How can I clean my database between erroneous rspec specs? - ruby-on-rails

I have added the database_cleaner gem to my rails application in order to clean my database between specs. Here's my current configuration for database_cleaner, located in spec/spec_helper.rb:
config.before(:suite) do
DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :transaction
config.before(:each) do
config.after(:each) do
config.after(:suite) do
Now, this configuration works fine, so long as every last spec that is run either passes or fails.
However, in the event of an error (rspec doesn't give you a nice little E like minitest, it throws this sort of thing:
09:17:32 - INFO - Running: spec
/usr/local/rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p392/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/activerecord-4.0.1/lib/active_record/validations.rb:57:in `save!': Validation failed: Email has already been taken (ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid)
), the database isn't cleaned! Residual data from the spec just before the error stays in the database. I suppose this is because database_cleaner doesn't regard the erroneous spec as finishing and so doesn't clean the database.
Now, this doesn't really cause any harm until you run your specs again. The residual data then causes an error analogous to this:
09:17:32 - INFO - Running: spec
/usr/local/rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p392/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/activerecord-4.0.1/lib/active_record/validations.rb:57:in `save!': Validation failed: Email has already been taken (ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid)
Getting around this error is simple enough; running rails_env=test rake db:reset or firing up your database shell and emptying the relevant tables with sql statements will clear this data and allow the specs to be run without a hitch.
However, this is getting annoying. One wrong character in any of my specs (anything to make it erroneous rather than a failure) causes my whole testing workflow to jam up, almost like the firing mechanism of an automatic weapon!
What are your suggestions regarding database_cleaner? Do you have any example configurations that allow for the database to be cleaned, even in the event of an erroneous test?
I'm using guard to run my rspecs that are further augmented with factory-girl:
source ''
group :development do
gem 'capistrano'
gem 'rb-fsevent'
gem 'debugger'
group :development, :test do
gem 'rspec-rails', '~> 2.14.0'
gem 'sqlite3'
gem 'guard-rspec'
gem 'guard-livereload', require: false
gem 'guard-shell'
gem 'webrick', '~> 1.3.1'
group :test do
gem 'factory_girl_rails'
gem 'capybara', '~> 2.2.0'
gem 'selenium-webdriver'
# capybara-webkit gem requires an application called 'libqtwebkit-dev' to build. To install 'libqtwebkit-dev' in Ubuntu, run
# sudo apt-get install libqtwebkit-dev
# gem 'capybara-webkit'
gem 'rb-readline'
gem 'launchy'
gem 'database_cleaner'
group :production do
gem 'pg'
# gem 'puma'
# rails version
gem 'rails', '4.0.1'
# standard library
gem 'sass-rails', '~> 4.0.0'
gem 'uglifier', '>= 1.3.0'
gem 'coffee-rails', '~> 4.0.0'
gem 'jquery-rails'
gem 'turbolinks'
gem 'jbuilder', '~> 1.2'
group :doc do
gem 'sdoc', require: false
# custom
gem 'activeadmin', github: 'gregbell/active_admin'
gem 'devise'
gem 'simple_form'
# This file is copied to spec/ when you run 'rails generate rspec:install'
ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= 'test'
require File.expand_path("../../config/environment", __FILE__)
require 'rspec/rails'
require 'capybara/rspec'
# Requires supporting ruby files with custom matchers and macros, etc,
# in spec/support/ and its subdirectories.
Dir[Rails.root.join("spec/support/**/*.rb")].each { |f| require f }
# Checks for pending migrations before tests are run.
# If you are not using ActiveRecord, you can remove this line.
ActiveRecord::Migration.check_pending! if defined?(ActiveRecord::Migration)
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include Capybara::DSL
config.before(:suite) do
DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :transaction
config.before(:each) do
config.after(:each) do
config.after(:suite) do
# Remove this line if you're not using ActiveRecord or ActiveRecord fixtures
config.fixture_path = "#{::Rails.root}/spec/fixtures"
# config.include RSpec::Rails::RequestExampleGroup, type: :feature
# If you're not using ActiveRecord, or you'd prefer not to run each of your
# examples within a transaction, remove the following line or assign false
# instead of true.
config.use_transactional_fixtures = true
# If true, the base class of anonymous controllers will be inferred
# automatically. This will be the default behavior in future versions of
# rspec-rails.
config.infer_base_class_for_anonymous_controllers = false
# Run specs in random order to surface order dependencies. If you find an
# order dependency and want to debug it, you can fix the order by providing
# the seed, which is printed after each run.
# --seed 1234
config.order = "random"

