Does tuple_size count the elements in the tuple like lists:length()? - erlang

Is there ever a reason where I would do something like:
{foobar, NumberOfElementsInFoobarTuple, ...}
I would imagine the internal datastructure for tuple_size knows it's size already, like the binary type. With binaries it's still beneficial to keep track of byte size as a variable instead of calling byte_size(). It doesn't make sense but that's how it is. I'm creating this tuple through list_to_tuple so it may have varying size.

A tuple is one fixed size block compared to a list which is a linked list of list cells each of which has a head and a tail. So a tuple explicitly contains its size and tuple_size(Tuple) just directly returns this value.


Swift 3 and Index of a custom linked list collection type

In Swift 3 Collection indices have to conform to Comparable instead of Equatable.
Full story can be read here swift-evolution/0065.
Here's a relevant quote:
Usually an index can be represented with one or two Ints that
efficiently encode the path to the element from the root of a data
structure. Since one is free to choose the encoding of the “path”, we
think it is possible to choose it in such a way that indices are
cheaply comparable. That has been the case for all of the indices
required to implement the standard library, and a few others we
investigated while researching this change.
In my implementation of a custom linked list collection a node (pointing to a successor) is the opaque index type. However, given two instances, it is not possible to tell if one precedes another without risking traversal of a significant part of the chain.
I'm curious, how would you implement Comparable for a linked list index with O(1) complexity?
The only idea that I currently have is to somehow count steps while advancing the index, storing it within the index type as a property and then comparing those values.
Serious downside of this solution is that indices must be invalidated when mutating the collection. And while that seems reasonable for arrays, I do not want to break that huge benefit linked lists have - they do not invalidate indices of unchanged nodes.
It can be done at the cost of two additional integers as collection properties assuming that single linked list implements front insert, front remove and back append. Any meddling around in the middle would anyway break O(1) complexity requirement.
Here's my take on it.
a) I introduced one private integer type property to my custom Index type: depth.
b) I introduced two private integer type properties to the collection: startDepth and endDepth, which both default to zero for an empty list.
Each front insert decrements the startDepth.
Each front remove increments the startDepth.
Each back append increments the endDepth.
Thus all indices startIndex..<endIndex have a reflecting integer range startDepth..<endDepth.
c) Whenever collection vends an index either by startIndex or endIndex it will inherit its corresponding depth value from the collection. When collection is asked to advance the index by invoking index(_ after:) I will simply initialize a new Index instance with incremented depth value (depth += 1).
Conforming to Comparable boils down to comparing left-hand side depth value to the right-hand side one.
Note that because I expand the integer range from both sides as well, all the depth values for the middle indices remain unchanged (thus are not invalidated).
Traded benefit of O(1) index comparisons at the cost of minor increase in memory footprint and few integer increments and decrements. I expect index lifetime to be short and number of collections relatively small.
If anyone has a better solution I'd gladly take a look at it!
I may have another solution. If you use floats instead of integers, you can gain kind of O(1) insertion-in-the-middle performance if you set the sortIndex of the inserted node to a value between the predecessor and the successor's sortIndex. This would require to store (and update) the predecessor's sortIndex on your nodes (I imagine this should not be to hard since it is only changed on insertion or removal and it can always be propagated 'up').
In your index(after:) method you need to query the successor node, but since you use your node as index, that is be straightforward.
One caveat is the finite precision of floating points, so if on insertion you the distance between the two sort indices are two small, you need to reindex at least part of the list. Since you said you only expect small scale, I would just go through the hole list and use the position for that.
This approach has all the benefits of your own, with the added benefit of good performance on insertion in the middle.

