How manage Rails log/development.log with Git(Hub) and multiple users - ruby-on-rails

I am newish to Rails and GitHub and struggling with managing two coders' development logs. Specifically:
How do I merge two developers development logs?
Can I automate their merger? Or can I differentiate them in some Railsy or GitHub Flowy way?
The Rails app I am developing on command line CentOS 6 is being worked on by another developer. We are using a private GitHub repo to help us manage our codebase and are trying to follow The GitHub Flow.
This strategy works well for almost every aspect of our project. The only major problem I've run into with this so far is that our development logs are (of course) out of sync. For instance, he branches from master, then I do. Then he merges to master, then I do, but my merge will fail, citing the automatic merge failure on log/develoment.log. Our logs will be structured like this:
log/development.log - mine
Shared: (Tens of thousands of lines of code from master branch point)
Not: (Thousands of lines of code unique to my branch)
log/development.log - his
Shared: (Tens of thousands of lines of code from master branch point)
Not: (Thousands of lines of code unique to his branch)
So, I find going through this manually, even with diff tools like git mergetool, impractical because of the volumes of code involved. (Am I simply too much of a vim novice to be able to put this to good use? Do others find this trivial?)
Is there a git or rails development strategy we can employ to keep these files without them clashing? (ex: some tinkering with Rails configuration to designate 'Development1' environment vs. 'Development2' environment)?
Is there some command line tool that merges two clashing logs based on time last updated? I'm imaging a tool that, given two clashing git-tracked documents can merge them by comparing the branch point/time, using that as the 'shared' base and adding in the remainder based on which was more recently updated (more recent > appended last). A more advanced version would walk back through commit history to append updates based on commit timestamps.

Logs are useful for your own purposes:
check requests sent
check params sent
check correct matching url/controller-action
check sql queries
check your own stuff (you can log things if you desire)
So because its for your only purpose, no need to pollute your repository with it: add log folder to your gitignore.
There is a recommended gitignore for Rails projects here.
BTW, if logs in console are enough for you, save your disk space and add:
config.logger =
in development.rb


How to organize 50 related rails apps with git?

I'm embarking with 50 related rails apps that will have minor differences between them - the css may differ and maybe each app will have different routes and different titles for the views for the sake of SEO and so on.
But i want all 50 apps to be consistent when i change other things. So basically i will have to end up with my own cms and each website will have different settings.
I'm sure i'm not the first person to encounter this problem. How would i go about organizing this while using Rails, git, github and heroku so that when i deploy, all apps update and remain consistent but still hold their own settings?
I fork a base project and keep it as "upstream".
I clone the forked project in my development environment and keep it as "origin".
So my development environment has an origin and an upstream.
When I do something that effects all forked projects, I do the change in upstream, then I go into each project, pull from upstream and merge.
You can also have a hierarchy of upstreams and keep them synchronized with the original upstream.
If those are purely configuration files, the best approach is to follow the Heroku page "Configuration and Config Vars":
Don't put those files in a Git repo itself.
Use the Heroku CLI’s config, config:add, config:get and config:remove to manage your config vars
I'm a huge fan of only having to maintain one project if it's possible. If it's only the (user-controlled) styling of an app you might go with a multi-tenant approach in the basecamp style. Your app would display different endpoints, e.g. differentiated by subdomains, that you could also point different top-level domains to. The variable parts of the app then needs to be stored in the database, such as e.g. the styles, layouts, and whatever user-controlled content you have. One approach is outlined in the answers to this question, though there are definitely more ways.

Ignoring .gitignore

My brother and I are collaborating on an app from two different computers -- one mac and one pc. I can't for the life of me get Postgres to work on his computer, and after a whole bunch of hours, I decided to just have his computer run sqlite3 for development (which is easy as pie), and basically have all the production stuff happen on my mac, while still allowing him to make functional changes from his pc. And merge them to github.
The trouble is, this involves having two different database.yml files, two different db/schema.rb files (I think), and different gemfiles, one with sqlite and the other with pg.
My thought was just to do all that on his computer and add those files to the gitignore file. But if THAT isn't ignored, then when I pull back to my mac, won't I be merging his incorrect configurations to my machine?
At any rate, that's why I was thinking of adding .gitignore to .gitignore. Will this work? Will it create universe-bending paradoxes? Is there a better way to do this that I don't know about?
Are those two schemas really different? They usually aren't.
If they aren't then just ignore config/database.yml and create contig/database_sqlite_example.yml and contig/database_ppostgresql_example.yml. That way, when someone clones repo, he can use SQLite or PostgreSQL by simply copying example file to database.yml (which will be ignored)
No, don't ignore .gitignore
I've always liked the idea of creating local branches for this. I actually go a little local branch crazy... but that's a different issue all together.
If you want to have a private little work bubble then keep your branch local only. You control what gets merged into master (or whatever your development branch is) and you can commit everything in your local branch to git for history sake.
If you want to share what you are working on then just share your branch out. But this way you can keep your environment setups isolated while sharing the local branch so that it is visible for collaboration.
There's plenty of good documentation on Git Branching and Sharing so I'll leave that to you instead of clouding the post with links that surely will get broken.
I'm not sure any of us "really want to" be working directly in the master anyway, especially in collaboration efforts such as yours.

