Gaussian visible units in rbm - rbm

I want to implement Gaussian RBM.For that i want to make zero mean and unit variance of data is MNIST dataset.The dataset has been taken and followed from the following link.
so i implemented in below way.But my data become NAN.It becomes NAN after dividing the data with standard deviation.
for epoch = epoch:maxepoch,
fprintf(1,'epoch %d \r',epoch);
for batch = 1:numbatches,
fprintf(1,'epoch %d batch %d \r',epoch,batch);
data = batchdata(:,:,batch);
% zero mean and unit variance
data_mean = mean(data,1);
data_std = std(data1,[],1);
I tried this with small set of examples.It works well.What will be the reason to become NAN.
How to get rid of this and make Gaussian input with zero mean and unit variance.

I would recommend normalizing the mean and variance of your data before starting the GBRBM training. This would you'd be able to check the batchdata variable manually in MATLAB workspace.
While training a GBRBM, I often see NaN as the training/validation error when my learning rate is too high. It should help to set the learning rate below or equal to 0.001.

You appear to be using an undefined variable "data1" in your "data_std = ..." code as opposed to "data".


Use of 'is_unbalance' parameter in Lightgbm

I am trying to use the 'is_unbalance' parameter in my model training for a binary classification problem where the positive class is approximately 3%. If I set the parameter 'is_unbalance', I observe that the binary log loss drops in the first iteration but then keeps on increasing. I'm noticing this behavior only if I enable this parameter 'is_unbalance'. Otherwise, there is a steady drop in log_loss. Appreciate your help on this. Thanks.
When you do not balance the sets for such an unbalanced dataset, then obviously the objective value will always drop - and will probably reach the point of classifying all the predictions to the majority class, while having a fantastic objective value.
Balancing the classes is necessary, but it doesn't mean that you should stop on is_unbalanced - you can use sample_pos_weight, have customized metric, or apply weights to your samples, like following:
WEIGHTS = y_train.value_counts(normalize = True).min() / y_train.value_counts(normalize = True)
TRAIN_WEIGHTS = pd.DataFrame(y_train.rename('old_target')).merge(WEIGHTS, how = 'left', left_on = 'old_target', right_on = WEIGHTS.index).target.values
train_data = lgb.Dataset(X_train, label=y_train, weight = TRAIN_WEIGHTS)
Also, optimizing other hyperparameters should solve the issue of increasing log_loss.
When you set Is_unbalace: True, the algorithm will try to Automatically balance the weight of the dominated label (with the pos/neg fraction in train set).
If you want change scale_pos_weight (it is by default 1 which mean assume both positive and negative label are equal) in case of unbalance dataset you can use following formula(based on this issue on lightgbm repository) to set it correctly.
sample_pos_weight = number of negative samples / number of positive samples

Normalizing feature values for SVM

I've been playing with some SVM implementations and I am wondering - what is the best way to normalize feature values to fit into one range? (from 0 to 1)
Let's suppose I have 3 features with values in ranges of:
3 - 5.
0.02 - 0.05
How do I convert all of those values into range of [0,1]?
What If, during training, the highest value of feature number 1 that I will encounter is 5 and after I begin to use my model on much bigger datasets, I will stumble upon values as high as 7? Then in the converted range, it would exceed 1...
How do I normalize values during training to account for the possibility of "values in the wild" exceeding the highest(or lowest) values the model "seen" during training? How will the model react to that and how I make it work properly when that happens?
Besides scaling to unit length method provided by Tim, standardization is most often used in machine learning field. Please note that when your test data comes, it makes more sense to use the mean value and standard deviation from your training samples to do this scaling. If you have a very large amount of training data, it is safe to assume they obey the normal distribution, so the possibility that new test data is out-of-range won't be that high. Refer to this post for more details.
You normalise a vector by converting it to a unit vector. This trains the SVM on the relative values of the features, not the magnitudes. The normalisation algorithm will work on vectors with any values.
To convert to a unit vector, divide each value by the length of the vector. For example, a vector of [4 0.02 12] has a length of 12.6491. The normalised vector is then [4/12.6491 0.02/12.6491 12/12.6491] = [0.316 0.0016 0.949].
If "in the wild" we encounter a vector of [400 2 1200] it will normalise to the same unit vector as above. The magnitudes of the features is "cancelled out" by the normalisation and we are left with relative values between 0 and 1.

