iOS app crashes randomly because of bad install - ios

I've had a fairly large app (50mb) in the App Store for several years now with many updates and thousands of users. Before each release I do a lot of testing, analyzing and beta-testing on all sorts of devices and situations before releasing an update.
Every once in a while I get a horrific bug report that says the app is crashing ALL the time and is completely unusable. What seems to fix this EVERY TIME is telling the user to delete the app, power cycle the device and reinstall the app while under wi-fi.
This means to me that under some unknown circumstances to me, my app is being installed badly. And this has been happening through iOS 4, 5, 6 and now 7.
Is this happening to anyone else? Any known causes or fixes besides my reinstall fix?
To make matters worse, this shows up in a few bad reviews that say the app crashes all the time. All the other reviews are 5 stars! I hate getting blamed for a bad install.

Shot in the dark here, but could it be related to wireless connectivity (ie an API timing out)? Very hard to say without more details.


iPhone restarts after API call

I am facing a very weird issue: my iPhone is restarting.
This issue occurs in a particular scenario only.
Step 1: I have a sync process in which I'm loading data for the whole app. So I'm basically doing a heavy API call by uploading 4-5 camera captured images and syncing the app data;
Step 2: After syncing, I'm pressing the iPhone home button to make the app go in background;
Step 3: I'm locking the iPhone screen(by using side button);
After a few seconds I'm seeing the apple logo and the phone seems to restart. This is not replicating when the app is connected in debug mode. I checked the debug navigator app is using only 125 MB of memory, disk and network values is 0%. Energy Impact is showing high, I'm not sure this is due to high energy impact. I'm facing this issue only on iOS 12.4.
The fact that the phone (or possibly just springboard) restarts, and not just your application means this is Apple's bug. You're not supposed to be able to crash iOS even if you try.
Finding a likely cause will be hard since the system is not behaving the way it's supposed to. The device's logs may have more information from things other than your app. This may be a system API breaking due to any number of actions from your application.
Often with this kind of thing the next OS version will fix it, but if that's not the case or it's important to track down I would try removing ways you're interaction with the system (background APIs, notifications, etc.) and see if anything fixes the issue.
If you find the problem, you may even be doing things the "correct" way according to the documentation and have to find a workaround. If you have the time you can submit a bug to Apple so the underlying issue has a better chance of being fixed.
It seems when your app is in the background and phone locked, Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) closes some connection or deallocates a resource that makes the iPhone restart. Are you closing all connections and removing all references once the upload is complete?
Phones do not spontaneously restart just because of an app’s actions. You’re having an issue with your phone, not with a program. You need to repair or replace the phone.

Application Failure Without Crash Log

Having perused many other questions concerning unusual app crashes without any success at solving my problem, I have decided to post this question.
I have an app that crashes at random. Some users (in test) never have crashes, others have an occasional crash. This app is installed via XCode on testers phones, straight from the development machine. The app never crashes when in use, only upon startup a day or two after installation and use.
The app is instrumented with Crashlytics, and no crashes are detected, nor are Out Of Memory warnings. No crash logs are left on the phone after this behavior.
Crashlytics works. I injected test crashes and they were properly detected.
Once the app crashes, it will not restart. The splash screens appears for an instant and then the app closes.
The app uses Core Data and I use ObjectiveRecord as the Core Data interface. There are no aborts anywhere in the code (at least none that I added/left in)
The app downloads about 1500 images (photographs) at initialization time, and whenever the photos collection is updated. The filenames are stored in Core Data, not the binary data.
As an experiment, I took the container from the same app on another phone and replaced the container on the defective phone. No difference. Replacing the container on the good phone with the container from the bad phone made no difference either.
If I reinstall the app on the target phone, without deleting the original install, all works as expected. This leads me to believe that I am not suffering from database corruption - obviously, I may be wrong, but if advice can be offered as to how to test this, I will happily accept it.
I am at my wits' end here - any advice as to what the problem might be, or how to diagnose the problem will be gratefully received.
EDIT -- The app is for IOS 9, iphone only.
I shall answer my own question. I have been distributing the app to my 4 testers using a MacBook. I only have one license, and rather than downloading it and moving it between my iMac and MacBook, I was just allowing Xcode to generate a new certificate.
This doesn't work. Ever.
It invalidated all of the copies of the app that I installed.
The moral of the story is: beware of licensing issues - even if you have a license.
and the hint was:
Aug 29 15:48:28 iPhone amfid[170] : /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/25BE181B-C30F-41FF-87A3-88C8E63BB3B3/ not valid: 0xe8008018: The identity used to sign the executable is no longer valid.
Live and learn I guess......

