I'm trying to load RAW formats(especially Nikon .NEF) with libraw library and than convert it to opencv format cv::Mat.
Has anybody solved this problem in past? How do I do this?
I have a conversion method from libraw to QImage (Qt). However, this demonstrates the use of libraw and should be easily adapted to cv::Mat.
My solution is loosely similar to this: https://github.com/mardy/qtraw/blob/master/src/raw-io-handler.cpp
Due to open questions in the comments to the original question, a further comment: You can control the white-balance, chromatic abberation-, distortion correction and much more with libraw: http://www.libraw.org/docs/API-datastruct-eng.html#libraw_output_params_t
Converting embedded RAW thumbnail from libraw to QImage:
LibRaw RawProcessor;
QImage thumbnail;
if( LIBRAW_SUCCESS == RawProcessor.open_file(filename)) {
if( LIBRAW_SUCCESS == RawProcessor.unpack_thumb() ) {
if (LIBRAW_THUMBNAIL_JPEG == RawProcessor.imgdata.thumbnail.tformat ) {
LibRawImagePerformFlip(RawProcessor.imgdata.sizes.flip, thumbnail);
} else if (LIBRAW_THUMBNAIL_BITMAP == RawProcessor.imgdata.thumbnail.tformat) {
thumbnail = LibRawImageToQImage(
} // else: could not read
Converting full RAW image from libraw to QImage:
LibRaw RawProcessor;
QImage image;
RawProcessor.imgdata.params.gamm[0] = 1.0;
RawProcessor.imgdata.params.gamm[1] = 0.0;
RawProcessor.imgdata.params.user_qual = 0; // fastest interpolation (linear)
RawProcessor.imgdata.params.use_camera_wb = 1;
if( LIBRAW_SUCCESS == rawProcessor.open_file(filename) {
if( LIBRAW_SUCCESS == RawProcessor.unpack() ) {
if (LIBRAW_SUCCESS == RawProcessor.dcraw_process()) {
libraw_processed_image_t* output = RawProcessor.dcraw_make_mem_image();
if (LIBRAW_IMAGE_JPEG == output->type ) {
LibRawImagePerformFlip(RawProcessor.imgdata.sizes.flip, image);
} else if (LIBRAW_IMAGE_BITMAP == output->type) {
image= LibRawImageToQImage(
} // else: could not read
with the two helper functions:
QImage MiscToolsLibRawImageToQImage(const uchar *data,
const int width,
const int height,
const int nCols,
const int colorBits)
int colorSize = (colorBits % 8) == 0 ? colorBits / 8 : ceil(colorBits / 8.0);
int numPixels = width * height;
int pixelSize = nCols * colorSize;
uchar* pixels = new uchar[numPixels * 3];
for (int i = 0; i < numPixels; i++, data += pixelSize) {
if (nCols == 3) {
// this ordering produces correct RGB results - don't ask why
// tested with .CR2 (Canon)
pixels[i * 3] = data[3*colorSize];
pixels[i * 3 + 1] = data[colorSize];
pixels[i * 3 + 2] = data[2*colorSize];
} else {
pixels[i * 3] = data[0];
pixels[i * 3 + 1] = data[0];
pixels[i * 3 + 2] = data[0];
// immediately create a copy since otherwise we'd have to
// 'delete[] pixels' somewhere else, ourselves
// see http://doc.qt.io/qt-5.5/qimage.html#QImage-6
QImage out = QImage(pixels, width, height, width * 3,
delete[] pixels;
return out;
void LibRawImagePerformFlip(const int flip, QImage& image)
if (flip != 0) {
QTransform rotation;
int angle = 0;
if (flip == 3) angle = 180;
else if (flip == 5) angle = -90;
else if (flip == 6) angle = 90;
if (angle != 0) {
image = image.transformed(rotation);
I need a way to segment each arrow alone. I tried OpenCv findContours but it broke it or add it to multiple shapes and arrows as the share the boundaries of shapes. I tried OpenCV connected components but this arrows almost in some graph connected all of it. Plus having trouble as the boundaries almost have the same color as the arrow. And in these kind of images each arrow contains different colors. Any opinion about this problem.
This is a sample diagram. I have to deal with harder diagrams like this.
Ok, work with new picture.
