rCharts output to string - rcharts

I would like to get output of below into a html string.
p2 <- nPlot(mpg ~ wt, group = 'cyl', data = mtcars, type = 'scatterChart')
p2$xAxis(axisLabel = 'Weight')
p2$chart(size = '#! function(d){return d.gear} !#')
html <- p2$print()
How to get the complete html file which gets launched into a string.

You can capture the html as a string using the render method
html <- p2$render()


Convert Xml String with node prefixes to XElement

This is my xml string
string fromHeader= "<a:From><a:Address>http://ex1.example.org/</a:Address></a:From>";
I want to load it into an XElement, but doing XElement.Parse(fromHeader) gives me an error due to the 'a' prefixes. I tried the following:
XNamespace xNSa = "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing";
string dummyRoot = "<root xmlns:a=\"{0}\">{1}</root>";
var fromXmlStr = string.Format(dummyRoot, xNSa, fromHeader);
XElement xFrom = XElement.Parse(fromXmlStr).Elements().First();
which works, but seriously, do i need 4 lines of code to do this! What is a quickest / shortest way of getting my XElement?
I found out the above 4 lines are equivalent to
XNamespace xNSa = "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing";
XElement xFrom = new XElement(xNSa + "From", new XElement(xNSa + "Address", "http://ex1.example.org/"));
OR ALTERNATIVELY move the NS into the 'From' element before parsing.
var fromStr = "<a:From xmlns:a=\"http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing\"><a:Address>http://ex1.example.org/</a:Address></a:From>";
XElement xFrom = XElement.Parse(fromStr);

Iterate Chinese string in Lua / Torch

I have a lua string in Chinese, such as
str = '这是一个中文字符串' -- in English: 'this is a Chinese string'
Now I would like to iterate the string above, to get the following result:
str[1] = '这'
str[2] = '是'
str[3] = '一'
str[4] = '个'
str[5] = '中'
str[6] = '文'
str[7] = '字'
str[8] = '符'
str[9] = '串'
and also output 9 for the length of the string.
Any ideas?
Something like this should work if you are using utf8 module from Lua 5.3 or luautf8, which works with LuaJIT:
local str = '这是一个中文字符串'
local tbl = {}
for p, c in utf8.codes(str) do
table.insert(tbl, utf8.char(c))
print(#tbl) -- prints 9
I haven't used non-english characters in lua before and my emulator just puts them in as '?' but something along the lines of this might work:
convert = function ( str )
local temp = {}
for c in str:gmatch('.') do
table.insert(temp, c)
return temp
This is a simple function that utilizes string.gmatch() to separate the string into individual characters and save them into a table. It would be used like this:
t = convert('abcd')
Which would make 't' a table containing a, b, c and d.
t[1] = a
t[2] = b
I am not sure if this will work for the Chinese characters but it is worth a shot.

Is there an alternative for doing "#str = render_to_string(:json => w) " that doesn't involve rendering?

Heres the fill code:
w = JSON.pretty_generate(JSON.parse(#post.json)
#str = render_to_string(:json => w)
#post.json is a string of a valid JSON. I want to save the pretty version in a string so I can display it in a view with html.

Decompressing LZW in Lua [duplicate]

Here is the Pseudocode for Lempel-Ziv-Welch Compression.
pattern = get input character
while ( not end-of-file ) {
K = get input character
if ( <<pattern, K>> is NOT in
the string table ){
output the code for pattern
add <<pattern, K>> to the string table
pattern = K
else { pattern = <<pattern, K>> }
output the code for pattern
output EOF_CODE
I am trying to code this in Lua, but it is not really working. Here is the code I modeled after an LZW function in Python, but I am getting an "attempt to call a string value" error on line 8.
function compress(uncompressed)
local dict_size = 256
local dictionary = {}
w = ""
result = {}
for c in uncompressed do
-- while c is in the function compress
local wc = w + c
if dictionary[wc] == true then
w = wc
dictionary[w] = ""
-- Add wc to the dictionary.
dictionary[wc] = dict_size
dict_size = dict_size + 1
w = c
-- Output the code for w.
if w then
dictionary[w] = ""
return dictionary
compressed = compress('TOBEORNOTTOBEORTOBEORNOT')
print (compressed)
I would really like some help either getting my code to run, or helping me code the LZW compression in Lua. Thank you so much!
Assuming uncompressed is a string, you'll need to use something like this to iterate over it:
for i = 1, #uncompressed do
local c = string.sub(uncompressed, i, i)
-- etc
There's another issue on line 10; .. is used for string concatenation in Lua, so this line should be local wc = w .. c.
You may also want to read this with regard to the performance of string concatenation. Long story short, it's often more efficient to keep each element in a table and return it with table.concat().
You should also take a look here to download the source for a high-performance LZW compression algorithm in Lua...

Getting cleaned HTML in text from HtmlCleaner

I want to see the cleaned HTML that we get from HTMLCleaner.
I see there is a method called serialize on TagNode, however don't know how to use it.
Does anybody have any sample code for it?
Here's the sample code:
HtmlCleaner htmlCleaner = new HtmlCleaner();
TagNode root = htmlCleaner.clean(url);
String html = "<" + root.getName() + ">" + htmlCleaner.getInnerHtml(root) + "</" + root.getName() + ">";
Use a subclass of org.htmlcleaner.XmlSerializer, for example:
// get the element you want to serialize
HtmlCleaner cleaner = new HtmlCleaner();
TagNode rootTagNode = cleaner.clean(url);
// set up properties for the serializer (optional, see online docs)
CleanerProperties cleanerProperties = cleaner.getProperties();
// use the getAsString method on an XmlSerializer class
XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new PrettyXmlSerializer(cleanerProperties);
String html = xmlSerializer.getAsString(rootTagNode);
XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new PrettyXmlSerializer(cleanerProperties);
String html = xmlSerializer.getAsString(rootTagNode);
the method above has a problem,it will trim content in html label, for example,
this is paragraph1.
will become
this is paragraph1.
and it is getSingleLineOfChildren function does the trim operation. So if we fetch data from website and want to keep the format like tuckunder.
PS:if a html label has children label,the parent label contetn will not be trimed,
for example <p> this is paragraph1. <a>www.xxxxx.com</a> </p> will keep whitespace before "this is paragraph1"
