Why is PHP CodeSniffer Freezing? - php-5.3

I'm a Junior Programmer where I work. Our website was written using PHP 4. We're migrating from PHP 4 to PHP 5.3. There are roughly 5000 PHP files in around 595 directories. So, as you can imagine, the scope of this project is pretty huge.
We use Subversion for version control. I have two separate checkouts. I have two VMs that act as separate webhosts - one stack emulates our actual webserver (CentOS 4, PHP4, etc) and the other is a PHP 5.3 stack (Ubuntu 12.04 LTS).
I took the time to check the files for basic syntax errors using the following commands:
Edit: I ran the following recursive searches from the root of the website.
find ./ -type f -name \*.php -exec php -l {} \; < ~/php5_basic_syntax_assessment.txt
find ./ -type f -name \*.inc -exec php -l {} \; < ~/php5_basic_syntax_inc_assessment.txt
I realize that using php -l to check basic syntax doesn't reveal deprecated code structures/functions and doesn't provide warnings (IE: use preg_slice() instead of slice()). Therefore, I decided to install PHP CodeSniffer.
First, I installed PEAR: [I accepted all the default parameters]
cd ~/
mkdir pear
cd pear
wget http://pear.php.net/go-pear.phar
php go-pear.phar
Next, I installed git:
cd ~/
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git
Next, I installed PHP Code Sniffer
pear install PHP_CodeSniffer
Finally, I installed the following PHP 5.3 Compatibility standards for the PHP Code Sniffer:
git clone git://github.com/wimg/PHP53Compat_CodeSniffer.git PHP53Compatibility
I did all of the above so that I could assess the 5K PHP files in an automated kind of way. It would be extremely tedious and time consuming to go through each file to make sure they manually follow the PHP 5.3 coding standards.
Finally, here's the command I used to run the PHP Code Sniffer:
phpcs --standard=/home/my_user_name/PHP53Compatibility -p --report-file=/home/my_user_name/php53_assessment.txt /path/to/web/root
To make sure that the specific standards aren't the problem, I also ran the PHP Code Sniffer using the default standards:
phpcs -p --report-file=/home/my_user_name/php53_assessment.txt /path/to/web/root
Either way, the reports freeze in the same place. I've been awake for over 24 hours. I waited for 18 hours before stopping the first run by using CTRL+C. The second is still running and has been running for about an hour and a half.
So, what is causing my PHP Code Sniffer to freeze?
All help is very much appreciated.

Bit late, but I ran into the same issue. Limit the files to just PHP files should do the trick: phpcs -p -- ./**/*.php


Apache Jena Commands not found

I'm trying to set up my system (Ubuntu 16.04) with Apache Jena 3.10.0, and followed the provided instructions, but I'm unable to access any of the commands that I should have access to.
For example, sparql --version and bin/sparql --version both return:
sparql: command not found
I have downloaded and extracted the files to /home/[user]/apache-jena-3.10.0, then run:
export JENA_HOME=/home/[user]/apache-jena-3.10.0
export PATH=$PATH:$JENA_HOME/bin
The command cd $JENA_HOME successfully goes the apache-jena-3.10.0 directory.
I feel that there is a basic linux thing here that I'm missing, but I've tried a lot of things and had no luck so far. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
The files in the download from Apache were not marked as executable. From the main apache-jena-3.10.0 directory, chmod -R 775 bin changed all files so I could run them from command line.

