How to use ScrollView and ContainerView with Autolayout checked - ios

I have trouble implementing scrollview with auto layout:/
Here is simple "Hello World" project with that problem:
But the problem… I need to create scrollview, but also I need to use auto layout. So I created pure single view application, added (like I saw in some tutorials) Scrollview (the same size as main view), added constraints (all zeros) and then add Container View (the same size as scroll view), add constraints and.. It's didn't work:/ It doesn't scroll. Here is the screen of that situation:
Now, when I delete two constraints named: Center X and Y Alignment (marked on the screen), it works perfectly, but Xcode5 doesn't quite like it :/ and shows some errors like on the next screen below.
Why does he want width and heigh 0 ?!
Actually ContainerView doesn't matter. I've also tried with image view. When you select "Add missing constraints" it also add Center X and Y Alignment. And scroll doesn't work. When you delete them, scroll works but you have this warring:

Ok, I find manually adding the autolayout constraints to be quite confusing, using the "Add New Constraints" button at the bottom really comes in handy, try this, after you get each view where you want it use that way of adding layout constraints for each view (ie scrollView, containerView, UIImageView) I did this, and heres the example, select each constraint as I have so that the top, left, bottom, and right edges are set, this should do exactly what you want.
You will probably want to erase all your current constraints and then implement them this way.
heres the layout like you want
and heres the example adding the constraints:
To keep it dynamic so that you can rotate it, you will want to do the above for all view BUT the container view... then If you control drag from container to scrollview with no constraints, you can add all of them that it suggests except for the height and width at the bottom, that satisfies any missing constraints and should do the trick, It will center the container inside of the scrollview and keep it pinned to the top, bottom, left and right, and it should dynamically change with your scrollview content size.
Sorry for the confusion, hope this helps!

I had a similar problem and i found relative simple solution from within Interface Builder using pure Autolayout without any code.
For proof-of-concept at first remove any constraint in View Controller to if see this works.
This is sample layout:
View (main view of my UIViewController)
Scroll View (UIScrollView)
Container View (UIView)
Content View (e.g. UIImageView)
A. Scroll View width/height should be smaller that Container View width/height
B. Container View should have some determinated width/height (may be explicit width/height )
C. Do Control-drag Container View to Scroll View and add only:
Leading Space to Container
Trailing Space to Container
D. Check out those two constraints and set "constant" value for both to 0
E. Run app and


iOS UIScrollView, what am I misunderstanding? I cannot get a scrollview to scroll

I am a pretty new iOS developer and am coming across my first need for a scroll view. The page I need to design is a little complex. Since I was struggling to get that to layout correctly, I decided to create a super simple scene just so I could make sure I understood how to get UIScrollViews to work. Apparently it didn't help as things aren't working and I am stuck after following several tutorials.
I'm working in Xcode 8.1 and Swift 3.
Screenshots at the end of this post.
I have a scene that consists of a scrollview and a child view with two labels in it. I’ve set the labels to be ~700pt apart to try to make scrolling happen. Nothing scrolls and you can only see the first label. Additionally, the child view does not expand to be full height.
You can see in the screen shots that my scroll view has constraints to pin it to the sides of the superview.
The child view has the same.
The label constraints position them within the child view and 700pt from each other. I thought that this would give the views the height they need to make scrolling happen. There are no constraint errors.
I am hoping for the red childview to fill the vertical space and then scroll. At this point I’d take any layout as long as something was scrolling. Nothing is though, what do I not get?
(removed due to link limit because I'm still a new SO user)
EDIT (6/12/16):
I've made some changes and gotten a little closer. Primarily, it was suggested to me elsewhere to set one of the labels to be equal height with the scroll view. This now gives me the "bounce" effect which means stuff is sort of scrolling; however, we're still only dealing with one screen of content as the second label which is hidden below is clipped off.
Here's where things stand:
edited hierarchy
edited screenshot
When you are using a UIScrollView in a storyboard, you need to ensure that the scroll view is able to compute the size of its content. If you don't have sufficient constraints then you will get an error in Interface Builder:
Scrollable Content Size Ambiguity
Clicking the Info icon on this error will advise you that there needs to be constraints touching all sides of the scroll view and to ensure that you can trace a continual line of constraints from left-to-right and top-to-bottom.
You can achieve this with or without the content view you have added. I will show you how to do it without the content view in scroll view, simply because there are fewer constraints that way and therefore less typing.
Add the scroll view to the root view
Constrain the top/left/top/bottom of the scroll view to its superview (the root view). Remember to turn off constrain to margins if you want the full width of the screen
Add label 1 and label 2 to the scroll view
Constrain top/leading/bottom of label 1 to the scroll view
Constrain top/trailing/bottom of label 2 to the scroll view
Constrain the trailing edge of label 1 to the leading edge of label 2 with 0 space
Constrain label 1 width to be equal to the width of the scroll view
Constrain label 1 height to be equal to the height of the scroll view
Constrain the width and height of label 2 to be equal to the width and height of label 1
There is no step 10 :)
ScrollViews are particular in that they like to know explicitly how much they are supposed to scroll. The best way I have found to handle this is to have the following hierarchy with some constraints:
-Scroll View
-Content View
-View (constrained to top, bottom, leading, trailing anchors)
-Your other views (e.g. Label)
By having one View living underneath the Content View and then containing all of your other Views within that View, the ScrollView then knows how much it's supposed to scroll (it just uses the size of the one child View) no matter how much stuff you have inside of the child View.
Let me see if I can snap a picture of an example from one of my projects. In the meantime, give this hierarchy a try and let me know if it works for you. You would probably constrain the Label to the top and leading anchors of the child View and then constrain the height to something taller than the screen (e.g. 1000 units).
Let me know if you have any questions.
Edit: Example hierarchy below