1. Binarization the arrows (and shapes):
cv::Mat imgCl = cv::imread("62uoU.jpg", cv::IMREAD_COLOR);
cv::Mat img;
cv::cvtColor(imgCl, img, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
cv::Mat mask1;
cv::threshold(img, mask1, 30, 255, cv::THRESH_BINARY_INV);
cv::Mat mask2;
cv::threshold(img, mask2, 120, 255, cv::THRESH_BINARY_INV);
cv::Mat diff;
cv::absdiff(mask1, mask2, diff);
cv::imshow("diff1", diff);
Result 1:
Remove rectangle shapes:
cv::Rect objRect(0, 0, diff.cols, diff.rows);
cv::Size minSize(objRect.width / 100, objRect.height / 100);
cv::Mat bin = cv::Mat(diff, objRect).clone();
for (;;)
cv::Rect cutRect;
if (!PosRefinement(bin, cutRect, 0.9f, minSize))
cv::rectangle(bin, cutRect, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0), cv::FILLED);
cv::rectangle(diff, cutRect, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0), cv::FILLED);
objRect.x += cutRect.x;
objRect.y += cutRect.y;
objRect.width = cutRect.width;
objRect.height = cutRect.height;
cv::imshow("diff", diff);
Result 2:
Find lines:
std::vector<cv::Vec4i> linesP;
cv::HoughLinesP(diff, linesP, 1, CV_PI / 180, 20, 10, 5);
for (size_t i = 0; i < linesP.size(); i++)
cv::Vec4i l = linesP[i];
cv::line(imgCl, cv::Point(l[0], l[1]), cv::Point(l[2], l[3]), cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 3, cv::LINE_AA);
cv::imshow("img", imgCl);
Result 3:
Black arrows was founded. It can to improve this solution: find and delete text areas from image (tesseract or cv::text::ERFilter). And add a little morphology for draw arrow tips with Hough lines.
P.S. Utility function:
bool PosRefinement(
cv::Mat bin,
cv::Rect& cutRect,
double kThreshold,
cv::Size minSize
const double areaThreshold = 100;
const int radius = 5;
const int maxIters = 100;
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point>> contours;
std::vector<cv::Vec4i> hierarchy;
cv::findContours(bin, contours, hierarchy, cv::RETR_EXTERNAL, cv::CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, cv::Point());
size_t bestCont = contours.size();
double maxArea = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++)
double area = cv::contourArea(contours[i]);
if (area > maxArea)
maxArea = area;
bestCont = i;
if (maxArea < areaThreshold)
return false;
cv::Moments m = cv::moments(contours[bestCont]);
cv::Point mc(cvRound(m.m10 / m.m00), cvRound(m.m01 / m.m00));
cv::Rect currRect(mc.x - radius / 2, mc.y - radius / 2, radius, radius);
auto Clamp = [](int v, int hi) -> bool
if (v < 0)
v = 0;
return true;
else if (hi && v > hi - 1)
v = hi - 1;
return true;
return false;
auto RectClamp = [&](cv::Rect& r, int w, int h) -> bool
return Clamp(r.x, w) || Clamp(r.x + r.width, w) || Clamp(r.y, h) || Clamp(r.y + r.height, h);
int stepL = radius / 2;
int stepR = radius / 2;
int stepT = radius / 2;
int stepB = radius / 2;
double k = 0;
struct State
double k = 0;
int stepL = 0;
int stepR = 0;
int stepT = 0;
int stepB = 0;
cv::Rect currRect;
State() = default;
State(double k_, int stepL_, int stepR_, int stepT_, int stepB_, cv::Rect currRect_)
bool operator==(const State& st) const
return (st.k == k) && (st.stepL == stepL) && (st.stepR == stepR) && (st.stepT == stepT) && (st.stepB == stepB) && (st.currRect == currRect);
const size_t statesCount = 2;
State prevStates[statesCount];
size_t stateInd = 0;
for (int it = 0; it < maxIters; ++it)
cv::Rect rleft(currRect.x - stepL, currRect.y, currRect.width + stepL, currRect.height);
cv::Rect rright(currRect.x, currRect.y, currRect.width + stepR, currRect.height);
cv::Rect rtop(currRect.x, currRect.y - stepT, currRect.width, currRect.height + stepT);
cv::Rect rbottom(currRect.x, currRect.y, currRect.width, currRect.height + stepB);