Homebrew: install new formula php72-imagick

I need install imagick module on my php 7.2
I see
brew search php72
==> Searching local taps...
==> Searching taps on GitHub...
==> Searching blacklisted, migrated and deleted formulae...
No formula found for "php72".
Closed pull requests:
php72-imagick 3.4.3 (new formula) (https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-php/pull/4267)
How can I do it?
Also I need support for argon
It all changed back in April 2018 I think. Homebrew no longer acts as the package manager for PHP, so all the php-imagick and php-redis and php-other-extension stuff has gone and you are now supposed to manage PHP packages using pecl like everyone else does.
So, how to get Imagick under PHP? Note that Imagick and ImageMagick are two different things:
ImageMagick is the entire ImageMagick suite
Imagick is just the PHP binding
Here are the steps - if anyone knows better or any improvements, let me know via comment and I will update.
Step 1 - Delete anything likely to conflict
Before starting, it is best to clean up all the stuff that is broken or unneeded. Do as many of these as you are comfortable with:
brew rm php php#5.6 php#7.0 php#7.1
brew rm imagemagick
Step 2 - Update Xcode command line tools and get build packages
Make sure you have installed Xcode command-line tools with:
xcode-select --install
Go to AppStore and click on Updates and update any Xcode related packages - especially if you have recently upgraded macOS.
Install homebrew building tools:
brew install pkg-config
Step 3 - Install ImageMagick
Check what ImageMagick options you want with:
brew options imagemagick
I like to use:
brew install imagemagick --with-x11 --with-librsvg --with-openexr --with-pango
hash -r
but you may like vanilla install:
brew install imagemagick
hash -r
Step 4 - Install homebrew PHP
Next, install the homebrew version of PHP with:
brew install php
hash -r # Update bash's internal paths
Now, critically ensure you are running the correct homebrew PHP:
type php
If that tells you:
you are running homebrew PHP and you can go to the next step.
If it tells you:
you are running the Apple-supplied PHP. If that is what you want to run, ignore my entire answer which is predicated on you wanting to use homebrew PHP. If you get this answer but want to run homebrew PHP, your PATH is set incorrectly. You need to put /usr/local/bin before /usr/bin to pick up all homebrew packages ahead of Apple programs, i.e.
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
This step gives you pecl - the PHP Package Manager - as well, since it is part of homebrew PHP.
Step 5 - Install Imagick
Now you can install Imagick with pecl:
pecl install imagick
If anything goes wrong, here are some related questions and answers...
Q1. How can I find where my php.ini file is?
Try any of these commands:
pecl config-get php_ini # I get "/usr/local/etc/php/7.2/php.ini"
brew info php
php -i | grep "Loaded Configuration" # I get "Loaded Configuration File => /usr/local/etc/php/7.2/php.ini"
Q2. How can I find where pecl installs modules?
pecl config-get ext_dir # I get "/usr/local/lib/php/pecl/20170718"
Q3. How can I tell what PHP modules are loaded?
php -m
Q4. Why can't PHP find my module?
First locate your modules directory using Q2. I like to put that in the clipboard with:
pecl config-get ext_dir | pbcopy
Then edit the php.ini file from Q1. I use vi, so I would do:
vi "$(pecl config-get php_ini)"
Then find the line in that file that looks like this:
; Directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside.
; http://php.net/extension-dir
and, then (using the contents of your paste buffer) make the following line look like this (no semi-colon at the start):
extension_dir = "/usr/local/lib/php/pecl/XXXXXX"
on my machine XXXXXX is 20170718. If you get this right, any and all modules you install via pecl will be visible to your homebrew PHP.
Q5. How can I see all my PHP settings?
Check PHP configuration, versions and settings with:
php -i
In my case (PHP 7.2.10 with Homebrew) works:
pecl install imagick
Open the file php.ini and remove extension line with imagick extension.
Check *.ini files with
php --ini
You can see paths to extension files. Create or edit imagick ini file.
subl /usr/local/etc/php/7.2/conf.d/ext-imagick.ini
The content of file may be (check the path to imagick.so)
And restart php with
brew services restart php
Try, if the error message dissapear:
php -v
And check imagick extension with:
php -i | grep imagick
If you see line with imagick module => enabled you have solved a problem.
You want php72-gmagick, GraphicsMagick is a fork from ImageMagick 5.5.2.
Or, you can pecl install imagick still.