Time Series Ahead Prediction in Neural Network (N Point Ahead Prediction) Large Scale Iterative Training

(N=90) Point ahead Prediction using Neural Network:
I am trying to predict 3 minutes ahead i.e. 180 points ahead. Because I compressed my time series data as taking the mean of every 2 points as one, I have to predict (N=90) step-ahead prediction.
My time series data is given in seconds. The values are in between 30-90. They usually move from 30 to 90 and 90 to 30, as seen in the example below.
My data could be reach from:
I am having trouble in implementing neural network to predict N points ahead. My only feature is previous time. I used elman recurrent neural network and also newff.
In my scenario I need to predict 90 points ahead. First how I separated my input and target data manually:
For Example:
data_in = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]; //imagine 1:10 only defines the array index values.
N = 90; %predicted second ahead.
P(:, :) T(:) it could also be(2 theta time) P(:, :) T(:)
[1,2,3,4,5] [5+N] | [1,3,5,7,9] [9+N]
[2,3,4,5,6] [6+N] | [2,4,6,8,10] [10+N]
until it reaches to end of the data
I have 100 input points and 90 output points in Elman recurrent neural networks. What could be the most efficient hidden node size?
input_layer_size = 90;
NodeNum1 =90;
net = newelm(threshold,[NodeNum1 ,prediction_ahead],{'tansig', 'purelin'}); = 0.1;
net.trainParam.goal = 1e-3;
//At the beginning of my training I filter it with kalman, normalization into range of [0,1] and after that I shuffled the data.
1) I won't able to train my complete data. First I tried to train complete M data which is around 900,000, which didn't gave me a solution.
2) Secondly I tried iteratively training. But in each iteration the new added data is merged with already trained data. After 20,000 trained data the accuracy start to decreases. First trained 1000 data perfectly fits in training. But after when I start iterativelt merge the new data and continue to training, the training accuracy drops very rapidly 90 to 20.
For example.
P = P_test(1:1000) T = T_test(1:1000) counter = 1;
net = train(net,P,T, [], [] );%until it reaches to minimum error I train it.
[normTrainOutput] = sim(net,P, [], [] );
P = [ P P(counter*1000:counter*2000)]%iteratively new training portion of the data added.
counter = counter + 1; end
This approach is very slow and after a point it won't give any good resuts.
My third approach was iteratively training; It was similar to previous training but in each iteration, I do only train the 1000 portion of the data, without do any merging with previous trained data.For example when I train first 1000 data until it gets to minimum error which has >95% accuracy. After it has been trained, when I have done the same for the second 1000 portion of the data;it overwrites the weight and the predictor mainly behave as the latest train portion of the data.
> P = P_test(1:1000) T = T_test(1:1000) counter = 1;
> net = train(net,P,T, [], [] ); % I did also use adapt()
> [normTrainOutput] = sim(net,P, [], [] );
> P = [ P(counter*1000:counter*2000)]%iteratively only 1000 portion of the data is added.
> counter = counter + 1;
Trained DATA: This figure is snapshot from my trained training set, blue line is the original time series and red line is the predicted values with trained neural network. The MSE is around 50.
Tested DATA: On the below picture, you can see my prediction for my testing data with the neural network, which is trained with 20,000 input points while keeping MSE error <50 for the training data set. It is able to catch few patterns but mostly I doesn't give the real good accuracy.
I wasn't able to successes any of this approaches. In each iteration I also observe that slight change on the alpha completely overwrites to already trained data and more focus onto the currently trained data portion.
I won't able to come up with a solution to this problem. In iterative training should I keep the learning rate small and number of epochs as small.
And I couldn't find an efficient way to predict 90 points ahead in time series. Any suggestions that what should I do to do in order to predict N points ahead, any tutorial or link for information.
What is the best way for iterative training? On my second approach when I reach 15 000 of trained data, training size starts suddenly to drop. Iteratively should I change the alpha on run time?
Any suggestion or the things I am doing wrong would be very appreciated.
I also implemented recurrent neural network. But on training for large data I have faced with the same problems.Is it possible to do adaptive learning(online learning) in Recurrent Neural Networks for(newelm)? The weight won't update itself and I didn't see any improvement.
If yes, how it is possible, which functions should I use?
net = newelm(threshold,[6, 8, 90],{'tansig','tansig', 'purelin'});
net.trainFcn = 'trains';
batch_size = 10;
net = train(net,Pt(:, k:k+batch_size ) , Tt(:, k:k+batch_size) );
Have a look at Echo State Networks (ESNs) or other forms of Reservoir Computing. They are perfect for time series prediction, very easy to use and converge fast. You don't need to worry about the structure of the network at all (every neuron in the mid-layer has random weights which do not change). You only learn the output weights.
If I understood the problem correctly, with Echo State Networks, I would just train the network to predict the next point AND 90 points ahead. This can be done by simply forcing the desired output in the output neurons and then performing ridge regression to learn the output weights.
When running the network after having trained it, at every step n, it would output the next point (n+1), which you would feed back to the network as input (to continue the iteration), and 90 points ahead (n+90), which you can do whatever you want with - i.e: you could also feed it back to the network so that it affects the next outputs.
Sorry if the answer is not very clear. It's hard to explain how reservoir computing works in a short answer, but if you just read the article in the link, you will find it very easy to understand the principles.
If you do decide to use ESNs, also read this paper to understand the most important property of ESNs and really know what you're doing.
EDIT: Depending on how "predictable" your system is, predicting 90 points ahead may still be very difficult. For example if you're trying to predict a chaotic system, noise would introduce very large errors if you're predicting far ahead.
use fuzzy logic using membership function to predict the future data. will be efficient method.