double kleft = 0;
double kright = 0;
double ktop = 0;
double kbottom = 0;
if (!RectClamp(rleft, bin.cols, bin.rows))
cv::Rect rstep(currRect.x - stepL, currRect.y, stepL, currRect.height);
if (cv::sum(bin(rstep))[0] / (255.0 * rstep.area()) > kThreshold / 2)
kleft = cv::sum(bin(rleft))[0] / (255.0 * rleft.area());
if (!RectClamp(rright, bin.cols, bin.rows))
cv::Rect rstep(currRect.x + currRect.width, currRect.y, stepR, currRect.height);
if (cv::sum(bin(rstep))[0] / (255.0 * rstep.area()) > kThreshold / 2)
kright = cv::sum(bin(rright))[0] / (255.0 * rright.area());
if (!RectClamp(rtop, bin.cols, bin.rows))
cv::Rect rstep(currRect.x, currRect.y - stepT, currRect.width, stepT);
if (cv::sum(bin(rstep))[0] / (255.0 * rstep.area()) > kThreshold / 2)
ktop = cv::sum(bin(rtop))[0] / (255.0 * rtop.area());
if (!RectClamp(rbottom, bin.cols, bin.rows))
cv::Rect rstep(currRect.x, currRect.y + currRect.height, currRect.width, stepB);
if (cv::sum(bin(rstep))[0] / (255.0 * rstep.area()) > kThreshold / 2)
kbottom = cv::sum(bin(rbottom))[0] / (255.0 * rbottom.area());
bool wasEnlargeX = false;
if (kleft > kThreshold)
currRect.x -= stepL;
currRect.width += stepL;
wasEnlargeX = true;
if (kleft > k)
if (stepL > 1)
currRect.x += 1;
currRect.width -= 1;
if (kright > kThreshold)
currRect.width += stepR;
wasEnlargeX = true;
if (kright > k)
if (stepR > 1)
currRect.width -= 1;
bool wasEnlargeY = false;
if (ktop > kThreshold)
currRect.y -= stepT;
currRect.height += stepT;
wasEnlargeY = true;
if (ktop > k)
if (stepT > 1)
currRect.y += 1;
currRect.height -= 1;
if (kbottom > kThreshold)
currRect.height += stepB;
wasEnlargeY = true;
if (kbottom > k)
if (stepB > 1)
currRect.height -= 1;
k = cv::sum(bin(currRect))[0] / (255.0 * currRect.area());
State currState(k, stepL, stepR, stepT, stepB, currRect);
bool repState = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < statesCount; ++i)
if (prevStates[i] == currState)
repState = true;
if (repState)
prevStates[stateInd] = currState;
stateInd = (stateInd + 1 < statesCount) ? (stateInd + 1) : 0;
if (k < kThreshold && (stepL + stepR + stepT + stepB == 4) && !wasEnlargeX && !wasEnlargeY)
cutRect.x = std::max(0, currRect.x - 1);
cutRect.width = currRect.width + 2;
cutRect.y = std::max(0, currRect.y - 1);
cutRect.height = currRect.height + 2;
return (cutRect.width >= minSize.width) && (cutRect.height >= minSize.height);
For your example it might be simple. The picture (png) has 4 channels and 4th channel is transparent mask. It can work only with transparent channel and filter arrows with moments:
cv::Mat img = cv::imread("voXFs.png", cv::IMREAD_UNCHANGED);
std::cout << "imsize = " << img.size() << ", chans = " << img.channels() << std::endl;
cv::imshow("img", img);
std::vector<cv::Mat> chans;
cv::split(img, chans);
cv::imshow("transp", chans.back());
cv::Mat mask;
cv::threshold(chans.back(), mask, 50, 255, cv::THRESH_BINARY | cv::THRESH_OTSU);
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point> > contours;
cv::findContours(mask, contours, cv::RETR_EXTERNAL, cv::CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
cv::Mat draw;
cv::cvtColor(mask, draw, cv::COLOR_GRAY2BGR);
for (size_t i = 0; i < contours.size(); ++i)
double area = cv::contourArea(contours[i]);
double len = cv::arcLength(contours[i], false);
double k = len / area;
if (area > 10 && len > 60 && k > 2)
std::cout << "area = " << area << ", len = " << len << ", k = " << k << std::endl;
cv::drawContours(draw, contours, i, cv::Scalar(255, 0, 0), 1);
cv::imshow("mask", mask);
cv::imshow("draw", draw);
But for more robust result:
Find and delete text areas from image (tesseract or cv::text::ERFilter).
