Graph data structure in ruby [closed] - ruby-on-rails

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Closed 9 years ago.
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How would you represent a graph (undirected) in ruby. Some example might help. Or is There any class or something to make it easier?
Original Question:
Similar: Tree and graph data structures in ruby
But its years old.
So my question is
Is there any gem or library for representing graphs. I need to implement a undirected graph for busstops to find a shortest distance.
I have looked at GRATR and Graphy. But they are no longer maintained and possibly outdated. (I'm not sure).
If possible something which will support on ruby 2.0.0
Or should i write my own classes for the graph repsentation and if so i think i would need an adjanceny list. How to implement that aswell.
Thanks in advance

RubyTree is a general purpose tree data structure for Ruby. We've found it to be quite useful across many contexts.


How can I create small tableView controller? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need create this table but do not know that objects do I need to use and what logic I need to create it?
Please check this links :
might be helpful in your case.
As there is no default way to achieve something like this. But there are a lot of example with source code. See this link.
You'll find a lot of controls of this type. You can also get the source from here. Pick any one and read the documentation carefully. Hope you;ll understand.

A good example of a simple crud Rails app [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I've searched github and just can't find a good example of a simple crud app that meets the following criteria:
Rails 4
simple crud operations type app (a todo list, contact manager, a blog/cms, etc)
responsive design (preferably Bootstrap 3)
AJAX crud operations
a live demo url (preferably on heroku)
clean, simple, and slick
updated repo in the last 6 months
Anyone care to share?
Here is one, it's using angular js as well.
You can find the demo here.
I think the code sample in the book “Agile Web Development with Rails” is great. Just go with it.

Rails gem for historical breadcrumb effect [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Folks, this question is probably an easy one, but is there any Rails gem that supports historical breadcrumb trail?
So the requirement would be if I search, then click one product, and then follow to a related product, the breadcrumb would display:
Home > Search: product-name > product 1 > product 2
I checked out crummy, breadcrumb_on_rails and gretel, but I couldn't see any of them suiting this requirements, they seemed to be more hierarchical breadcrumb rather than dynamic.
If there isn't a gem available, has anyone implemented this and could provide a pointer on how to achieve it with custom code?
There is one called breadcrumbs :) it's kinda old, don't know if it's still supported, but i recall it allowed you to store anything in sort of a history

Is there is a good library in opencv for blob handling? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is it better to implement blob(connected component) handling manually in openCV or are there any good libraries for the same? I found cvblob and cvBlobsLib? Are these libraries used on a standard scale?
I also looked into this and decided in the end to write my own CCL routine. It seems like a serious omission from OpenCV and no doubt a lot of people are "reinventing the wheel" as a result. Note however that you may be able to use findContours, depending on your exact requirements - see this question.
You should take a look at the new opencvblobslib. It has great features like multi core support.

Ruby library for manipulating existing PDF [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm searching for a library to edit already existing PDF's and add a watermark to each page, for example. Could also be blank every other page etc.
There seem to be a few PDF libraries out there, but only very few of them can edit existing PDF's and I'm a bit lost on which way to go.
Any recommendations?
Thank you.
You may want to think about using a java library through jruby. I'm not hearing a lot of good things about the PDF libraries for ruby.
Something to think about if you are getting desperate.
I have a prawn branch that has this functionality. Unfortunately it's yet to be merged upstream, but I'm hopeful it will happen soon. For more information, try searching the prawn google group for "templates".
