Get BBM Chat Logs - blackberry

A Simple question for every one , is there any possible way to get Blackberry BBM Logs in application , via Programming.
Following task I have done :-
Download & integrate BBM SDK in Project.
Follow the BBM Development Guide.
Here are My Code :-
public void getBBM_Logs()
BBMPlatformContext platformContext =null;
platformContext = BBMPlatformManager.register(new MyBBMAppPlugin());
if(platformContext != null)
ContactListService contactListService = platformContext.getContactListService();
BBMPlatformContactList contacts = contactListService.getContactList();
Enumeration contactsEnum = contacts.getAll();
BBMPlatformContact contact = (BBMPlatformContact)contactsEnum.nextElement();
add(new LabelField(contact.getDisplayName()));
catch (ControlledAccessException e)
// The BBM platform has been disabled
if (platformContext != null)
MyBBMPlatformContextListener platformContextListener;
platformContextListener = new MyBBMPlatformContextListener();
private class MyBBMPlatformContextListener extends BBMPlatformContextListener
public void accessChanged(boolean isAccessAllowed, int accessErrorCode)
if (!isAccessAllowed)
// You cannot access the BBM platform
public void appInvoked(int reason, Object param)
// Code for handling different contexts for invocation
private class MyBBMAppPlugin extends BBMPlatformApplication
public MyBBMAppPlugin()
Please Let Me know , is there any possible way to get ChatLogs.

Sorry this is not possible - as I think BB regard access to chat logs from a program as a potential security exposure.


Xamarin Android - How to sign in Google Play Services?

I am trying to add Google Play Services to my Xamarin Android app.
I am using Play Games Services v2 SDK and trying to follow this tutorial from the Official documentation.
The Java code for signing in would be that:
GamesSignInClient gamesSignInClient = PlayGames.getGamesSignInClient(getActivity());
gamesSignInClient.isAuthenticated().addOnCompleteListener(isAuthenticatedTask -> {
boolean isAuthenticated =
(isAuthenticatedTask.isSuccessful() &&
if (isAuthenticated) {
// Continue with Play Games Services
} else {
// Disable your integration with Play Games Services or show a
// login button to ask players to sign-in. Clicking it should
// call GamesSignInClient.signIn().
How can I translate it to C#?
Anyone can help me please?
This is my best attempt, but I am getting an exception on SetJniIdentityHashCode method not implemented.
using Android.Gms.Games;
using Android.Gms.Tasks;
// ...
IGamesSignInClient gamesSignInClient = PlayGames.GetGamesSignInClient(this);
new OnCompleteListener()
// ...
public class OnCompleteListener : Java.Lang.Object, IOnCompleteListener
public void Disposed()
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void DisposeUnlessReferenced()
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void Finalized()
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void OnComplete(Task task)
//var isAuthenticated =
// (task.IsSuccessful &&
// ((????)task.Result).isAuthenticated())
//if (isAuthenticated)
// // Continue with Play Games Services
// // Disable your integration with Play Games Services or show a
// // login button to ask players to sign-in. Clicking it should
// // call GamesSignInClient.signIn().
public void SetJniIdentityHashCode(int value)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void SetJniManagedPeerState(JniManagedPeerStates value)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void SetPeerReference(JniObjectReference reference)
throw new NotImplementedException();
I managed to get the authentication result in the following way, probably was just using the wrong references.
public class TaskCompleteListener : Java.Lang.Object, IOnCompleteListener
public void OnComplete(Android.Gms.Tasks.Task task)
var isAuthenticated = task.IsSuccessful &&
if (isAuthenticated)
// Continue with Play Games Services
// Disable your integration with Play Games Services or show a
// login button to ask players to sign-in. Clicking it should
// call GamesSignInClient.signIn().

Unity app crashes when built for iOS with camera enabled

I have an app which uses zxing to scan qr codes in the app. However when I build the app with these scripts in the scene the app crashes on startup. I thought it was something in the Awake() or Start() but I've wrapped those methods in a try catch, and even then I'm not getting any errors, and it doesn't crash on android and in the editor.
I don't have access to a Mac, and am using Unity Cloud Build to build it.
I also don't know how to enable permissions, I thought I did when creating the .p12 file, but I've also found that there's an info.plist file that I have to request permissions with.
Prior research I found this Unity Question about adding items to the Xcode project but not only did including the xcodeapi give me errors, but the using statements didn't work.
There are two scripts
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System;
public class WebCamController : MonoBehaviour {
public int desiredWidth = 1280;
public int desiredHeight = 720;
public int desiredFPS = 60;
public RawImage output;
public WebCamTexture webcamTexture;
void Start ()
webcamTexture = new WebCamTexture(desiredWidth, desiredHeight, desiredFPS);
output.texture = webcamTexture;
public void Play()
public void Pause()
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using ZXing;
using ZXing.QrCode;
using ZXing.Common;
using System;
public class CodeScanner : MonoBehaviour {
private static CodeScanner _instance;
public static CodeScanner Instance
if(null == _instance)
Debug.Log("Code Scanner Instance not found");
return _instance;
public WebCamController wcc;
private BarcodeReader codeScanner;
private string lastScanned = "";
public delegate void Found(string text, string type);
public event Found OnCodeScanned;
private bool active;
public void Awake()
_instance = this;
void Start () {
codeScanner = new BarcodeReader();
IEnumerator ReadCode()
while (active)
var data = codeScanner.Decode(wcc.webcamTexture.GetPixels32(), wcc.webcamTexture.width, wcc.webcamTexture.height);
if (data != null)
//if (data.Text != lastScanned)
OnCodeScanned(data.Text, data.BarcodeFormat.ToString());
lastScanned = data.Text;
catch(Exception e)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1.0f);
public void Activate()
active = true;
public void Stop()
active = false;
My device is added properly to the .p12 certificate I can compile and run the program without these scripts in the scene.

