How to run the following SMT-LIB code using Alt-Ergo - z3

The following SMT-LIB code runs without problems in Z3, MathSat and CVC4 but it is not running in Alt-Ergo, please let me know what happens, many thanks:
(set-logic QF_LIA)
(set-option :interactive-mode true)
(set-option :incremental true)
(declare-fun w () Int)
(declare-fun x () Int)
(declare-fun y () Int)
(declare-fun z () Int)
(assert (> x y))
(assert (> y z))
(push 1)
(assert (> z x))
(pop 1)
(get-info :all-statistics)
(push 1)
(assert (= x w))
Run this example online here
In Z3, the message unsupported ; :incremental is generated but this does not alter the computations and the correct answer is obtained.
In mathsat, some messages unsupportedare generated but the correct answer is displayed.
In Cvc4 the code is executed without problems and the correct answer is obtained.
In Alt-Ergo the code is executed without messages but wrong answer unsat is generated ( the correct answer is : unsat, sat).

Regarding Alt-Ergo and SMT-LIB2, please consider reading the answer to one of your previous posts here: How to execute the following SMT-LIB code using Alt-Ergo


Why does Z3 return unknown for this nonlinear integer arithmetic example?

I have a simple example in nonlinear integer arithmetic, namely a search for Pythagorean triples. Based on what I read in related questions (see below), I'd expect Z3 to find a solution to this problem, but it returns 'unknown'. Here is the example in SMT-LIB v2:
(declare-fun x () Int)
(declare-fun y () Int)
(declare-fun z () Int)
(declare-fun xSquared () Int)
(declare-fun ySquared () Int)
(declare-fun zSquared () Int)
(declare-fun xSquaredPlusYSquared () Int)
(assert (= xSquared (* x x)))
(assert (= ySquared (* y y)))
(assert (= zSquared (* z z)))
(assert (= xSquaredPlusYSquared (+ xSquared ySquared)))
(assert (and (> x 0) (> y 0) (> z 0) (= xSquaredPlusYSquared zSquared)))
There are a few related questions, most notably:
How does Z3 handle non-linear integer arithmetic?
Need help understanding the equation
Combining nonlinear Real with linear Int
Z3 support for nonlinear arithmetic
z3 limitations in handling nonlinear real arithmetics
It seems that Z3 won't attempt finding a solution by bit-blasting unless variables have a finite range. Replacing (check-sat) with the following command will find the solution:
(check-sat-using (then (using-params add-bounds :add-bound-lower -100 :add-bound-upper 100) smt))
Alternatively, one can add assert statements forcing each variable to have some finite range.

Using Z3 QFNRA tactic with datatypes: interaction or inlining

In Non-linear arithmetic and uninterpreted functions, Leonardo de Moura states that the qfnra-nlsat tactic hasn't been fully integrated with the rest of Z3 yet. I thought that the situation has changed in two years, but apparently the integration is still not very complete.
In the example below, I use datatypes purely for "software engineering" purposes: to organize my data into records. Even though there are no uninterpreted functions, Z3 still fails to give me a solution:
(declare-datatypes () (
(Point (point (point-x Real) (point-y Real)))
(Line (line (line-a Real) (line-b Real) (line-c Real)))))
(define-fun point-line-subst ((p Point) (l Line)) Real
(+ (* (line-a l) (point-x p)) (* (line-b l) (point-y p)) (line-c l)))
(declare-const p Point)
(declare-const l Line)
(assert (> (point-y p) 20.0))
(assert (= 0.0 (point-line-subst p l)))
(check-sat-using qfnra-nlsat)
> unknown
However, if I manually inline all the functions, Z3 finds a model instantly:
(declare-const x Real)
(declare-const y Real)
(declare-const a Real)
(declare-const b Real)
(declare-const c Real)
(assert (> y 20.0))
(assert (= 0.0 (+ (* a x) (* b y) c)))
(check-sat-using qfnra-nlsat)
> sat
(define-fun y () Real
(define-fun a () Real
(define-fun x () Real
(define-fun b () Real
(define-fun c () Real
My question is, is there a way to perform such an inlining automatically? I'm fine with either one of these workflows:
Launch Z3 with a tactic that says "Inline first, then apply qfnra-nlsat. I haven't found a way to do so, but maybe I wasn't looking well enough.
Launch Z3 using some version of simplify to do the inlining. Launch Z3 the second time on the result of the first invocation (the inlined version).
In other words, how to make qfnra-nlsat work with tuples?
Thank you!
That's correct, the NLSAT solver is still not integrated with the other theories. At the moment, we can only use it if we eliminate all datatypes (or elements of other theories) before running it. I believe there is no useful existing tactic inside of Z3 at the moment though, so this would have to be done beforehand. In general it's not hard to compose tactics, e.g., like this:
(check-sat-using (and-then simplify qfnra-nlsat))
but the simplifier is not strong enough to eliminate the datatype constants in this problem. (The respective implementation files are datatype_rewriter.cpp and datatype_simplifier_plugin.cpp.)