You want to change this
config.after(:suite) do
To this:
config.after(:suite) do
Otherwise, it will simply roll back the transaction, which will leave any data that existed before the transaction was started.

add a file:
# RSpec
# spec/support/database_cleaner.rb
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.before(:suite) do
DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :transaction
config.around(:each) do |example| do
and uncomment
Dir[Rails.root.join("spec/support/**/*.rb")].each { |f| require f }
in spec/rails_heper.rb

This works for me:
DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :truncation
before(:each) do

Please show the spec(s).
You need to be sure that your setup/teardown is done in before/after/its, etc. statements.
If you have setup and variable assignment outside of the above and just 'in the test itself' then the test will bomb out as you are experiencing. If done in setup, this problem can be avoided.
You should not need to be trying to jigger with the internals the way you are. As with many thing in Ror land, if you're doing this, chances are you may be 'going' off the rails with your code. Rails is intended to be a framework that does all the tedium for you, you just have to stay 'on the rails'.


Rspec undefined method `expects' for Object

I have recently upgraded my ruby on rails project to rails 5.0.7 and ruby 2.5.1 and I am getting an RSPEC error undefined methodexpects' for` different objects I am testing.
I have tried adding a configuration in the spec_helper.rb file as suggested here (although I did a quick search and didn't find :should defined anywhere), here and here:
config.expect_with :rspec do |expectations|
expectations.syntax = [:expect, :expects]
Also tried including include RSpec::Matchers in my spec_helper.rb, but then I get even more errors:
`only the `receive`, `have_received` and `receive_messages` matchers are supported with `expect(...).to`, but you have provided: #<RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Eq:0x00007f962b3db058>`
An example of how I am using expect:
describe "process" do
before :each do
#item =
it "parses the uploaded file and extract the correct report data" do
item_a_data = {"name" => "one"}
item_b_data = {"name" => "two"}
file_contents = {"items" => [item_a_data, item_b_data]}
#item.data_file = double("file", :read => file_contents.to_json) = item_a_data["name"]
expect(#item.process_data_file).to be_truthy
expect( eq item_a_data.to_json
Notice that the error occurs when I call #item.expects
In my Gemfile I have the following gems (among others):
group :development, :test do
gem 'byebug'
gem 'sqlite3'
gem 'rspec-rails'
gem 'rb-fsevent', '~> 0.9.1'
gem 'guard-rspec', '4.7.3'
gem 'guard-spork', '2.1.0'
gem 'spork', '0.9.2'
gem 'jasmine-rails'
gem 'teaspoon-jasmine'
group :test do
gem 'capybara'
gem 'cucumber-rails', :require => false
gem 'database_cleaner'
gem 'factory_girl_rails', '4.1.0'
gem 'launchy'
gem 'poltergeist'
gem 'timecop'
gem 'webmock'
gem 'simplecov', '~> 0.16.0'
gem 'rails-controller-testing'
require 'rubygems'
require 'spork'
#uncomment the following line to use spork with the debugger
#require 'spork/ext/ruby-debug'
Spork.prefork do
require 'simplecov'
SimpleCov.start 'rails'
# This file is copied to spec/ when you run 'rails generate rspec:install'
ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= 'test'
require File.expand_path("../../config/environment", __FILE__)
require 'rspec/rails'
require 'devise'
require './spec/controllers/controller_helpers.rb'
# Requires supporting ruby files with custom matchers and macros, etc,
# in spec/support/ and its subdirectories.
Dir[Rails.root.join("spec/support/**/*.rb")].each {|f| require f}
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include Devise::Test::ControllerHelpers, type: :controller
config.include ControllerHelpers, type: :controller
config.include Capybara::DSL
# Remove this line if you're not using ActiveRecord or ActiveRecord fixtures
config.fixture_path = "#{::Rails.root}/spec/fixtures"
# If you're not using ActiveRecord, or you'd prefer not to run each of your
# examples within a transaction, remove the following line or assign false
# instead of true.
config.use_transactional_fixtures = true
# If true, the base class of anonymous controllers will be inferred
# automatically. This will be the default behavior in future versions of
# rspec-rails.
config.infer_base_class_for_anonymous_controllers = false
# Run specs in random order to surface order dependencies. If you find an
# order dependency and want to debug it, you can fix the order by providing
# the seed, which is printed after each run.
# --seed 1234
config.order = "random"
config.include FactoryGirl::Syntax::Methods
# config.expect_with :rspec do |expectations|
# expectations.syntax = :expect
# end
Spork.each_run do
# This code will be run each time you run your specs.
The solution would be to re-write it to the following syntax:
expect(#item).to receive(:interpret_json_file).with(#item.data_file) { file_contents }
expect(#item).to receive(:save) { true }
Basically ActiveRecord model does not know about rspec expectations and it should not. If that specs were working before then you might used some decoration for ActiveRecord models and that is why it worked previously.

