Managing web.config variations on different workplaces -

I'm not sure if title is good for a problem I'm facing, so feel free to correct it if there is better term for that situation.
Basically I'm struggling with the follwing problem. I work on a project on two different workplaces. The problem is that I have two different connection strings in my Web.config file because I have different server names. So it's a pain to work under source control.
So I've tried to use config transformations, but they only work then you do publish, and not then you run locally with F5. Is there any solution for this?

Here's a nice extension that should do it: SlowCheetah


log4j2 configration for two ear files

I am trying to migrate from log4j1 to logj2.
I have a WLS server with two ear files. Ear1.ear and Ear2.ear. Both have similar code and for logging, they use the same logger name. In log4j1, there were two different config files loggingconfigEar1.xml and loggingconfigEar2.xml writing to ear1.log and ear2.log respectively.
I am trying to implement the same in log4j2, but not able to find an easy way out. Is it possible to have two different ears with same logger name have its own individual log files. Right now, I am initialising the config file through the System Property log4j.configurationFile and it does not work.
The only other option that I can think of is, have separate logger names for the two ears. But that would involve code change in quite a few places and I want to have it as a last resort option.
FYI, there was a lot of customisation done for log4j1 which I have avoided in the migration either by scrapping the functionality or by rewriting code. I am not sure how exactly this separate logging was achieved in log4j1.

How to properly format an image url in a Vue.js single-file-component?

After about a week of tinkering, I have managed to introduce webpack and Vue.js single file components into my existing Orchard (ASP.NET) module.
Now I've unexpectedly hit a snag, and for the life of me, I'm stumped. I have several image resources that are part of my custom Orchard theme, which is a separate module (*.csproj) within my Orchard solution.
So (at the risk of demonstrating my woefully inadequate understanding of URL concatenation in web projects) I innocently add this line to my Vue.js single file component:
<img src="~/Themes/MyOrchardTheme.Theme/Images/AnImage.png">
Now when webpack tries to process this and bundle my component I get this error:
Can't resolve 'Themes/MyOrchardTheme.Theme/Images/AnImage.png' in 'redacted' C:\Projects\Orchard\Modules\redacted\Module not found
This kind of makes sense, because the layout of my projects and resources locally and the layout after deployment to Azure obviously differ.
So what is the right way to specify the url for my image as it will exist at runtime on the server, without specifically testing for it's existence when transpiling with webpack?
I'm not going to accept this as the answer, in case someone can offer something better, but after some tinkering I was able to solve my problem by using this:
<img :src="theimage" />
and adding a computed property like this:
computed: {
theimage: function () {
return '/Themes/MyOrchardTheme.Theme/Images/AnImage.png';
This will bypass the Webpack transpiler (or vue-loader or whatever) check to make sure the resource can be located and has the added benefit that I can programmatically control the image displayed, which (although not mentioned) is ultimately what I wanted to do (code not shown). I was expecting to use v-if or v-show with multiple image tags, but using a computed property killed two birds with one stone.
Thanks to everyone who provided feedback. - I have a great deal to learn!

Issue with startitem in Sitecore

We have four different environments - dev VMs, dev, QA and prod. All environments have the following setting for the "website" site:
<site name="website" virtualFolder="/" physicalFolder="/"
rootPath="/sitecore/content" startItem="/home" database="master"
domain="extranet" allowDebug="true" cacheHtml="false"
htmlCacheSize="10MB" registryCacheSize="0" viewStateCacheSize="0"
xslCacheSize="5MB" filteredItemsCacheSize="2MB" enablePreview="true"
enableWebEdit="true" enableDebugger="true"
disableClientData="false" loginPage="/" hostName=""
enableFallback="true" enforceVersionPresence="true"/>.
So on VM and prod, and work.
But on dev and QA, works but doesn't work. (Works with startItem but gets a 404 without it).
This is happening with ISAPI enabled and disabled both (no exceptions).
I am not sure what is going on here or where else to look except to make sure that my start item is in good shape which it seems to be.
What can I do to resolve this? If you need more information please let me know.
Try looking at the:
"linkManager" tag in the web.config, there is a property called:
languageEmbedding: asNeeded | always | never
which could be set differently on those solutiuons.
If you have Multi-Language website it is recommended to go with
languageEmbedding: always
Advantages :
Some time in IE8 the Language cookie is destroyed, because of that
the language displayed is change randomly.(We have faced this issue
in our environment) LanguageEmbadding : Always will keep the Information and will work without any Issue.
If you have set asNeeded then First time the Language will be displayed and next time onward it will be hidden. But this will create issue with Google Analytics. In GA you will have 2 diff URL with same page content so your analysis will be unnecessarily divided in to 2 pages.
And Yes you can check if there is any difference is Config files. As Mentioned by Martijn you can use the Copy the Config, compare it using any file compare tool like WinMerge etc.
What is the Hierarchy in your project?
Sitecore-Content-home-Press or
In my project the setting you have mentioned has database = web.
I can't add a comment, but as Martijn says you need to compare the configs. Now this should be very easy since you should be using config include files and so the changes between the environments should be very minimal. If you are not using them then you should start using them, it makes life much easier to figure out the differences from default Sitecore installation and will also make your upgrades much easier in the future. Or maybe you are using them for the other environments and that is what is causing the issue?
All About web.config Include Files with the Sitecore ASP.NET CMS
As for comparing the configs, use a file comparison tool like WinMerge as already metioned, that should weed out the differences much more easily.
Also, as Maulik says, default config has: database="web" content="master"
This seems like config differences. Compare the live configs by using This way you can see the actual config which also includes all your /app_config/include/ files