Running ASP.NET Core app from Amazon Linux 2 on Docker - Globalization

I have my ASP.NET Core app running beautifully (more or less) on microsoft/aspnetcore:2.0-jessie. Now I want to try to get it to deploy to amazonlinux:2.
So far, the biggest hurdle has been libicu. I tried setting Globalization to Invariant, but this caused weird failures in, e.g., mySQL database calls.
Here's the relevant step from my Dockerfile:
RUN curl -L --http1.1 http://download.icu-project.org/files/icu4c/57.1/icu4c-57_1-RHEL6-x64.tgz --output icu.tgz \
&& tar -xf icu.tgz -C / \
&& export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib \
&& rm icu.tgz
(SourceForge was down while I was trying to work on this yesterday, which didn't improve matters.)
In any case, I still get the message of doom from .NET Core:
FailFast: Couldn't find a valid ICU package installed on the system. Set the configuration flag System.Globalization.Invariant to true if you want to run with no globalization support.
Any suggestions how to proceed?
Well, I revisited this yesterday. I don't know if it's because the base .tar of the Amazon Linux image has been updated, or because I was doing something wrong last time, but I installed the following packages using yum and all was well:
Note that for the dotnet package I needed first to set up Microsoft's package repository for yum, i.e.
rpm --import https://packages.microsoft.com/keys/microsoft.asc
and copying the following file to /etc/yum.repos.d/dotnetdev.repo :
(see Microsoft's instructions for CentOS and other Linux distros)

How to install Ngrok 2.0 on linux subsystem on Windows 10

I am trying to use Ngrok to create an introspected tunnel to localhost webhook development tool on my Linux subsystem (Powershell --> bash)
I try to install ngrok using the following:
sudo apt install ngrok-client
From what I understand the sudo command used installs ngrok v 1.6.
When I attempt to execute ngrok 80 I get an error:
Invalid address server_addr 'ngrokd.ngrok.com:443'
I searched for this in another post and was informed that ngrok v. 1.6 is obsolete and in order to continue using ngrok would be to upgrade to 2.0
Testing PayPal with Rails
It's advised to download from the website http://ngrok.com, which is simple enough, but what is the correct way to download for linux subsystem use? Should I download for Linux and unzip? Or am I suppose to download for Windows?
Let me know if I'm misunderstanding anything
I use ubuntu since years, I trust the online instructions so either do:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ngrok-client
or try to use this instruction and let me know if you have problems
the same instructions are included hear
$ unzip /path/to/ngrok.zip
$ is just the sign from your terminal. You do not need to input $, but you need to open the terminal (ctrl+alt+t), run the unzip command to unzip the folder.
You will find the folder under your downloads. So / is the root of your machine. You need to go inside your home folder which will be /home so you do cd (change directory) followed by that path
cd /home
then you do ls to list all the directories. You should see your profile with your name username. You should be able to get in the download folder with cd <username>/Downloads where <username> should be replaced with your personal folder name
At this point you are inside the Downloads directory. You can do an ls in your terminal, find the name of the file you downloaded (should be something like ngrok-stable-linux-amd64.zip) and run
unzip <file-name.zip>
where file name is the file you downloaded (something like ngrok-stable-linux-amd64.zip) or you can go back to the root directory and run
cd /
unzip /home/<username>/Downloads/<yourfile.zip>
Read the documentation on how to use ngrok. Try it out by running it from the command line:
./ngrok help
Also I read from the documentation, that you can set up that address
There is some discussion online about this
Testing PayPal with Rails
I can help you more but I need your feedback
You can try this from the official docs.
sudo tar xvzf ~/Downloads/ngrok-v3-stable-linux-amd64.tgz -C /usr/local/bin

How to use erlang-examples

I just downloaded Erlang using apt-get onto Ubuntu 10.10. How do I run the examples that come with Erlang (the examples you can get through apt-get install erlang-examples). I tried going to the directory where they were stored and compiling ball.erl, but I got this error:
ball.bea#: error writing file
The directory where those examples are stored isn't writeable by normal users. To compile a .erl file, the compiler needs to be able to write out the compiled .beam file.
One way around this is to copy the files to a directory you can write to and compile them there:
$ mkdir erlex
$ cd erlex
$ cp /usr/lib/erlang/lib/gs-1.5.11/examples/src/* .
$ erlc *.erl
You need the erlang-dev package installed for that to work.
You can run the ball example like so:
$ erl -s ball
ball here is the module name, and the Erlang emulator defaults to calling the start/0 function in that module, which is correct in this case.
You don't actually have to compile these examples, however. The Ubuntu erlang-examples package ships with them already compiled:
$ cd /usr/lib/erlang/lib/gs-1.5.11/examples/ebin
$ erl -s ball
After closing the GUI window in each, say q(). to get out of the emulator. This may seem weird to you until you realize that everything about Erlang is designed with long uptimes in mind. The mere fact that the last process the emulator was running has stopped isn't enough reason for the BEAM emulator to shut itself down. Something else might be started in that same emulator later, after all.
