How to read the Rails API - ruby-on-rails

I'm having a difficult time understanding the Rails API. I am trying to figure out a way to understand what I can call from certain points inside Rails, such as when I'm in a controller, so I wrote something to tell me all the methods that are available sorted by what Module/Class they fall under:
last_sig = ""
self.methods.each do |method|
#i_am = self.method(method).owner
#puts i_am.class
m = self.method(method)
sig = "#{m.owner.class}: #{m.owner}"
if sig != last_sig
last_sig = sig
puts sig
puts " #{method}"
As an example, I find out (just using this as an easy example) that I can use the render() method and it is located at ActionController::Instrumentation, so then I look at the render() function there and it says:
# File actionpack/lib/action_controller/metal/instrumentation.rb, line 38
def render(*args)
render_output = nil
self.view_runtime = cleanup_view_runtime do { render_output = super }
That is all is says, I don't understand how from this I could understand how it works, then I do some more searching and by "luck" I discover that it is documented in ActionView, and I wonder how I was able to know this? Anyway, any tips on how to read the API would be appreciated- It seems like many of the things in the API are not documented for a User, and I don't know if they are for the User or for the developers of Rails- I'm used to using a documentation like jQuery which seems much easier to Discover functionality by using-


cyclomatic complexity is too high rubocop for method

This is code I have using in my project.
Please suggest some optimizations (I have refactored this code a lot but I can't think of any progress further to optimize it )
def convert_uuid_to_emails(user_payload)
return unless (user_payload[:target] == 'ticket' or user_payload[:target] == 'change')
action_data = user_payload[:actions]
action_data.each do |data|
is_add_project = data[:name] == 'add_fr_project'
is_task = data[:name] == 'add_fr_task'
next unless (is_add_project or is_task)
has_reporter_uuid = is_task && Va::Action::USER_TYPES.exclude?(data[:reporter_uuid])
user_uuids = data[:user_uuids] || []
user_uuids << data[:owner_uuid] if Va::Action::USER_TYPES.exclude?(data[:owner_uuid])
user_uuids << data[:reporter_uuid] if has_reporter_uuid
users_data = current_account.authorizations.includes(:user).where(uid: user_uuids).each_with_object({}) { |a, o| o[a.uid] = {uuid: a.uid, user_id:, user_name:} }
if Va::Action::USER_TYPES.include? data[:owner_uuid]
data['owner_details'] = {}
data['owner_details'] = users_data[data[:owner_uuid]]
data['reporter_details'] = has_reporter_uuid ? users_data[data[:reporter_uuid]] : {}
data['user_details'] = users_data.values
Note that Rubocop is complaining that your code is too hard to understand, not that it won't work correctly. The method is called convert_uuid_to_emails, but it doesn't just do that:
validates payload is one of two types
filters the items in the payload by two other types
determines the presence of various user roles in the input
shove all the found user UUIDs into an array
convert the UUIDs into users by looking them up
find them again in the array to enrich the various types of user details in the payload
This comes down to a big violation of the SRP (single responsibility principle), not to mention that it is a method that might surprise the caller with its unexpected list of side effects.
Obviously, all of these steps still need to be done, just not all in the same method.
Consider breaking these steps out into separate methods that you can compose into an enrich_payload_data method that works at a higher level of abstraction, keeping the details of how each part works local to each method. I would probably create a method that takes a UUID and converts it to a user, which can be called each time you need to look up a UUID to get the user details, as this doesn't appear to be role-specific.
The booleans is_task, is_add_project, and has_reporter_uuid are just intermediate variables that clutter up the code, and you probably won't need them if you break it down into smaller methods.

How can I make this method more concise?

I get a warning when running reek on a Rails project:
[36]:ArborReloaded::UserStoryService#destroy_stories has approx 8 statements (TooManyStatements)
Here's the method:
def destroy_stories(project_id, user_stories)
errors = []
#project = Project.find(project_id)
user_stories.each do |current_user_story_id|
unless #project.user_stories.find(current_user_story_id).destroy
errors.push("Error destroying user_story: #{current_user_story_id}")
if errors.compact.length == 0
#common_response.success = true
#common_response.success = false
#common_response.errors = errors
How can this method be minimized?
First, I find that class and method size are useful for finding code that might need refactoring, but sometimes you really do need a long class or method. And there is always a way to make your code shorter to get around such limits, but that might make it less readable. So I disable that type of inspection when using static analysis tools.
Also, it's unclear to me why you'd expect to have an error when deleting a story, or who benefits from an error message that just includes the ID and nothing about what error occurred.
That said, I'd write that method like this, to reduce the explicit local state and to better separate concerns:
def destroy_stories(project_id, story_ids)
project = Project.find(project_id) # I don't see a need for an instance variable
errors = story_ids.
select { |story_id| !project.user_stories.find(story_id).destroy }.
map { |story_id| "Error destroying user_story: #{story_id}" }
respond errors
# Lots of services probably need to do this, so it can go in a superclass.
# Even better, move it to #common_response's class.
def respond(errors)
# It would be best to move this behavior to #common_response.
#common_response.success = errors.any?
# Hopefully this works even when errors == []. If not, fix your framework.
#common_response.errors = errors
You can see how taking some care in your framework can save a lot of noise in your components.

Is there a safe way to Eval In ruby? Or a better way to do this?

