Remove duplicate set of data from nsdiscionary with key - ios

<__NSArrayM 0x82701fe0>(
Distance = "2.08";
address = Manjalpur;
dob = "09-04-1986 ";
email = "";
facebookid = "";
fname = kanan;
gender = Female;
imageurl = "";
lastlogin = "/Date(1378288646803+0000)/";
latitude = "22.27052139756";
lname = kanan;
longitude = "73.196614980698";
name = "Green Chillies";
photopath1 = "";
time = "/Date(1378288744627+0000)/";
userid = 202;
Distance = "2.08";
address = Manjalpur;
dob = "09-04-1986 ";
email = "";
facebookid = "";
fname = kanan;
gender = Female;
imageurl = "";
lastlogin = "/Date(1378288646803+0000)/";
latitude = "22.27052139756";
lname = kanan;
longitude = "73.196614980698";
name = "Green Chillies";
photopath1 = "";
time = "/Date(1378288744627+0000)/";
userid = 202;
Distance = "2.12";
address = Manjalpur;
dob = "03-11-1983";
email = "";
facebookid = 100001835956323;
fname = Rohan;
gender = Female;
imageurl = "";
lastlogin = "/Date(1385115357020+0000)/";
latitude = "22.270002988846";
lname = Panchal;
longitude = "73.197391863176";
name = "Tulsidham circle";
photopath1 = "";
time = "/Date(1381412082083+0000)/";
userid = 55;
Distance = "2.12";
address = Manjalpur;
dob = "03-11-1983";
email = "";
facebookid = 100001835956323;
fname = Rohan;
gender = Female;
imageurl = "";
lastlogin = "/Date(1385115357020+0000)/";
latitude = "22.270002988846";
lname = Panchal;
longitude = "73.197391863176";
name = "Tulsidham circle";
photopath1 = "";
time = "/Date(1381412082083+0000)/";
userid = 55;
my NSDictionary *finalResult print this result
Actually there are only two records but from web service I am getting
this type of result they cannot distinct because of unique imageurl.
so how can i remove duplicate data set.The same user data are only differ from each other with key imageurl.
I just want only single record of user does not matter which one(any one). So finally I will get only two record

//You can filter you response like this:
//tempArray is data array which content webservice response
NSMutableArray *mainArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
for (int i = 0; i< [temprray count]; i ++) {
if ([mainArray count]==0) {
[mainArray addObject:[temprray objectAtIndex:0]];
else {
NSDictionary *tempDict = [temprray objectAtIndex:i];
BOOL isRecordFound = NO;
for (int j = 0; j < [mainArray count]; j++) {
NSDictionary *tempinnerDict = [mainArray objectAtIndex:j];
if ([[tempinnerDict valueForKey:#"userid"] integerValue] == [[tempDict valueForKey:#"userid"] integerValue]) {
isRecordFound = YES;
if (!isRecordFound) {
[mainArray addObject:tempDict];

It may be a webservice error. Best way is to contact web team or you can remove the duplicates by using below way
You can check the duplicate dictionary with the below method
- (BOOL)isEqualToDictionary:(NSDictionary *)otherDictionary
Inside a for loop you can check the duplicates and if there anyone, you can remove it from an NSMutableArray using
- (void)removeObjectAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index


How to merge 2 Arrays by comparing two different objects having same values ?