Erode mask, find all shapes by contours, draw and dilate they. Bitwise and operation for mask and result.
The end!
I want to swap the U and V bit in YUV format, from NV12
YYYYYYYY UVUV // each letter presents a bit
to NV21
I leave the Y planar alone, and handle the U and V planar by the function below
uchar swap(uchar in) {
uchar out = ((in >> 1) & 0x55) | ((in << 1) & 0xaa);
return out;
But I cannot get the desired result, the colour of the output image still not correct.
How can I swap U and V planar correctly?
Found the problem. UV should be manipulated in byte format, not bit.
byte[] yuv = // ...
final int length = yuv.length;
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < length; i1 += 2) {
if (i1 >= width * height) {
byte tmp = yuv[i1];
yuv[i1] = yuv[i1+1];
yuv[i1+1] = tmp;
try this method (-_-)
IFrameCallback iFrameCallback = new IFrameCallback() {
public void onFrame(ByteBuffer frame) {
//get nv12 data
byte[] b = new byte[frame.remaining()];
//nv12 data to nv21
NV12ToNV21(b, 1280, 720);
//send NV21 data
BVPU.InputVideoData(nv21, nv21.length,
System.currentTimeMillis() * 1000, 1280, 720);
byte[] nv21;
private void NV12ToNV21(byte[] data, int width, int height) {
nv21 = new byte[data.length];
int framesize = width * height;
int i = 0, j = 0;
System.arraycopy(data, 0, nv21, 0, framesize);
for (i = 0; i < framesize; i++) {
nv21[i] = data[i];
for (j = 0; j < framesize / 2; j += 2) {
nv21[framesize + j - 1] = data[j + framesize];
for (j = 0; j < framesize / 2; j += 2) {
nv21[framesize + j] = data[j + framesize - 1];
Can anyone help me with this problem, how to do flipping of an image without using the inbuilt flipping function i.e. flip(src image, destination image , 1 or 0) in C++ using OpenCV. I am new to this software so please help.
OpenCV's flip function uses internal flipHoriz or flipVert functions.
static void
flipHoriz( const uchar* src, size_t sstep, uchar* dst, size_t dstep, Size size, size_t esz )
int i, j, limit = (int)(((size.width + 1)/2)*esz);
AutoBuffer<int> _tab(size.width*esz);
int* tab = _tab;
for( i = 0; i < size.width; i++ )
for( size_t k = 0; k < esz; k++ )
tab[i*esz + k] = (int)((size.width - i - 1)*esz + k);
for( ; size.height--; src += sstep, dst += dstep )
for( i = 0; i < limit; i++ )
j = tab[i];
uchar t0 = src[i], t1 = src[j];
dst[i] = t1; dst[j] = t0;
static void
flipVert( const uchar* src0, size_t sstep, uchar* dst0, size_t dstep, Size size, size_t esz )
const uchar* src1 = src0 + (size.height - 1)*sstep;
uchar* dst1 = dst0 + (size.height - 1)*dstep;
size.width *= (int)esz;
for( int y = 0; y < (size.height + 1)/2; y++, src0 += sstep, src1 -= sstep,
dst0 += dstep, dst1 -= dstep )
int i = 0;
if( ((size_t)src0|(size_t)dst0|(size_t)src1|(size_t)dst1) % sizeof(int) == 0 )
for( ; i <= size.width - 16; i += 16 )
int t0 = ((int*)(src0 + i))[0];
int t1 = ((int*)(src1 + i))[0];
((int*)(dst0 + i))[0] = t1;
((int*)(dst1 + i))[0] = t0;
t0 = ((int*)(src0 + i))[1];
t1 = ((int*)(src1 + i))[1];
((int*)(dst0 + i))[1] = t1;
((int*)(dst1 + i))[1] = t0;
t0 = ((int*)(src0 + i))[2];