multi dimension dynamic array allocation

I want to use dynamic allocation for multi-block CFD code, where, the index (i,j,k) varies for different blocks. I really dont know, how to allocate arbitrary array index for n number of blocks and pass it to subroutines. I have given a sample code, which gives error message "Error: Expression at (1) must be scalar", on compilation using gfortran.
integer, dimension (:),allocatable::nib,njb,nkb
real, dimension (:,:,:,:),allocatable::x,y,z
allocate (nib(nb),njb(nb),nkb(nb))
do l=1,nb
allocate (x(l,ni,nj,nk),y(l,ni,nj,nk),z(l,ni,nj,nk))
call gridatt (x,y,z,nib,njb,nkb)
subroutine gridatt (x,y,z,nib,njb,nkb)
integer, dimension (nb)::nib,njb,nkb
real, dimension (nb,nib,njb,nkb)::x,y,z
do l=1,nb
$ (((y(l,i,j,k),i=1,nib(l)),j=1,njb(l)),k=1,nkb(l)),
$ (((z(l,i,j,k),i=1,nib(l)),j=1,njb(l)),k=1,nkb(l))
The error message gfortran gives, is as good as they get. It points to nib in the line
real, dimension (nb,nib,njb,nkb)::x,y,z
nib is declared as an array. This is not allowed. (What would the size of x, y, and z be in this dimension?)
Apart from this, I don't really understand your description of what it is that you are trying to do, and the sample code you show doesn't make much sense to me.
integer, dimension (:),allocatable::nib,njb,nkb
real, dimension (:,:,:,:),allocatable::x,y,z
allocate (nib(nb),njb(nb),nkb(nb))
When writing new code, using modules to communicate between program units is highly preferred. Old style common blocks are to be avoided.
You are trying to allocate nib, njb, and nkb with size nb. The problem is that nb hasn't been given a value yet (and won't be given one anywhere in the code).
do l=1,nb
allocate (x(l,ni,nj,nk),y(l,ni,nj,nk),z(l,ni,nj,nk))
Again the problem with nb not having a value. This loop runs for an unknown number of times. You're also using the arrays nib, njb, and nkb, which don't contain any values yet.
In each iteration of the loop x, y, and z get allocated. This will lead to a runtime error in the second iteration, because you can not allocate an already allocated variable. Even if the allocations would work, this loop would be useless, because the three arrays would be reset in each iteration and would eventually be set to the dimensions of the last allocation.
Now that I'm writing this, I'm starting to think that what it is that you are trying to do, is create so called 'jagged arrays': you want to create a block in x(1,:,:,:) that differs in size in the second, third, and/or fourth dimension from the block in x(2,:,:,:), and so on. This is simply not possible in fortran.
One way to achieve this would be to create a user defined type with an allocatable, three dimensional array component, and create an array of this type. You can then allocate the array component to the desired size for each element of the array of user defined type.
This would look something like the following (disclaimer: untested and just one possible way of achieving your goal).
type :: blocktype
real, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable :: x, y, z
end type blocktype
type(blocktype), dimension(nb) :: myblocks
You can then run a loop to allocate x, y, and z to a different size for each array element. This is assuming nb has been set to the required value, and nib, njb, and nkb contain the desired sizes for the different blocks.
do block = 1, nb
ni = nib(block)
nj = njb(block)
nk = nkb(block)
allocate(myblocks(block)%x(ni, nj, nk))
allocate(myblocks(block)%y(ni, nj, nk))
allocate(myblocks(block)%z(ni, nj, nk))
If you want to do it like this, you will definitely want to put your procedures in modules, because that way you automatically get explicit interfaces, which are required for passing around such arrays of user defined type.
One afterthought: Don't use implicit typing, not even in sample code. Always use implicit none.

How can I avoid running out of memory with a growing TDictionary?

TDictionary<TKey,TValue> uses an internal array that is doubled if it is full:
newCap := Length(FItems) * 2;
if newCap = 0 then
newCap := 4;
This performs well with medium number of items, but if one gets to the upper limit it is very unfortunate, because it might throw an EOutOfMemory exception even if there is almost half of the memory still available.
Is there any way to influence this behaviour? How do other collection classes deal with this scenario?
You need to understand how a Dictionary works. A dictionary contains a list of "hash buckets" where the items you insert are placed. That's a finite number, so once you fill it up you need to allocate more buckets, there's no way around it. Since the assignment of objects-to-buckets is based on the result of a hash function, you can't simply add buckets to the end of the array and put stuff in there, you need to re-allocate the whole list of blocks, re-hash everything and put it in the (new) corresponding buckets.
Given this behavior, the only way to make the dictionary not re-allocate once full is to make sure it never gets full. If you know the number of items you'll insert in the dictionary pass it as a parameter to the constructor and you'll be done, no more dictionary reallocations.
If you can't do that (you don't know the number of items you'll have in the dictionary) you'll need to reconsider what made you select the TDictionary in the first place and select a data structure that offers better compromise for your particular algorithm. For example you could use binary search trees, as they do the balancing by rotating information in existing nodes, no need for re-allocations ever.

Does erlang implement record copy-and-modify in any clever way?