I have 2 Arrays named "onGoingBookings" and "sortedMSArray" . I want to inject / merge sortedMSArray (status key only) to onGoingBooings Array (main Array) when both booking id values are same.
Response of OngoingBookings
addrLine1 = "Al Thanyah Fifth, Dubai, United Arab Emirates";
addrLine2 = " ";
amount = "";
apntDate = "2017-12-11";
apntDt = "2017-12-11 11:48:18";
apntTime = "11:48 am";
apptLat = "25.071571350098";
apptLong = "55.14294052124";
bid = 374;
bookType = 1;
cancelAmount = 30;
"cancel_reason" = "";
"cat_name" = "Car Wash";
"dispute_msg" = "";
disputed = "";
dt = 20171211114818;
email = "";
fdata = {
fname = Apple;
lname = Mob;
notes = "";
pPic = "";
phone = 561462146;
pid = 48;
"star_rating" = 0;
statCode = 6;
status = "Job started.";
addrLine1 = "Al Thanyah Fifth, Dubai, United Arab Emirates";
addrLine2 = " ";
amount = "";
apntDate = "2017-12-06";
apntDt = "2017-12-06 19:29:14";
apntTime = "07:29 pm";
apptLat = "25.071369171143";
apptLong = "55.143840789795";
bid = 354;
bookType = 2;
cancelAmount = 50;
"cancel_reason" = "";
"cat_name" = Plumbing;
"dispute_msg" = "";
disputed = "";
dt = 20171206192914;
email = "";
fdata = {
fname = "";
lname = "";
notes = "";
pPic = "";
phone = "";
pid = "";
"star_rating" = 0;
statCode = 1;
status = "Job Pending";
addrLine1 = "Al Thanyah Fifth, Dubai, United Arab Emirates";
addrLine2 = " ";
amount = "";
apntDate = "2017-12-06";
apntDt = "2017-12-06 19:24:12";
apntTime = "07:24 pm";
apptLat = "25.071369171143";
apptLong = "55.143840789795";
bid = 353;
bookType = 1;
cancelAmount = 30;
"cancel_reason" = "";
"cat_name" = "Car Wash";
"dispute_msg" = "";
disputed = "";
dt = 20171206192412;
email = "";
fdata = {
fname = "";
lname = "";
notes = "";
pPic = "";
phone = "";
pid = "";
"star_rating" = 0;
statCode = 1;
status = "Job Pending";
Response of sortedMSArray
bookingid = 325;
status = 1;
bookingid = 333;
status = 3;
bookingid = 374;
status = 3;
I need Following Solution
Step 1 - compare both array by using #"bid"(ongoingbookings) and #"bookingid"(sortedMSArray)
Step 2 - merge the status key when both booking ids are same.
Please post a code snipped according to my code and response.
Reference Codes
if(requestType == RequestTypeGetAllApptDetails)
if(pageIndex == 0)
pastBookings = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
onGoingBookings = response[#"ongoing_appts"];
[pastBookings addObjectsFromArray:response[#"past_appts"]];
self.tableView.backgroundView = self.messageView;
[self.tableView reloadData];
else if(requestType == RequestTypeGetReportMaterialStatus)
{ // NSArray *custStatusTempArray = response;
customerStatusArray = response;
customerstatusDict = response[#"customerstatus"];
NSLog(#"CUSTOMERSTATUSARRAY %#", customerStatusArray);
NSLog(#"CUSTOMERSTATUSDICT %#", customerstatusDict);
if(customerStatusArray == nil || [customerStatusArray count]==0)
custStatusFilteredArray = [NSMutableArray array];
if([customerstatusDict isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]])
NSDictionary *dict = (NSDictionary *)customerstatusDict;
[dict enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(id _Nonnull key, id _Nonnull obj, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) {
[custStatusFilteredArray addObject:obj];
materialStatusStringArray = [custStatusFilteredArray copy];
//sorting the materialstatus string array
NSSortDescriptor* sortDescriptor = [NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptorWithKey:#"bookingid" ascending:NO];
sortedMSArray = [materialStatusStringArray sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:#[sortDescriptor]];
NSLog(#"Sorted Array Response -%#", sortedMSArray);

get var from an array

Using that code I'm able to get all the list of array.
Looking a lot of tutorial but I'm not able to get the var called "id" if the "name" isEqual to "Timeline Photos".
NSArray *feed =[result objectForKey:#"data"];
for (NSDictionary *dict in feed) {
Result (Example of the first two result):
2015-02-03 13:59:21.246 Project[708:29363] {
"can_upload" = 0;
count = 68;
"cover_photo" = 10200808394440000;
"created_time" = "2011-03-09T17:25:03+0000";
from = {
id = 10204248513160000;
name = "XX XX";
id = 1716972770000;
link = "";
name = "Mobile Uploads";
privacy = everyone;
type = mobile;
"updated_time" = "2015-01-31T13:28:32+0000";
2015-02-03 13:59:21.247 Project[708:29363] {
"can_upload" = 0;
count = 11;
"cover_photo" = 4383404270000;
"created_time" = "2010-02-15T15:50:30+0000";
from = {
id = 10204248513160000;
name = "XX XX";
id = 1267183610000;
link = "";
name = "Timeline Photos";
privacy = everyone;
type = wall;
"updated_time" = "2015-01-28T18:26:52+0000";
Try this:
NSArray *feed =[result objectForKey:#"data"];
for (NSDictionary *dict in feed) {
if ([dict[#"name"] isEqualToString:#"Timeline Photos"])
This will only print id when name is equal to Timeline Photos.
Actually, you are not working with an array, but with a dictionary.
Hope this helps.