My iOS app every now and then refuses to launch until I reinstall it

I've got an app that uses Core Data that sporadically stops launching so I have to reinstall it using XCode and then it launches again like normal for a while, with all the Core Data information still preserved.
I have seen that an app often stops launching when the target of an app is too low in comparison to the device software version, however this is not so for this app and device (iPhone 6s).
Have you had such an issue before? What do you think could be causing this problem?
There are many, many, many things that could cause an app to fail to launch. You need to narrow things down and collect some data so that you can find out what the problem is and do something about it. Right now you don't even know that it's related to Core Data, you're just guessing.
For a crash on launch, look at the device console and see what messages appear when you try to launch the app and it fails. You can get the device console messages by
Connecting your device to your Mac
Opening Xcode's "Devices" window (cmd-shift-2)
Looking in the bottom half of the window
A better way to watch the console is to use the free iOS Console app.
The problem was that, as mentioned by dan in the comments, the code was being signed for a short period of time (7 days) and so I had to keep re-installing it on the iOS device to keep it working. Thus to keep the app working indefinitely a paid developer account is needed.
Also mentioned in this reddit forum:

Why does my tvOS app eventually exit? And how can I stop it from doing that?

After noticing people in my company leaving our iPad app open all day on their desks to watch figures progress on a screen, and noticing we have some underutilized HDTVs on walls, I created a tvOS app and was able to put that information on the screen with minimal hassle, and we bought some fourth generation Apple TV units for the TVs. It's a huge hit.
However the one hitch is that the app doesn't stay alive indefinitely. I'm not sure why, but even though we've told tvOS to stay awake and not go to screen saver, every morning I come in and the app has exited and we're staring at the home screen. I have Crashlytics/Fabric installed on the app and I've had it crash a few times and send me emails about it but when I restart the app in the morning I don't get any emails, nor do I see any recurring crashes on their dashboard (it would likely be the same thing every day), so I don't think it's crashing.
So at this point it would make sense that perhaps there's some sort of time limit to how long an app can run that I'm running into.
I guess my first question is am I running into some sort of time limit at all, and the second question would be how could I prevent it from happening?
The intention is for this to only ever be an internal app and not go on the App Store so if there's some sort of way to do this that might get the app rejected by Apple that's not a problem since we're probably never going to release this to the public.
So while Crashlytics/Fabric isn't telling me that the app crashed, the crash logs in the Devices window in Xcode is telling me that there are crashes.
Specifically it looks like at approximately 11:45PM every night, give or take a minute, it crashes with a EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGILL) KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE message. So I'm left wondering if there's something happening fifteen minutes to midnight in tvOS, or in what my app is doing, or if it's just a grand coincidence that the memory leak or whatever that might be causing this is happening at that time.
I guess one way to test it would be to make an app that does nothing and see if the same thing happens. The lack of answers on this post makes me think this is either an issue in my code (i.e., tvOS isn't enforcing some curfew or something) or that not many people are trying to use tvOS in this way.

iOS 4.3.2 user reported app crashing on launch

An update of my app has just been approved by Apple and users are now complaining the app does not launch anymore. It also happens to some new users.
I have absolutely no idea where the problem is nor can I reproduce the problem. I have tested the update on various devices (& simulator) before submitting the update: iPhone 2G running 3.1.3, iPod Touch 2G running 4.3 , iPhone 3G and iPhone 4 running 4.3.1. They ALL work as expected. The update has a few new features like random picking photos from user's photo library using AssetsLibrary framework, I have weak-linked the framework to support iOS 3 and the feature does not load until selected by the user so it should not be the problem. After all, the update has been tested and approved by Apple.
I have difficulty collecting crash information from users with the problem, but I know one of them uses iPhone 4 with iOS 4.3.2. A quick google search reveals that iOS 4.3.2 has problems launching third party apps, I suspect my problem has something to do with this but I can not confirm it. I am planning to downgrade my dev iPhone 4 to iOS 4.3.2 to test it.
Does anybody here experienced similar problem? My app's ranking has dropped significantly because of the negative reviews so I need to fix this as soon as possible.
There should not be any watch dog problem, I tested the update on the above mentioned devices with and without Xcode/debugger.
Memory management. I can not reproduce the problem (I tried quite hard) so I can not confirm if it's EXC_BAD_ACCESS, I did check reference count and nil released objects (safely release) when applicable, I am absolutely not a pro in memory management so I take it seriously, I checked leaks and allocations with instruments, stress-tested and did memory warning simulations, no problem was found.
I have UIApplicationWillEnterForegroundNotification in -loadview, it's only available after iOS 4.0 so I check if it exists with & operator because I use it.
I do not persist data other than saving facebook connect token and expiry date (NSDate) in NSUserDefaults, since the problem also happens to new users so I think it's something else
We're going to need more info, unfortunately. But just off the top of my head:
Watch dog? What sorts of stuff are you loading when you launch your app? It may be that resources are constrained on the devices having this issue and you are doing work that should be done a separate thread, or otherwise delayed until after the app has launched.
EXC_BAD_ACCESS. There could be a race condition going on that is resulting in most people able to launch OK, but for some it just isn't working because of bad references. I know, you write good code and manage your references like a pro, but sometimes a non-obvious slip-up can creep in.
Are you safely instantiating some types of classes? An example that bit me once was with the MFMailComposeViewController class. Before instantiating you're suppose to call its static method canSendMail. If a user hasn't setup any mail accounts on their device (hard to figure there would be anyone that fits this scenario, but hey! found out after an update that there are quite a few!) then the app would crash.
What data persistence (if any) do you have? Are you using Core Data? Serialized objects in a plist? NSUserDefaults? Your strategy may be corrupting data you are persisting and that is leading to a crash.
