reason for this is to synchronize the thread activity, specifically, to avoid the new node being added into the node structure while the renderer is iterating that same structure to draw the nodes. Review the implementation of the CC3Node addChild: method if you want to see the ugly details.
Because of this double-dispatch, in your addSceneContentAsynchronously implementation, your node has probably not actually been added to the scene yet when the moveWithDuration:toShowAllOf:withPadding: runs.
The moveWithDuration:toShowAllOf:withPadding: method surveys the scene once, at the beginning of the method, to determine where the camera should move to. So, the result is that the camera likely doesn't know of the existence of your newly added node when it performs that survey.
You can likely resolve this by placing a short sleep into the background thread just before invoking moveWithDuration:toShowAllOf:withPadding:.
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval: 0.1];
Another option would be to override the addChildNow: method in your custom CC3Scene implementation, so that it invokes the superclass implementation, and then moves the camera. The addChildNow: method is what runs on the rendering thread, as a result of the double-dispatch, to actually add the node to its parent.
However, that might get cumbersome if you're adding a lot of content to your scene, as it will cause the camera to bounce around each time something new is added. But then again, maybe that will make sense in your app.
Please bear with me because I'm very new to OOP/ObjC/Cocos2d.
I have a method that is triggered every second like so: [self schedule:#selector(eyelidsBlink:) interval:1.0];
The schedule method is this:
-(CCTimer *) schedule:(SEL)selector interval:(CCTime)interval
return [self schedule:selector interval:interval repeat:CCTimerRepeatForever delay:interval];
The method is below:
- (void)eyelidsBlink:(CCTime)dt{
CCActionRemove *actionRemoveEyelidsNormal = [CCActionRemove action];
[_whiteGuy_EyelidsNormal runAction:actionRemoveEyelidsNormal];
_whiteGuy_EyelidsBlink = [CCSprite spriteWithImageNamed:#"EyelidsBlink_iPhone4.png"];
_whiteGuy_EyelidsBlink.position = ccp(self.contentSize.width/2,self.contentSize.height/2);
[_whiteGuy_EyelidsBlink setScale:0.5];
[self addChild:_whiteGuy_EyelidsBlink];
CCActionRemove *remove_eyelidsBlink = [CCActionRemove action];
[_whiteGuy_EyelidsBlink runAction:remove_eyelidsBlink];
NSLog(#"Eyelids blinked");
_whiteGuy_EyelidsNormal = [CCSprite spriteWithImageNamed:#"EyelidsNormal_iPhone4.png"];
_whiteGuy_EyelidsNormal.position = ccp(self.contentSize.width/2,self.contentSize.height/2);
[_whiteGuy_EyelidsNormal setScale:0.5];
[self addChild:_whiteGuy_EyelidsNormal];
I can see the first blink, but I can't see any others after that. My NSLog is printing in the console every second, so I know the eyelidsBlink method is being called.
Can anyone help me figure out why I can't see any blinks after the first? Let me know if you need more information, or if you can suggest any tests to troubleshoot.
There's practically no time for the blink sprite to be rendered because you remove it the instant it was added. You'd have to schedule another selector once, ie eyeLidsBlinkOff that runs 0.1 seconds later and hides the blink sprite.
Note: This code is very inefficient. Creating sprites is a relatively slow operation. Instead keep both sprites as children but set one sprite's visible property to NO. While blinking simply flip each sprite's visible flag. This will make the code a lot shorter too.
I am using cocos2d and have 2 AI sprites called TheEvilOne and TheEvilTwo. These 2 sprites call the same bloc of code from the same class sending the sprite as a parameter. However the game gets buggy as I run this code as only one of the sprites preforms the actions and my code stops working. My question is is it possible to call the same bloc of code for multiple sprites simultaneously or is there something wrong with my code. Below is an example of what I am running on my program.
