I have a list of tuples like so:
let scorecard = [ for i in 0 .. 39 -> i,0 ]
I want to identify the nth tuple in it. I was thinking about it in this way:
let foundTuple = scorecard |> Seq.find(fun (x,y) -> x = 10)
I then want to create a new tuple based on the found one:
let newTuple = (fst foundTuple, snd foundTuple + 1)
And have a new list with that updated value
Does anyone have some code that matches this pattern? I think I have to split the list into 2 sublists: 1 list has 1 element (the tuple I want to replace) and the other list has the remaining elements. I then create a new list with the replacing tuple and the list of unchanged tuples...
You can use List.mapi which creates a new list using a specified projection function - but it also calls the projection function with the current index and so you can decide what to do based on this index.
For example, to increment second element of a list of integers, you can do:
let oldList = [0;0;0;0]
let newList = oldList |> List.mapi (fun index v -> if index = 1 then v + 1 else v)
Depending on the problem, it might make sense to use the Map type instead of list - map represents a mapping from keys to values and does not need to copy the entire contents when you change just a single value. So, for example:
// Map keys from 0 to 3 to values 0
let m = Map.ofList [0,0;1,0;2,0;3,0]
// Set the value at index 1 to 10 and get a new map
Map.add 1 10 m
I went back and thought about the problem and decided to use an array, which is mutable.
let scorecard = [| for i in 0 .. 39 -> i,0 |]
Since tuples are not mutable, I need to create a new tuple based on the existing one and overwrite it in the array:
let targetTuple = scorecard.[3]
let newTuple = (fst targetTuple, snd targetTuple + 1)
scorecard.[3] <- newTuple
I am using the "<-" which is a code smell in F#. I wonder if there a comparable purely functional equivalent?
Currently I have a function to return the first elements of each list (floats), within a list to a separate list.
let firstElements list =
match list with
| head::_ -> head
| [] -> 0.00
My question is, how do I expand this to return elements at the same index into different lists while I don't know how long this list is? For example
let biglist = [[1;2;3];[4;5;6];[7;8;9]]
If I did not know the length of this list, what is the most efficient and safest way to get
List.transpose has been added recently to FSharp.Core
let biglist = [[1;2;3];[4;5;6];[7;8;9]]
let res = biglist |> List.transpose
//val res : int list list = [[1; 4; 7]; [2; 5; 8]; [3; 6; 9]]
You can use the recent added List.transpose function. But it is always good to be good enough to create such functions yourself. If you want to solve the problem yourself, think of a general algorithm to solve your problem. One would be.
From the first element of each list you create a new list
You drop the first element of each list
If you end with empty lists you end, otherwise repeat at step 1)
This could be the first attempt to solve the Problem. Function names are made up, at this point.
let transpose lst =
if allEmpty lst
then // Some Default value, we don't know yet
else ...
The else branch looks like following. First we want to pick the first element of every element. We imagine a function pickFirsts that do this task. So we could write pickFirsts lst. The result is a list that itself is the first element of a new list.
The new list is the result of the remaining list. First we imagine again a function that drops the first element of every sub-list dropFirsts lst. On that list we need to repeat step 1). We do that by a recursive call to transpose.
Overall we get:
let rec transpose lst =
if allEmpty lst
then // Some Default value, we don't know yet
else (pickFirsts lst) :: (transpose (dropFirsts lst))
At this point we can think of the default value. transpose needs to return a value in the case it ends up with an empty list of empty lists. As we use the result of transpose to add an element to it. The results of it must be a list. And the best default value is an empty list. So we end up with.
let rec transpose lst =
if allEmpty lst
then []
else (pickFirsts lst) :: (transpose (dropFirsts lst))
Next we need to implement the remaining functions allEmpty, pickFirsts and dropFirsts.
pickFirst is easy. We need to iterate over each element, and must return the first value. We get the first value of a list by List.head, and iterating over it and turning every element into a new list is what List.map does.
let pickFirsts lst = List.map List.head lst
dropFirsts need to iterate ver each element, and just remove the first element, or in other words keeps the remaining/tail of a list.
let dropFirsts lst = List.map List.tail lst
The remaining allEmpty is a predicate that either return true/false if we have an empty list of lists or not. With a return value of bool, we need another function that allows to return another type is a list. This is usually the reason to use List.fold. An implementation could look like this:
let allEmpty lst =
let folder acc x =
match x with
| [] -> acc
| _ -> false
List.fold folder true lst
It starts with true as the default value. As long it finds empty lists it returns the default value unchanged. As soon there is one element found, in any list, it will return false (Not Empty) as the new default value.
The whole code:
let allEmpty lst =
let folder acc x =
match x with
| [] -> acc
| _ -> false
List.fold folder true lst
let pickFirsts lst = List.map List.head lst
let dropFirsts lst = List.map List.tail lst
let rec transpose lst =
if allEmpty lst
then []
else (pickFirsts lst) :: (transpose (dropFirsts lst))
transpose [[1;2;3];[4;5;6];[7;8;9]]
Another approach would be to turn it into a 2 dimensional mutable array. Also do length checkings. Do the transformation and return the mutable array again as an immutable list.
I am looking for a way to sum two sequences by element in F#.
For example, if I have these two sequences:
let first = seq [ 183.24; 170.15;174.17]
let second = seq [25.524;24.069;24.5]
I want to get the following result:
third list = [208.764;194.219;198.67]
What would be the simplest or the best way to achieve this?
You can use the zip function :
let third = Seq.zip first second |> Seq.map (fun (x, y) -> x + y)
It will create a new sequence with a tuple where the first element is from first and second form second, then you can map and apply the addition of both elements.
As pointed in the comments, map2 is another option, we could say that map2 is equivalent to zip followed by map.
