Xcode 5 with iOS 5 issue on storyboard [closed] - ios

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Closed 9 years ago.
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xcode 5 can't update view on storyboard after changing the deployment target iOS5. I was also remove the arm64 but still it won't updated on simulator here i attached my screenshot.
please tell me anybody face same fix and how fixing that.
Output - on simulator doesn't change the UIButton Text also
When i trying to uncheck base localization it show like below,

Uncheck the Base on the right side under Localization and keep only English. Do not know why, but it did work for me.

I messed up the storyboard because i'm newly working on this. The solution is it created twice one is base version another one is English


Image tint color change in iOS XCode 11.4 [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I a trying to change image tint color in XCode 11.4 but it is not working. It was working in previous versions, I could change tint color from story board. Now changing tint color from story board does not reflect.
Change image render as and then it works

Change the device orientation programmatically swift 4 IOS 11 [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Force landscape mode in one ViewController using Swift
(20 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I want to restrict some views of my App to Landscape.How can I achieve this functionality.Is this possible according Apple Guidelines.
Without more detail its hard to say if this will solve your problem, but heres a link to a fix for a similar sounding problem. Force Landscape on View Controller

image not showing in launchscreen [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have an old project and convert into swift 3. It have simple launch screen storyboard . Launch screen storyboard have an image as logo of company, This image not showing into device but i replace that image with another image , replaced image showing perfect. Launch screen behave strange.
Just delete launch screen storyboard and make a new launch screen storyboard then new image view on it .Make sure your image size 1x,2x,3x available.

Development for smaller screens [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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We are developing application in Xcode 6 with deployment target of iOS 7. I was wondering what is best practice or how do we define that some UIViews should have different height on 3.5 and 4 inch screens? Our designer made graphic design of the application in photoshop for iPhone 6/6+, but it doesn't fit vertically well on smaller screens, so we can make everything a bit smaller, but the question what is the best practice doing this in code and/or in storyboard.
BTW: I am used to do everything in code as I don't like working with IB
Best practice is learn how to use AutoLayout to make constraints that adjust according to the screen size. This takes a lot of trial and error, playing with priorities etc. and if things change in a view you often have to fix a lot of constraints to get it working again. You could also build views and/or constraints in code, but I don't have much experience with that.
Alternatively you can make different storyboards for different screen sizes, but then you'd have to manage the two different versions.

Retina 4inch simulator is misplacing everything in my app [closed]

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Questions concerning problems with code you've written must describe the specific problem — and include valid code to reproduce it — in the question itself. See SSCCE.org for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
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After upgrading to xcode 5 then when I test my app on retina 4 inch screen, it misplaces some of the objects I've put in my app. I tried everything and only have one solution that may work but would be very annoying to do. It is the screen detection method. I really don't want to go through the hassle changing a lot of my code just so that it can be compatible with a 4inch retina, because I would have to rewrite a lot of code just for a 4inch retina display... Is there a way to make it so that everything could be stretched to fit to screen?
Two possible Solutions:
For all of your nib (.xib) files or Views if using Storyboard, select View and set Size parameter value as "Retina 3.5-inch Full Screen". But using this one will fix your app screen height to 3.5inch.
In Inspector-tab, for every view items like labels, buttons, etc, set "Autosizing" parameters to stretch, reposition, fix or flexible positions and sizes of items according to change in screen height.
