Weird behavior when subclassing UIScrollView - ios

I have a scroll view that has a variable number of UIImageView subviews. I subclassed UIScrollView because I want to be able to move and resize the images with gestures, and do some other custom behavior. As soon as I switch the scroll view to my subclass in the nib file, some strange things happen: the scroll view will expand vertically and cover other views when scrolled upward, and the bottom edge stops short of the full screen and leaves a big gap...but when I change it back to a regular UIScrollView, it's fine. I don't override anything in my subclass or set anything in the nib that I believe could cause this...all I do is override the addSubview method, and add gesture recognizers to subviews as they are added to my scroll view, and of course have methods to handle those gesture recognizers. Any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!

Got it! The problem, it seems, was that I had a method called doing this I had inadvertently overridden an identically-named method of UIScrollView. So, my handlePan (which I had intended only to handle the pans for my subviews) was instead handling all pans, including the scrollview's built-in one, and causing the weird scrolling. Whoops! Problem solved.


UITableView scroll at top issue iOS

I have a tableview and I would like to know when user scroll at top and if in those moment the tableview is not at top (for example its at middle) I just implement the delegate method scrollViewDidScroll and check the value of content offset and its ok.
My problem is when the tableview is is already at the top and scrollViewDidScroll is not called (I want to know if the user do the gesture for scroll to the top even if it is already at the top).
For this reason I thought to add a pan gesture to tableview but I saw that create problems about scrolling and the implementation is cumbersome.
I ask to you if you know another way to achieve this or the only way is adding pan gesture.
You should try to use scrollViewWillBeginDragging or scrollViewWillEndDragging

UIScrollView scrolling using a gesture on the overlaid view

Consider the view hierarchy in the figure below:
OverlayView is simply a control view that has some custom controls on it. It also has multiple tap/swipe gesture recognizers. The ScrollView is the scroll view that needs to be scrolled based on the interactions with OverlayView. The OverlayView has the same frame as that of the ScrollView.
I need a way to add some kind of swipe/pan gesture setup configured for the OverlayView such that I can scroll the underlying ScrollView as if I am interacting with it.
There seems to be two different approaches:
Recognize the gesture on the OverlayView and pass it to ScrollView. But I am unsure what gestures to use and how to make ScrollView interact with them.
Ignore all the touches on the OverlayView unless they are on the controls. Pass these touches to the underlying ScrollView. This seems like the easier approach; but I am not sure how to proceed with this either.
Does anybody have any kind of sample code for some project or a similar exercise they worked on before? If not, any pointers whatsoever?
Option 2 is what I was going to recommend. There is a method you can override called hitTest:withEvent: on UIView.
You return a view from it. So if the touch needs to go through to the scroll view then return the scroll view. Else return self.

UITableViewCell Editing is very difficult to show

I want my table view cell to show the Delete bar on the right side when the user swipes. However, the table view is in a UIScrollView, and although it is at the far right side, and swiping left does not move the scroll view, the table view cell makes it difficult to edit.
In order to trigger the swipe for editing, I must swipe very fast and in a perfectly horizontal line. The speed required is far more than you can expect users to even want to do, and would not be expected at all from a user's perspective.
I believe the scroll view is the cause, but I cannot be certain. No gesture recognizer is present.
How can I prevent the scroll view from mucking up this experience?
Putting a tableView or webView in a scrollView is not advised, because of the exact problem you are having. Your best bet is to find a way around putting it in a scrollView. Other than modifying your tableView to not be in the scrollView, you might try moving your tableView to the front. [superView bringSubviewToFront:tableView]; hope this helps.
You could try using the gesture recognizer delegate methods for this. I don't have Xcode in front of me, but if you use gestureRecognizer:shouldRequireFailureOfGestureRecognizer: and just fail the scrollView's swiping gesture if the gesture recognized is that of the swiping of the table view cell. Check UIGestureRecognizerDelegate in the docs.

Scroll View doesn't scroll when touching and holding then swiping

I have UIScrollView with other UIView elements inside. My other UIView elements are mostly segmented controls. If I click on a UISegmentedControl and hold for a second and then try to scroll, then no scrolling happens. I can only scroll when my finger touches and swipes immediately. I checked other iOS applications such as mail. The behavior was that you touch and hold on a mail, then it's highlighted, but as soon as finger moves away, the scrolling happens and highlighting is undone. How can I implement this behavior?
The issue was the property of UIScrollView. The property canCancelContentTouches was set to NO. Because of that, touch events were handled by subviews of scroll view and swiping didn't cause scrolling.
You can follow one of these steps:
If you are using UISegmentedControl over you UIScrollView, instead of that, add the UISegmentedControl over your controller's view.
If you want to use UISegmentedControl over your scrollView, then you have to create a custom scrollView by creating a subclass of UIScrollView and use an image view instead of UISegmentedControl adding the labels which can act as the segments. This is because your UISegmentControl itself is a touch handler and it breaks the UIResponder chain. So, the scrolling might face issues during the touch events.
Please let me know if any of these works. Thanks :)

How do you receive touches in views added to a subview

I have been adding several subviews ("touch subviews") to a scroll view which respond to touches. The touch delegate methods in each of these subviews all fire nicely.
I have one subview (bodyClock) which holds the main content of the scroll view and is the viewForZoomingInScrollView. In order for the "touch" subviews to zoom properly I find now that I have to add them the bodyClock subview instead of the scroll view. When I do this, however, the "touch subviews" no longer respond to touches.
I have tried all sort of things with first responder without any success. Any help pointing me in the right direction would be appreciated.
OK, I found my problem I had a subview acting as a time mask in the scroll view that I think was responding to touches. This became evident when I noticed that the touch subViews did not respond to touches while the mask was over them. Because the mask was a subview to the scroll view, it would move when zooming such that a touch subview in the bodyClock view would come out from underneath the mask and suddenly start working.
Moving the mask from the scroll view to the bodyClock subView along with the "touch subviews" fixed my problem. Now all the subviews scroll and zoom properly, and respond to touches.