t1 = ((int*)(src1 + i))[2];
((int*)(dst0 + i))[2] = t1;
((int*)(dst1 + i))[2] = t0;
t0 = ((int*)(src0 + i))[3];
t1 = ((int*)(src1 + i))[3];
((int*)(dst0 + i))[3] = t1;
((int*)(dst1 + i))[3] = t0;
for( ; i <= size.width - 4; i += 4 )
int t0 = ((int*)(src0 + i))[0];
int t1 = ((int*)(src1 + i))[0];
((int*)(dst0 + i))[0] = t1;
((int*)(dst1 + i))[0] = t0;
for( ; i < size.width; i++ )
uchar t0 = src0[i];
uchar t1 = src1[i];
dst0[i] = t1;
dst1[i] = t0;
// you can use it with a small modification as below
void myflip( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int flip_mode )
CV_Assert( _src.dims() <= 2 );
Size size = _src.size();
if (flip_mode < 0)
if (size.width == 1)
flip_mode = 0;
if (size.height == 1)
flip_mode = 1;
if ((size.width == 1 && flip_mode > 0) ||
(size.height == 1 && flip_mode == 0) ||
(size.height == 1 && size.width == 1 && flip_mode < 0))
return _src.copyTo(_dst);
Mat src = _src.getMat();
int type = src.type();
_dst.create( size, type );
Mat dst = _dst.getMat();
size_t esz = CV_ELEM_SIZE(type);
if( flip_mode <= 0 )
flipVert( src.ptr(), src.step, dst.ptr(), dst.step, src.size(), esz );
flipHoriz( src.ptr(), src.step, dst.ptr(), dst.step, src.size(), esz );
if( flip_mode < 0 )
flipHoriz( dst.ptr(), dst.step, dst.ptr(), dst.step, dst.size(), esz );
Assuming you have a good reason not to use OpenCV flip function, you can write your custom one.
For this example, I'll use CV_8UC3 images. I'll point out at the end how to expand this to different formats.
Let's see first how to flip an image x axis, which corresponds to cv::flip(src, dst, 1). Given an src image, the dst image will have the same y coordinate, and x coordinate as src.cols - 1 - x coordinates. In practice:
void flip_lr(const Mat3b& src, Mat3b& dst)
Mat3b _dst(src.rows, src.cols);
for (int r = 0; r < _dst.rows; ++r) {
for (int c = 0; c < _dst.cols; ++c) {
_dst(r, c) = src(r, src.cols - 1 - c);
dst = _dst;
Then, to flip around y axis (corresponding to cv::flip(src, dst, 0)), dst will have the same x coordinate, and y as src.rows - 1 - y. However, you can reuse the above-mentioned function, simply transposing the dst matrix, apply flip on x axis, and then transpose back. In practice:
dst = src.t();
flip_lr(dst, dst);
dst = dst.t();
Then, to flip both axis, corresponding to cv::flip(src, dst, -1), you need simply to combine the flip on x and y axis:
flip_lr(src, dst);
dst = dst.t();
flip_lr(dst, dst);
dst = dst.t();
You can wrap this functionality in a custom flip function that takes the same parameters as cv::flip:
void custom_flip(const Mat3b& src, Mat3b& dst, int code)
if (code > 0)
{ // Flip x axis
flip_lr(src, dst);
else if (code == 0)
// Flip y axis
dst = src.t();
flip_lr(dst, dst);
dst = dst.t();
else // code < 0
// Flip x and y axis
flip_lr(src, dst);
dst = dst.t();
flip_lr(dst, dst);
dst = dst.t();
Note that you can adapt this to different format simply modifing the flip_lr function, and taking care to call the appropriate version inside custom_flip, that will now accept Mat instead of Mat3b.
