SlideMenu Like Facebook Without Using Storyboard - ios

I'm currently working on a project that is being developed without using a single XIB and it is a huge project. We are gonna release a new version by changing the user interface. It require for me to build a Slider Menu like we find in facebook app. I have plenty of sample coding which do it and every project uses Storyboard to set it up. My question is,
Is it possible to develop that without using Storyboard?

The below links might help you :

Have a look to the following link:-
This is one of the best slide menu example code I have used.


How do I implement a left view controller in an iOS app?

One of my friends is building an app and needs some help implementing a slide-out menu, kinda like what Slack or GroupMe has. He asked me since I have some experience with C. I found this open-source code, but the guides attached are either outdated or use methods I can't, as the app doesn't have a storyboard.main and is written in C. I was hoping someone either help me with using this without using Storyboard.main, or provide another implementation of the slide-out menu that I could incorporate into a C-built app.
You could try using a regular UIView for the menu and just have it offscreen until it is needed.
Try to use MMDrawerController library. It's very flexible in layout and easy for using.

Adding a storyboard to existing code

I was wondering how I would be able to add a story board to an existing code?
I have experience in c++, c and java and I wanted to try programming an App.
On github I saw a project that I wanted to implement onto mine which is a side navigation.
This project didn't have a storyboard so I was wondering if it was possible to add one and see exactly what it shows on the iphone simulator. Thanks in advance. (new to xcode/ object c trying to teach myself)
Right click the project
New File -> User Interface -> Story Board

How to Create a Slide-Out Navigation Panel in ios

1. How to Create a Slide-Out Navigation Panel in ios
One of the best sliding panels, that also supports UIKit Dynamics was created by Eric Horacek and it is called MSDynamicsDrawerViewController. It is available on GitHub.
There are many other open source libraries available online. Pick the one that suits your needs the best.
All you have to do, is read the documentation and embed the library in your project.
Its not a difficult thing to create that. there is a lot of source code available on git. you can use SWRevealViewController
or you can follow this tutorial
Create Facebook like navigation,
ios-Slide Out Navigation
Itisn't a hard task once i found this tutorial, there are various other methods too followed as in Dribble. But the easiest method is to follow this tutorial.
Thanks to APPCODA..

On an iPad, how to create a left side menu to let the contents displayed at the centre according to the item tapped on the menu

I am very new to iOS development. Currently, I am trying to develop an iPad app, which is used for taking orders in a restaurant. When I am trying to create the UI on an iPad, I want to create a left side menu to let the contents displayed at the centre according to the item tapped on the menu. Which is similar to this:
As I am very new to the iOS development, can anybody tell me where I can learn iOS development step by step. And are they any samples of this kind of app that I can refer to?
Thanks very much!
there are many tutorials for creating split view application as links provided by #PratyushaTerli and otherwise you can use direect way as recommended by #antonio MG and there is another two good links for creating them which are : (good demos in it using story board or using xib's ) and you can look on project on github named - mmdrawercontroller.
annother good project is this
As Antonio MG said, the easiest way to do this is with Master/Detail project in Xcode. It uses the UISplitViewController logic of one 'Master' controller which controls the appearance of detail content in the 'Slave' or 'Detail' controller aside.
The sample Xcode project should be enough to make you understand how UISplitViewController and its UISplitViewControllerDelegate work together. Or also checkout this tutorial:
Just create a Master/Detail project and you will have the basic structure of that kind of behaviour. The rest is just customising the table and the cells.

Converting from a Window based application to a view based application in Ipad

I would like to know if it is possible for me to convert from a window based application to a view based appln... The reason is because I had already developed a part of my app but am getting some orientation issues which I was told would be solved only by using a view based application.
I was unable to find online any documentation regarding this..
It would be be great if anyone could help me out in this...
"Window based application" and "view based application" are just two of the templates you can use to start a project, anything you can actually do with one you can do with the other.
In the version of XCode I have handy here, the only difference between the two is that "view based" gives you an empty view controller and hooks it up to be displayed on app startup.
add a view controller subclass to your project, and then create an instance and add its view as the subview of your UIWindow in application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:, you've basically done it- anomie
it's the best and easiest thing you can do as of now