Factory Girl crashing tests and console

So I have an issue with Factory Girl, I've been using it quite a bit and this is the first Rails app that I've had this issue. Basically what's happening is when I use it in the console, it crashes with the message /home/vagrant/.rbenv/versions/2.2.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/pry-0.10.3/lib/pry/last_exception.rb:54:in 'bt_source_location_for': undefined method '[]' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) and a backtrace that consists entirely of gem libraries. When I go to test, it also fails. In the test initializer support directory in spec/support/factory_girl.rb I included the appropriate code to lint the factories that I always do with DatabaseCleaner:
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.before(:suite) do
This causes an error when the tests are run: /home/vagrant/.rbenv/versions/2.2.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/spring-1.6.3/lib/spring/application.rb:271:in 'ensure in block (2 levels) in shush_backtraces': undefined method 'reject!' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
When I remove that file a new error is thrown when I first go to use the Factory Girl methods:
ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
NoMethodError: undefined method `reject!' for nil:NilClass
--- Caused by: ---
exception reentered
I've never seen the 'Caused by: error reentered message' before but it looks pretty cryptic. The version of Factory Girl is 4.5, Rails version 4.2.5, RSpec version 3.4. I just started this app so there isn't a whole lot of other code to the app but here are the rails helper, spec helper, and Gemfile.
# This file is copied to spec/ when you run 'rails generate
ENV['RAILS_ENV'] ||= 'test'
require File.expand_path('../../config/environment', __FILE__)
# Prevent database truncation if the environment is production
abort("The Rails environment is running in production mode!") if Rails.env.production?
require 'spec_helper'
require 'rspec/rails'
require 'shoulda/matchers'
require 'simplecov'
SimpleCov.start 'rails'
include ActionDispatch::TestProcess
Dir[Rails.root.join("spec/support/**/*.rb")].each { |f| require f }
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.use_transactional_fixtures = true
require 'paperclip/matchers'
require 'devise'
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include Paperclip::Shoulda::Matchers
config.expect_with :rspec do |expectations|
expectations.include_chain_clauses_in_custom_matcher_descriptions = true
config.mock_with :rspec do |mocks|
mocks.verify_partial_doubles = true
source ''
gem 'coffee-rails', '~> 4.1.0'
gem 'devise'
gem 'jbuilder', '~> 2.0'
gem 'jquery-rails'
gem 'jwt'
gem 'paperclip', '~> 4.3'
gem 'pg', '~> 0.15'
gem 'rails', '~> 4.2.5'
gem 'sass-rails', '~> 5.0'
gem 'turbolinks'
gem 'uglifier', '>= 1.3.0'
gem 'unicorn'
group :test, :development do
gem 'dotenv-rails'
gem 'bullet'
gem 'did_you_mean', '~> 0.10.0'
gem 'factory_girl_rails'
gem 'pry-rails'
gem 'rspec-rails'
group :test do
gem 'database_cleaner'
gem 'shoulda-matchers', require: false
gem 'simplecov', :require => false
group :development do
gem 'active_record_query_trace'
gem 'better_errors'
gem 'binding_of_caller'
gem 'spring'
gem 'spring-commands-rspec'
I found the issue. In my factory I referenced an association from the has many sign where it's only supposed to be on the belongs to side. Not a great error message for that though.
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :user do
association :team
factory :team do
association :user
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :team
class Team < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :users
The team should not have the association line.

Ruby on rails: Undefined method 'let'

