Gracenote Entourage Crashing - ios

I have downloaded the demo app from the Gracenote Developer website but its crashing for me and gives Exe_Bad_access on below line in ViewDidLoad method of GNViewController.m.
self.sdkManager = [[GnSdkManager alloc] initWithLicense:LICENSE_INFO error:nil];
What's going wrong?
This is the demo applicaiton I am referring to. I am using xcode 5 and testing in iPhone 4S with iOS 7.0.3.


Xamarin.iOS app crashes on startup on iOS13 on Testflight

I have tested the application on Testflight and as soon as I open it everything works correctly. The problem comes when I close the app and open it again, at that moment the application crashed and does not let me open it anymore.
I am testing on my iphone 6s with iOS 13.1.3.
Can anyone help me, please?
The App Center SDKs work well for capturing crash information. You can then see it in the App Center Portal
I have already added AppCenter to the project, and now I can see the analytics, but it doesn't catch me crash error.
About the configuration of AppCenter, I have added to the AppDelegate.cs (FinishedLaunching)
typeof(Analytics), typeof(Crashes));
And to the App.xaml.cs
AppCenter.LogLevel = LogLevel.Verbose;
AppCenter.Start("ios=b41cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0;" +
"uwp={Your UWP App secret here};" +
"android={Your Android App secret here}",
typeof(Analytics), typeof(Crashes));
I test the Crashes.GenerateTestCrash on the simulator and It works, but exaclty the iPhone crash no

iOS 13 - FileManager url(forPublishingUbiquitousItemAt:expiration:) not working anymore

I've developed an iOS app that uses the url(forPublishingUbiquitousItemAt:expiration:) method of Apple's FileManager class. Starting with the first Beta of iOS 13 this function stopped working and now it throws an error, stating "This code has been removed. You should switch off of this SPI". But I can't find anything related to this function neither in the release notes of iOS nor in the documentation for this function, and it even states there that it would be supported on Mac Catalyst 13.0+.
This also has nothing to do with Xcode 10 and 11, as it occurs when the app is built using either one of those versions.
Does anyone of you know more about that? It would be great to get new information on that.
This is fixed in iOS 13 beta 6. Updated today and this error magically disappeared!
Had my mind blown when I saw this error message.

Google AdMob is not working in Xamarin Form iOS for larger screen devices like iPhone 7 and 7 Plus

I am working on an iOS app using Xamarin Forms platform. I am using Google AdMob and implemented it following this URL
It works perfectly fine on every device and simulator with iOS version as 10.2
It also works with iOS version 10.3 but only on fewer devices like iPhone 5s and 5c but not on devices and simulators for iPhone 6, 6s, 6s Plus, 7, 7 Plus
Debugging it further throws following error, "Error Code=13 "Request Error: Received invalid response." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Request Error: Received invalid response., NSLocalizedFailureReason=Request Error: Received invalid response.}"
I searched for this error and applied a fix too but that did not work as well.
I appreciate if someone could please help. Thanks
just FYI I followed this blog
BannerView is used in the custom renderer of iOS like this
adView = new BannerView(size: AdSizeCons.SmartBannerPortrait,
origin: new CGPoint(0, UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Size.Height - AdSizeCons.Banner.Size.Height))
AdUnitID = bannerId,
RootViewController = GetVisibleViewController()
Instead of creating its object using parameterized constructor, just create it like this
adView = new BannerView()
AdUnitID = bannerId,
RootViewController = GetVisibleViewController()
Above implementation fixed the issue in all the iOS Versions and Devices.
You may want to try App Transport Security and add the following lines to the Info.plist.
This may resolve your problem.

Call directory extensions won't run on iPhone 5 but will on all other device types

