Delphi : force unload injected module - delphi

i use this code to determine if a specific module has been injected to my application's process
(i use it to prevent some Packet Sniffer Softwares)
H:= GetModuleHandle('WSock32.dll');
if H >0 then FreeLibrary(H);
the problem is when i call Freelibrary it do nothing !
i don't wanna show message then terminate the application i just want to unload the injected module silently
thanks in advance

Well, first of all I'll attempt to answer the question as asked. And then, I'll try to argue that you are asking the wrong question.
Modules are reference counted. It's possible that there are multiple references to this module. So, keep calling FreeLibrary:
procedure ForceRemove(const ModuleName: string);
hMod := GetModuleHandle(PChar(ModuleName));
if hMod=0 then
until not FreeLibrary(hMod);
If you were paranoid you might choose to add an alternative termination of the loop to avoid looping indefinitely.
I don't really know that this will work in your scenario. For instance, it's quite plausible that your process links statically to WSock32. In which case no amount of calling FreeLibrary will kick it out. And even if you could kick it out, the fact that your process statically linked to it probably means it's going to fail pretty hard.
Even if you can kick it out, it seems likely that other code in your process will hold references to functions in the module. And so you'll just fail somewhere else. I can think of very few scenarios where it makes sense to kick a module out of your process with complete disregard for the other users of that module.
Now, let's step back and look at what you are doing. You are trying to remove a standard system DLL from your process because you believe that it is only present because your process is having its packets sniffed. That seems unlikely to be true.
Since you state that your process is subject to packet sniffing attack. That means that the process is communicating over TCP/IP. Which means that it probably uses system modules to carry out that communication. One of which is WSock32. So you very likely link statically to WSock32. How is your process going to work if you kill one of the modules used to supply its functionality?
Are you quite sure that the presence of WSock32 in your process indicates that your process is under attack? If a packet sniffer was going to inject a DLL into your process, why would it inject the WSock32 system DLL? Did you check whether or not your process, or one of its dependencies, statically links to WSock32?
I rather suspect that you've just mis-diagnosed what is happening.
Some other points:
GetModuleHandle returns, and FreeLibrary accepts an HMODULE. For 32 bit that is compatible with Cardinal, but not for 64 bit. Use HMODULE.
The not found condition for GetModuleHandle is that the return value is 0. Nowhere in the documentation is it stated that a value greater than 0 indicates success. I realise that Cardinal and HMODULE are unsigned, and so <>0 is the same as >0, but it really makes no sense to test >0. It leaves the programmer thinking, "what is so special about <0?"


Why does VkAccessFlagBits include both read bits and write bits?

