iPad UIViewController subview reset issues - ios

I am not really sure how to phrase this question but to keep it simple;
I originally started my app for iPhone but now made it universal. Being that did that, I started making iPad.xib files as well... Everything is complete now and everything is working how it should except ONE thing...
On the Controllers, I have an instructions button, (button that when touched, a uiview gets added to the center of the screen and says the instructions).
That all works great but for some reason when I touch it on one of the new iPad Controller (from the iPad xib) all the buttons that were moved around the view prior to touching the button, start to revert back to the initial position...
I do have a function that makes them do that, but to my knowledge, it is not being activated when this instructions button gets touched. If it were, I'm sure this "error" would also happen in the iPhone simulator...
Anyone have any idea? I keep looking at different solutions but can't really figure this out.

This is most likely due to auto layout. If you change the frame of a view by setting frames, when the view updates (for any reason), the views will revert to the frames that are determined by their constraints. To fix the problem, you should move your buttons around using constraints, or turn off auto layout. While turning off auto layout is the easy way to fix this, you really should learn how to use that system.


How to smoothly translate view in iMessage extension in iOS 10?

I have issue when I try to push view controller in willTransitionToPresentationStyle:. The view was blinking for a split second before it fully expanded. It might be a small glitch or bug since iOS 10 and Xcode 8 are still in beta. But when I manually requested to change presentation style to MSMessagesAppPresentationStyleExpanded by calling requestPresentationStyle: after I push view controller, it went to expand mode more smoothly. Does anyone have similar issue?
I have had similar problems with transitions in iMessage apps. I think this should improve considerably when iOS 10 and Xcode 8 come out of beta, but for now we have to deal with Xcode's bugs.
There's a few things I've done to make this look better. Inside my extension I have a method that checks the presentation style every time the view changes. This method manages two different UIs - one for MSMessagesAppPresentationStyleExpanded and one for MSMessagesAppPresentationStyleCompact. This method hides and shows specific views accordingly. In my compact UI I have a button that allows the user to expand the interface by clicking it (this is basically the same as clicking the up arrow at the bottom right of the screen).
I've noticed that if you let the user expand the messages app after the view has been loaded for a while the transitions are much smoother and less buggy. Not sure why this is the case, but you should give it a try. Also, I've found segues to be extremely buggy, so that's why I went with keeping everything on one view controller.

Very Strange View Behavior When Implementing 3D Touch Preview

I'm running into a very strange issue with 3D Touch previewing in my app. As you press into a cell to show a preview, a view seems to grow out of the top left corner, until it's about to show the preview view controller, at which point it's the full size of the view controller.
Here's a video of the behavior
I haven't been able to replicate in any apps I've created from scratch; however, creating a new tableview and view controller in the same app it still does it:
I know this isn't a lot to go on, but I've exhausted my debugging knowledge. I'm not getting auto layout errors, when I debug the view hierarchy the view just isn't there. I'm hoping someone has experienced this and knows how to fix it.
It took me a while to hunt this bug down. Turns out it's caused (in my case) by https://github.com/icanzilb/EasyAnimation. When I remove the library the bug is gone.
Edit: As it happens it's documented here: https://github.com/icanzilb/EasyAnimation/issues/14