how to handle large number of features machine learning

I developed a image processing program that identifies what a number is given an image of numbers. Each image was 27x27 pixels = 729 pixels. I take each R, G and B value which means I have 2187 variables from each image (+1 for the intercept = total of 2188).
I used the below gradient descent formula:
Repeat {
θj = θj−α/m∑(hθ(x)−y)xj
Where θj is the coefficient on variable j; α is the learning rate; hθ(x) is the hypothesis; y is real value and xj is the value of variable j. m is the number of training sets. hθ(x), y are for each training set (i.e. that's what the summation sign is for). Further the hypothesis is defined as:
hθ(x) = 1/(1+ e^-z)
z= θo + θ1X1+θ2X2 +θ3X3...θnXn
With this, and 3000 training images, I was able to train my program in just over an hour and when tested on a cross validation set, it was able to identify the correct image ~ 67% of the time.
I wanted to improve that so I decided to attempt a polynomial of degree 2.
However the number of variables jumps from 2188 to 2,394,766 per image! It takes me an hour just to do 1 step of gradient descent.
So my question is, how is this vast number of variables handled in machine learning? On the one hand, I don't have enough space to even hold that many variables for each training set. On the other hand, I am currently storing 2188 variables per training sample, but I have to perform O(n^2) just to get the values of each variable multiplied by another variable (i.e. the polynomial to degree 2 values).
So any suggestions / advice is greatly appreciated.
try to use some dimensionality reduction first (PCA, kernel PCA, or LDA if you are classifying the images)
vectorize your gradient descent - with most math libraries or in matlab etc. it will run much faster
parallelize the algorithm and then run in on multiple CPUs (but maybe your library for multiplying vectors already supports parallel computations)
Along with Jirka-x1's answer, I would first say that this is one of the key differences in working with image data than say text data for ML: high dimensionality.
Second... this is a duplicate, see How to approach machine learning problems with high dimensional input space?

How to use svmpredict in matlab?

[predicted_label, accuracy, decision_values/prob_estimates] = svmpredict(testing_label_vector, testing_instance_matrix, model [, 'libsvm_options']);
1. I am using libsvm for image classification in matlab. What does
testing_label_vector, testing_instance_matrix, decision_values/prob_estimates, most importantly, accuracy in "svmpredict"
2. If I am using it for testing to obtain accuracy value, Do I have to
know the values for testing_label_vector?
testing_label: are the true labels of the data on which you want to test
testing_instance_matrix: is the data on which you want to test, one per row. The label of each data point is in testing_label.
decision_values: are the decision values
accuracy: is what percentage of the predicted labels agrees with the real labels
Yes. You certainly need ground truth to compute accuracy.
