Tactic to use soft constraints/assumptions only after a time-out? - timeout

Assume that I have a Z3 preamble that includes several function declarations and definitional axioms (with explicit patterns), e.g., my own sequence axioms:
(declare-sort $Seq)
(declare-fun $Seq.nil () $Seq)
(declare-fun $Seq.len ($Seq) Int)
(declare-fun $Seq.con (Int $Seq) $Seq)
(declare-fun $Seq.at ($Seq Int) Int)
(declare-fun $Seq.in ($Seq Int) Bool)
(assert (forall ((xs $Seq)) (! ... )
(assert (forall ((xs $Seq) (x Int)) (! ... )
After this preamble has been emitted a lot of assertions are pushed to Z3, interspersed with calls to check-set to see whether certain negated formulas can be shown unsat (FYI: my context is software verification using symbolic execution).
Most of these assertions are simple and don't refuting them doesn't require the sequence axioms. However, from a few simple tests I get the impression that their presence nevertheless slows Z3 down.
I thus guarded the definitional axioms by an implication with a dummy boolean constant as the left-hand side of the implication (as suggested by this answer), e.g.,
(declare-const $useSeq Bool)
(assert (=> ($useSeq (forall ((xs $Seq)) (! ... )
and changed every check-sat that needs to reason about sequences into one that assumes $useSeq, i.e.,
(check-sat $useSeq)
Question: Is there a tactic/way to make Z3 use certain assertions only after a time-out? E.g.,
(check-sat-using (or-else (try-for smt 500) (smt $useSeq)))
I could of course manually emit a time-bounded check-sat first, followed by a check-sat useSeq $useSeq if needed, but it would be nice if it could be done with some kind of tactics.

Unfortunately, this cannot be done with the current set of tactics available in Z3.


Confused about a simple SAT matching problem using Z3

I am trying to solve a simple matching problem using Z3 which it claims is unsat. I have set this up the following way:
p_{x}_{y} to match up offer x with request y.
sum_{x} {p_x_y} <= 1 meaning y can only be matched once (using PbLe)
sum_{y} {p_x_y} <= 1 meaning x can only be matched once (using PbLe)
whether p_x_y is a valid match comes from an external computation that returns a Bool, so for this I have p_x_y => computation_result (i.e. if paired, then computation_result).
finally, I want to maximize the number of matchings. So I have:
maximize sum_{x} ( sum_{y} p_x_y ) (I do this with p_x_y.ite(Int(1), Int(0))).
I was able to whip this up quite quickly using z3-rs in Rust (not sure if that makes a difference). And this is the solver state before I run check on it:
Solver: (declare-fun p_0_0 () Bool)
(declare-fun p_1_0 () Bool)
(declare-fun k!0 () Int)
(declare-fun k!1 () Int)
(assert (=> p_0_0 true))
(assert (=> p_1_0 true))
(assert ((_ at-most 1) p_0_0))
(assert ((_ at-most 1) p_1_0))
(assert ((_ at-most 1) p_0_0 p_1_0))
(maximize (+ (ite p_1_0 k!1 k!0) (ite p_0_0 k!1 k!0)))
Z3 claims this is Unsat and I am quite stumped. I don't see why p_0_0 = T, p_1_0 = F doesn't satisfy this formula.
Thank you very much for the help.
I can't replicate this. When I run your program, z3 prints: (after adding (get-model) at the end)
(define-fun p_0_0 () Bool
(define-fun p_1_0 () Bool
(define-fun k!1 () Int
(define-fun k!0 () Int
(- 1))
which matches your expectations.
Couple of things to make sure:
Is your z3 version "new" enough? 4.11.3 is the latest master I think
You mentioned you use it from Rust. Perhaps you didn't use the rust-API correctly? Or, maybe Rust interface has a bug.
I'd start by running it manually on your machine using the SMTLib script you've given. If you get SAT (which you should!), perhaps ask at the Rust forum as the bug is likely either in your Rust program or the Rust bindings itself. If you get UNSAT, try upgrading your z3 installation and possibly recompile the Rust bindings if that's relevant. (I'm not familiar with the Rust bindings to say if it needs a recompile or not if you upgrade your z3. It could be either way.)
A guess
Without seeing the details, it's hard to opine further. However, notice that you've posed this as an optimization problem; and asked z3 to maximize the addition of two uninterpreted integers. So, it's possible the Rust bindings are adding a call of the form:
at the end, to which z3 will respond:
((+ (ite p_1_0 k!1 k!0) (ite p_0_0 k!1 k!0)) oo)
That is, the objective you're maximizing is unbounded. This means there's no value for k!0 and k!1 the solver can present to you: The goal gets arbitrarily large as these get larger. It's possible the Rust interface is internally treating this as "unsat" since it cannot find the values for these constants. But that's just my guess without knowing the specifics of how the Rust bindings work.

