Cannot install .apk on Android signed with my own keystore (corona sdk) - coronasdk

when I'm using android debug key everything works, but today I'm preparing to publish my game and I've created my own keystore using this command:
keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.keystore
-alias alias_name -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
I'm using this guide:
And when I'm signing app with this keystore I can't install it on my android device.
I'm just getting error that app cannot be installed (yes, I've deleted old app before installation).
Help please!
P.S. I don't know if it's important or not, but I've tried keytool from java 6 and 7 and effect is the same.

Use this code the generate your Keystore:
keytool -genkey -v -keystore mykeystore.keystore -alias aliasname -keyalg RSA -validity 999999
If it still doesn't install your device might not be ARAM v7 processor or might not have Android 2.2. Also there could be an error in your build.settings or config.lua file that is corrupting the install. Have you tried installing your APK with ADB? Usually ADB will let you know what the error is when installing. Use ./adb install your.apk and when you run the game use ./adb logcat to debug the game.


SHA-1 Signing key

How does 1 get an ios signing key for an ionic app. I know that ios native apps get it generated automatically by XCode, but I have built my app with ionic cordova. I managed to get my android signing key with the terminal command
$ keytool -list -v -keystore ~/.meteor/android_bundle/.android/debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android
but I don't know if I can get an ios signing key by replacing androiddebugkey with iosdebugkey or something. I have to get a APIkey from google to use for my google maps plugin and I need the sha1 key for ios. I couldn't find out how to get it for ios anywhere in the web other than using xcode.
I am using ionic 2 with cordova and xcode does not run ionic 2 apps. does anyone know how I can get it?

Push notiifcation not working when updated macOS Sierra

Push notification not working when we updated macOS Sierra, follow below process to create .pem file.
-open key chain export certificates to desktop give name as Dev.p12 .
-In terminal use below command to create .pem file :-
openssl pkcs12 -in Dev.p12 -out ConsumerDev.pem -nodes -clcerts
-.pem file successfully created install same file on server however notification not received on device .
When we had created .pem file in ElCapitan OS push notification working fine but problem in sierra OS any other command in Sierra to create .pem file of or need to install some other certificates.Please give us solution how to fix it.

Create iOS Distribution Certificate windows - Apple provisioning Portal

I am a droid developer using as3 air for android using a PC. I just purchased an apple account to export for iphones. However I am stuck on the provisioning portal that apple makes. How can I create one of these keys without buying a mac?
I included an image shot of my screen.
I try to upload some provisioning files but it just refreshes with no warning of what went wrong. Just goes blank.
Thanks for your help!
To create a distribution cert in Windows:
1 - call openssl genrsa -out ios_distribution.key 2048
2 - call openssl req -new -key ios_distribution.key -out CertificateSigningRequest.certSigningRequest -subj "/emailAddress=%YOUR_EMAIL%, CN=%YOUR_NAME%, C=%YOUR_COUNTRY_CODE_EG_US%"
3 - Upload the newly created CertificateSigningRequest.certSigningRequest at:
** Note if your certSigningRequest is the wrong format or you try to upload the wrong file, the page will simply refresh with no error message just as you saw. I believe this happens on both Windows and Mac.
4 - Download ios_distribution.cer from
5 - Create and download YourApp_AppStore.mobileprovision at using the new certificate and your app
6 - call openssl x509 -in ios_distribution.cer -inform DER -out ios_distribution.pem -outform PEM
7 - call openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey ios_distribution.key -in ios_distribution.pem -out ios_distribution.p12 -passout pass:%YOUR_PASSWORD%
8 - call adt -package -target ipa-app-store -storetype pkcs12 -keystore "ios_distribution.p12" -storepass %YOUR_PASSWORD% -provisioning-profile YourApp_AppStore.mobileprovision "fileForAppstore.ipa" "application.xml" -C bin .
9 - Mark your app as Ready to Upload Binary at
10 - Upload fileForAppstore.ipa using Application Loader. This is the ONLY step that requires a Mac!
I'm very new too all this, and it took me many hours to finally get it working - thought I'd share some of the bumps I had along the way for other inexperienced folk.
Sarah's method works great (Hi Sarah - I'm a huge fan, BTW) but here's some extra tips that would have shaved hours off how long it took someone green like me:
Download openSSL here:
I had to download and install Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x64) from here: before installing openSSL.
After installing C++ THEN openssl, make sure you run ssl as an administrator (right click to get the option) to avoid issues with missing .cnf files.
I ran the commands in step 1 & 2 by running \OpenSSL-Win32\bin\openSSL.exe, and leaving off the "call openSSL" parts of Sarah's code above.
Before step 3, I had to download and install the Intermediate Certificate "Worldwide Developer Relations Certificate Authority", found on the bottom of the first page when requesting a new developer certificate.
Once I'd downloaded the cert and also made and downloaded the provisioning certificate, I copied them into \OpenSSL-Win32\bin (Not sure if this was necessary)
Then I continued to use Sarah's code in openssl (so still excluding the "call openssl" ) until step 7. I did this instead:
pkcs12 -export -inkey ios_development.key -in ios_development.pem -out iphone_dev.p12
and was then prompted to define the password I would later need to use the .p12 for generating test-builds (in my case, using Flash Pro on a Win8 machine building for an iOS7 iPad Mini)
I didn't need steps 8 through to 10 as I'm using Flash Pro, and haven't got my app to store stage yet.
I'm sure I've massively oversimplified some of this for most of you, but for novice programmers like me, this additional info would have saved a lot of wasted time.
The whole process of researching the issues I had, getting my itunes and iOS up to date, working out the problems I was having with the Apple Dev site and openSSL took me a whole day - but I've now finally got my test build running on the iOS device. And now, it's Vodka o'clock.
I haven't tried it since I don't own a PC, but check out the following article:
Especially the last paragraphs should help you.

FDT - How do I get my IOS project to package and compile in standard mode

I am just getting into testing my first ISO app using FDT and Actionscript there. I have everything configured correctly I think. In the debug configurations for IOS debugging I have Standard Packaging selected and when debugging I get the following error.
Packaging command: /Users/mwallace/Development/sdks/flex/flex_sdk_4.6.0.23201B/bin/adt
Packaging failed!
Packaging error message:
Compilation failed while executing : as
However if I selecte "Fast" for debugging all seems to work just fine and I can deploy the app to my phone and run it. It's just super slow when running it.
Found that upgrading my AIR SDK to 3.3 fixed the issue.

air + iOS: what is the difference between iPad1 and iPad2

I'm have an AIR app which works on iPad1, but it cannot be even installed on iPad2 (app is deployed via iTunes). There shown something like "failed to install APPID" on iPad. The problem is that I don't have an iPad2, so I can't test.
What is the difference between instalation on iPad1 and iPad2 that can cause the problem?
PS: Here's a command used to build ipa:
adt -package -target ipa-debug -connect -storetype pkcs12 -keystore ******.p12
-storepass ****** -provisioning-profile p.mobileprovision app.ipa
application.xml app.swf
There is no difference. I would guess that your issue is to do with a missing or incorrect UDID number for the iPad2 within your provisioning profile.