Handler for missing #include virtual links

We have to maintain a lot of classic ASP and VB/ASP.Net applications that link to many different parts of a static website.
The master pages are littered with various
<!-- #include virtual="/site/footer.something" -->
and similar, where there are many many combinations of what /site/ can be.
The problem is, when you're debugging etc. when you try to run one of these sites locally, you're almost guaranteed to get a parser error.
What I want to do is come up with a generic handler so that I can just insert a blank file for any #include file that doesn't exist.
I tried to setup a URL Rewrite rule, which works in the browser (just redirects to an empty html file) but I'm guessing the ASP parser doesn't include as a webrequest as it still generates a parser error.
I don't want to have to copy the static content to my workstation everytime I open a new app and I don't want to edit the master pages to exclude the links as one day I'm just going to forget and deploy something broken.
So the question is, is there a way to serve a default file for these declarations, or some other method ?
Edit: To consider a different fix to this problem; is there some way to insert some kind of file-system handler that can pick up requests for missing files in specific locations and return predefined content ?
Yeah, I know that's a really offbeat direction and probably a very bad idea in practise, but this is quite a frustrating problem in the office now.
What's irritating is that even though IIS has SSI disabled, the ASP processer still honours #include directives. Is there a way to either disable that, or perhaps some way to override the behaviour in some kind of generated class ?
The problem you will encounter is that includes are processed before any of your code runs. The server gathers all of the resources referenced in the scripts then compiles and runs your code. By the time your code is running, the missing include has already thrown a compiler error.
Further, what you're asking could potentially run into other problems. Often times includes contain code (procedures, constants, variable declarations, etc.) that other scripts rely on. So, even if you were to replace the missing include with an empty file, you still may encounter other parser errors if the including script expects that include to contain specific code.
Probably your best bet is to make a console app or something similar that parses your files looking for the include statements, resolves the relative path based on your directory structure and does what you want - write an empty file if it doesn't exist. You could then run your projects through this parser and at least eliminate that issue.
Additionally, you mention the possibility of accidentally deploying something that you've edited to circumvent this problem. I would assume then, that if you were to write out these "dummy" includes, there is no possibility of you accidentally deploying them and overwriting good files?

Switch between development version and live version

Does anyone have any good techniques for easily switching between development and live builds for mvc websites? Every time I make some changes I need to change to go through my web.config and comment out all my local stuff and uncomment all my remote settings. I also need to update the linq-to-sql dbml file to point to the right connection string.
This happens every time I make a change in a controller. After I upload the changes I then have to do the same process and get it back to development (local) mode.
Is there an automatic way to handle this, or at least one setting that can flag between the two?
a way I've done is to make two groups of configuration settings
Then in my class that reads configuration info, I'd check on something like the system environment / computer name and if applicable to the name of your LIVE machine look at the settings... otherwise the development.
if (System.Environment.MachineName.ToLower().StartsWith("devMachineName"))
IsLive = "Test";
IsLive = "Live";
Application["IsLive"] = IsLive;
SomeSetting = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[IsLive + "SomeSetting"];
I use a simple technique that Scott Hanselman blogged in '97. It basically involves maintaining separate web.config files for each of you build types. Then there is a pre-build event which copies the correct web.config into place.
It does have the down side of having to maintain 2+ web.config files but once you're up and running it isn't really that big an issue.
Have a look here at the article:
Managing Multiple Configuration File Environments with Pre-Build Events