The easies way to do this - use Seq.map2
let first = seq [ 183.24; 170.15;174.17]
let second = seq [25.524;24.069;24.5]
//seq [208.764; 194.219; 198.67]
let third = Seq.map2 (+) first second
I am new to F# and functional programming in general. Given a scenario where you want to iterate over a sequence or list of strings, and map that to a new list of a different type, WITH an accumulator, what is the correct functional approach? I can achieve this in F# using mutable variables, but I am struggling to find the right function to use for this. It's similar to map I think, but there is the notion of state.
In other words, I want to transform a list of strings into a list of win forms radio buttons, but for each new button I want to add 20 to the previous y coordinate. Something like:
new RadioButton(Text=str,Location=new Point(20,y+20),Width=350)
You can use List.fold:
open System.Drawing
open System.Windows.Forms
let getButtons () =
let strings = ["a"; "b"; "c"]
let (_, pointsRev) = List.fold (fun (offset, l) s -> (offset+20, (new RadioButton(Text=s, Location = new Point(20, offset), Width = 350))::l)) (0, []) strings
pointsRev |> List.rev
The state is a pair containing the current offset and the current output list. The output list is built in reverse order so has to be reversed at the end.
You could also use Seq.map2:
let points = Seq.map2 (fun offset s -> new RadioButton(Text=s, Location = new Point(20, offset)) (Seq.initInfinite ((*)20)) strings |> List.ofSeq
You can access and change variable by reference alike
let x = ref 0
x := !x + 5
new Point(20,!x+20)
and you can use such variable inside closures.
Also you can use mapi : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee353425.aspx
And add value to y based on i alike new Point(20,i*20+20)
Using List.fold is a great idea (see the accepted answer).
Being an F# beginner myself, I split the fold out into a separate function and renamed some variables so I could understand things more clearly. This seems to work:
let buttonNames = ["Button1Name"; "Button2Name"]
let createRadioButton (offset, radioButtons) name =
let newRadioButton = new RadioButton(Text=name, Location=new Point(20, offset), Width=350)
(offset + 20, newRadioButton::radioButtons)
let (_, buttonsReversed) = buttonNames |> List.fold createRadioButton (0, [])
let buttons = buttonsReversed |> List.rev
I'm writing my very first F# program, the aim being simply to learn F#.
What I want to is provide a list of dates, and attributes (e.g.DayOfWeek, DayOfMonth) of those dates. I have managed to provide the list of dates and I know that the .net Framework gives me everything I need to extract all the attributes, I just can't figure out how to add the attribute as new columns in my list.
Here's what I have so far:
type Span = Span of TimeSpan with
static member (+) (d:DateTime, Span wrapper) = d + wrapper //this is defining the + operator
static member Zero = Span(new TimeSpan(0L))
type Dates() =
let a = DateTime.Parse("01/12/2013")
let b =DateTime.Parse("02/12/2013")
let ts = TimeSpan.FromDays(1.0)
member this.Get() = [a .. Span(ts) .. b]
let mydates = new Dates()
When I run that code I get a list of DateTime values, with 2 records in the list. I can now do something like this:
mydates.Get() |> List.map (fun x -> x.DayOfWeek);;
which returns:
val it : DayOfWeek list = [Sunday; Monday]
mydates.Get() |> List.map (fun x -> x.DayOfYear);;
which returns:
val it : int list = [335; 336]
That's all great, however what I would like to do is project a list that has 2 "columns" (if columns is the right word) so that my output is (something like):
val it : int list = [(Sunday,335); (Monday,336)]
I hope that explains what I'm after.
For your example, the solution is simple, make the map return a tuple like so
mydates.Get() |> List.map (fun x -> x.DayOfWeek,x.DayOfYear);;
Two functions are defined:
let to2DStrArray (inObj : string[][]) =
Array2D.init inObj.Length inObj.[0].Length (fun i j -> inObj.[i].[j])
let toTypedList typeFunc (strArray : string[,]) =
if (Array2D.length1 strArray) = 0 then
List.init (Array2D.length1 strArray) typeFunc
trying to call them from fsx as follows fails:
let testData = to2DStrArray [|[||]|]
let failingCall = testData
|> toTypedList (fun row -> (Double.Parse(testData.[row,0]),
What is a working/better way to get this code to handle the case of empty 2-dimensional string arrays?
The problem is not in toTypeList function so you don't have to check whether strArray is empty or not. It will give an error if you check inObj.[0].Length in to2DStrArray function when the input array is empty. A safe way to create an Array2D from an array of array is using array2D operator:
let to2DStrArray (inObj : string[][]) =
array2D inObj
Of course, you have to guarantee that all inner arrays have the same length. And the other function is shortened as follows:
let toTypedList typeFunc (strArray : string[,]) =
List.init (Array2D.length1 strArray) typeFunc
Given your use case, note that [|[||]|] is not an empty string[][]; it is an array which consists of only one element which in turn is an empty string array. Therefore, it causes a problem for the anonymous function you passed to toTypedList. Since the two dimensional array has length2 <= 1 and you accesses two first indices, it results in an index of bound exception. The function could be fixed by returning option values, and you can extract values from option values to use later on:
let testData = to2DStrArray [|[||]|]
let failingCall = testData
|> toTypedList (fun row -> if Array2D.length2 testData >= 2 then Some (Double.Parse(testData.[row,0]), Double.Parse(testData.[row,1])) else None)
Realistically you will have another problem as testdata.[0].Length <> testdata.[1].Length - unless you know this from somewhere else. I suspect that the best approach
let ysize = (inobj |> Array.maxBy (fun t -> t.Length)).Length
I quickly tested this and it seems to work - although it may still fail at the point where you access the array