When a user uses my application, at one point they will get an array of arrays, that looks like this:
results = [["value",25], ["value2",30]...]
The sub arrays could be larger, and will be in a similar format. I want to allow my users to write their own custom transform function that will take an array of arrays, and return either an array of arrays, a string, or a number. A function should look like this:
def user_transform_function(array_of_arrays)
# eval users code, only let them touch the array of arrays
Is there a safe way to sandbox this function and eval so a user could not try and execute malicious code? For example, no web callouts, not database callouts, and so on.
First, if you will use eval, it will never be safe. You can at least have a look in the direction of taint method.
What I would recommend is creating your own DSL for that. There is a great framework in Ruby: Of course, it will require some effort from your side, but from the user prospective I think it could be even better.
WARNING: I can not guarantee that this is truly safe!
You might be able to run it as a separate process and use ruby $SAFE, however this does not guarantee that what you get is safe, but it makes it harder to mess things up.
What you then would do is something like this:
script = "{|e| e+2}" #from the user.
require "json"
array = [1, 2, 3, 4]
results = IO.popen("ruby -e 'require \"json\"; $SAFE=3; arr = JSON.parse(ARGV[0]); puts (#{script}).to_json' #{array.to_json}") do |io|
rescue Exception => e
puts "Ohh, good Sir/Mam, your script caused an error."
if results.include?("Insecure operation")
puts "Ohh, good Sir/Mam, you cannot do such a thing"
a = JSON.parse(results)
results = a
rescue Exception => e
puts "Ohh, good Sir/Mam, something is wrong with the results."
puts results
conquer_the_world(results) if results.is_a?(Array)
do_not_conquer_the_world(results) unless results.is_a?(Array)
You could do this, it appears:
def evaluate_user_script(script)
Thread.start {
$SAFE = 4
But again: I do not know how to get the data out of there.

Nokogiri Timeout::Error when scraping own site

Nokogiri works fine for me in the console, but if I put it anywhere... Model, View, or Controller, it times out.
I'd like to use it 1 of 2 ways...
def show
#design = Design.find(params[:id])
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(design_url(#design)))
images = doc.css('.well img') ? doc.css('.well img').map{ |i| i['src'] } : []
def first_image
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open("http://localhost:3000/blog/#{}"))
image = doc.css('.well img')[0] ? doc.css('.well img')[0]['src'] : nil
self.update_attribute(:photo_url, image)
Both result in a timeout, though they work perfectly in the console.
When you run your Nokogiri code from the console, you're referencing your development server at localhost:3000. Thus, there are two instances running: one making the call (your console) and one answering the call (your server)
When you run it from within your app, you are referencing the app itself, which is causing an infinite loop since there is no available resource to respond to your call (that resource is the one making the call!). So you would need to be running multiple instances with something like Unicorn (or simply another localhost instance at a different port), and you would need at least one of those instances to be free to answer the Nokogiri request.
If you plan to run this in production, just know that this setup will require an available resource to answer the Nokogiri request, so you're essentially tying up 2 instances with each call. So if you have 4 instances and all 4 happen to make the call at the same time, your whole application is screwed. You'll probably experience pretty severe degradation with only 1 or 2 calls at a time as well...
Im not sure what default value of timeout.
But you can specify some timeout value like below.
require 'net/http'
http ='localhost')
http.open_timeout = 100
http.read_timeout = 100
Finally you can find what is the problem as you can control timeout value.
So, with tyler's advice I dug into what I was doing a bit more. Because of the disconnect that ckeditor has with the images, due to carrierwave and S3, I can't get any info direct from the uploader (at least it seems that way to me).
Instead, I'm sticking with nokogiri, and it's working wonderfully. I realized what I was actually doing with the open() command, and it was completely unnecessary. Nokogiri parses HTML. I can give it HTML in for form of #design.content! Duh, on my part.
So, this is how I'm scraping my own site, to get the images associated with a blog entry:
def create
params[:design][:photo_url] = Nokogiri::HTML(params[:design][:content]).css('img').map{ |i| i['src']}[0]
#design =[:design])
flash[:success] = "Design created"
redirect_to designs_url
render 'designs/new'
def show
#design = Design.find(params[:id])
#categories = #design.categories
#tags = {|c|}
#related = Design.joins(:categories).where('' => #tags).reject {|d| ==}.uniq
set_meta_tags og: {
type: 'article',
url: design_url(#design),
image: Nokogiri::HTML(#design.content).css('img').map{ |i| i['src']},
article: {
published_time: #design.published_at.to_datetime,
modified_time: #design.updated_at.to_datetime,
author: 'Alphabetic Design',
section: 'Designs',
tag: #tags
The Update action has the same code for Nokogiri as the Create action.
Seems kind of obvious now that I'm looking at it, lol. I dwelled on this for longer than I'd like to admit...

Rails + Amazon API + Integration

I'm a rails newb - in a little over my head and could use some help.
I have an existing rails app, and I'm trying to integrate the Amazon Products API with the gem "ruby-aaws"....i.e., place items inside a model, show them in the view, etc.
I've never worked with an external API before, so I'm not sure where to begin to start integration. Any help at all is much appreciated!
Here is some of the code that I've used to pull data with the API:
require 'amazon/aws'
require 'amazon/aws/search'
include Amazon::AWS
include Amazon::AWS::Search
is = 'Watches', { 'Keywords' => 'Gucci' } )
rg = 'Large' )
req =
req.locale = 'us'
resp = is, rg )
items = resp.item_search_response[0].items[0].item
# Available properties for first item:
puts items[0].properties
items.each do |item|
attribs = item.item_attributes[0]
puts attribs.label
if attribs.list_price
puts attribs.title, attribs.list_price[0].formatted_price, item.medium_image, ''
I am also a newbie and trying to do something similar. I found this example on GitHub that looks really promising.
But there are also some great related questions here that have answers for you:
Ruby Amazon book search
Good luck!