-(void)LoadingEvilActions:(id)sender { //This is Getting Constantly Called
if(loaded == NO) {
theEvilOne = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:#"Evil_Alt_Idle_00.png"]; //These sprites have been declared in my .h file
[self addChild:theEvilOne z:200];
theEvilTwo = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:#"Evil_Alt_Idle_00.png"];
[self addChild:theEvilTwo z:200];
loaded = YES;
[self CheckCollision:theEvilOne];
[self setCenterofScreen:theEvilOne];
[self StayonScreen:theEvilOne];
[self AiCharacter:theEvilOne];
[self CheckCollision:theEvilTwo];
[self setCenterofScreen:theEvilTwo];
[self StayonScreen:theEvilTwo];
[self AiCharacter:theEvilTwo];
-(void)AiCharacter:(id)sender {
CCSprite *EvilCharacter = (CCSprite *)sender;
if (aiactionrunning == NO){
.... Do More Stuff // For E.G.
id jump_Up = [CCJumpBy actionWithDuration:0.6f position:ccp(randomjump, EvilCharacter.contentSize.height)
height:25 jumps:1];
id jump_Down = [CCJumpBy actionWithDuration:0.42f position:ccp(randomjump,-EvilCharacter.contentSize.height)
height:25 jumps:1];
id seq = [CCSequence actions:jump_Up,jump_Down, [CCCallFuncN actionWithTarget:self selector:#selector(stopAiAction:)], nil];
[EvilCharacter stopAllActions];
[EvilCharacter runAction:seq];
aiactionrunning = YES;
-(void)stopAiAction:(id)sender {
aiactionrunning = NO;
I'm running random number generators within my AI Character method and many actions.
The Game already works with just 1 enemy sprite and I decided to try and implement a way to create many.
I just added the part of the method that stops the sprites being constantly, I was trying to simplify all the code that was irrelevant to my question and forgot to add that part.
I changed the way I am calling my methods like suggested by LearnCocos2d not solving my problem but making it much simpler. I am also not using ARC
One of my sprites is the only one preforming the majority of actions however in some instances the other sprite may preform an actions aswell, but is mainly preformed one sprite. I think my main question is can I call the same method using different sprites passing the sprite as a parameter.
I have figured out that my problem is there is a Boolean value flag that is enclosing my AiCharacter method, where when one sprite runs through the method it stops the other sprite running the method. Is there some way I can implement an array of records or such so each sprite have their own Boolean flags.
With making this 'array' is it possible to change the Boolean for TheEvilOne and TheEvilTwo using the temp sprite EvilCharacter without doing both separately.
If I understand your question correct you are trying to take one action and run it on more than one character at a time, like:
id move = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:0.5f position:ccp(0,0)];
[theEvilOne runAction:move];
[theEvilTwo runAction:move];
That wouldn't work because Evil 1 will not have anything performed on it since it was moved to running on Evil 2. When an action is running it is running on one target. Instead you would:
id move = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:0.5f position:ccp(0,0)];
[theEvilOne runAction:move];
[theEvilTwo runAction:[move copy]];
Assuming you are using arc. If not then you'd want to release the copy of course. When it comes to your particular example, why are you trying actions to call methods. Why not just call the method? It seems pointless as LearnCocos2D has pointed out.
Another potential problem you have is that you are constantly creating more and more sprites each time the method is called. Is that on purpose or are there only suppose to be one Evil 1 and one Evil 2? If so then you shouldn't be constantly creating more sprites.
Remove your bool. Do something like this instead:
CCSprite *EvilCharacter = (CCSprite *)sender;
if ([EvilCharacter numberOfRunningActions] == 0){
I'm creating a simple animation with CocosBuilder that just moves a CCLayerColor from top right to bottom left and for some reason the animations will not perform. I have the timeline set to auto play and over a duration of 2 seconds. I have a class that splits up all layers and then adds those layers to a CCScrollLayer. I'm just wondering if the problem is when i remove the layers from the scene and add then to the CCScrollLayer that the animations are removed and in turn not performed.
CCScene* scene = [CCBReader sceneWithNodeGraphFromFile:#"Untitled.ccbi"];
self.scrollLayer = [[CCScrollLayer alloc] init];
CCLayer* child = [[scene children] objectAtIndex:0];
for (CCNode* layer in [child children]) {
[layer removeFromParent];
[self.scrollLayer addChild:layer];
[layer resumeSchedulerAndActions];
[self.scrollLayer updatePages];
self.scrollLayer.delegate = self;
[self addChild:self.scrollLayer];
I can see the CCLayerColor object added to the screen but its just not animating.
i've added some custom code to the CCScrollLayer to deal with the situation but i'm just confused as to why the animations are not performing. any help would be great!