Full code for reference:
void flip_lr(const Mat3b& src, Mat3b& dst)
Mat3b _dst(src.rows, src.cols);
for (int r = 0; r < _dst.rows; ++r) {
for (int c = 0; c < _dst.cols; ++c) {
_dst(r, c) = src(r, src.cols - 1 - c);
dst = _dst;
void custom_flip(const Mat3b& src, Mat3b& dst, int code)
if (code > 0)
{ // Flip x axis
flip_lr(src, dst);
else if (code == 0)
// Flip y axis
dst = src.t();
flip_lr(dst, dst);
dst = dst.t();
else // code < 0
// Flip x and y axis
flip_lr(src, dst);
dst = dst.t();
flip_lr(dst, dst);
dst = dst.t();
int main(void)
Mat3b img = imread("path_to_image");
Mat3b flipped;
flip(img, flipped, -1);
Mat3b custom;
custom_flip(img, custom, -1);
imshow("OpenCV flip", flipped);
imshow("Custom flip", custom);
return 0;
How to get from a opencv Mat pointcloud to a pcl::pointcloud? The color is not important for me only the points itself.
you can do this like:
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr SimpleOpenNIViewer::MatToPoinXYZ(cv::Mat OpencVPointCloud)
* Function: Get from a Mat to pcl pointcloud datatype
* In: cv::Mat
* Out: pcl::PointCloud
//char pr=100, pg=100, pb=100;
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr point_cloud_ptr(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);//(new pcl::pointcloud<pcl::pointXYZ>);
for(int i=0;i<OpencVPointCloud.cols;i++)
pcl::PointXYZ point;
point.x = OpencVPointCloud.at<float>(0,i);
point.y = OpencVPointCloud.at<float>(1,i);
point.z = OpencVPointCloud.at<float>(2,i);
// when color needs to be added:
//uint32_t rgb = (static_cast<uint32_t>(pr) << 16 | static_cast<uint32_t>(pg) << 8 | static_cast<uint32_t>(pb));
//point.rgb = *reinterpret_cast<float*>(&rgb);
point_cloud_ptr -> points.push_back(point);
point_cloud_ptr->width = (int)point_cloud_ptr->points.size();
point_cloud_ptr->height = 1;
return point_cloud_ptr;
And also the otherway
cv::Mat MVW_ICP::PoinXYZToMat(pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr point_cloud_ptr){
cv::Mat OpenCVPointCloud(3, point_cloud_ptr->points.size(), CV_64FC1);
for(int i=0; i < point_cloud_ptr->points.size();i++){
OpenCVPointCloud.at<double>(0,i) = point_cloud_ptr->points.at(i).x;
OpenCVPointCloud.at<double>(1,i) = point_cloud_ptr->points.at(i).y;
OpenCVPointCloud.at<double>(2,i) = point_cloud_ptr->points.at(i).z;
return OpenCVPointCloud;
To convert from a range image captured by a Kinect sensor and represented by depthMat to a pcl::PointCloud you can try this function. The calibration parameters are those used here.
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr MatToPoinXYZ(cv::Mat depthMat)
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr ptCloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
// calibration parameters
float const fx_d = 5.9421434211923247e+02;
float const fy_d = 5.9104053696870778e+02;
float const cx_d = 3.3930780975300314e+02;
float const cy_d = 2.4273913761751615e+02;
unsigned char* p = depthMat.data;
for (int i = 0; i<depthMat.rows; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < depthMat.cols; j++)
float z = static_cast<float>(*p);
pcl::PointXYZ point;
point.z = 0.001 * z;
point.x = point.z*(j - cx_d) / fx_d;
point.y = point.z *(cy_d - i) / fy_d;
ptCloud->width = (int)depthMat.cols;
ptCloud->height = (int)depthMat.rows;
return ptCloud;
The following code runs without exception on iOS (Xcode-v6.2 and openCV-v3.0beta). But for some reason the image the function returns is "black" !
The code is adapted from this link ! I tried to replace the oldish "IplImage*" by more modern "cv::Mat" matrices. Does anybody know if my function still has a mistake or why it would return a completely "black" image instead of a colored image in HSV-format.
By the way, the reason I would want to use this function [instead of cvtColor(cv_src, imgHSV, cv::COLOR_BGR2HSV)] is that I would like to get 0-255 range of Hue-values's (...since OpenCV only allows Hues up to 180 instead of 255).