I've got 3 iPhone 5, 2 iPhone SE, 2 iPhone 6, an iPhone 6+ and an iPhone 7.
I've found that my app which uses a call directory extension won't work on any of the three iPhone 5 devices but there's no problem with it working on the other 6 assorted devices.
In case there is some problem with my app, I created a new app with a call extension which was created entirely using the XCode project templates (the Xcode call directory target template creates a lot of boilerplate code which is fully functional and will run and work without further change).
I got the same results - the template app also does not run on any of the iPhone 5 but it does run on the other 6 devices.
The conclusion from this would appear to be that for some reason call extensions don't work on an iPhone 5, however this is not a correct assumption because I downloaded an app from the app store (Hiya) which uses call extensions onto an iPhone 5 and there were no similar problems with its call extension.
So it is a mystery to me why both my app and the Xcode template app both do not work on any of my iPhone 5 but they are fine on every other device.
And that therefore is my question - has anybody encountered a similar situation or has any speculation why they don't work on iPhone 5?
(Was there an architecture change after iPhone5 and the build settings of the call extension might need changing to get it to work on the iPhone 5 for example?)
The way my app and the Xcode template app fails on the iPhone 5 is the same
1) the extension does not appear in Setting | Phone | Call Blocking & Identification. This implies it may not have installed/registered with the OS properly, however I don't see any problems being logged by the OS in the console when looking at the OS logging.
2) The status of the extension cannot be queried on an iPhone 5:
let theExtension = CXCallDirectoryManager.sharedInstance
theExtension.getEnabledStatusForExtension(withIdentifier: "com.redacted.redacted.CallDirectoryApp.TheCallExtension") {(enabledStatus, error) -> Void in
if let err = error as? NSError
print ("\(err.code) \(err.localizedDescription) \(err.localizedFailureReason)")
The error is err NSError domain: "" - code: 1
Again this might indicate the problem is related to the extension not installing.
(The problem is independent of the version of iOS 10 used on the iPhone 5, its the same result with a few versions of both beta and non beta versions. All devices are registered on the provisioning portal)
The iPhone 5 is 32 bit and everything else is 64 bit. I changed Xcode's default settings for the extension to the following and it now works:

your app loads indefinitely upon launch

I have an app which works fine on below devices.
iPhone 4s (iOS 7.1)
iPhone 5 (iOS 9.1)
iPhone 6 (iOS 9.1)
However app is rejecting saying below rejection.
We discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on iPad and iPhone running iOS 9.1 on both Wi-Fi and cellular networks.
App did not load its contents, did not load beyond the flash screen.
However when I run this from my side, its working fine but it has problem at Apple end only. I don't know how can app run at my end and its giving problem at Apple end only? I tried to upload with iOS 8.4, but still Apple reply still we can't go beyond splash screen.
Did anyone face such issue OR does anyone point me where I can be wrong?
I have uploaded 6 builds and all are rejected saying same reason.
Note: Same app was working fine earlier (before iOS 9.1 release), but when I try to upload now, it is giving this error.
The biggest challenge for me is, I don't know what is the problem, but I need to FIX this problem
Edit 1
I have first screen as language screen where I have animation of images.
animationImageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 1080, 1920)];
animationImageView.hidden = NO;
animationImageView.animationImages = mArray;
animationImageView.animationDuration = 1.5;
animationImageView.animationRepeatCount = 1;
[self.view addSubview:animationImageView];
[animationImageView startAnimating];
After testing on testflight, I found a problem.
If I open the app after clicking app icon, it was working fine.
The problem comes when I click Open button from testflight
When I click Open button, launchOptions in AppDelegate was not nil, so the code in push was going wrong and internally it was crashing but still app was hanged at splash screen (not sure why though)
Below is what I have when I print launchOptions in AppDelegate didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
UIApplicationLaunchOptionsSourceApplicationKey = "";
So I changed my code to below and all is working perfectly.
NSLog(#"launchOptions===%#", launchOptions);
if (launchOptions!=nil) {
NSMutableDictionary *userInfo = [launchOptions objectForKey:UIApplicationLaunchOptionsRemoteNotificationKey];
NSLog(#"userInfo===%#", userInfo);
NSLog(#"userInfo===%d", userInfo.count);
if (userInfo.count>=1) {
// here is my code on what to do if i click on push
Do let me know if someone is not clear
It was crashing saying below
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '*** -[NSPlaceholderString initWithString:]: nil argument'
So I feel problem was at line below.
NSString *badge =[[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"%#", [apsInfo objectForKey:#"badge"]];
But after putting above condition, all was working fine.
Did you test using "Run" from Xcode, or using Test Flight? Test Flight gets you the app in the same environment as Apple gets it, while running directly from Xcode may yield different results (different push notification environment, possibly different compilation options...).
Also, do you have access to the logs of the server that the app queries? If so, have you checked them to see what happens when Apple try to use the app? Is the query correctly formed? Was there an error (status code different from 200, or in the error log)?
What kind of request does your app perform? Is it a regular http(s) request? Or are you using an unusual protocol which may be blocked somehow?
I suppose the server queried is fully reachable from the Internet (i.e. you did not put a server that is only accessible on your local network)?
You should add error handling in your code, to test the result of requests and display information about it, so that if there's an error when they test it, at least they can report what the error is.