AutoLayout : Relative scaling of views

I want to achieve consistent views across different screens. My layout constraints works on small screens perfectly but it scrambles on large screens.
I have made a view(Red Border indicating that view)and pin it in to the main super view. Then I have made sub views and put it inside that view. I have pinned the the top bottom trailing and leading edge of the layout which contains button of the it's parent view (Red Border indicating that view). The view containing button is looking like this in small screen (iPhone 5)
while it's looking in big screens like this (iPhone 6 and above)
I want this layout to have the same relative height in all the screens like the other views. How can I achieve this?
I guess you can use UIView that contains a button inside and set bottom,lead,trailing,top constraints for the UIView. Then you can set height constraint of that UIView and set multiplier values to have relative height to its superView(=Red box). Finally, you can set constraints for your button inside the UIView whatever you want. If you know how to use StackView, I recommend you to use it because it is easy and simple solution. Here is very good tutorial about StackView.
If height is constant for subview except that button view the layout will be like what you mentioned in the first image .If you kept height as constant for that button view the problem will be solved

Implicit Constraint iPhone Portrait Screen Height

I tried to create a custom freefrom view with interface builder.
I have a UIView which is containing a UIImageView and UILabel.
I set the constraints to adjusting the Label according to the Image etc and a margin to the superview.
Now I want the superview to exactly fit the subviews. But when I press Editor -> Size To Fit Content, the superview is not resized completely and the constrains are in conflict. What there appears is a implicit constraint ("iPhone Portrait Screen Height"), which can not be altered/deleted. See Screenshot below:
While not ideal, depending on how your XIB is structured and how you are referencing the view, you could create a "scratch pad" view and place your custom view inside of that just to see how everything will layout. That is if you're setting the view to an outlet defined in the XIB's File Owner, you can just connect it to the view you've created inside the "scratch pad".
For example, I created a container view with a square and a switch inside. The top example complains of conflicting constraints and doesn't layout correctly, while the bottom example shows the same thing centered in a throw-away view. Again, not ideal, but it's working for me.
Edit: I just realized that some size class constraints may be lost once the "scratch pad" view is discarded so that is another wrinkle to consider. Still looking into this.
Just to make it simple forget the label for the time being. You have already added the width and height constraint of the image view, now instead of using sizetofit content, try adding leading, trailing, top and bottom constraints between the image view and it's parent view. With that your parent view should fit the image view.
The same technique (constraints to parent view) can be used to get it work with the image view and label together.
I noticed that when I physically dragged the superview's width and height to satisfy the constraints, the red constraint errors went away along with the "iPhone Portrait Screen Width" constraint. In other words, my constraints dictated that my subview be bottom aligned with its super view. If I dragged the superview's bottom edge up to align flush with the subview, the errors went away. Still seems buggy and unintuitive.