EDIT: Maybe a better question would be in CocosBuilder are the actions on the timeline directly linked to the object performing the action or somehow linked through the scene to that object?
Perhaps you forgot to add the scrollLayer as child?
[self addChild:self.scrollLayer];
In the sample code the node created from a ccbi is not referenced either. Maybe you aren't actually using it?
I have a table view that lists the game maps I have. When I click on one, another storyboard loads containing a cocos2d scene.
The first time I load a scene, everything loads perfectly. However, the second time I try to load the scene (back from the navigation controller and clicking on the same map or another one), I get a blank screen showing the fps but nothing else.
here's my code in mapViewController (that contains the cocos2d)
- (void)setupCocos3D { //called from viewDidLoad
[[CCDirector sharedDirector] setOpenGLView:openGLView];
((ViewInterface*)[ViewInterface sharedViewInterface]).currentScene = [testScene scene];
// Create the customized CC3Layer that supports 3D rendering.
CC3Layer* cc3Layer = [HelloWorldLayer node];
// Create the customized 3D scene and attach it to the layer.
// Could also just create this inside the customer layer.
cc3Layer.cc3Scene = ((ViewInterface*)[ViewInterface sharedViewInterface]).currentScene;
// Assign to a generic variable so we can uncomment options below to play with the capabilities
CC3ControllableLayer* mainLayer = cc3Layer;
mainLayer.contentSize = CGSizeMake(2048, 1320);
[CCDirector sharedDirector].animationInterval = (1.0f / kAnimationFrameRate);
[CCDirector sharedDirector].displayStats = YES;
[[CCDirector sharedDirector] enableRetinaDisplay: YES];
((ViewInterface*)[ViewInterface sharedViewInterface]).mainLayer = mainLayer;
[[CCDirector sharedDirector] runWithScene:((ViewInterface*)[ViewInterface sharedViewInterface]).mainLayer];
- (void)viewWillDisappear:(BOOL)animated
[super viewWillDisappear:animated];
[[CCDirector sharedDirector] end];
It is really strange that I can see the fps therefore it seems that the only problem is either with the scene or the layer.
Is the scene being retained? Could it be getting released and not being re-created?
I have an animated sprite using two pngs. The animation works fine. I have another method that is run when the game is over.
//Grey mouse with Pompom
greyMousePomPom = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:#"pink_mice_pom_anime_01.png"];
[self addChild:greyMousePomPom z:6];
greyMousePomPom.position = CGPointMake(550, 70);
//Grey Pom Pom Mouse animation
CCAnimation *greyMousePomPomAnimate = [CCAnimation animation];
[greyMousePomPomAnimate addFrameWithFilename:#"gray_mice_pom_anime_01.png"];
[greyMousePomPomAnimate addFrameWithFilename:#"gray_mice_pom_anime_02.png"];
id greyMousePopPomAnimationAction = [CCAnimate actionWithDuration:1.3f animation:greyMousePomPomAnimate restoreOriginalFrame:NO];
repeatAnimationPomPom2 = [CCRepeatForever actionWithAction:greyMousePopPomAnimationAction];
[greyMousePomPom runAction:repeatAnimationPomPom2];
When I run my method to change the animated sprites texture and to stop them the animation continues behind the new texture.
-(void) changePomPomMiceToSadFaceForFreeFall
NSLog(#"making the mice sad");
[self stopAllActions];
[greyMousePomPom setTexture:[[CCTextureCache sharedTextureCache] addImage:#"gray_mice_pom_anime_03.png"]];
I know this method is working because it is NSLogging and the textures are changing. But why aren't the animations stopping? I have tried to remove it by tag and by declaring the action but no success.
I know there are a lot of people out there that are smarter than me.. can you help?
What you're doing right now is stop all animations added to the current node:
If you added any action to self, this command would be perfectly fine to stop all of them.
Instead what you need to do is, you need to call the stopAllActions method on the object you added the actions to:
[greyMousePomPom stopAllActions];