Where are the DXL Files Stored in DOORS - ibm-doors

Does anybody know where DOORS stores DXL files?
1- How can I access those scripts using DOORS UI?
2-What is the storage directory on the hard drive?

The majority of the DXL scripts are located in:
Many of the scripts in this area are encrypted though. If you want to add custom scripts to the User menu, place them in:


I need to open some files in a folder that contains "RPA" in their name. so how can I do that in automation anywhere?

I am creating a program that opens files in a folder that contains "RPA" in their name. so, how can I do that?
You will use Loop on File in Folder command, and if condition inside the loop to check if the file name includes RPA.
Loop on Files on Folder
If condition $Filename$ includes RPA
Do Something here eg. open program/file command
End If
End Loop
To get more clarity on your problem statement, you mentioned once that the files are already in PDF.
Are you trying to copy content from PDF to Word? In that case, you could use PDF Integration commands, provided the PDFs are not hand-written or scans. If that is the case, the text extraction might become more unreliable.
A safe bet with Automation Anywhere is to just extract all the text, open a new Word document and paste the content and save file.
Saving all files as word might a little counter-intuitive. You can just use the If statement within your for loop to only process files with "RPA" in their name.
Hope this help. Let us know you go :-)
its pretty simple use includes in your if statement
workbench snapshot

Kettle over kettle transform file pentaho CDE

Facing issue regarding kettle over kettle transform step in pentaho CDE, i have created transformation file and it is working perfectly.
Properties of kettle over kettle transform step where i have option of select transformation file, so when i am browsing it i am able to see only 3 folders home,public, etc..
So where i have to keep my transformation file so that i can able to access it while selecting from select transformation file.
You can create a separate folder/directory (e.g.: Transformations) inside any of the already present directories (say: Admin). Next refresh your repository/cache and you will be able to see the files. Link it from your CDE.
Now ideally when building a project, i used to have a separate folder with my project initials say PROJECT. Inside this folder, i used to create the rest of the sub-folders. This helps in separating the project codes.
Hope this helps :)
The files in user console cannot be accessed from your local system post pentaho version 5. The only way to upload or download file is either to load it from User console or execute commands from command line. Check the below link. The files are internally stored in jackrabbit repository of pentaho bi server.
Extra note: If you still want to access the files, there is REST API to handle most of the pentaho bi server capabilites. You may check this link also: http://help.pentaho.com/Documentation/5.2/0R0/070/010/0A0/0Q0#

How to save multiple files at once through delphi save dialog

I'm not able to save multiple files at a time in delphi save dialog box. Multiple files means I want save files without mentioning anything(or only asterisk) at "filename" field in delphi TsaveDialog. Please let me know how to achieve that.
Of course not, because that is not what it is intended for. You CANNOT obtain multiple filenames from a single save dialog. It only provides one filename at a time. That is by design.
I suspect what you really want is to prompt the user for just a folder path instead. Use the SelectDirectory() function (or the Win32 SHBrowseForFolder() function directly) for that, then you can create whatever files you need in that folder.
The save dialog doesn't save files. It allows the user to select file names. The save dialog doesn't support multiple selection so if you want to have a file dialog that allows multiple selections you need an open dialog. But an open dialog typically is used to select names of existing files, whereas a save dialog can specify a name of a file that does not yet exist.
Wildcards when entered into file dialogs are used to filter the displayed list of files. The file dialog won't return file names containing wildcards.
You imagine using wildcards, but how would you be able to do that and create new files? Wildcards are used to pattern match against existing files.
Maybe what you need is a folder selection dialog. Or perhaps you should ask the user for the name of the "master" file and then you generate the names of the "auxiliary" files using the master file name as a stem. I'm guessing because you've not told us any specifics behind your question.
My advice is to reconsider carefully what you are attempting to achieve. Think of all possible corner cases. Explore what UI idioms are used by other programs. Make sure you understand fully the capability of the file dialog controls. And then design your UI to fit with all of these constraints.

Where is the settings stored for ExpressQuantumGrid

I am using Express Quantum Grid from developer express. From code i came to know that they are storing the user settings using TMemIniFile. I know the sections where they are storing but is there any way to open the Ini file and see the contents? If so where is the file located?
From code I came to know that they are storing the user settings using TMemIniFile.
The constructor of TMemIniFile receives the name of the file that stores the INI file. So, you simply need to find the call to TMemIniFile.Create and your answer will be revealed.

iOS file browser example

Does anyone have some sample code demonstrating how to make a "file browser" view? I'd like to be able to navigate through directories and drill-down the sub-directories and see files located within the various folders. I want the user to be able to create new directories/files and even select an existing file. Is there sample code out there already available to do this?
I don't know about sample code, but this wouldn't be too complicated to achieve using NSFileManager and a UITableView.
You can obtain arrays of directory contents using the subpathsOfDirectoryAtPath:error and associated methods of a file manager. These arrays in turn can populate a UITableView. It would be fairly easy to put together a navigation controller that could display a series of table views showing a file hiearchy.
Bear in mind, however, that you'll only be able to access the directories inside your application sandbox, unless you're running on a jailbroken device.
The iOS programming guide says that
You should never present users with the list of files in this directory and ask them to decide what to do with those files. Instead, sort through the files programmatically and add files without prompting.
This is assuming you are trying to implement file browse feature for your documents directory.
I'm an author of FileExplorer which is a file browser for iOS and fulfills most of your requirements.
Here are some of the features of my control:
Possibility to choose files or/and directories if there is a need for that
Possiblity to remove files or/and directories if there is a need for that
Built-in search functionality
View Audio, Video, Image and PDF files.
Possibility to add support for any file type.
You can find my control here.