How to make a ScrollView with AutoLayout in Xcode5

In xcode 5 using storyboards how would one make a fully operational vertical scrolling scrollview, with AutoLayout ON?
Considering the subviews have hierarchy:
3.UIView (lets call this UIDetailView to make things easier)
Please be specific from code to constraints to wether any of the views HAS to be smaller etc.
UIScrollView with Autolayout within Storyboards Just Works
I've seen a number of people recommending the 'Container View' approach, AKA brute force, to solving the problem that they don't understand. It is non-optimal since you now have lost a big advantage of the scrollview by making it think the content is the entire scrollview rather than the subviews immediately attached to the scrollview.
Here is how I did it in the example that follows
|-> UITextView
|-> UILabel
|-> UIOtherStuff
When placing a UIScrollView into a UIView in a Storyboard just pin the edges to the 4 sides of the UIScrollView to the UIView. Now add your content to the UIScrollView making sure that you provide a minimum of two constraints for each dimension. The great thing about Autolayout is that it figures out how big the contentSize of the scrollview, or UILabels for that matter, needs to be based upon the size of the content inside it. AKA intrinsicContentSize. So if you are given a warning 'Ambiguous content size for scrollView' you know that you have not given the content enough constraints. For example, you might have given Top, Bottom, Left, Right spacing distance between views but the subview you're constraining needs a height too since an infinite vertical plane like this UIScrollView could assume your view was from zero to infinitely high.
To put it another way the Apple guide on Autolayout by Example makes a simple 3 point plan for success:
Create the scroll view.
Place the UI element inside it.
Create constraints that fully define the width and height of the scroll view content.
That top TextView with 'Min melding til' is also growing as you type more lines into it and the whole ScrollView grows to contain it. While I override the UITextView class to return a modified height constraint, the ScrollView itself works correctly without coding.
One last thing, lots of posts related to Autolayout try the magical fix-all incantation translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = NO. This is only necessary if the view is created programmatically.
This blog post details how to use a UIScrollView with Autolayout ON, using a pure autolayout approach. Note though that all constraints in the blog post are defined through the Storyboard.
The approach in the post assumes the following hierarchy:
1. View (main view of my UIViewController)
2. Scroll View (UIScrollView)
3. Container View (UIView)
4. Content View (e.g. UIImageView)
I guess the Container View will be your UIDetailView, and the Content View will be any UIView inside your UIDetailView.
The documentation clearly states how to do this:
A UIScrollView in auto-layout will always resize itself to fit the content (UIDetailView).
So you have to set up your views like this:
UIView: Position with constraints.
UIScrollView: Bind to UIView with constraints.
UIDetailView: Set size (intrinsic content size), max out compression-resistance, set top-, bottom-, leading- and trailing constraints to UIScrollView to 0 manually.
I had a similar problem and i found relative simple solution similar to DJ S's from within Interface Builder using pure Autolayout without any code.
For proof-of-concept at first remove any constraint in View Controller to if see this works.
This is sample layout:
View (main view of my UIViewController)
Scroll View (UIScrollView)
Container View (UIView)
Content View (e.g. UIImageView)
A. Scroll View width/height should be smaller that Container View width/height
B. Container View should have some determinated width/height (may be explicit width/height )
C. Do Control-drag Container View to Scroll View and add only:
Leading Space to Container
Trailing Space to Container
D. Check out those two constraints and set "constant" value for both to 0
E. Run app and
Because of the new iPhone 6 and 6+ screen sizes, I had to make a few tweaks to DJ S's solution.
The goal
Position a UITextView inside a UIScrollView, and also have 15 pt spaces from the left/right screen edges.
1. Main View (main view of my UIViewController)
2. Scroll View (UIScrollView)
3. Container View (UIView)
4. Text View (UITextView)
For the spaces, I added 15 pt horizontal trailing/leading spaces from UIScrollView->Main View. To make the UITextView's width relative to the screen width, I added an Equal Widths constraint from UITextView -> Main View and set the value to -30 (2 * the 15 pt horizontal space). Now, the UITextView's width will dynamically adjust for any screen size.
The UIScrollView should have Scrolling Enabled. The UITextView should not.

Centering View between neighbors using autolayout in IOS

I am attempting to layout a screen design using constraints (auto-layout) from interface builder and hope to avoid coding constraints, but I would accept an answer for either case I guess.
I have two subviews in a contained in a top level view. I want to fix vertical distance of the first subview to the top of the screen (I was able to accomplish that - common use case for a vertical space constraint). I want the second subview to float (vertically) in the center of the distance between the bottom of first subview and the bottom of the screen. The idea is that the design responds somewhat to iPhone 3.5" vs 4" dimensions.
I am having trouble defining a constraint or set of constraints that would accomplish this.
I have tried setting inequalities on the vertical spacing constraints between the second subview and the top of it's neighbor (the first subview) and the bottom of the superview, and playing with the priorities of those constraints.
An idea that was suggested in a few other related posts on SO is to use a container that is pinned to the bottom of the screen, as well as the pinned to the bottom edge of the first subview, and then center my second subview in the container. I was hoping to avoid complicating the view hierarchy if possible, but maybe that isn't easily avoided.
Any thoughts or suggestions?
This answer describes how to do this in Xcode 6.0 (and probably works in Xcode 5.0 and 5.1).
If you want to do this with auto layout, you have to add at least one spacer view. It doesn't have to be the superview of the vertically-centered view (or any other view), so it has a pretty minor effect on your view hierarchy.
I recommend not trying to set up constraints in Interface Builder in Xcode 4.6.3. It's just too painful. But if you really must, this is doable.
Create a spacer (a plain old UIView) from the bottom edge of the top-hugging view to the bottom edge of superview. Set it to hidden. Give it constraints to the top-hugging view and the left and bottom edges of the root view, and pin its width. My spacer width is 10:
Add your middle view (here, a button). Give it a “Horizontal Center in Container” constraint. Then select both the middle view and the spacer view and give them a “Vertical Centers” constraint:
Note that if you drop the middle view when IB is showing the correct guidelines, it will set these constraints for you.
You can test by enabling resizing for descendents (but not siblings & ancestors) and resizing the root view in IB. The middle view will remain centered between the top-hugging view and the bottom of the superview:
