Linux EDI file format validator - edi

I am searching for a Linux open source EDI file format validator. I have searched a lot but I couldn't able to find an open source tool which works in linux.
Is there any such open source tool available for linux to do at least basic EDI file format validation?

as Andrew say, bots does this.
bots is also used as online validator:
send an email with the edifact file as attachment to
A email report will be send back within a minute.
Mind: edifact only, use complete interchanges (incl UNB/UNZ).


How to export data as a XES file in rails?

I am working on a application that allows users upload and edit CSV files containing process activity logs.
I am not storing the data in the database.
So far the user can download the data as a new .csv file.
Now I want to convert that data into a XES file (this a special XML format used mainly for process mining in tools such as ProM framework).
I couldn't find any hint on how to do that.
I wonder if there's a rails gem or something.
Thanks in advance
ps.: here is the project code.
A simple method would be imported in Disco and by using this tool, exported in XES format ( I always use this method).
If you don't access to Disco another solution would be used ProM software. There is a plugin for this platform for converting CSV file to XES format ( developed by F. Mannhardt).

Delphi iOS import/export data file using email

Assuming I have an app on iOS that generates a data file, and I would like the user the ability to import/export that file, how is that best done?
Import from email in xcode/objc:
Is this possible in Delphi? (i.e. register an ios app as file handler for a specifc file type)
(I am planning on handling export through generating an email attaching a file? I suspect this is probably possible although if anyone knows for sure, feel free to share)
It has been asked why import/export across email is useful.
Because legally EU/US law and cloud storage is difficult with personal data
You don't need any desktop computers
You can sync data between ios and android apps if user changes mobile
You are not bound to any specific cloud provider or anything similar
Quote from above article where author explains where the file path is passed to the app:
application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions, passing the URL in the
UIApplicationLaunchOptionsURLKey, or via application:handleOpenURL.
But since I have not used Delphi for ages (for mobile), I would just like to know for sure if Delphi supports this or not before buying a new version
You can send files using email. I use the email component from D.P.F Delphi iOS Native Components to send file attachments using email. I don't see any reason why you should not be able to send your data file as long as it is not too big. Use a file extension that is unique to your app.
You could also use iTunes filesharing in order to give your users direct access to your data file. Just set the UIFileSharingEnabled key in your info.plist and store you data file inside of the documents folder. This does require a desktop PC, but it is still a very nice addition to sending backups by email.
Depending on your needs,
I would suggest looking at perhaps saving the file to a server using FTP and Indy and then on the other device you can retrieve it?
Set the TidFTP connection parameters
Do a FTP put : // ftp.Put('testfile.txt');
Perhaps have a Database with a column that you specify a file version etc
Do a simple Get request if you want to retrive the file with the filename
or Alternatively you can save it to a blob field in a DB and have the other device read the blobfield if you don't want to do it via FTP

Openvms mime content/encoding for an .xlsx file

We have created a utily that - using MIME - allows us to send emails using the VMS MAIL utility that include various types of file as an attachment. So far it works for PDF, text xls, doc and zip files.
However we are unable to get it to work for the newer .xlsx excel files. We can send it OK and when you open the email up it all looks as it should, the little .xlsx icon is right there etc ... But when we actually click on it to try to open it up , excel simply says the file is in an unreadable format.
I wonder if anyone has any experience of getting this to work ok or can suggest a solution.
Ok, so here is the answer to my own question.
First of all the VMS engineer guys are accepting that mime has a bug which prevents it from encoding native .xlsx (and possibly other new office format files).
The workaround we did was to zip the .xlsx with a recent version (circa 2006) of zip on our openVMS box, using the "-V" option. We could then "mimeify" the zip and send on using VMS Mail. We found that we could then open the zip in the target email client and read the attached .xlsx spreadsheet OK.

LaTeX: Are there any web frontends available?

As of now the workflow is something like, I import an SVN or a CVS repository and then compile a document locally on my machine to get either a ps or a pdf file. But I was wondering if there is a Web front-end to do all the stuff, like for instance, an editor using which you can edit the file online and then download just the pdf file by compiling it?
Any suggestions?
latex-lab will build on top of the google apps editor base...
scribtex is hosted only it looks like.
Another to add to the list is TeXonWeb.
If you mean online LaTeX compilers, then there are two I know of - at (to PDF) and at ScienceSoft (to several formats). Haven't seen any full editors, though.
There is a CMS based on Latex out there at
The best site I found to produce PDF from LaTeX online is PC Shows.
Verbosus offers an Online LaTeX Editor that supports PDF preview, HTTPS, syntax highlighting, code completion, templates, etc. (Additionally it offers an editor for Octave/Matlab)
This is less of a web-based interface than a simple drag-and-drop cgi script that converts latex syntax to a graphic...
latex-online is a simple open source web service that compiles latex sources/public git repos and returns pdf's. It has both a simplistic web front-end and a command-line tool for interacting with the service - you might find it interesting.
One rather new possibility is
You can either interactively edit your documents or you can pass your document via the url to it. E.g. a simple hello world document can be constructed as!%0A%5Cend%7Bdocument%7D

Creating Microsoft Word (.docx) documents in Ruby

Is there an easy way to create Word documents (.docx) in a Ruby application? Actually, in my case it's a Rails application served from a Linux server.
A gem similar to Prawn but for DOCX instead of PDF would be great!
As has been noted, there don't appear to be any libraries to manipulate Open XML documents in Ruby, but OpenXML Developer has complete documentation on the format of Open XML documents.
If what you want is to send a copy of a standard document (like a form letter) customized for each user, it should be fairly simple given that a DOCX is a ZIP file that contains various parts in a directory hierarchy. Have a DOCX "template" that contains all the parts and tree structure that you want to send to all users (with no real content), then simply create new (or modify existing) pieces that contain the user-specific content you want and inject it into the ZIP (DOCX file) before sending it to the user.
For example: You could have document-template.xml that contains Dear [USER-PLACEHOLDER]:. When a user requests the document, you replace [USER-PLACEHOLDER] with the user's name, then add the resulting document.xml to the your-template.docx ZIP file (which would contain all the images and other parts you want in the Word document) and send that resulting document to the user.
Note that if you rename a .docx file to .zip it is trivial to explore the structure and format of the parts inside. You can remove or replace images or other parts very easily with any ZIP manipulation tools or programmatically with code.
Generating a brand new Word document with completely custom content from raw XML would be very difficult without access to an API to make the job easier. If you really need to do that, you might consider installing Mono, then use VB.NET, C# or IronRuby to create your Open XML documents using the Open XML Format SDK 1.0. Since you would just be using the Microsoft.Office.DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging Namespace to manipulate Open XML documents, it should work okay in Mono, which seems to support everything the SDK requires.
Maybe this gem is interesting for you.
It like prawn but with docx.
You can use Apache POI. It is written in Java, but integrates with Ruby as an extension
This is an old question but there's a new answer. If you'd like to turn an HTML doc into a Word (docx) doc, just use the 'htmltoword' gem:
I'm not sure why there was answer creep and everyone started posting templating solutions, but this answers the OP's question. Just like Prawn, except Word instead of PDF.
There's also pandoc and an API wrapper for pandoc called docverter. Both have slightly complicated installs since pandoc is a haskell library.
I know if you serve a HTML document as a word document with the .doc extension, it will open in Word just fine. Just don't do anything fancy.
Edit: Here is an example using classic ASP.
Using a technique very similar to that suggested by Grant Wagner I have created a Ruby html to word gem that should allow you to easily output Word docx files from your ruby app. You can check it out at - Simply pass it a html string and it will create a corresponding word docx file.
def show
respond_to do |format|
format.docx do
file = Htmltoword::Document.create params[:docx_html_source], "file_name.docx"
send_file file.path, :disposition => "attachment"
Hope you find it useful. If you have any problems with it feel free to open a github issue.
Disclosure: I'm the leader of the docxtemplater project.
I know you're looking for a ruby solution, but because all other solutions only tell you how to do it globally, without giving you a library that does exactly what you want, here's a solution based on JS or NodeJS (works in both)
DocxTemplater Library
Demo of the library
You can also use it in the commandline:
npm install docxtemplater -g
docxtemplater <configFile>
----config.docxFile: The input file in docx format
----config.outputFile: The outputfile of the document
This is a way Doccy ( has a api that does just that which you can use. Supports docx, odt and pages and converts to PDF as well if you like
Further to Grant's answer, you can also send Word a "Flat OPC" file, which is essentially the docx unzipped and concatenated to create a single xml file. This way, you can replace [USER-PLACEHOLDER] in one file and be done with it (ie no zipping or unzipping).
If anyone is still looking at this, this post explains how to use an XML data source. This works nicely for me.
Check out this github repo:
It allows you to create a document from a word template.
If you're running on Windows, of course, it's a matter of WIN32OLE and some pain with the Word COM objects.
Chances are that your serving from a *nix environment, though. Word 2007 uses the "Microsoft Office Open XML" format (*.docx) which can be opened using the appropriate compatibility pack from Microsoft.
Some of the more recent Office apps (2002/XP and 2003 at least) had their own XML formats which may also be useable.
I'm not aware of any Ruby tools to make the process easier, sadly.
If it can be made acceptable, I think I'd be inclined to go down the renamed-html file route. I just saved a document as HTML from WordXP, renamed it to a .doc and opened it without problem.
I encountered the same problem. Unfortunately I could not manipulate the xml because my clients should themselves to fill in templates. And to do this is not always possible (for example, office for mac does not allow this).
As a solution to this problem, I made ​​a simple gem, which can be used as an rtf document template with embedded ruby:
I tested it and it works ok for filling reports and documents. However, formatting badly displays for complex loops and conditions.
