I have created a .bowercc file with the following setting:
"directory" : "./src/libs/bower_components"
My .bowercc file is installed in the projects root... folders/files are:
No matter what I do, every time I define a dependency, bower creates a bower_components folder at the root level, and installs the component there, instead of in src/libs/bower_components. According to the bower docs, just having a .bowercc file at the root should overribe the global config. What am I doing wrong?
I've tried:
"directory" : "./src/libs/bower_components"
"directory" : "/src/libs/bower_components"
"directory" : "src/libs/bower_components"
I've also tried adding the directory setting to the bower.json file.
Github: https://github.com/LongLiveCHIEF/rookie-tracker/
Rename the config file to .bowerrc. ".bowercc" is incorrect.
I've been trying to add additional functionality to the electron installer, where I copy some files that are packaged inside the installer, but I receive a non-descriptive error when I try to compile my electron project to create the installer i.e. I get:
* writing effective config
* packaging
* building
x [object Object]
Here is what my script looks like:
!macro customInstall
Rename "$APPDATA\myfolder\img" "$APPDATA\myfolder\img-old"
SetOutPath "$APPDATA\myfolder"
File /nonfatal /a /r "additional_files\*"
CreateShortcut "$SMSTARTUP\mylink.lnk" "$INSTDIR\mylink.exe"
Basically everything works except the file copy part. When I remove that part the project builds and compiles into an installer with no problems.
I've also tried to use CopyFiles instead of SetOutPath and File and it works as expected when I place the additional_files folder into the same folder as the installation (dist folder), but I want the folder to be packaged inside the installer. However, I cannot get the additional_files to be packaged with the installation.
I believe it's a location issue, that is, that the NSIS script cannot locate the additional_files/ folder. I've tried modifying the package.json file by adding to the files section the additional_files/ folder and placing it in the root of the project.
I've even tried placing it in the build folder where my installer.nsh script resides, but with no luck.
File looks for files relative to the directory where the .nsi is by default. /NOCD can be used to prevent that but I'm not sure if electron uses that switch.
!cd can be used inside a script to change the directory but I'm not sure if that is going to help you much in this case unless you are willing to use a absolute path and in that case you could just use the absolute path with the File instruction instead.
If you only know where your .nsh file is I suppose you could try File /r "${__FILEDIR__}\additional_files\*"
if you are using electron-builder you have two options inside the settings
extraResources this will copy files into the $INST_DIR/resources folder in your app (this is where the app.asar file is too), and you can access via process.resourcesPath, ex:
extraResources: [
{ from: './dist/ThirdPartyNotices.txt', to: 'ThirdPartyNotices.txt' },
extraFiles this would do the same but place the files into the $INST_DIR root folder of your installation ex:
extraFiles: [
{ from: './distrib/mytool.exe', to: 'mytool.exe' },
to get the root folder you can use something like remote.app.getAppPath().replace('resources\\app.asar', '').replace('resources/app.asar', '');
all info on: https://www.electron.build/configuration/configuration#overridable-per-platform-options
I am adding to my jhipster project a new dependency "tether-shepherd", and below was my steps:
bower install tether-shepherd --save
the dependency was successfully installed & added to 'bower.json', then to add it to 'index.html' I ran below command
gulp inject
the js files was successfully added to index.html but without any .css theme files, when I dig into installed bower components for installed dependency I found all themes there in 'bower_components/tether-shepherd/dist/css/' directory but not included to index.html file, to add it I manually placed its include below loading-bar.css in section but it is automatically removed when I re-run gulp inject!, and when I add it manually outside any block this was not good for production profile
any professional way to include and bundle css files located in bower_components?
This is probably because these CSS are not referenced in the main property of your dependencie's bower.json like here, see gulp/inject.js in your project to understand how they are used.
So, either you add an overrides.main property for these dependencies in your JHipster app's bower.json to add them like JHipster does for Bootstrap or you manage them manually and copy them to src/main/webapp/content/css, (you may have to add #import to your main.css I didn't test).
I appreciate this is not a real problem, just curious...
I'm using bower version 1.7.2 and all my projects so far have a .bowerrc file in the main project folder.
On my current project (through an oversight with .gitignore) I lost the .bowerrc file. However bower still works just fine and everything gets created where I want it.
I've read the docs on the Bower site and there is nothing to suggest that it will work without the .bowerrc file, and plenty on stackoverflow suggests that I need the .bowerrc file - ALSO - there isn't a .bowerrc file in the file tree between the project folder and root (although there are plenty around in folders that have different paths)
My question then is: does bower work ok without a .bowerrc file (e.g. defaulting to directory:bower_components) ? or is there a way to see which .bowerrc file my bower is using?
Many thanks for any reply, although completely understandable if you read this and move on, like I said, my problem is that it works, and I don't think it should...
As the docs specify, the .bowerrc file can be either in the project dir, the user home (i.e ~/.bowerrc - depends on your OS) or the root dir.
If you didn't put it anywhere Bower uses defaults as specified here.
And to answer your question - the default directory for bower packages is bower_components
Yes , I tested in my project with out .bowerrc I am able to install packages with bower.If we don't specify the .bowerrc file bower_components directory is creating in the root directly which is default. If we want "bower_components" to be in specific location that should be specified in the .bowerrc file.
For example if we want bower_components folder in "app" folder
bowerrc file should specify directory location : "directory": "app/bower_components",
But while downloading packages from git ,if you computer has any proxy settings that need to be configured in .bowerrc file. If we don't specify the proxy settings in .bowerrc we wont be able to download packages form git.
How do I permanently add bower proxy to my system so I do not have to edit the .bowerrc file for every project and add
I have added the proxys to my OS with:
export HTTP_PROXY=http://<proxy_url>:<port>
export HTTPS_PROXY=http://<proxy_url>:<port>
But it seams bower does not get it. Thank you in advance for your response
Put the .bowerrc file in your home folder (it will work on Windows as well).
From http://bower.io/docs/config/:
Placement & Order
The config is obtained by merging multiple configurations by this
order of importance:
CLI arguments via --config
Environment variables
Local .bowerrc located in the current working directory
All .bowerrc files upwards the directory tree
.bowerrc file located in user’s home folder (~)
.bowerrc file located in the global folder (/)
Example of CLI arguments:
Example of valid environment variables:
bower_endpoint_parser is evaluated as endpoint-parser
bower_storage__cache is evaluated as storage.cache
When defining a package, Is it possible to put the bower.json file inside a subdirectory of my git repository, and reference it in other projects?
I know that the docs says to put it in the root, but I already have my own directory structure on my git repository and want to put it inside a subdirectory.
I'm wondering if exists an option inside .bowerrc file to configure bower.json location. That would solve my problem.
I know this question is pretty old but none of the answers address the OP's actual question.
It is possible to store your bower.json in a subdirectory of your project (or another project for that matter).
In your .bowerrc, use the cwd (current working directory) setting to specify where your json file is stored.
More info can be found in the bower configuration docs.
Bower will create the ./bower_components folder next to the bower.json file.
So, as long as you ensure that the paths of the js/css files are OK, you can put the components wherever you want.
In my case, I have to use different versions/dependencies for an HTML5 mobile app and a Bootstrap/Angular backend. So I have something like that:
Just be sure to include your bower.json files in the GIT tree and add the bower_components folders to the .gitignore file
Hope it helps