Modeling a small programming language and analysis in SMT-LIB using datatypes and forall

I am trying to model a small programming language in SMT-LIB 2.
My intent is to express some program analysis problems and solve them with Z3.
I think I am misunderstanding the forall statement though.
Here is a snippet of my code.
; barriers.smt2
(declare-datatype Barrier ((barrier (proc Int) (rank Int) (group Int) (complete-time Int))))
; barriers in the same group complete at the same time
(forall ((b1 Barrier) (b2 Barrier))
(=> (= (group b1) (group b2))
(= (complete-time b1) (complete-time b2)))))
When I run z3 -smt2 barriers.smt2 I get unsat as the result.
I am thinking that an instance of my analysis problem would be a series of forall assertions like the above and a series of const declarations with assertions that describe the input program.
(declare-const b00 Barrier)
(assert (= (proc b00) 0))
(assert (= (rank b00) 0))
But apparently I am using the forall expression incorrectly because I expected z3 to decide that there was a satisfying model for that assertion. What am I missing?
When you declare a datatype like this:
(declare-datatype Barrier
((barrier (proc Int)
(rank Int)
(group Int)
(complete-time Int))))
you are generating a universe that is "freely" generated. That's just a fancy word for saying there is a value for Barrier for each possible element in the cartesian product Int x Int x Int x Int.
Later on, when you say:
(forall ((b1 Barrier) (b2 Barrier))
(=> (= (group b1) (group b2))
(= (complete-time b1) (complete-time b2)))))
you are making an assertion about all possible values of b1 and b2, and you are saying that if groups are the same then completion times must be the same. But remember that datatypes are freely generated so z3 tells you unsat, meaning that your assertion is clearly violated by picking up proper values of b1 and b2 from that cartesian product, which have plenty of inhabitant pairs that violate this assertion.
What you were trying to say, of course, was: "I just want you to pay attention to those elements that satisfy this property. I don't care about the others." But that's not what you said. To do so, simply turn your assertion to a function:
(define-fun groupCompletesTogether ((b1 Barrier) (b2 Barrier)) Bool
(=> (= (group b1) (group b2))
(= (complete-time b1) (complete-time b2))))
then, use it as the hypothesis of your implications. Here's a silly example:
(declare-const b00 Barrier)
(declare-const b01 Barrier)
(assert (=> (groupCompletesTogether b00 b01)
(> (rank b00) (rank b01))))
This prints:
(define-fun b01 () Barrier
(barrier 3 0 2437 1797))
(define-fun b00 () Barrier
(barrier 2 1 1236 1796))
This isn't a particularly interesting model, but it is correct nonetheless. I hope this explains the issue and sets you on the right path to model. You can use that predicate in conjunction with other facts as well, and I suspect in a sat scenario, that's really what you want. So, you can say:
(assert (distinct b00 b01))
(assert (and (= (group b00) (group b01))
(groupCompletesTogether b00 b01)
(> (rank b00) (rank b01))))
and you'd get the following model:
(define-fun b01 () Barrier
(barrier 3 2436 0 1236))
(define-fun b00 () Barrier
(barrier 2 2437 0 1236))
which is now getting more interesting!
In general, while SMTLib does support quantifiers, you should try to stay away from them as much as possible as it renders the logic semi-decidable. And in general, you only want to write quantified axioms like you did for uninterpreted constants. (That is, introduce a new function/constant, let it go uninterpreted, but do assert a universally quantified axiom that it should satisfy.) This can let you model a bunch of interesting functions, though quantifiers can make the solver respond unknown, so they are best avoided if you can.
[Side note: As a rule of thumb, When you write a quantified axiom over a freely-generated datatype (like your Barrier), it'll either be trivially true or will never be satisfied because the universe literally will contain everything that can be constructed in that way. Think of it like a datatype in Haskell/ML etc.; where it's nothing but a container of all possible values.]
For what it is worth I was able to move forward by using sorts and uninterpreted functions instead of data types.
(declare-sort Barrier 0)
(declare-fun proc (Barrier) Int)
(declare-fun rank (Barrier) Int)
(declare-fun group (Barrier) Int)
(declare-fun complete-time (Barrier) Int)
Then the forall assertion is sat. I would still appreciate an explanation of why this change made a difference.