Getting specific value from string

In My Application i am Using ArcGIS . in that one i want Search one place and get the places related to that name. Now I want to Parse all the address of that places and put them in a table View. after typing the address and after i press search Button i will get all the Markers on the Map. Now i'm trying to get the complete address of the Place But i was unable to do this.I want to get "place_addr" value from the below string can any one please help me how can i get that value in ios
AGSFindLocationResult name=Disneyland, extent=AGSEnvelope: xmin = -13129988.221853, ymin = 4000701.846518, xmax = -13124422.247314, ymax = 4007401.106877, spatial reference: [AGSSpatialReference: wkid = 102100, wkt = null], graphic=geometry: AGSPoint: x = -13127204.667522, y = 4004050.640580, spatial reference: [AGSSpatialReference: wkid = 102100, wkt = null], symbol: { AGSPictureMarkerSymbol: imageName: BluePushpin.png, width: 36.000000, height: 36.000000 }, attributes: {
AddBldg = "";
AddNum = "";
AddNumFrom = "";
AddNumTo = "";
"Addr_type" = POI;
City = Anaheim;
Country = USA;
DisplayX = "-117.923687";
DisplayY = "33.815467";
Distance = 0;
LangCode = "";
"Loc_name" = "Gaz.WorldGazetteer.POI2";
"Match_addr" = Disneyland;
Nbrhd = "";
Phone = "(714)781-4565";
PlaceName = Disneyland;
"Place_addr" = "1313 S Disneyland Dr Anaheim, CA 92802";
Postal = "";
PostalExt = "";
Rank = "2.5";
Region = California;
Score = 100;
Side = "";
StAddr = "";
StDir = "";
StName = "";
StPreDir = "";
StPreType = "";
StType = "";
Subregion = Orange;
Type = "Amusement Park";
URL = "";
X = "-117.923687";
Xmax = "-117.898691";
Xmin = "-117.948691";
Y = "33.815467";
Ymax = "33.84047000000002";
Ymin = "33.79047";
}, visible: 1
IF what you're getting back really is a string, then you should look at the string searching methods like rangeOfString.
That will return an NSRange that contains your label, "place_addr".
Then you'd want to search from that point forward for a semicolon, using the related method rangeOfString:options:range:, that searches in a specific range of a string.
Finally, you'd need to calculate a range for the contents, that would be 5 characters past the end of the NSRange of "place_addr", and up to, but not including, the final semicolon.
Then you'd use substringWithRange to extract the string who's range you calculated above.
Give that a try, and come back if you have trouble.
Please try the code below
- (NSArray *)findKey:(NSString *)key inString:(NSString *)allString
NSMutableArray *result = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:1];
NSArray *splitArray = [allString componentsSeparatedByString:#";"];
for (NSString *s in splitArray) {
NSArray * keyValueArry = [s componentsSeparatedByString:#"="];
if([keyValueArry count] > 1)
NSString *_key = [keyValueArry objectAtIndex:0];
NSString *_value = [keyValueArry objectAtIndex:1];
if([_key isEqualToString:key])
[result addObject:_value];
return result;
where key is place_addr, and allString is as your sample string.