-record(foo, {a, b, c}).
I do something like this:
Thing = #foo{a={1,2}, b={3,4}, c={5,6}},
Thing1 = Thing#foo{a={7,8}}.
From a semantic view, Thing and Thing1 are unique entities. However, from a language implementation standpoint, making a full copy of Thing to generate Thing1 would be intensely wasteful. For example, if the record were a megabyte in size and I made a thousand "copies," each modifying a couple of bytes, I've just burned a gigabyte. If the internal structure kept track of a representation of the parent structure and each derivative marked up that parent in a way that indicated its own change but preserved everyone elses' versions, the derivates could be created with a minimum of memory overhead.
My question is this: is erlang doing anything clever - internally - to keep the overhead of the usual erlang scribble;
Thing = #ridiculously_large_record,
Thing1 = make_modified_copy(Thing),
Thing2 = make_modified_copy(Thing1),
Thing3 = make_modified_copy(Thing2),
Thing4 = make_modified_copy(Thing3),
Thing5 = make_modified_copy(Thing4) a minimum?
I ask because there would be a number of changes to the way that I did cross-process communications if this were the case.
The exact workings of the garbage collection and memory allocation is only known to a few. Thankfully, they are very happy to share their knowledge and the following is based on what I have learnt from the erlang-questions mailing list and by discussing with OTP developers.
When messaging between processes, the content is always copied as there is no shared heap between processes. The only exception is binaries bigger than 64 bytes, where only a reference is copied.
When executing code in one process, only parts are updated. Let's analyze tuples, as that is the example you provided.
A tuple is actually a structure that keeps references to the actual data somewhere on the heap (except for small integers and maybe one more data type which I can't remember). When you update a tuple, using for example setelement/3, a new tuple is created with the given element replaced, however for all other elements only the reference is copied. There is one exception which I have never been able to take advantage of.
The garbage collector keeps track of each tuple and understands when it is safe to reclaim any tuple that is no longer used. It might be that the data referenced by the tuple is still in use, in which case the data itself is not collected.
As always, Erlang gives you some tools to understand exactly what is going on. The efficiency guide details how to use erts_debug:size/1 and erts_debug:flat_size/1 to understand the size of the data structure when used internally in a process and when copied. The trace tools also allows you to understand when, what and how much was garbage collected.
The record foo is of arity four (holding four words), but the whole structure is 14 words in size. Any immediate (pids, ports, small integers, atoms, catch and nil) can be stored directly in the tuples array. Any other term which can't fit into a word, such as other tuples, are not stored directly but referenced by boxed pointers (a boxed pointer is an erlang term with a forwarding address to the real eterm ... just internals).
In your case a new tuple of same arity is created and the atom foo and all the pointers are copied from the previous tuple except for index two, a, which points to the new tuple {7,8} which constitutes 3 words. In all 5 + 3 new words are created on the heap and only 3 words are copied from the old tuple the other 9 words are not touched.
Excessively large tuples are not recommended. When updating a tuple, the whole tuple, i.e the array and not the deep content, needs to copied and then updated in other to preserve a persistent data structure. This will also generate increased garbage, forcing the garbage collector to heat up which also hurts performance. The dict and array modules avoids using large tuples for this reason and have a shallow tuple tree instead.
I can definitely verify what people have already pointed out:
a record is just a tuple with the record name as the first element and all the fields just the following tuple element
when an element of a tuple is changed, updating a field in a record in your case, only the top level tuple is new, all the elements are just reused
This works just because we have immutable data. So in your example each time you update a value in a #foo record none of the data in the elements are copied and only a new 4-element tuple (5 words) is created. Erlang will never does a deep copy in this type of operation or when passing arguments in function calls.
In conclusion:
Thing = #foo{a={1,2}, b={3,4}, c={5,6}},
Thing1 = Thing#foo{a={7,8}}.
Here, if Thing is not used again, it will probably be updated in place and copying of the tuple will be avoided, as the Efficiency Guide says. (tuple and record syntax is complied into something like setelement, I think)
Thing = #ridiculously_large_record,
Thing1 = make_modified_copy(Thing),
Thing2 = make_modified_copy(Thing1),
Here the tuples are actually copied every time.
I guess that it would be theoretically possible make an interesting optimization to this. If the compiler could perform escape analysis on the return value of make_modified_copy and detect that the only reference to it is the one returned, in could save this information about the function. When it encounter a call the that function it would know that it is safe to modify the return value in place.
This would only be possible to do on inter module calls, because of the code replace feature.
Maybe one day we will have it.

What happens when increasing the size of a dynamic array?

I'd like to understand what happens when the size of a dynamic array is increased.
My understanding so far:
Existing array elements will remain unchanged.
New array elements are initialised to 0
All array elements are contiguous in memory.
When the array size is increased, will the extra memory be tacked onto the existing memory block, or will the existing elements be copied to a entirely new memory block?
Does changing the size of a dynamic array have consequences for pointers referencing existing array elements?
[edit] Incorrect assumption struck out. (New array elements are initialised to 0)
Existing array elements will remain unchanged: yes
New array elements are initialized to 0: yes (see update) no, unless it is an array of compiler managed types such as string, an other array or a variant
All array elements are contiguous in memory: yes
When the array size is increased, the array will be copied. From the doc:
...memory for a dynamic array is reallocated when you assign a value to the array or pass it to the SetLength procedure.
So yes, increasing the size of a dynamic array does have consequences for pointers referencing existing array elements.
If you want to keep references to existing elements, use their index in the array (0-based).
Comments by Rob and David prompted me to check the initialization of dynamic arrays in Delphi5 (as I have that readily available anyway). First using some code to create various types of dynamic arrays and inspecting them in the debugger. They were all properly initialized, but that could still have been a result prior initialization of the memory location where they were allocated. So checked the RTL. It turns out D5 already has the FillChar statement in the DynArraySetLength method that Rob pointed to:
// Set the new memory to all zero bits
FillChar((PChar(p) + elSize * oldLength)^, elSize * (newLength - oldLength), 0);
In practice Embarcadero will always zero initialise new elements simply because to do otherwise would break so much code.
In fact it's a shame that they don't officially guarantee the zero allocation because it is so useful. The point is that often at the call site when writing SetLength you don't know whether you are growing or shrinking the array. But the implementation of SetLength does know – clearly it has to. So it really makes sense to have a well-defined action on any new elements.
What's more, if they want people to be able to switch easily between managed and native worlds then zero allocation is desirable since that's what fits with the managed code.