I have to update frame of everything in storyboard every time I start Xcode

So each time I open my project in Xcode, I have 100's of warning because the frames of every UI Object has been moved. I have to take the time and go to each UIViewController and update frames on it.
Is there a reason this happens? How can I fix this? Any other information I need to mention?.
Do you use a repository for your code? There may be some configuration file missing, probably not comited properly
In my case, this was happening because size-class for which I have set the constraints and layout got changed when I opens the Xcode project. So make sure that the size class remain the same for which you have applied the layout or change it if it has been modified by the Xcode.
If above does not work for you, you can try having a local repository created by the Xcode and commit the code before you quit the Xcode.
Hope this helps!!
I believe this was asked previously here:
Interface Builder degrades storyboards, resizes and repositions views in small increments
I have not yet seen a fix to the problem, but the answer I posted there likely holds true here.
At least one source is due to storyboards resolving layouts to either full pixel boundaries (x=7.0, y=10.0) or partial boundaries (x=7.5, y=10.5). As best I can tell, this can be recalculated any time you view the storyboard and the rounding is actually determined based on the current display environment.
You can intentionally cause this behavior by viewing the storyboard on a retina display and then viewing it on a non-retina display. With my dual-monitor display, if I just drag a storyboard from one screen (retina 5k) to another (non-retina) it will generate a flood of misaligned constraints. Unfortunately moving it back doesn't fix them! Try it out for yourself (or don't ... it's a pain to correct).
In a team environment its easy to see how this could happen as soon as two people with different setups view the same storyboard.
How to fix it? I haven't heard of a workflow that properly corrects or avoids the problem unfortunately.
Here are a couple of reasons I've seen for intermittently misplaced views. I'm not sure if either of these is responsible for the problem you're seeing -- usually these will cause a few views to be misplaced here and there, not every view in your storyboard. But I've listed them just in case it helps.
Different team members may be using different versions of Xcode, which may position certain views slightly differently, and which will certainly change the storyboard file "tool version" and so forth.
Constraints are not usually happy with fractional widths/heights in them. This can be difficult to detect -- for example, you may have a view whose intrinsic height is an odd number of pixels vertically centered within a view whose height is an even number of pixels, causing the inner view to start at a half-pixel offset and want to be repositioned lower or higher when the storyboard is re-opened.
For xib files, you can easily write a script that updates automatically the frames:
ibtool input.xib --update-frames --write input.xib
But, you should not worry about these warnings: the frames will be automatically adjusted during the execution.
Its could happens due to having 4k external display. Everybody in my team does not have this kind of problem, only me.
After opening Xcode tries to align logical points to physical pixels, so everything moves about 0.5 point.

Xcode 6: label won't drag

Im just picking up ios development, and Im having a stupidly basic problem with xcode...
I open up a new app and open main.storyboard, and drag in a label to the center of the panel:
It just sticks to the right side, and no matter how many times I click on the darned thing, it won't move! I closed the project and started a new one, and that one worked just fine, but the problem keeps appearing just about every other time I open a new project. why does this keep happening?
That is a strange problem. You say that if you close the project and start it again, it fixes itself but keeps reappearing.
Few suggestions, try clearing up some ram by closing other, unused apps.
If that does not work, I would say delete Xcode, restart your mac, and start over. Maybe something went wrong during the install.
Storyboards are scrollable and when you scrolled out your views, you cannot make any changes to the views. Try scrolling into the storyboard and then retry moving the label.
It's AutoLayout, which is the highly recommended default for laying out components now. You need to create constraints to
position it, using the icons below the layout area.
Some components I've found I need to manipulate via the size inspector, before constraints are applied.
You will need to read up on Auto Layout sooner or later. It may seem like a hassle or drag at first, and a lot of people are cursing when they have to switch to the paradigm, but when you start to master it, it is very powerful. And it really is a sensible way to handle the layout across all the new screen sizes and orientations. It developed out of a need to manage that complexity to keep apps looking good.
Icons in IB where you set constraints for selected views:
Apple has good documentation for how to use Auto Layout as do many bloggers and sites. You will have to put some hours into getting used to it, but in a day or two you should start seeing good results.
(and don't blame me, I'm just the messenger)

Spinning orientation when going to next storyboard

So I've been trying to put off posting here about this because it's such a stupid thing and I imagine it's going to be a simple fix but I honestly cannot find the answer.
This is what keeps happening in the iPad application I'm building.
I have 2 ViewControllers, when I clicked my UIButton to transition to the next Controller, it does the above.
Orientation for each controller is set to landscape and project settings are all set to left only.
I have code in both my .m files to set the orientation to left as well but nothing seems to stop it.
Can anyone help?