Defining Rules for Bit Vectors in SMT2

I have switched from using Int to Bit Vectors in SMT. However, the logic QF_BV does not allow the use of any quantifiers in your script, and I need to define FOL rules.
I know how to eliminate existential quantifiers, but universal quantifiers? How to do that?
Imagine a code like that:
(set-logic QF_AUFBV)
(define-sort Index () (_ BitVec 3))
(declare-fun P (Index) Bool)
(assert (forall ((i Index)) (= (P (bvadd i #b001)) (not (P i)) ) ) )
Strictly speaking, you're out-of-luck. According to http://smtlib.cs.uiowa.edu/logics.shtml, there's no logic that contains quantifiers and bit-vectors at the same time.
Having said that, most solvers will allow non-standard combinations. Simply leave out the set-logic command, and you might get lucky. For instance, Z3 takes your query just fine without the set-logic part; I just tried..

Different check-sat answers when asserting same property in between

Given the following input
(set-option :auto_config false)
(set-option :smt.mbqi false)
(declare-fun len (Int) Int)
(declare-fun idx (Int Int) Int)
(declare-const x Int)
(define-fun FOO () Bool
(forall ((i Int)) (!
(and (<= 0 i) (< i (len x)))
(exists ((j Int)) (!
(and (<= 0 j) (< j (len x)))
(> (idx x j) 0))))))))
(assert FOO)
; (push)
(assert (not FOO))
; (pop)
; (push)
(assert (not FOO))
; (pop)
Z3 4.3.2 x64 reports unsat for the first check-sat (as expected), but unknown for the second. If the commented push/pops are uncommented, both check-sats yield unknown.
My guess is that this is either a bug, or a consequence of Z3 switching to incremental mode when it reaches the second check-sat. The latter could also explain why both check-sats yield unknown if push/pop is used because Z3 will (as far as I understand) switch to incremental mode on first push.
Question: Is it a bug or an expected consequence?
Good example.
It is a limitation of how Z3 processes the formulas:
1. When using push/pop it does not detect the contradiction among the asserted formulas, instead it converts formulas to negation normal form and skolemizes quantified formulas.
2. When calling check-sat the second time, it does not keep track that the state was not retracted from a previous unsatisfiable state.
It isn't an unsoundness bug, but sure the behavior is not what a user would expect.
In addition to Nikolaj's answer: Yes, this is because Z3 switches to a different solver, which will give up earlier. We can get the same effect by setting (set-option :combined_solver.ignore_solver1 true).

Does not 'check-sat' support Boolean function as assumption?

In the following example, I tried to use uninterpreted Boolean function like "(declare-const p (Int) Bool)" rather than single Boolean constant for each assumption. But it does not work (it gives compilation error).
(set-option :produce-unsat-cores true)
(set-option :produce-models true)
(declare-fun p (Int) Bool)
;(declare-const p1 Bool)
;(declare-const p2 Bool)
; (declare-const p3 Bool)
;; We assert (=> p C) to track C using p
(declare-const x Int)
(declare-const y Int)
(assert (=> (p 1) (> x 10)))
;; An Boolean constant may track more than one formula
(assert (=> (p 1) (> y x)))
(assert (=> (p 2) (< y 5)))
(assert (=> (p 3) (> y 0)))
(check-sat (p 1) (p 2) (p 3))
Z3(18, 16): ERROR: invalid check-sat command, 'not' expected, assumptions must be Boolean literals
Z3(19, 19): ERROR: unsat core is not available
I understand that it is not possible (unsupported) to use Boolean function. Is there any reason behind that? Is there different way to do that?
We have this restriction because Z3 applies many simplifications before it solves a problem. Some of them will rewrite formulas and terms. The problem that is actually solved by Z3 is very often quite different from the input problem. We would have trace back the simplified assumptions to the original assumptions, or introduce auxiliary variables. Restricting to Boolean literals avoids this issue, and makes the interface very clean. Note that this restriction does not limit the expressiveness. If you think it is too annoying to declare many Boolean variables to track different assertions. I suggest you take a look at the new Python front-end for Z3 called Z3Py. It is much more convenient to use than SMT 2.0. Here is your example in Z3Py: http://rise4fun.com/Z3Py/cL
In this example, instead of creating an uninterpreted predicate p, a "vector" (actually, it is a Python list) o Boolean constants is created.
The Z3Py online tutorial contains many examples.
It is also possible to implement in Z3Py the approach that creates auxiliary variables.
Here is the script that does the trick. I defined a function check_ext that does all the plumbing. http://rise4fun.com/Z3Py/B4