How to explain Z3's behavior when solving the following Horn clauses?

I am using Z3 from the unstable branch to experiment with Horn clauses (commit 61385c8489b7fda11b518a67fe308ea3cfe28c3d). I could make Z3 infer a few loop invariants, which was nice. Yet, with the following simple examples I am puzzled by Z3's behavior. What am I missing here?
Example 1:
(set-logic HORN)
(declare-const C Int)
(assert (> C 2))
I would expect a model but receive "unknown".
Example 2:
(set-logic HORN)
(define-fun step ((I Int) (I1 Int)) Bool (= I1 (+ I 1)))
(define-fun post ((I1 Int)) Bool (= I1 10))
(declare-fun pre (Int) Bool)
(assert (forall ((I Int) (I1 Int)) (=> (and (pre I) (step I I1)) (post I1))))
I would expect a model telling me something about pre (e.g., that it is false or that it holds for 9), but receive
(model )
I am executing your Example 1 with Z3 (both online and local) and I am obtaining
WARNING: unknown logic, ignoring set-logic command
(model (define-fun C () Int 3) )
I am executing your Example 2 with mathsat (local) and I am obtaining
( (C 3) )
I am executing your Example 2 with Z3 (both online and local) and I am obtaining
WARNING: unknown logic, ignoring set-logic command
(define-fun elem!0 () Int 0)
(define-fun elem!1 () Int 0)
(define-fun pre ((x!1 Int)) Bool false)

Smtlib trouble with the code

I have this following code
(set-logic QF_LIA)
(declare-fun w () Int)
(declare-fun x () Int)
(declare-fun y () Int)
(declare-fun z () Int)
(assert (> x y))
(assert (> y z))
(push 1)
(assert (> z x))
(check-sat) ; unsat
(get-info :statistics)
(pop 1)
(push 1)
(check-sat (= x w)) ; sat
The code should return unsat on first (check-sat) and sat on second (check-sat), but I get unknown.
Can someone please tell me what's the problem. I am using windows 7, jSMTLIB using cygwin
I don't know which backend in jSMTLIB you used for solving this. However, (check-sat (= x w)) is not even legal in SMT-LIB v2.
When I change that line to:
(assert (= x w))
I get unsat and sat from Z3 web interface, which is of our expectation.
Note that (get-info :statistics) is also incorrect; the correct option is (get-info :all-statistics). You can read more about SMT-LIB v2 standard in their documentation.

Sort Mismatch in Model

I have analyzed a formula in QF_AUFLIA with z3. The result was sat. The model returned by (get-model) contained the following lines:
(define-fun PCsc5_ () Int
(ite (= 2 false) 23 33)
According to my understanding of the SMTLIBv2 language, this statement is malformed. = should only be applied to arguments of the same sort. However, 2 has sort Int and false has sort Bool.
When I feed back just these two lines to z3, it agrees with me by saying:
invalid function application, sort mismatch on argument at position 2
Is this a bug?
If not, how am I supposed to interpret (= 2 false)?
The problem was due to a type error in the input. Z3 3.2 misses some type errors in macro applications. This problem was fixed. The next release will correctly report the type error (aka sort mismatch). Here is a minimal example that exposes the problem:
(set-option :produce-models true)
(declare-fun q (Int) Bool)
;; p1 is a macro
(define-fun p1 ((z Int) (y Int)) Bool
(ite (q y) (= z 0) (= z 1)))
(declare-const a Int)
(declare-const b Bool)
(assert (p1 a b)) ;; << TYPE ERROR: b must be an Int