I am a newbie in Ruby on Rails, when I try method let in static_pages_specs.rb
require `spec_helper`
describe "Static pages" do
let(:base_title) { "Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App" }
describe "Home page" do
it "should have the title 'Home'" do
visit '/static_pages/home'
expect(page).to have_title("#{base_title} | Home")
I get an error
Failure/Error: visit '/static_pages/home'
undefined method `let' for Class:0x000000034b2230>:0x0000000374a6c8>
My Gemfile look like this
source ''
ruby '1.9.3'
gem 'rails', '4.0.4'
group :development, :test do
gem 'sqlite3'
gem 'rspec-rails'
group :test do
gem 'selenium-webdriver'
gem 'capybara'
gem 'sass-rails', '~> 4.0.2'
gem 'uglifier', '>= 1.3.0'
gem 'coffee-rails', '~> 4.0.0'
gem 'jquery-rails'
gem 'turbolinks'
gem 'jbuilder', '~> 1.2'
group :doc do
# bundle exec rake doc:rails generates the API under doc/api.
gem 'sdoc', require: false
group :production do
gem 'pg', '0.15.1'
gem 'rails_12factor', '0.0.2'
Also my spec_helper.rb look like this
ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= 'test'
require File.expand_path("../../config/environment", __FILE__)
require 'rspec/rails'
require 'rspec/autorun'
Dir[Rails.root.join("spec/support/**/*.rb")].each { |f| require f }
# If you are not using ActiveRecord, you can remove this line.
ActiveRecord::Migration.check_pending! if defined?(ActiveRecord::Migration)
RSpec.configure do |config|
# Remove this line if you're not using ActiveRecord or ActiveRecord fixtures
config.fixture_path = "#{::Rails.root}/spec/fixtures"
# If you're not using ActiveRecord, or you'd prefer not to run each of your
# examples within a transaction, remove the following line or assign false
# instead of true.
config.use_transactional_fixtures = true
# If true, the base class of anonymous controllers will be inferred
# automatically. This will be the default behavior in future versions of
# rspec-rails.
config.infer_base_class_for_anonymous_controllers = false
config.order = "random"
config.include Capybara::DSL
Do you have any ideas what am I missing? I am using Ubuntu 13.04.
Edit: Already tried let bang method but it still gets the same error.
In the previous post I forgot to put
require 'spec_helper'
in, but my code actually DID have it.
Sorry about that but it was not actually the problem there.
Solved: Thank you guys I've just solved it, it was just a silly typing in one of my templates.
Your static_pages_specs.rb is missing require 'spec_helper':
require `spec_helper`
describe "Static pages" do

rspec testing throws Uninitialized constant Rails (NameError)

Please forgive any shortcomings in this (my first-ever) post on StackOverflow. I'm brand new to Ruby on Rails. I'm following the Rails Tutorial. I have spent many unsuccessful hours consulting other threads discussing the same Name Error that I'm raising in this question.
Any attempt of mine to run an rspec test like so: $bundle exec rspec spec/models/user_spec.rb
throws the now infamous error: `': uninitialized constant Rails (NameError)
Let me know if there's any more information I should provide you in order to get the ball rolling.
Here's my gemfile:
source ''
ruby '2.0.0'
gem 'rails', '4.0.0'
gem 'bootstrap-sass', ''
gem 'bcrypt-ruby', '3.0.1'
gem 'faker', '1.1.2'
gem 'will_paginate', '3.0.4'
gem 'bootstrap-will_paginate', '0.0.9'
group :development, :test do
gem 'sqlite3', '1.3.8'
gem 'rspec-rails', '2.13.1'
# The following optional lines are part of the advanced setup.
# gem 'guard-rspec', '2.5.0'
# gem 'spork-rails', '4.0.0'
# gem 'guard-spork', '1.5.0'
# gem 'childprocess', '0.3.6'
group :test do
gem 'selenium-webdriver', '2.35.1'
gem 'capybara', '2.1.0'
gem 'factory_girl_rails', '4.2.0'
gem 'cucumber-rails', '1.4.0', :require => false
gem 'database_cleaner', github: 'bmabey/database_cleaner'
# Uncomment these lines on Linux.
# gem 'libnotify', '0.8.0'
# Uncomment these lines on Windows.
# gem 'rb-notifu', '0.0.4'
# gem 'win32console', '1.3.2'
# gem 'wdm', '0.1.0'
gem 'sass-rails', '4.0.1'
gem 'uglifier', '2.1.1'
gem 'coffee-rails', '4.0.1'
gem 'jquery-rails', '3.0.4'
gem 'turbolinks', '1.1.1'
gem 'jbuilder', '1.0.2'
group :doc do
gem 'sdoc', '0.3.20', require: false
group :production do
gem 'pg', '0.15.1'
gem 'rails_12factor', '0.0.2'
Here is my spec/models/user_spec.rb file:
require 'spec_helper'
describe User do
pending "add some examples to (or delete) #{__FILE__}"
Here is my app/models/user.rb file:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
Here is my spec_helper.rb file:
# This file is copied to spec/ when you run 'rails generate rspec:install'
ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= 'test'
Dir[Rails.root.join("spec/support/**/*.rb")].each {|f| require f}
require 'test/unit'
require 'spec_helper'
require File.expand_path("../../config/environment", __FILE__)
require 'rspec/rails'
require 'rspec/autorun'
# Requires supporting ruby files with custom matchers and macros, etc,
# in spec/support/ and its subdirectories.
Dir[Rails.root.join("spec/support/**/*.rb")].each { |f| require f }
# Checks for pending migrations before tests are run.
# If you are not using ActiveRecord, you can remove this line.
ActiveRecord::Migration.check_pending! if defined?(ActiveRecord::Migration)
RSpec.configure do |config|
# ## Mock Framework
# If you prefer to use mocha, flexmock or RR, uncomment the appropriate line:
# config.mock_with :mocha
# config.mock_with :flexmock
# config.mock_with :rr
# Remove this line if you're not using ActiveRecord or ActiveRecord fixtures
config.fixture_path = "#{::Rails.root}/spec/fixtures"
# If you're not using ActiveRecord, or you'd prefer not to run each of your
# examples within a transaction, remove the following line or assign false
# instead of true.
config.use_transactional_fixtures = true
# If true, the base class of anonymous controllers will be inferred
# automatically. This will be the default behavior in future versions of
# rspec-rails.
config.infer_base_class_for_anonymous_controllers = false
# Run specs in random order to surface order dependencies. If you find an
# order dependency and want to debug it, you can fix the order by providing
# the seed, which is printed after each run.
# --seed 1234
config.order = "random"
config.include Capybara::DSL
I have definitely run bundle install. I can also confirm that I've already created the database and run the migration (db/test.sqlite3 already exists)
In your spec_helper.rb, you have the following line twice:
Dir[Rails.root.join("spec/support/**/*.rb")].each {|f| require f}
Delete the first instance (the one on line 2). This is what is causing the error.
Having this line before require 'rspec/rails' will cause problems because we don't know what Rails is, and so we cannot call the root method.
The second instance (on line 13) is fine because this is after require 'rspec/rails'.
Remove redundant require 'spec_helper' line from your spec_helper.rb file.

