optimize upload videos in different signal strength - ios

I have a question, my app is a short video share application just like vine, but now I encounter questions when used in subway or some places with weak signals, it will fail sometimes and have poor user experience.
I am a newbie for network programming and iOS. I did a lot search on Google, and have some general sense, let me sum up my finds and pls help to give some suggestions for it.
My requirement is:1. support resume when uploading interrupt. 2. can success upload in weak signal. Actually I do NOT need to think about the realtime problems or how to compress the video, just think the video as a file is totally ok. BTW the server is a REST style, I use post to upload datas.
which is the better way for my requirement, using stream(stream NOT mean live stream video just data stream like NSOutStream&NSInputStream, just play the video after all of it has uploaded, NOT the live stream video playing and downloading at meantime) or divide the whole file into several chunks and upload chunk by chunk.
someone said, using stream is good for resource efficiency since the stream will read files into memory and control the size of the buffer and after setup connection with server we use delegate to control the failure so easy to use.
Upload chunk by chunk is good at speed, I have puzzled with this statement, upload by chunks after successfully upload one chunk we need to release the connection resources and setup another connection then do upload I think this will spend time to do these preparation stuffs.
If upload by chunks which size should be good, one video file is almost 1M bytes, someone said 8k is a safe choice, but......
since the app needs to adapt to different signal strength, is there any way? for example the chunk size is depended on the bandwidth or other ways
Is there any private API already support resume uploading interrupt or is there any apple api can support this, my app needs to run on iOS 5 and above so can NOT use NSURLSession
Concurrent uploading is a way to speed up? If so how to implement or any API available?
Thank you in advance for helping a newbie like me. Thank you very much.

It takes o lot of topics your question. iOS doesn't have an public API to stream video (such as the face time components). The main issue here is sending frame by frame will require a lot of network traffic, instead if you use the normal video writer you get hardware compression, that will be a lot better. There's more and you can check here: Realtime Audio/Video Streaming FROM iPhone to another device (Browser, or iPhone), Upload live streaming video from iPhone like Ustream or Qik, How send to stream video from iOS device to server? and here
If real time is not your problem I would suggest you just to use a good network manager such as: MKNetworkkit or AFNetworking 2.0 . They will take care of most of the aspect that you asked.


What options exist to stream video from iOS to browser?

I'm looking for a way to implement real-time streaming of video (and optionally audio) from iOS device to a browser. In this case iOS device is a server and browser is a client.
Video resolution must be in the range 800x600-1920x1080. Probably the most important criteria is lag that should be less than 500 msec.
I've tried a few approaches so far.
1. HLS
Server: Objective-C, AVFoundation, UIKit, custom HTTP-server implementation
Client: JS, VIDEO tag
Works well. Streams smoothly. The VIDEO tag in the browser handles incoming video steam out of the box. This is great! However, it has lags that are hard to minimize. It feels like this protocol was built for non-interactive video streaming. Something like twitch where a few seconds of lag is fine.
Tried Enabling Low-Latency. A lot of requests. A lot of hassle with the playlist. Let me know if this is the right option and I have to push harder in this direction.
2. Compress every frame into JPEG and send to a browser via WebSockets
Server: Objective-C, AVFoundation, UIKit, custom HTTP-server implementation, WebSockets server
Client: JS, rendering via IMG tag
Works super-fast and super-smooth. Latency is 20-30 msec! However, when I receive a frame in a browser, I have to load it using loading from a Blob field via base64 encoded URL. At the start, all of this works fast and smoothly, but after a while, the browser starts to slow down and lags. Not sure why I haven't investigated too deeply yet. Another issue is that frames compressed as JPEGs are much larger (60-120kb per frame) than MP4 video stream of HLS. This means that more data is pumped through WiFi, and other WiFi consumers are starting to struggle. This approach works but doesn't feel like a perfect solution.
Any ideas or hints (frameworks, protocols, libraries, approaches, e.t.c.) are appreciated!
… It feels like this protocol was built for non-interactive video streaming …
Yep, that's right. The whole point of HLS was to utilize generic HTTP servers as media streaming infrastructure, rather than using proprietary streaming servers. As you've seen, several tradeoffs are made. The biggest problem is that media is chunked, which naturally causes latency of at least the size of the chunk. In practice, it ends up being the size of a couple chunks.
"Low latency" HLS is a hack to return to the methods we had before HLS, with servers that just stream content from the origin, in a way compatible with all the HLS stuff we have to deal with now.
Compress every frame into JPEG and send to a browser via WebSockets
In this case, you've essentially recreated a video codec, and added the overhead of Web Sockets. Also, with the base64 encoding rather than sending it binary, you're adding extra CPU and memory requirements, as well as ~33% overhead in bandwidth.
If you really wanted to go this route, you could simply use MediaRecorder, an HTTP PUT request, stream the output of the recorder, send it to the server, to relay on to the client over HTTP. The client then just needs a <video> tag referencing some URL on the server, and nothing special to playback. You'll get nice low latency without all the overhead and hassle.
However, don't go that route. Suppose the bandwidth drops out? What if some packets are lost and you need to re-sync? How will you set up communication between each end to continually adjust quality, buffering, codec negotiation, etc.? What if peer-to-peer connections are advantageous?
Use WebRTC
It's a full purpose-built stack for maintaining low latency. Libraries are available for most any stack on most any platform. It works in browsers.
Rather than reinventing all of this, you can take advantage of what's there.
The downside is complexity... it isn't easy to get started with, but well worth it for most low latency use cases.