In vulkan.h, every instance of VkAccessFlagBits appears in a pair that contains a srcAccessMask and a dstAccessMask:
VkAccessFlags srcAccessMask;
VkAccessFlags dstAccessMask;
In every case, according to my understanding, the purpose of these masks is to help designate two sets of operations, such that results of operations in the first set will be visible to operations in the second set. For instance, write operations occurring prior to a barrier should not get hung up in caches but should instead propagate all the way to locations from which they can be read after the barrier. Or something like that.
The access flags come in both READ and WRITE forms:
/* ... */
/* ... */
But it seems to me that srcAccessMask should probably always be some sort of VK_ACCESS_*_WRITE_BIT combination, while dstAccessMask should always be a combination of VK_ACCESS_*_READ_BIT values. If that is true, then the READ/WRITE distinction is identical to and implicit in the src/dst distinction, and so it should be good enough to just have VK_ACCESS_SHADER_BIT etc., without READ_ or WRITE_ variants.
Why are there READ_ and WRITE_ variants, then? Is it ever useful to specify that some read operations must fully complete before some other operations have begun? Note that all operations using VkAccessFlagBits produce (I think) execution dependencies as well as memory dependencies. It seems to me that the execution dependencies should be good enough to prevent earlier reads from receiving values written by later writes.
While writing this question I encountered a statement in the Vulkan specification that provides at least part of an answer:
Memory dependencies are used to solve data hazards, e.g. to ensure that write operations are visible to subsequent read operations (read-after-write hazard), as well as write-after-write hazards. Write-after-read and read-after-read hazards only require execution dependencies to synchronize.
This is from the section 6.4. Execution And Memory Dependencies. Also, from earlier in that section:
The application must use memory dependencies to make writes visible before subsequent reads can rely on them, and before subsequent writes can overwrite them. Failure to do so causes the result of the reads to be undefined, and the order of writes to be undefined.
From this I surmise that, yes, the execution dependencies produced by the Vulkan commands that involve these access flags probably do free you from ever having to put a VK_ACCESS_*_READ_BIT into a srcAccessMask field--but that you might in fact want to have READ_ flags, WRITE_ flags, or both in some of your dstAccessMask fields, because apparently it's possible to use an explicit dependency to prevent read-after-write hazards in such a way that write-after-write hazards are NOT prevented. (And maybe vice-versa?)
Like, maybe your Vulkan will sometimes decide that a write does not actually need to be propagated all the way through a particular cache to its final specified destination for the sake of a subsequent read operation, IF Vulkan happens to know that that read operation will simply read from that same cache, saving some time? But then a second write might happen, and write to a different cache, and there'll be two caches left in a race (with the choice of winner undefined) to send their two values to the same spot. Or something? Maybe my mental model of these caches is entirely wrong.
It is fairly solidly established, at least, that memory barriers are confusing.
Let's go over all the possibilities:
read–read — well yeah that one is pretty useless. Khronos seems to agree #131 it is pointless value in src (basically equivalent to 0).
read–write — execution dependency should be sufficient to synchronize without this. Khronos seems to agree #131 it is pointless value in src (basically equivalent to 0).
write–read — that's the obvious and most common one.
write–write — similar reason to write–read above. Without it the order of the writes would be undefined. It is a bit pointless for most situations to write something you haven't even read in between. But hey, now you have a way to synchronize it.
You can provide bitmask of more of these masks to both src and dst. In which case it makes sense to have both masks for driver to sort the dependencies out for you. (I don't expect performance overhead from this on API level, so it is allowed as convenience)
From API design perspective, it could mean adding different enum for srcAccess. But perhaps _READ variants could just be forbidden in srcAccess through "Valid Usage", making this argument weak. The src == READ variant might have been kept, because it is benign.

What may and don't I may do in FormCreate()?

I think this must be a FAQ, but googling hasn't really helped.
What may I do - and may do not - in FormCreate()?
I am wondering if all of the form's child controls are fully created and available for access, etc.
The reason I ask is that I stumbled over an old project where my FormCreate() simply consists of
PostMessage(Handle, UM_PROGRAM_START, 0, 0);
It seems that I want to "wait a bit" and then do some initialization "when things have settled down" ...
Surely I had a reason for it at the time(?), but, in the absence of an enlightening comment I am unable to recall why I felt that to be necessary.
Can anyone state, or reference a link which states, any restrictions on what one may do in FormCreate()?
[Update] I think thta DavidHefferman found the solution when he wrote "the application starts pumping messages. That happens when you call Application.Run in your .dpr file".
I guess that I wasn't concerned about a single form. For instance, my main form wants to do somethign with my config/options form at start up, so obviously would have to wait until it is created.
Here's a typical .DPR from one of my projects ...
Application.CreateForm(TGlobal, Global);
Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := True;
Application.CreateForm(TMainForm, MainForm);
Application.CreateForm(TLoginForm, LoginForm);
Application.CreateForm(TConfigurationForm, ConfigurationForm);
//[snip] a bunch of other forms ...
So, it makes sense for my app's mainForm.CreateForm() to send a UM_APPLICATION_START to itself which it won't process until all forms are created & initialized (or, I could just call the fn() which the message triggers from my .DPR after Application.Run() is called; but I prefer the message as it is more obvious - I rarely look at my .DPR files).
There's no definitive documentation giving the list of all the things you can do and connot do in a form's OnCreate.
As for whether or not the .dfm file has been processed and all the form's owned components created, yes they have.
I wouldn't place much store in the code you have found. Calling Sleep during start up, to make the main thread wait, is absolutely not good practice. If the code wanted to wait for another thread it could block for that thread, or wait to get a message from that thread. This just looks like code that got put in by someone who didn't understand what he/she was doing. And the code never got removed.
The other line of code is reasonable:
PostMessage(Handle, UM_PROGRAM_START, 0, 0);
Because this message is posted, it won't get processed until the application starts pumping messages. That happens when you call Application.Run in your .dpr file. Which means that everything related to the creation of you main form happens before that message is pulled off the queue.
I wouldn't put to much initialization code in FormCreate, instead I would place it into a separate function, like
fm := TForm.Create;
The problem is, an exception thrown in the FormCreate() procedure is not re-thrown (there is only a MessageBox). That means, your code keeps running, although the form is not initialized correctly.
You may do whatever you want in the FormCreate. But there is no message handler to play with, that's all. In general I would create dependent objects in the FormCreate and free them in the FormDestroy. I would also try to avoid time consuming initialization routines.

