app showing Installing for long time - ios

For one of company we have created iPhone app as in-house. This app is not on app store. We provide them updated provision file everytime.
When client tries to installing app on one of iPhone, it keep on saying Installing... But installation never occurs.
Any idea why this is happening?
I have iOS 7 on client iPhone.

This could be for many reasons but the most common are:
Did not sign with the right provisioning profile.
The users device is not set up in an ad hoc distribution profile.
Is it signed using a proper enterprise provisioning profile?
The information in the plist if downloading from a site does not match the file being downloaded.
Poor internet connection.
I would go down the list and doubly check everything. Make sure that if you're building an adhoc profile from an app store account that it is actually being refreshed and not duplicated in Xcode when building with the provisioning profile that contains the proper UDID for the device they want to install it on.


In an Enterprise iOS app, how to replace the *.mobileprovision file on device after existing profile expired, but without re-signing the IPA?

We have a series of iOS Enterprise applications that were built with Telerik Cordova (discontinued in May 2018). Those apps are in the process of being converted to a new platform, but in the mean time they must continue to service client needs.
The distribution certificate the apps were built with is valid for another 14 months or so, but the provisioning profiles expire in a few days. Since these are Enterprise apps they will expire with the profiles.
Unfortunately, Telerik can no longer rebuild the apps using an updated profile for us. We have re-signed the apps using new provisioning profiles (using both iReSign and Terminal). When we try to side-load the resulting IPAs through the XCode Devices panel, we get an error stating that the entitlements do not match and the apps are not installed.
The question was raised as to whether or not we not need to re-sign the apps since the certificates are still valid. Perhaps it would be possible to just replace the .mobileprovision file on the device somehow? I gave it a try using iTunes Sync but I cannot confirm whether the file actually went to the device or not.
Question: Is it possible to just update the *.mobileprovision on the device without re-signing the app? If so, could someone please give me the steps or direct me to a link to perform the steps?
Alternate Question: Otherwise, any thoughts on how to resolve my Entitlements issue? The app only needs Push Notifications, but Game Center and In-App Purchases are also enabled. These are reflected in the App ID and provisioning profile, and the distribution certificate is of type Apple Push Services.
I should point out that I am not an admin on the Apple Developer portal for the project as I am an outside consultant, so my portal access is strictly read-only.
Thanks in advance for any direction provided!
If the applications were distributed to the devices by an MDM, then you can push a new provisioning profile to them using the MDM.
If the applications were installed over the air from a web server or directly using iTunes or Apple Configurator, then you need to replace the entire application package on the device. This requires the app to be re-signed, since the changed .mobileprovision file will change the package signature.
If you don't have the original, app ID with matching entitlements in the developer portal, then you will need to delete the existing application from the device before installing the new, re-signed application. You won't be able to do an in-place upgrade.

Where does provisioning profiles live in my iPhone XS?

Apple Developer Program Information says:
A Development Provisioning Profile must be installed on each device on
which you wish to run your application code.
Each Development
Provisioning Profile will contain a set of iPhone Development
Certificates, Unique Device Identifiers and an App ID.
So where are provisioning profiles in my iPhone XS?
Can I see them?
Can I download them?
Can I beam them to any other device via bluetooth? airdrop? email?
It is not recommended for security reasons offcourse, but if you see yourself in the position that you want to distribute your file ad-hoc onair via 3rd-party software (e.g. their download file does not include the provisioning profile and won't let you download the app.
In my case downloading the correct provisioning profile and sharing it via airdrop it installed the provisioning profile on the ipad. You cannot see it, but is there. With the provisioning profile installed manually, it is now possible to download the app via 3rd party software.
The development provisioning profile is contained in the application bundle that is installed on the iOS device (typically using Xcode, but you can also use ad-hoc distribution methods).
You can't see them. There is no settings screen that shows the development apps installed on your phone.
You can't download them (well, you can download the app bundle using Xcode, but if you have Xcode you could just recompile your app).
You can't send a provisioning profile to another device from the device. Even if you could, it wouldn't really serve any purpose because the provisioning profile includes a list of authorised device identifiers and some arbitrary device won't be on the list.
The provisioning profile is installed when you correctly and legally install the app. You cannot see it. It is there to enforce security. It is your warrant to run this particular app on this particular device.
Can I beam them to any other device
Obviously not; if you could do that you would break through the entire security system that Apple has devised.

How come I can install app store profile signed application on my device?

As per my understanding, to create an IPA for distribution for testing or sharing with others, I need to sign my application with AdHoc profile. For uploading the IPA to App Store, I need to sign the application using App Store Distribution profile.
But I have an application for which even if I create an IPA with the App Store distribution profile, I can install it on my test device (no it is not jail broken and yes it has the AdHoc Profile installed on the device). This particular profile was created during iOS 6.
Now when I create a new App Store distribution profile and I try to install on the test device with the AdHoc profile being present I am unable to do so.
Any idea as to how is it possible? Technically as per my understand App Store Distribution profile signed IPA should never be possible to be installed on devices directly using iTunes. It has to be installed through App Store (after Apple's approval).
It is not possible to do so. Somehow the old certificate allowed me to install the app in one of the device, after renewing the certificate it no longer allows me to install the app signed with the appstore certificate in the device.
So the final answer is that, it is not possible. It can only be installed on jailbroken devices (which is a different question altogether).

Device Anywhere - App may not be signed

I am building my application using XCode 6 and App Store provisioning profile. After creating the application, I tried to upload it in Device Anywhere (Keynote), but it is giving me an error saying the app might be unsigned and that I need to sign it. I also tried it with AdHoc profile, but it is the same.
To verify, I installed the application on my test device, the one signed with AdHoc and it is working properly. I also verified the IPAs with security cms command and the IPA are getting generated properly.
Any help regarding this will be helpful.
Is the device in which you are trying to deploy the code, registered under the same provisioning profile you are trying ? Please check on this.
A provisioning profile binds
App ID
Device UDID.
So basically only if your device is under this particular provisioning profile, you will be able to deploy.
The issue has been resolved. Build the application using AdHoc profile and during upload selection the option to re-sign it. Also using Device Anywhere version 7.0 or the latest one. That will resolve the issue.

Can't install my app on IPAD (freeze at "installing")

I've created an AS3 app with Adobe Flash CC. I'm using AIR 3.9.
It works great on android devices but when I've created an .ipa file and transfer it to my Ipad (with IO7), my app is visible but freeze on "installing" (nothing's happening.)
Do you know what could be the problem ?
Thank you very much for your answers,
EDIT : I'm using the ALPACA Source engine (Infos Here)
This happens when an improper certificate and/or mobile provisioning file was used to compile the app (and is a known bug on iOS 7. It never gives an error message and just tries to keep installing the app).
You need to make sure the following are true:
The app was compiled with either a development or distribution certificate made using Apple's developer portal. It must come from that portal. I have never seen a working way to do it without a certificate generated there and I do not believe it is possible.
The mobile provisioning file used matches the certificate. A developer certificate is used for a development provisioning profile and a distribution certificate is used for an ad hoc or app store provisioning file.
Again, make sure the provisioning profile comes from Apple's developer portal. This one is a little more flexible and I believe it can be faked by other sources, but why bother?
The provisioning profile must include your device's UDID. This is the only way an app can be installed on your device without it coming from the app store
You must use either a development (if your device is set up for development) or ad hoc provisioning profile. An App Store provisioning profile will fail to install.
It only worked for me when i created ad-hoc provisioning profile and used in the intellij project settings