Deploying multiple instances of a Rails app - same code, multiple

Firstly, Happy New Year everyone.
I'm new to Rails, so please tolerate any incorrect use of terminology...
I have developed a simple Rails application, backed by a MySQL database.
I would now like to deploy this application to multiple, independent groups of users (i.e. it is a club application, and I would like to deploy it to a number of completely independent clubs).
I would like to use the same Rails Application code as much as possible, and just have a separate instance of the database for each club.
As each instance will be running on the same server (until server load proves to be an issue) I assume I can use a different port for each Rails server to steer users to the correct group?
I'd read that there are test and production modes, is it possible to have multiple [additional] instances of production modes, e.g. club1, club2, all sharing the same code, with unique databases?
My questions are how to support multiple separate database instances, and also how best to route to these?
Any advice on how to go about this much appreciated.
If you are using Git (I suggest you should be!) then you can keep a central version of your code in one place and then deploy it multiple times, changing only the database.yml file (it should not be checked in to your git repository in that case).
Let's say you put all of your code up on with username 'snips' and the project is called 'clubster'. Using something like Heroku you would then do:
git clone
cd clubster
heroku create boxingclub
Because Heroku auto-configures your database there is no need for a database.yml file
git push heroku master
And you'd have a version of your code deployed at
When you make changes to your code you just go to each of your installations and do:
git pull origin master
git push heroku master
Which updates your code on that particular instance of your application.
And if you're getting a little more advanced you'd be looking at Chef to manage the whole setup for you.
The other approach would be to have some kind of subdomain system, but I'll leave that to others to cover.

Good Git deployment using branches strategy with Heroku?

What is a good deployment strategy to use with Git + Heroku (Ruby on Rails)?
Currently, the way I work with my origin Git repository: All features (or 'stories') are first checked out as branches, then get merged with master and pushed to origin.
Anything pushed to origin/master triggers a script that pulls the new rails code to the staging area (simple rails webserver).
When the time comes for me to push a new production version to Heroku, should I create a new branch (called something like production_version_121), and push that somehow to Heroku?
Ideally, I'd like to pick and choose which features from previous development versions I should include into the production branch... test it, and push to Heroku.
For example, I may not want all the latest code to get pushed to production. I might want to feature "a" that I had worked on and feature "c" both merged into production somehow, without including experimental feature "b" which needs more debugging.
N.B. I'm going to try avoiding Capistrano at first and get something working manually for now.
Any thoughts? Best practices?
In the Gemcutter project we simply have a production branch. Any changes that we want to see on the production site get merged into that branch, and then deployed with:
git push heroku production:master
The staging branch serves a similar purpose for the staging site (also on Heroku)
Ever since I read Vincent Driessen's A successful Git branching model, I have been hooked. My entire company (8 of us) have now standardized on this model and a few other places I've consulted with have also started using it as well.
Most everyone I've shown it to says they were doing something similar already and found it very easy to adapt.
In a nutshell, you have 2 branches that are permanent (master and develop). Most of the time you'll just be making branches off of develop and merging them back into develop. Things get a little more complex when you get into doing production releases and hotfixes, but after reading the post a couple of times, it becomes engrained.
There's even a command line tool called git-flow to help you out.
There are a variety of ways to go about this, and it really depends on your preference.
I'll give you one possible strategy off the top of my head: Given you already have an automated staging setup that uses master, I would suggest creating a 'production' branch. When you want to promote a fix/feature to production, you would just merge the topic branch into your 'production' branch.
git checkout production
git pull . my-topic-branch
(resolve any conflicts)
When you are ready to actually push that code to your production server, you should tag the branch using a unique name (probably with a timestamp). Then you simply push the production branch to Heroku.
git checkout production
git tag release-200910201249
I'd suggest creating a script or git alias to automate the tagging for timestamps, since using a consistent naming scheme is important. I use something like this:
git config alias.dtag '!git tag release-`date "+%Y%m%d%H%M"`'
That allows me to do just type git dtag when I want to tag a release with a timestamp.
You can view you tags using git tag and view them using git show release-1234. For more information on tags, run git help tag. You may also find this Github guide on tagging helpful. I'd also recommend reading up other people's workflows (here's a nice writeup) and pick and choose what works for you.

How to efficiently handle the changes between production and development when updating from the repository

I have inherited a project with a local development environment that has code specific to that machine, and which is different for the production server. Even though the majority of it is contained in constants and the rest is in the tests, every time I commit from development and update in production I'm going to have to make the same changes in production. Fortunately this is an internal tool with low volume.
I guess I could write a script to automate it but I'm hoping there's a better solution. Anyone else solved this problem?
These questions are similar but not asking the same thing, just so you know I looked:
(1) make changes to a production database
(2) transferring changes from dev to prod
Edit: Nelson LaQuet put me on what I believe is the right track, which led me to Configuring Rails Applications. However, I am unsure how to reference my FormController < ApplicationController constants, such as MyExternalCodeDir, in config/environments/production.rb and config/environments/development.rb.
Also I do not want to be required to change every reference to MyExternalCodeDir to something like config.MyExternalCodeDir.
You abstract all environment settings (database connection/pathing/URIs) into a single file. Let's call it "config.ini"
Then you simply commit a "template" called "config.ini.template" that contains the structure of the config file clearly documenting what is expected at each value - and sensable defaults. You then commit this file.
After you do that, delete the current config.ini file that is specific to your location, and add it to svn:ignore. Now, when you copy and paste config.ini.template to config.ini, and change your settings, it is not going to be committed to the repository.
It adds an extra step per deployment, but must be done only once (unless you add/remove config options). This is the best and most standard way of accomplishing what you want.
I would move the constants' values that are environment specific in a configuration file, which would make it easier to handle. I would also keep the code in just one repository in the version-control system and manage the build outputs in two separate repositories: one for the test environment and one for production. That way I can manage my code base however I choose, and when I want to deploy I'll first commit to test, and then merge from test to production and at that point just diff the configuration file and keep the correct configuration for the production environment.