Easiest way to find previous instance of an application

I have rewritten a VB6 application in Delphi. It should have only one instance running. How can I do this with minimum of code?
In VB6 we just have to use one single line of code
If App.PrevInstance Then
'Take some action
End If
On goggling I did find a solution but it is very length and we have to mess with .drp file.
I do not want to do that.
I want something simpler.
I have some code along the lines of:
AppMutex: THandle;
{ .... }
// Create the mutex
AppMutex := CreateMutex(nil, True, 'MY-APPLICATION-NAME');
if (AppMutex = 0) or (GetLastError = ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) then
MessageDlg('My application is already running on this computer.'#13#10+
'You should close the other instance before starting a new one.',mtError,
// Close the mutex
but I'm sure the answers in the thread that #mghie linked to are more helpful/richer features!
Edit: Note you can make this into a small unit in it's own right, then just use that unit in your project(s).
Note that in many cases, the user's expecation will be that launching the second instance results in the first instance being restored and brought to the foreground. Don't expect users to understand the difference between restoring a minimized/hidden app and launching from a shortcut or start menu.
In my experience one cannot decide in general wether an application my be started twice or not. It may be for instance perfectly valid to start the same application if it is started in another folder or under another user account or whatever. On the other hand it might be the case that two different applications may not run together if they are started in the same folder or so.
So besides the different approaches with mutexes and semaphores and handling race conditions, it is the wise selection of the mutex's or semaphore's name that handles the above combinations appropriately.
If an application may not run twice at all, take a GUID like name. You can even use the exe's filename if you can ignore that someone might rename it.
Restricting the one-time-start on a specific folder, you can take the exe path into account, but be aware that due to mappings different pathes may end up at the same exe.

Need a way to periodically log the call stack/stack trace for EVERY method/procedure/function called

I'm working on a very large application where periodically I'd like to log the ENTIRE call stack up until the current execution point (not on an exception). The idea here is that I want a map of the exact code path that led me to the point that I am. I have been working with madExcept, tooled around with jclDebug and while I can get some of the call stack, I can't seem to get EVERY method/procedure/function call that is made in the application to show up in the log.
I've got stack frames turned on, debug info, etc enabled on the project. I even tried turning on stack frames on individual methods that weren't getting included in the call stack to no avail.
Is what I'm trying to do even possible? I'm really trying to avoid having to add logging code all over our millions of lines of code in order to log the code path.
I use JCLDebug from the JCL to do just this.
The following will get the call stack for the current location and return it as a string.
function GetCurrentStack: string;
stackList: TJclStackInfoList; //JclDebug.pas
sl: TStringList;
stackList := JclCreateStackList(False, 0, Caller(0, False));
sl := TStringList.Create;
stackList.AddToStrings(sl, True, True, True, True);
Result := sl.Text;
To make this work as expected, you must enable one of supported ways for Debug Information for JCL such as:
Turbo Debugger Information
JDBG Files (Generated from the MAP Files)
JBDG Files Inserted into the EXE.
I recently switched between JDBG files inserted into the EXE to just shipping the external JDBG files as it was easier to maintain.
There are also routines that are useful for tracing such as:
function ProcByLevel(Level : Integer) : String;
This allows you to determine the current method/procedure name looking back in the call stack "N" number of levels.
You can use madExcept - it includes a method named GetThreadStackTrace. MadExcept is free for non-commercial use and definitely worth the price otherwise.
From the responses and comments to other answers it sounds like you need a CALL LOG, not a CALL STACK. The information you want simply isn't present in a call stack.
In which case I suggest you investigate a tool such as SmartInspect or AQ Time. Of the two I think SmartInspect is most likely to be relevant. AQ Time is more of an interactive profiling tool, where-as SmartInspect has facilities specifically for remote inspection.
When you return from a method it is removed from the stack. So presumably your Partial call stack is every method that has not yet returned?
I would think in this situation the call stack would be
MiniSubMethod is no longer on the stack as it returned before DoSomethingMore was called.
I think FastMM4 includes a Stack Trace so you could try that.
You would definitely need some kind of logging/stack trace instead of just the call stack.
If it is a complete trace you want, I believe a tool like SmartInspect could take you a long way.
It would require you to add logging to your code but for what you need, that would be unavoidable.
Some of its highlights
Monitor in Real-Time
High-performance live logging via TCP or named-pipes to the Console
Watch and Monitor Resources
Track variable values, session data and other application resources.
Rich Logging & Tracing
Track messages, exceptions, objects, files, database results & more.

Delphi 5: Ideas for simulating "Obsolete" or "Deprecated" methods?

i want to mark a method as obsolete, but Delphi 5 doesn't have such a feature.
For the sake of an example, here is a made-up method with it's deprecated and new preferred form:
procedure TStormPeaksQuest.BlowHodirsHorn; overload; //obsolete
procedure TStormPeaksQuest.BlowHodirsHorn(UseProtection: Boolean); overload;
Note: For this hypothetical example, we assume that using the parameterless version is just plain bad. There are problems with not "using protection" - which have no good solution. Nobody likes having to use protection, but nobody wants to not use protection. So we make the caller decide if they want to use protection or not when blowing Hodir's horn. If we default the parameterless version to continue not using protection:
procedure TStormPeaksQuest.BlowHodirsHorn;
BlowHodirsHorn(False); //No protection. Bad!
then the developer is at risk of all kinds of nasty stuff. If we force the parameterless version to use protection:
procedure TStormPeaksQuest.BlowHodirsHorn;
BlowHodirsHorn(True); //Use protection; crash if there isn't any
then there's a potential for problems if the developer didn't get any protection, or doesn't own any.
Now i could rename the obsolete method:
procedure TStormPeaksQuest.BlowHodirsHorn_Deprecatedd; overload; //obsolete
procedure TStormPeaksQuest.BlowHodirsHorn(UseProtection: Boolean); overload;
But that will cause a compile error, and people will bitch at me (and i really don't want to hear their whining). i want them to get a nag, rather than an actual error.
i thought about adding an assertion:
procedure TStormPeaksQuest.BlowHodirsHorn; //obsolete
Assert(false, 'TStormPeaksQuest.BlowHodirsHorn is deprecated. Use BlowHodirsHorn(Boolean)');
But i cannot guarantee that the developer won't ship a version without assertions, causing a nasty crash for the customer.
i thought about using only throwing an assertion if the developer is debugging:
procedure TStormPeaksQuest.BlowHodirsHorn; //obsolete
if DebugHook > 0 then
Assert(false, 'TStormPeaksQuest.BlowHodirsHorn is deprecated. Use BlowHodirsHorn(Boolean)');
But i really don't want to be causing a crash at all.
i thought of showing a MessageDlg if they're in the debugger (which is a technique i've done in the past):
procedure TStormPeaksQuest.BlowHodirsHorn; //obsolete
if DebugHook > 0 then
MessageDlg('TStormPeaksQuest.BlowHodirsHorn is deprecated. Use BlowHodirsHorn(Boolean)', mtWarning, [mbOk], 0);
but that is still too disruptive. And it has caused problems where the code is stuck at showing a modal dialog, but the dialog box wasn't obviously visible.
i was hoping for some sort of warning message that will sit there nagging them - until they gouge their eyes out and finally change their code.
i thought perhaps if i added an unused variable:
procedure TStormPeaksQuest.BlowHodirsHorn; //obsolete
ThisMethodIsObsolete: Boolean;
i was hoping this would cause a hint only if someone referenced the code. But Delphi shows a hint even if you don't call actually use the obsolete method.
Can anyone think of anything else?
How about something like
procedure TStormPeaksQuest.BlowHaldirsHorn; //obsolete
if DebugHook > 0 then asm int 3 end;
// This method is Obsolete! Use XXXXX instead.
Abort; // Optional, makes method useless
// old code here . . .
Kind of a compromise between an assertion and a showmessage. The developer just needs to hit F9 to continue. You could put in an Abort, and then the method would do nothing, and that would force them to switch methods and the break makes them aware of it.
Personally I would recommend upgrading to a newer version of Delphi. 2007 and 2009 are great releases and are really worth the upgrade.
What I've ended up using was a combination of opting into a system where you agree to not have any deprecated code, with output debug strings and breakpoints otherwise.
Like strict html, I've created a Strict define.
All the common units have the obsolete code defined out if Strict is defined. That way the developer has agreed that they will not have deprecated code in their project:
{$IFNDEF Strict}
procedure TStormPeaksQuest.BlowHaldirsHorn; overload; //obsolete
procedure TStormPeaksQuest.BlowHaldirsHorn(UseProtection: Boolean); {$IFNDEF Strict}overload;{$ENDIF}
{$IFNDEF Strict}
procedure TStormPeaksQuest.BlowHaldirsHorn; //obsolete
OutputDebugString(PAnsiChar('TStormPeaksQuest.BlowHaldirsHorn is deprecated. Use BlowHaldirsHorn(Boolean)'));
//Don't debugbreak without a debugger attached!
if DebugHook > 0 then
So if the developer wants to have proper code, suffering having to perform code-changes when new things are deprecated, they can:
{$DEFINE Strict}
If not, then there will always be an OutputDebugString, and anyone with Debug View can see (even customers). It's funny to see commercial software (even Microsoft's) with output debug strings left over.
And finally, if there's a debugger attached, then they'll get a debug breakpoint out of nowhere. If anyone asks about, i can take that opportunity to make fun of them.
This doesn't exactly answer your question but it might provide an alternative solution. Could you not update the original function with a default value...
procedure TStormPeaksQuest.BlowHaldirsHorn(UseProtection: Boolean = False); that legacy code compiles and behaves the same but the new functionality is available to new developers.
Why do you want to do this and why don't you want to upgrade the Delphi version?
Without the deprecated tag you really have no clean option to filter the use of deprecated methods. So it depend on where you want to make the concession:
renaming catches the error at compiletime (unless there is another method/function with the same name within scope).
all other methods are only caught at runtime. And this has a risk of slipping into the production code.
What you can do, is create a deprecated log. This won't piss off anybody, and it is no complete disaster if it enters production code. But if your tests have full coverage, you will catch all the culprits. You only have to check the log file after a (test)run.
And of course the best way, is to use grep to find all the occurences of the code and change it.
I'd agree with an optional parameter if it'll do the job. But I can think of situations were optional params won't fit. For instance I have moved functions into new units but kept the olds ones and marked them as deprecated.
I guess whatever solution you go with will also depend on the discipline of your team. Do they actively take notice and work to correct all the hints and warnings for their apps? Hopefully they do but I am shamed to admit that the team I work with (including myself) do not stay on top of all the hints and warnings. Every now and then I fix as many hints & warnings as time permits and we absolutely should fix warnings but in reality we've got to get the job done and are more focused on new features and deadlines.
So my point is, even if you could mark them as deprecated or give a similar hint/warning, do you feel your team will take the time to change their code anyway?
It's not a total solution since you can't differentiate whether they've used the method or not but if it's available in Delphi 5 but you could use the $MESSAGE compiler directive to emit a warning at compile time.
Nothing says "Fix me!" like a compiler break.
That said, I have a colleague who regularly modifies the signatures of 'common code' routines... and yes it is annoying!
My preferred (i.e. our team isn't quite there yet :/) approach is as follows:
All developers must be able to easily perform a full build of all projects on their own machines.
Whoever decides to change common code should bear responsibility for the consequences. I.e. Fix all affected code.
Granted, sometimes said developer might not be ideally suited to properly implementing and verifying all fixes.
But, by the same token the developrs imposed upon to "adopt the new contract" in their own code might not be clear on the subtelties of the new contract. I.e.
Is there anything special that needs to be done in order to use protection?
How is the use of protection implemented?
What are the concerns as to how it could break existing code?
This is a major reason why a comprehensive set of test cases is important.
Generally you want the ripple effect of all the changes applied as soon as possible. I.e. While the finer details of the change are fresh in the originating developer's mind - before attention shifts to something else!
It should be a rare occurance that the ripple effect is so vast (thousands of lines) that you want to apply the change over an extended period of time.
If this is the case, then implement a simple code-metric gathering tool integrated into your build process to report the number of outstanding instances.
I consider point 2 to be of key importance, not least because it emphasises the need for cooperation and communication within the team.
Going back to my opening statement, the sooner you catch and fix an error, the better.
Let the compiler report a break! -- It's the "earliest opportunity" error reporting mechanism we have.
That's my 2 coppers! :D