mp4 pseudo-streaming implementation server & iOS side

I'm trying to learn how to do pseudo streaming for MP4 files. I can't think of a good way to do it, but I just found a great example app has similar implementation (except I don't understand how it does it yet)
Here's the scenario:
Alice can send a video to Bob in the app
Bob can open it immediately and see Alice's video, from beginning, while Alice is still recording it
Also, Bob can choose to view the video later after Alice finished recording. But Bob should be able to view the video instantly without waiting too much time, even when the whole size of the video is large.
Thus, my hunch is, it's using some sort of pseudo streaming for mp4.
Here's the screenshots of the requests Alice's phone makes while using the example app:
The screenshot suggests, the example app is making an array of PATCH requests to their server, every 0.x seconds. And finally, the very last request will make a PATCH to update the moov information for this MP4.
Thus my question is, how is this implemented (any educated guess will be welcomed)? Or is there any sort of existing protocol/iOS encoder that I didn't know is doing this already?
Thanks a lot!
Reading the text of your question rather than the title, I think there are a number of likely steps:
Alice is recording video
She is ending the video to a streaming server
Alice notifies Bob that the stream is available and sends the URL on the streaming server that Bob can access to retrieve the stream
Bob's video client requests the stream, using range request to download it chunk by chunk
Have a server in the middle like this is a typical approach for any stream which may have more than one client watching it.
More sophisticated streaming servers may also support delivery the stream in different bit rates and even encoded with different codecs for maximum device reach.
There are commercial (e.g. https://www.wowza.com) and open source streaming servers (e.g. https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org) you can look at to get more info on streaming servers and to see some examples.

Can iOS8 CloudKit support streaming behind the scenes?

Is there any way, using currently available SDK frameworks on Cocoa (touch) to create a streaming solution where I would host my mp4 content on some server and stream it to my iOS client app?
I know how to write such a client, but it's a bit confusing on server side.
AFAIK cloudKit is not suitable for that task because behind the scenes it keeps a synced local copy of datastore which is NOT what I want. I want to store media content remotely and stream it to the client so that it does not takes precious space on a poor 16 GB iPad mini.
Can I accomplish that server solution using Objective-C / Cocoa Touch at all?
Should I instead resort to Azure and C#?
It's not 100% clear why would you do anything like that?
If you have control over the server side, why don't you just set up a basic HTTP server, and on client side use AVPlayer to fetch the mp4 and play it back to the user? It is very simple. A basic apache setup would do the job.
If it is live media content you want to stream, then it is worth to read this guide as well:
Edited after your comment:
If you would like to use AVPlayer as a player, then I think those two things don't fit that well. AVPlayer needs to buffer different ranges ahead (for some container formats the second/third request is reading the end of the stream). As far as I can see CKFetchRecordsOperation (which you would use to fetch the content from the server) is not capable of seeking in the stream.
If you have your private player which doesn't require seeking, then you might be able to use CKFetchRecordsOperation's perRecordProgressBlock to feed your player with data.
Yes, you could do that with CloudKit. First, it is not true that CloudKit keeps a local copy of the data. It is up to you what you do with the downloaded data. There isn't even any caching in CloudKit.
To do what you want to do, assuming the content is shared between users, you could upload it to CloudKit in the public database of your app. I think you could do this with the CloudKit web interface, but otherwise you could create a simple Mac app to manage the uploads.
The client app could then download the files. It couldn't stream them though, as far as I know. It would have to download all the files.
If you want a streaming solution, you would probably have to figure out how to split the files into small chunks, and recombine them on the client app.
I'm not sure whether this document is up-to-date, but there is paragraph "Requirements for Apps" which demands using HTTP Live Streaming if you deliver any video exceeding 10min. or 5MB.

