iOS iFrame in UIWebView Uses basic authentication but no popup shows? - ios

Our app has a UIWebView with an iFrame inside it, and the website the iframe points to requires basic authentication.
In a browser the alert popup displays and allows us to log in, however in the UIWebView it does not.
Is there a setting or something we've missed?

As stated in the official Developer forums and as for now, UIWebView does not support authentication challenges in iOS. Please read here (requires developer account): UIWebView does not directly support authentication challenges
A workaround is to load the html in NSURLConnection (or NSURLSession), execute the authentication challenge and then assign the data the web view.
That won't work in all scenarios, though.

Some time iFrame URL try to load from the cache.
Try to set the response header Cache-Control:no-cache.
401 Authorization requests will be blocked because of the cross-origin request


Default Request Header of IOS WKWebview and RN-Webivew

I have trouble with RN-webview when rendering my page on IOS machines in China.
For the details,
My page(server) is in Korea and clients are in China.
When trying to access page via browser app and pure swift WKWebview app, my page can be rendered.
When trying to access page via RN-Webview, can't render my page.
(NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1005. The network connection was lost.)
So, I think, there are some difference between RN-Webview and WKWebview so they makes this error.
For the first step, I'm going to check what kind of default values are set in request header of WKWebview.
It is because my page is failed with -1005 error which is about connection.
When google this issue, many people said it can be about header issue.
In the nutshell, where can I check the default values of WKWebview and RN-Webivew request headers?

Can I get cookies from Safari in a SFSafariViewController?

tl;dr; see the question below
In my app, I have a login that uses SFSafariViewController and ASWebAuthenticationSession that follows the OAuth 2.0 flow (Using the AppAuth library).
The login works and the cookies are shared with Safari as expected. Thanks to the cookie sharing, users are automatically logged-in if they use the Safari app.
However, back in the app, if I launch a SFSafariViewController again, the cookies are missing. This surprises me, because I thought the cookie Store is the same for SFSafariViewController and Safari, and it clearly worked in the direction from SFSafariVC to the Safari app during login.
Is it intended not to work the other way round - from Safari to SFSafariViewController, or is it a bug?
I have not found clear statements in the documentation.
Of course I have not set ephemeral session to true, but according to the documentation it would do the opposite of what I want to achieve:
When not using an ephemeral session, all cookies except session cookies are available to the browser.
I've also found somehow related radars like and or this stackoverflow post: Why is SFSafariWebViewController not sharing cookies with Safari properly? but they do not answer my question.
According to this comment it could work if the cookies have an expiry date (set to a future date). I verified the cookies - they all have a future expiry date.
My question: Am I doing something wrong, or is this expected behaviour, that SFSafariViewController does not get cookies from an earlier SFSafariViewController instance in the same app or from Safari?
So it seems you want a solution to invoke secured web content from a mobile app, and to avoid an extra login. It is a common requirement and I will be adding some stuff to my blog on this topic over the next month or so.
The problem with the above is that third party cookies, such as those issued by Identity Providers, are often dropped by default these days due to browser security initiatives such as Intelligent Tracking Prevention changes - which is ON by default in Safari:
Worth checking that your cookies are issued with SameSite=None, which will give you the best options for a third party cookie based solution.
In an OAuth world, in order to meet the requirements, it is likely to be necessary to send a token from the mobile UI to the web UI, which of course has prerequisites that need to be designed for:
Web UI must use tokens
Web UI must use different strategies for token handling depending on the host
One option is to use a mobile web view to show the web content - see my code below:
Web UI Code to ask the host for tokens
Mobile UI Code to service these requests
Another option is to send something representing the token in a query string parameter from the mobile app to the Web UI, in which case you need to ensure that:
No usable tokens are recorded in web server logs
The token has a one time use only
A typical implementation would look like this:
Mobile UI calls an /api/token/encrypt endpoint
API stores a token hash in a database and returns an encrypted value with a short time to live
Token is sent from the Mobile App to the Web UI
Web UI calls an /api/token/decrypt endpoint to get the real token
The API's decrypt implementation deletes the database entry