// Create a HSV image from the RGB image using the full 8-bits, since OpenCV only allows Hues up to 180 instead of 255.
cv::Mat convertImageRGBtoHSV(cv::Mat imageRGB) {
float fR, fG, fB;
float fH, fS, fV;
const float FLOAT_TO_BYTE = 255.0f;
const float BYTE_TO_FLOAT = 1.0f / FLOAT_TO_BYTE;
// Create a blank HSV image
cv::Mat imageHSV(imageRGB.rows, imageRGB.cols, CV_8UC3);
int rowSizeHSV = (int)imageHSV.step; // Size of row in bytes, including extra padding.
char *imHSV = (char*)imageHSV.data; // Pointer to the start of the image pixels.
if (imageRGB.depth() == 8 && imageRGB.channels() == 3) {
std::vector<cv::Mat> planes(3);
cv::split(imageRGB, planes);
cv::Mat R = planes[2];
cv::Mat G = planes[1];
cv::Mat B = planes[0];
for(int y = 0; y < imageRGB.rows; ++y)
// get pointers to each row
cv::Vec3b* row = imageRGB.ptr<cv::Vec3b>(y);
// now scan the row
for(int x = 0; x < imageRGB.cols; ++x)
// Get the RGB pixel components. NOTE that OpenCV stores RGB pixels in B,G,R order.
cv::Vec3b pixel = row[x];
int bR = pixel[2];
int bG = pixel[1];
int bB = pixel[0];
// Convert from 8-bit integers to floats.
// Convert from RGB to HSV, using float ranges 0.0 to 1.0.
float fDelta;
float fMin, fMax;
int iMax;
// Get the min and max, but use integer comparisons for slight speedup.
if (bB < bG) {
if (bB < bR) {
fMin = fB;
if (bR > bG) {
iMax = bR;
fMax = fR;
else {
iMax = bG;
fMax = fG;
else {
fMin = fR;
fMax = fG;
iMax = bG;
else {
if (bG < bR) {
fMin = fG;
if (bB > bR) {
fMax = fB;
iMax = bB;
else {
fMax = fR;
iMax = bR;
else {
fMin = fR;
fMax = fB;
iMax = bB;
fDelta = fMax - fMin;
fV = fMax; // Value (Brightness).
if (iMax != 0) { // Make sure it's not pure black.
fS = fDelta / fMax; // Saturation.
float ANGLE_TO_UNIT = 1.0f / (6.0f * fDelta); // Make the Hues between 0.0 to 1.0 instead of 6.0
if (iMax == bR) { // between yellow and magenta.
fH = (fG - fB) * ANGLE_TO_UNIT;
else if (iMax == bG) { // between cyan and yellow.
fH = (2.0f/6.0f) + ( fB - fR ) * ANGLE_TO_UNIT;
else { // between magenta and cyan.
fH = (4.0f/6.0f) + ( fR - fG ) * ANGLE_TO_UNIT;
// Wrap outlier Hues around the circle.
if (fH < 0.0f)
fH += 1.0f;
if (fH >= 1.0f)
fH -= 1.0f;
else {
// color is pure Black.
fS = 0;
fH = 0; // undefined hue
// Convert from floats to 8-bit integers.
int bH = (int)(0.5f + fH * 255.0f);
int bS = (int)(0.5f + fS * 255.0f);
int bV = (int)(0.5f + fV * 255.0f);
// Clip the values to make sure it fits within the 8bits.
if (bH > 255)
bH = 255;
if (bH < 0)
bH = 0;
if (bS > 255)
bS = 255;
if (bS < 0)
bS = 0;
if (bV > 255)
bV = 255;
if (bV < 0)
bV = 0;
// Set the HSV pixel components.
uchar *pHSV = (uchar*)(imHSV + y*rowSizeHSV + x*3);
*(pHSV+0) = bH; // H component
*(pHSV+1) = bS; // S component
*(pHSV+2) = bV; // V component
return imageHSV;
The cv::Mat M.depth() of a CV_8UC3-type matrix does unfortunately not return 8 - but instead it returns 0
Please have a look at the file "type_c.h"
#define CV_8U 0
#define CV_CN_SHIFT 3
#define CV_MAKETYPE(depth,cn) (CV_MAT_DEPTH(depth) + (((cn)-1) << CV_CN_SHIFT))
#define CV_8UC3 CV_MAKETYPE(CV_8U,3)
depth() doesn't return the actual bit depth but the number symbol that represents the depth !!
After replacing to the following line - it all works !! (i.e. replacing .depth() by .type() in the if-statement...)
if (imageHSV.type() == CV_8UC3 && imageHSV.channels() == 3) {...}