NSMutableArray of dictionaries from JSON feed insert new object for key iOS

I receive and array of dictionaries from a JSON feed and assign it to an NSMutableArray called jsonArray i.e:
jsonArray = [deserializedData objectForKey:#"reports"];
The feed looks like this:
reports = (
address = "The street";
email = "";
"eng_id" = 1;
"eng_name" = "Alex McPherson";
"eng_thumb" = "http://someurl/image/1.png";
form = Test;
id = 59;
lat = "51.1438330";
live = 1;
lng = "0.8693330";
location = "17 Victoria Crescent, Ashford, TN23 7HL";
name = "Alex McPherson";
phone = 01233000000;
rid = "A5C963-C95B-C3D639";
title = "#A5C963-C95B-C3D639, Litter";
tm = "2013-04-28 20:44:20";
type = 5;
"type-text" = "Litter";
address = "The street";
email = "";
"eng_id" = 2;
"eng_name" = "Rob Burt";
"eng_thumb" = "http://someurl/image/1.png";
form = Test;
id = 122;
lat = "51.1415000";
live = 1;
lng = "0.8715000";
location = "38 Beaver Road, Ashford, TN23 7RP";
name = Alex;
phone = 01233000000;
rid = "5A5C96-9072-6BAFA9";
title = "#5A5C96-9072-6BAFA9, Litter";
tm = "2013-04-28 20:35:56";
type = 8;
"type-text" = "Litter";
what I would like to do is insert a new value for key lets say into this jsonArray: distance = "0.16km" but my brain is just not working tonight....
so the new jsonArray should looks like this with the added key value mentioned above:
reports = (
address = "The street";
email = "";
"eng_id" = 1;
"eng_name" = "Alex McPherson";
"eng_thumb" = "http://someurl/image/1.png";
form = Test;
id = 59;
lat = "51.1438330";
live = 1;
lng = "0.8693330";
distance = "0.16km";
location = "17 Victoria Crescent, Ashford, TN23 7HL";
name = "Alex McPherson";
phone = 01233000000;
rid = "A5C963-C95B-C3D639";
title = "#A5C963-C95B-C3D639, Litter";
tm = "2013-04-28 20:44:20";
type = 5;
"type-text" = "Litter";
address = "The street";
email = "";
"eng_id" = 2;
"eng_name" = "Rob Burt";
"eng_thumb" = "http://someurl/image/1.png";
form = Test;
id = 122;
lat = "51.1415000";
live = 1;
lng = "0.8715000";
distance = "2.13km";
location = "38 Beaver Road, Ashford, TN23 7RP";
name = Alex;
phone = 01233000000;
rid = "5A5C96-9072-6BAFA9";
title = "#5A5C96-9072-6BAFA9, Litter";
tm = "2013-04-28 20:35:56";
type = 8;
"type-text" = "Litter";
basically I have a calculation that takes the long and lat from the feed and works out how far the poi is from my current location of which then I sort the array by using a sort descriptor based on the distance key that I want to insert above. I have the code for this just stuck on inserting into the existing nsmutablearray above
Read the deserialized JSON array as an NSArray (not NSMutableArray).
Then create a mutable copy of that array using something like:
NSMutableArray *mutableArray = [originalArray mutableCopy];
Then insert items into mutableArray.

iphone sdk+How to retrive dictionary inside array of dictionary values

i want to retrive KpiName key(KpiData is array inside kpiName is dictionary key) and my data structure mentioned below
--Array of dictionaries inside array of dictinary
alertSeverity = 1;
customerName = TPMG;
endDate = "05-05-2013";
isProjectHide = 1;
kpiData = (
KpiName = "Change Request ";
kpiActual = 14;
kpiPlanned = "";
kpiUnit = "";
KpiName = "Aged Debit";
kpiActual = 24000;
kpiPlanned = "";
kpiUnit = EUR;
lastInvoiceDate = "05-04-2013";
nextBillingDate = "05-04-2013";
nextMilestoneDate = "10-04-2013";
nextReviewDate = "08-04-2013";
plannedCompletionDate = "04-05-2013";
projectID = 3000;
projectName = "Rain Harvesting";
projectSortType = "";
projectStatus = 1;
startDate = "01-01-2013";
i tried this one but its returning null
NSString *kpiName = [[[[listOfProjectsArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] valueForKey:#"kpiData"] objectAtIndex:0]valueForKey:#"kpiName"];
NSLog(#"kpiname:%#", kpiName);
Try this
NSString *kpiName =[[[[listOfProjectsArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] objectForKey:#"kpiData"]objectAtIndex:0]objectForKey:#"KpiName"];
I was mentioned wrong dictionary key
NSString *kpiName = [[[[listOfProjectsArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] valueForKey:#"kpiData"] objectAtIndex:0]valueForKey:#"kpiName"];
NSLog(#"kpiname:%#", kpiName);
correct one is KpiName key instead of kpiName.