Cookies not being set on iOS using identityserver

I have a mobile app that is using ODIC authorization code flow. Our server implementation is using Identity Server 4.
The mobile app opens a browser window and I can login to a 3rd party provider just fine, it then redirects to /signin-adfs on our identity server, which sets some idsrv.external cookies and returns a 302 to /External/Callback. The browser redirects to /External/Callback but doesn't send any of the idsrv.external cookies with it so Identity Server throws an exception because the result from HttpContext.AuthenticateAsync is not successful.
I'm kind of stuck at this point because I'm not a mobile developer. I deployed and have customized Identity Server slightly in other areas but not this part of the code.
I believe the mobile app is opening a Safari session to do the auth. Is this an issue with the cookies that the browser doesn't like (domain, path, https, secure)? or something else? The cookie size is chunked to 4KB a piece. I'm not sure what could be causing this issue.
To make things even weirder... if the browser is refreshed (/External/Callback) then the request works and the iOS app gets the code and can make the follow up request to get the token.
Was digging through the IS4 source and saw a link to this issue on github. Looks like it was fixed in source but hasn't been released yet. There are some workarounds in the github issue if you need it sooner than the release. The problem is specific to iOS 12.

Enable session cookies for iframe in page in WkWebView / mobile Safari

I have a website that is iframed into a 3rd party webpage, which is itself embedded in a WkWebView in an iOS app. Mobile Safari and the WkWebView reject the session (http-only) cookies being sent for my website, breaking basically everything. The work-around in mobile Safari is to either enable all cookies in settings (yuck) or instruct users to visit my site directly (so it counts as a "site I visited", as far as Safari is concerned); neither of these is particularly palatable. I have found no work-arounds for the WkWebView.
This question is two-part:
1) I am thinking of implementing a redirect service in my website, that takes a destination URL as a parameter, and simply redirects the user to that URL on page load. The 3rd party site can then link to my redirect page with the URL set to send users right back, with the hope that this will count as "visiting" my domain, enabling cookies to be loaded.
Alternatively, the 3rd party site could open a new tab to my site, that closes immediately on load. I expect that this would be a less optimal user experience, however, and so would prefer not to go this route.
Best of all would be for the "POST to a hidden iframe" trick (3rd party page POSTs to my domain in a hidden iframe), but as SO questions indicate that trick no longer works.
Are either of these viable solutions, or has Apple blocked these methods of getting the session cookies set as well? Is there a better solution that I have not considered?
2) Is there a way to set the cookie acceptance policy with WkWebViews like could be done with UiWebViews? My searches of StackOverflow suggest not, but the answers I read could be based on older versions of iOS (the app requires iOS 9+).
If there is no app-code solution for WkWebViews, would the solutions for mobile Safari also work with WkWebViews?
I just had a similar issue. I have a WkWebView which loads my web app that has an iframe loading a login screen from a specific server. The login page would complain that the iframe did not allow cookies.
When I would load the login page directly in the web view, it would work and it would also curiously start working as well when I tested it afterwards again inside the iframe.
The best explanation I found for this is, cookies are only allowed to be saved in the iframe if the web view has directly loaded the domain of the iframe at least once. Knowing this, I was able to implement a workaround.
By simply pinging the login page once with the webview, I use the WKNavigationDelegate to wait until I start receiving some data from the server. Once this happens, I make the web view load my page that contains the iframe. Now the iframe is able to consistently load the login screen.

Phonegap: iFrames and external URLs

I am in the process of creating an iOS app with Phonegap and jQuery, however, I am running into issues trying to allow both iFrames (to load normally) and external URLs (to open in Safari). I decided to choose the path of using iframes as I was not able to send POST and open the resulting page in Safari (i was trying to create a mobile friendly login window that opens to the full site in safari).
I recently updated to v1.5 hoping to resolve the issue, but it still occurs.
I have tried the trick "[url scheme] isEqualToString:#"http"...." however this forces any page in the iframe to load in safari.
So, I would like either to have external URLs and iframes to behave just like it does in a Webapp (add to homescreen button on iOS) or be able to send POST to Safari?
Has anyone got ideas? :)
You could change tactic slightly and login fully using your app, but then create an authentication token which would be passed via a standard link to be opened in safari.
You could generate the token new each time. Tokens are a valid system for access.
