Command line tools download in Xcode disappeared after Mavericks - ios

After having installed Mavericks I got this problem on a code that compiled without problems before.
xcode-select --install triggers the installation without any strange problems,
yet when I try to build something with Eclipse it gives me
"Include path not found (/Applications/"
Infact in /Applications/ there's no llvm-gcc-4.2.
How can I fix this?

On my system in terminal:
is linked to :
$ which llvm-gcc
/usr/bin/llvm-gcc is linked to /usr/bin/clang
Note that Apple no longer provides llvm-gcc as an option in Xcode so perhaps it is no longer supplied as a command-line tool.

I had problems with the command line tools as well after upgrading to Mavericks, despite having updated Xcode, and I am quite sure I also installed the command line tools. Still, you can add them "by hand" downloading from apple site. I am not sure if it is any sort of bug of such, but anyway, I recommend you to download the latest Mavericks' Command Line Tools (late October) on Apple's developer site (needs free registration)


ghostview no longer works after homebrew upgrade of ghostscript

I recently did an update/upgrade with homebrew, and now gv no longer opens any of my .ps files. The Ghostscript error window that comes up says "Unknown device: x11 Error: PostScript interpreter failed in main window".
If I try gs --help, it doesn't list x11 under available devices, and the Default output device is "bbox". I tried uninstalling and reinstalling through homebrew. I tried to reinstall adding "--with-x11" but that throws the error "invalid option: --with-x11" - apparently that's no longer allowed. I've upgraded my command line code through the app store, and tried all of this again - nothing changed. I'm on High Sierra 10.13.3, using Homebrew 2.0.6, ghostscript 9.26_1, and gv 3.7.4.
I'm not a Mac developer so I'm not completely familiar with Homebrew, but it does sound like the package has been built wiithout X11 support. The fact that --help doesn't list the device is pretty clear.
I do notice from the website that in the last 30 days there have been 2 downloads of --with-x11. So possibly they've removed X11 support recently.
The only other thing I can suggest (assuming you are comfortable with compiling yourself) is to get the sources from, untar the source tarball, then in a terminal window, from the 'ghostpdl' directory, execute ./, then when that is complete, execute 'make'.
Assuming you have autotools, gcc and the X11 development package, that should build a version of Ghostscript which includes X support. Looking at the Homebrew forumla, and assuming this has worked for you in the past, I think you should be able to build Ghostscript that way.
You might want to add --disable-cups --disable-compile-inits --disable-gtk --disablefontconfig --without-libidn to the ./ command line to mimic the Homebrew formula. I'm not sure why they disable CUPS, but whatever.
Other than that, this isn't really a Ghostscript question as such, you would need to contact whoever handles the Homebrew Ghostscript distribution, which isn't any of the Ghostscript development team.
For those searching for a solution, I've put together a custom Homebrew tap that allows you to easily install GV (commonly called Ghostview, but really a derivative of it):
brew install johnhcc/gs-x11/gv
This will automatically install a version of Ghostscript with X11 enabled in the process (it is a dependency). You can optionally install the dependency by itself, it you want:
brew install johnhcc/gs-x11/ghostscript-x11
The main page is here:

Appium doctor shows error

When I run Appium doctor it shows:
Running iOS Checks
✖ Unknown SW Version Command: Error: Command failed: /bin/sh -c sw_vers -productVersion
/bin/sh: sw_vers: command not found
Appium-Doctor detected problems. Please fix and rerun Appium-Doctor.
Can anyone help let me know what is the wrong here?
running this solved my problem:
sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/
You need to install the command line tools as marked in your message:
✖ Xcode Command Line Tools are NOT installed
From osxDaily:
Launch the Terminal, found in /Applications/Utilities/
Type the following command string:
xcode-select --install
A software update popup window will appear that asks: “The xcode-select command requires the command line developer tools. Would you like to install the tools now?” choose to confirm this by clicking “Install”, then agree to the Terms of Service when requested (feel free to read them thoroughly, we’ll be here)
Wait for the Command Line Tools package download to complete, it’ll be about 130MB and installs fairly quickly depending on your connection speed
The installer goes away on its own when complete, and you can then confirm everything is working by trying to use one of the commands that were just installed, like gcc, git, svn, rebase, make, ld, otool, nm, whatever you want from the list below. Assuming the installation went uninterrupted, the command will execute as expected. This also means you can compile and install things from source code directly without having to use a package manager. Enjoy your new unix command line toolkit!
Have you tried upgrading to the latest Appium version? Are you installing Appium through terminal? My appium-doctor issues were fixed after I installed Appium through terminal and updated the path variables in .bash profile. Appium desktop application is different than one installed through command line.
There are only two possible area which causing that error:
You need to keep all path veriable updated and correct in .bash_profile
You must install
properly. You must have all permission to access those.
Install all latest version of following things
JDK (Java Development Kit),
Xcode ,
Command Line tools ,
In my case, xcode command line tool isn't set. Simply go to Xcode>Preferences>Locations>Select desired Xcode version in Command Line Tools. OR from terminal follow Chhagan's answer xcode-select -s your path