AdColony unity sdk

Hello I have problem with installing AdColony SDK for Unity. I just setup code like in instruction but it still shows that I haven't any ads in my zone. I have no idea if I did something wrong or I forgot to implement something.
public void Initialize()
// Assign any AdColony Delegates before calling Configure
AdColony.OnV4VCResult = OnV4VCResult;
// If you wish to use a the customID feature, you should call that now.
// Then, configure AdColony:
"version:1.0,store:google",// Arbitrary app version and Android app store declaration.
APPID, // ADC App ID from
public void PlayV4VC(string zoneID, bool prePopup, bool postPopup){
if (AdColony.IsV4VCAvailable (zoneID)) {
Debug.Log ("Video is avaiable!");
} else {
Debug.Log ("Video is NOT avaiable!");
private void OnV4VCResult (bool success,string name, int amount){
if (success) {
Debug.Log ("Video watched!");
} else {
Debug.Log ("Failed.");

LWUIT ConnectionRequest: Bad Request on Blackberry

My lwuit application is working fine on Blackberry Simulator while on device the application installs successfully, starts normally, but where am having issues is on network connection. Trying to access network I get 400 Bad Request message. I don't no what am doing wrong, my network connection code is as below:
public ConnectionRequest prepareConnection(String page, String progressMsg, final int request)
final ConnectionRequest conR = new ConnectionRequest()
public void readResponse(InputStream input) throws IOException {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
int ch;
while(( != -1)
httpResponse(sb.toString().trim(), request);
Progress progress = new Progress(progressMsg, conR)
public void actionCommand(Command command)
return conR;
private void login(String code)
Container container = Display.getInstance().getCurrent();
showDialogMessage("Alert", "Please enter your user name and password!");
ConnectionRequest conR = prepareConnection(NetworkHandler.LOGIN_PAGE, "Authenticating...", RequestType.LOGIN);
Dialog dialog = conR.getDisposeOnCompletion();
conR.addArgument("u", getFieldValue(findTxtUserName(container)));
conR.addArgument("p", getFieldValue(findTxtPassword(container)));
conR.addArgument("c", code);
public void onLoginForm_BtnLoginAction(Component c, ActionEvent event) {
Please I want you guys to help me out.
Thanks in Advance.
The login me
This usually indicates a problem in APN configuration on the device. Normally Blackberry app's workaround incorrect APN configurations automatically which is a pretty difficult thing to do. CodenameOne does that seamlessly but LWUIT does not.

previous instance still active error in blackberry

I created app which user can start from menu and from icon. I do not use GlobalEventListener in my app, just register ApplicationMenuitem. And now I am getting error: previous instance still active when launch my app.
Steps to reproduce not so trivial:
launch app from icon
do not close it, just switch to another app
launch app from icon again
I founded article in blackberry's forum about it , but I can't find solution where I should remove my ApplicationMenuItem: it added on phone boot and should show all the time.
My code:
public class Jingu extends UiApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApplicationManager app = ApplicationManager.getApplicationManager();
boolean keepGoing = true;
while (keepGoing) {
if (app.inStartup()) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {}
} else {
keepGoing = false;
Jingu theApp = new Jingu();
public Jingu() {
public void showMainScreen() {
showScreen(new JinguMainScreen(this));
public void initMenuItem() {
// Create menu item
Object o = RuntimeStore.getRuntimeStore().get(JinguMenuItem.MY_MENU_ID);
// register only if not done already.
if (o == null) {
new JinguMenuItem(this).registerInstance();
public void showScreen(Screen aScreen) {
synchronized (Application.getEventLock()) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
public class JinguMenuItem extends ApplicationMenuItem {
public static final long MY_MENU_ID = 0xb9739d5240d5943dL;
private final Jingu jingu;
public JinguMenuItem(Jingu jingu) {
this.jingu = jingu;
public void registerInstance() {
Object menuItem = RuntimeStore.getRuntimeStore().remove(MY_MENU_ID);
if (menuItem == null) {
ApplicationMenuItemRepository amir = ApplicationMenuItemRepository.getInstance();
amir.addMenuItem(ApplicationMenuItemRepository.MENUITEM_SYSTEM, this);
RuntimeStore.getRuntimeStore().put(MY_MENU_ID, this);
public Object run(Object context) {
return context;
public String toString() {
return "My Menu";
plz advice where I should delete ApplicationMenuItem in my app?
my regards,
If you are registering an ApplicationMenuItem from your application, as a user I would consider it bad style for your application to remove and exit, even if RIM provided a way to do this. You may want to separate your application into two parts. One provides the minimal support for responding to the ApplicationMenuItem selection, that starts automatically and runs in the background. The other has all the rest and can run and exit as needed.
My solution for this situation is:
create alternative entry point and run it on app load
register menu in it
do not use runtimeStore