Why is DatabaseCleaner causing this RSpec controller test to fail?

I am attempting to setup DatabaseCleaner with RSpec to make sure that I can properly cleanup any test objects that I have created. If I don't use DatabaseCleaner, then the following test passes.
However, when I add the DatabaseCleaner code to my spec_helper.rb file, the test fails as outlined below.
include AuthHelper
describe BulkJobsController do
describe 'GET /bulk_jobs/:id' do
context 'with valid user' do
before do
context 'and a job' do
before do
#job = create(:bulk_job_close_cases)
puts "Test - Bulk Job Count: #{BulkJob.count}" # This is always 1
get :show, id:, format: 'json'
it 'is valid' do
response.status.should eq(200)
Here is the controller:
class BulkJobsController < ApiController
def show
puts "Controller - Bulk Job Count: #{BulkJob.count}" # This is 1 without DC and 0 with DC
#job = BulkJob.find(params[:id])
respond_with #job
Here is the relevant portion of my spec/spec_helper.rb file:
# Database Cleanup #
require 'database_cleaner'
config.use_transactional_fixtures = false
config.after(:suite) do
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("DEALLOCATE ALL")
config.around(:each) do |example|
DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :transaction
Oddly, removing the DatabaseCleaner.clean statement doesn't actually make the test pass either; however, removing the DatabaseCleaner.start code does make the test pass.
The test is failing because the controller can't find a BulkJob with the proper ID. If I print out the counts of the objects, inside the test the number of BulkJobs is 1, but inside the controller, it's 0. When the test passes, obviously, the number is 1 in both spots.
I haven't included Capybara or Selenium, so as I understand it, rspec should be using rack-test to run this example.
Is there something wrong with my configuration/test? Is DatabaseCleaner cleaning too early?
Here is the failing test:
1) BulkJobsController GET /bulk_jobs/:id with valid user and a job is valid
Failure/Error: get :show, id:, format: 'json'
Couldn't find BulkJob with id=39
# ./app/controllers/bulk_jobs_controller.rb:6:in `show'
# ./spec/controllers/bulk_jobs_spec.rb:33:in `block (5 levels) in <top (required)>'
and my Gemfile:
source ''
gem 'rails', '~>3.2.12'
gem 'composite_primary_keys', '>=3.1.0'
gem 'sqlite3-ruby', :require => 'sqlite3'
gem 'pg'
gem 'activerecord-mysql2-adapter', '~> 0.0.3'
gem 'rake', '>=0.8.7'
gem 'dalli'
gem 'postmark-rails'
gem 'rb-readline'
gem 'statsmix'
gem 'daemons'
gem 'delayed_job_active_record'
gem 'whenever', :require => false
gem 'iron_worker'
gem 'statsmix'
gem 'exceptional'
#gem 'newrelic_rpm'
group :test do
gem 'database_cleaner'
gem 'rspec-rails'
gem 'shoulda-matchers'
gem 'factory_girl_rails'