Reduce/remove buffer lag on <video> element (iOS)

We have an FFMPEG stream being streamed to mobile devices. We're using the HTML5 <video src="..." webkit-playsinline> tag to display the video inline (inside a real-time streaming app). We've managed to reduce the delay at the FFMPEG end down to the minimum but there's still a lag at the iOS end, where the player presumably buffers for a couple of seconds.
Is there any way to reduce the client-side delay?
We need as close to real-time as possible and skipping is acceptable.
If you are using an HTML5 video tag then the iOS device will use Quicktime to playback the video. Apple offers no control over internal mechanism like buffer settings for its Quicktime player. For a project on Apple TV I even work with a guy in Cupertino at Apple and they just won't allow any access to the information you would require on their device.
Typically if you use HLS:
Is this a real-time delivery system?
No. It has inherent latency corresponding to the size and duration of the media files containing stream segments. At least one segment must fully download before it can be viewed by the client, and two may be required to ensure seamless transitions between segments. In addition, the encoder and segmenter must create a file from the input; the duration of this file is the minimum latency before media is available for download. Typical latency with recommended settings is in the neighborhood of 30 seconds.
What is the latency?
Approximately 30 seconds, with recommended settings. See question #15.
For live streaming scenario on iOS you better off tuning the streaming chain before the actual player:
capture -> transcoding -> upload -> streaming server -> delivery -> playback
Using ffmpeg you can tune for zero lantency streaming at transcoding level which I understand you have done. After that using a well established streaming server like Wowza and CDN delivery will help you get there (of course at a certain cost - and assuming you need a streaming server which you may not).
If you go all native for your iOS app you may look at MPMoviePlayerController. I have no experience with native app code in iOS so I let you decide if it is worth the time (still I doubt it will be possible because of the underlying Quicktime/HLS layer).
I also came across this which sounds interesting but I have not tested it and even with such an approach you will face limitations.
Even if it may not be the answer you were looking for I hope this helps.

Watch video in the time they are uploaded

It is possible to implement a feature that allows users to watch videos as they are uploaded to server by others. Is html 5 suitable for this task? But flash? Are there any read to go solutions, don't want to reinvent the wheel. The application will be hosted on a dedicated server.
Of course it is possible, the data is there isnt it?
However it will be very hard to implement.
Also I am not so into python and I am not aware of a library or service suiting your requirements, but I can cover the basics of video streaming.
I assume you are talking about video files that are uploaded and not streams. Because, for that, there are obviously thousands of solutions out there...
In the most simple case the video being uploaded is already ready to be served to your clients and has a so called "faststart atom". They are container format specific and there are sometimes a bunch of them. The most common is the moov-atom. It contains a lot of data and is very complex, however in our use case, in a nutshell, it holds the data that enables the client to begin playing the video right away using the data available from the beginning.
You need that if you have progressive download videos (youtube...), meaning where a file is served from a Webserver. You obviously have not downloaded the full file and the player already can start playing.
If the fastastart atom was not present, that would not be possible.
Sometimes it is, but the player for example cannot display a progress bar, because it doesnt know how long the file is.
Having that covered the file could be uploaded. You will need an upload solution that writes the data directly to a buffer or a file. (file will be easier...).
This is almost always the case, for example PHP creates a file in the tmp_dir. You can also specify it if you want to find the video while its being uploaded.
Well, now you can start reading that file byte by byte and print that data to a connection to another client. Just be sure not to go ahead of what has already been recieved and written. You would probaby initiate your upload with a metadata set in memory that holds the current recieved byte position and location of the file.
Anyone who requests the file after the uploaded has started can just recieve the entire file, or if the upload is not yet finished, get it from your application.
You will have to throttle the data delivery or pause it when the data becomes short. This will appear to the client almost as a "slow connection". However you will have to echo some data from time to time to prevent the connection from closing. But if your upload doesnt stall, and why shoud it?, that shouldnt be a problem.
Now if you want to have someting like on the fly transcoding of various input formats into your desired output format, things get interesting.
AFAIK ffmpeg has neat apis which lets you directly deal with datasterams.
Also handbrake is a very good tool, however you would need to take the long road using external executeables.
I am not really aware of your requirements, however if your clients are already tuned in, for example on a red 5 streaming server, feeding data into a stream should also work fine.
Yes, take a look at Qik, http://qik.com/
"Instant Video Sharing ... Videos can be viewed live (right as they are being recorded) or anytime later."
Qik provides developer APIs, including ones like these:
qik.stream.subscribe_public_recent -- Subscribe to the videos (live and recorded)
qik.user.following -- Provides the list of people the user is following
qik.stream.public_info -- Get public information for a specific video
It is most certainly to do this, but it won't be trivial. And no, I don't think that you will find an "out of the box" solution that will require little effort on your behalf.
You say you want to let:
users watch videos as they are uploaded to server by others
Well, this could be interpreted two different ways:
Do you mean that you don't want a user to have to refresh the page before seeing new videos that other users have just finished uploading?
Or do you mean that you want one user to be able to watch a partially uploaded video (aka another user is still in the process of uploading it and right now the server only contains a partial upload of the video)?
Implementing #1 wouldn't be hard at all whatsoever. You would just need an AJAX script to check for newly uploaded videos, and those videos could then be served to the user in whatever way you choose. HTML5 vs. Flash isn't really a consideration here.
The second scenario, on the other hand, would require quite a bit of effort. I am guessing that HTML5 might not be mature enough to handle this type of situation. If you are not looking
to reinvent the wheel and don't have a lot of time to dedicate to this feature than I would say that you would be out of luck. You may be able to use ffmpeg to parse partial video files and feed them to a Flash player, but I would think of this as a large task.