Manual Install of Xcode command line tools not working

I've manually installed the Xcode command line tools from the Apple website, and I went through the install process but it doesn't seem to be working. I ran this from the terminal to see if it installed:
Zach-Boyette-MacBook-Pro-2:~ zachboyette$ pkgutil
volume: /
location: /
install-time: 1398301024
So it looks like the command line tools have installed, but when I run this:
Zach-Boyette-MacBook-Pro-2:~ zachboyette$ xcode-select --install
A popup says: The "xcode-select" command requires the command line developer tools. Would you like to install the tools now?
I clicked install and then it said: Can't install the software because it is not currently available from the Software Update server.
I've read on other answers that the solution is to do a manual install, but I just did that so I don't understand why it's not working. Also, in Xcode downloads, it's not showing the Command Line Tools.
I've tried installing it manually many times so I don't know why it's not working.
Installing Jekyll still won't work:
Zach-Boyette-MacBook-Pro-2:~ zachboyette$ sudo gem install jekyll
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
ERROR: Error installing jekyll:
ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
EDIT: echo $PATH returns this:
Zach-Boyette-MacBook-Pro-2:~ zachboyette$ echo $PATH /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/Users/zachboyette/.rvm/bin
Command Line Tools are not included in XCode 5.1.1
You have to install it manually, BUT DON'T USE "xcode-select --install". It does not work.
Open Xcode app.
Click on Xcode > Open Developer Tools > More Developers Tools.
That will take you to Downloads for Apple Developers web site.
Use your AppStore Id to login.
Download Command Line Tools for your Mac OS X version.
I have stumbled across this issue before when I completely hosed my development environment by deleting an ancient Xcode version.
Have you tried running sudo xcode-select -r to clean up? This sorted my problem.
From the man page:
-r, --reset
Unsets any user-specified developer directory, so that the
developer directory will be found via the default search mecha-
nism. This command must be run with superuser permissions (see
sudo(8)), and will affect all users on the system.
The easiest work around is to install the XCode app from the App Store then open XCode and agree to the Terms and Conditions.
From there the Command Line Developer Tools package can be installed on using xcode-select --install or by trying to use any command line developer tool in Terminal like git.

-bash: git: command not found in Xcode 4 in lion osx

Through Xcode 4.3 ->file -> source control -> repositories -> clone repository, I've cloned a repository from but when I go a git init or git add, the error -bash: git: command not found shows up. Now, Xcode 4.3 comes with the git installed, so what should I do to get this working?
Any help on this would be great.
Thanks in advance.
There is another option if you're not experienced with UNIX or you just don't want to mess with the system variables from the terminal. I had the same problem, and after some reading on SO and apple developer pages I've decided to install the Command Line Tools for Xcode. That solved the problem.
As the Xcode IDE from some 4.x version is an .app package and everything is stored inside that package, they have added the possibility to separately install the command line tools so that you have the command line tools inside the usr/bin/ path.
You can install the command line tools (as well as some other tools and documentation) from the Downloads tab of the Preferences window in Xcode (I have version 4.3), or from the apple developer website.
It's a path issue. See this question for the answer:
How to move GCC in osx from xcode to /usr/bin
(P.S. The question is different, but the answer the same.)

Compiling Qt for iOS (UIKit lighthouse) part 2

I'm trying to compile Qt for the iOS simulator, as explained in this article.
At first I ran into this problem but after it (kinda) solved itself I had some more.
First I kept getting this error after executing the first command, which is supposed to build qmake (../qt/configure ... etc etc):
The OpenGL ES 2.0 functionality test failed!
You might need to modify the include and library search paths by editing QMAKE_INCDIR_OPENGL_ES2, QMAKE_LIBDIR_OPENGL_ES2 and QMAKE_LIBS_OPENGL_ES2 in /Qt/qt/mkspecs/qpa/macx-iphonesimulator-g++.
Since I knew that I had the 4.3 SDK, I delved into it some more, analyzed the configure script, and after some tracing I saw that the Makefile generated by qmake, required g++-4.2 (which I didn't have), so I just ln -s g++ g++-4.2 and ln -s gcc gcc-4.2 in /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/.
I'm not sure if the aforementioned steps matter, that's why I'm writing about them. Anyway, with that, the configure step was successful. Now I ran make. After some successfully compiled files I got this:
In file included from /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator4.3.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/WebServicesCore.framework/Headers/WebServicesCore.h:15,
from /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator4.3.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Headers/CoreServices.h:37,
from ../../include/QtCore/private/../../../../qt/src/corelib/kernel/qcore_mac_p.h:83,
from ../../include/QtCore/private/qcore_mac_p.h:1,
from /Qt/qt/src/corelib/tools/
error: 'CFXMLTreeRef' has not been declared
The same error appears several more times, from several different lines of WebServicesCore.h. So, basically, here's where I'm stuck now.
Any help? Again?...
Edit: Absolutely, 100% the same thing happens when I configure and try to make Qt for the device (as opposed to the simulator)
Additional info:
gcc --version : i686-apple-darwin11-llvm-gcc-4.2 (GCC) 4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5658) (LLVM build 2336.1.00)
iOS SDK: I have both 4.3 and 5
OS X version: 10.7.2
Xcode version (if it matters): 4.2.1
Didn't you forget to add -nomake tools and other -nomake ... to your configure ?
Try poking this guys:
