Google Analytics v3.2 requires Mobile App Property, killing legacy properties - ios

We implemented Google Analytics v1 years ago, when there was no mobile app property, things were just website properties.
Given that Universal Analytics is coming, we decided to switch over the latest iOS GA SDK (v3.2). I was unable to get any data collected in my existing properties, and I was able to narrow it down to the fact that my legacy properties are website properties. If I force it to use a newly created Mobile App property things work fine, but it will not work at all with the legacy properties.
Is there anyway to get Google Analytics v3.2 SDK to work with the legacy properties? They have a lot of data that we would like to keep integrated going forward.

I discovered that I can get this to work with my existing property, by creating a new view (profile). Apparently, the view(profile) that we have had for years is something like a website view, and will continue to receive the data from the older v1 SDK of the app out there that are posting to it. But I can also create a new view(profile) with "Mobile app" that will get the data from the v3.2 SDK.
Unfortunately this means that I have to add manually up two different view to get my complete picture. I renamed the existing view "legacy" and named the new view "mobile".


Will my app update automatically or will user need to update the app when the code is updated?

I am creating a weather app and want to give local warnings to people through an app. I want to be able to give up to date warnings, but I am wondering: does updating information in Xcode get automatically pushed to the devices or will it need an update every time I put new information in?
If I understand your question correctly - you have an app, which warns people about some unexpected weather conditions?
You basically have two options:
Do a code push to your app every time you do a change. This is not supported by default in Swift and Xcode, and can only be done via some third-party integration or framework (e.g. React Native), and is generally a hard thing to implement.
Setup a back-end server and link it with your app, so the new information is downloaded from this back-end server dynamically.
The only suitable and easy thing to do for your use case seems to be option 2.

What is the use of google tag manager for iOS app?

I am using firebase Analytics to log all the event. I m not able to understand the google tag manager , How can i use it . What google tag manager can do for iOS app.
One of the big iOS/Android projects I work on uses GTM variables for remote configuration.
For example, our menu items change based on whether it is Winter. So, we flip a boolean on GTM, and voila, within 24 hours, all our apps have the correct menu items.
We are planning to migrate this functionality to Firebase database, however, which has the benefit of instant updates.

How do I access my azure database data from my xamarin mobile app?

I'm new to mobile app development, I've been tasked with making an app and so I'm now starting my voyage of discovery. I am coding the app in Visual Studio 2015 with Xamarin using a Mac Book Pro as the client for testing, all our data is stored in a database in our Azure portal. The app I am making is for iOS.
I've read the documentation but I'm getting stuck in certain areas and I think it's down to not understanding what is needed based on conflicting documentation or my own failure to grasp the concepts outlined.
All I am looking to do at the moment is have my app grab data from my azure database and display it in a list/table.
The steps I have taken so far are:
I have created a very basic app within visual studio with a
storyboard and a navigation item that points to a table view(where I'd like my data to be shown).
I created a Mobile App in my Azure account(as per documentation).
I have set the above mentioned mobile app to use my current existing database and supplied it with the username and password which all seems to be ok.
I am now at the point I need to get my app to talk to this mobile app and grab some data from my database. The todo example is ok but it's not quite enough to get me up and running or more specifically it's not in quite the right context for my setup and I think it's causing confusion.
There seems to be a few ways to set the project up for data access but I'm not sure what would be best.
Can anyone assist?
You are nearly there.
Instead of connecting directly to your database, you connect to your mobile apps API which then connects to your database, handles your request, and sends the data back to your app. You need to code this backend first so it is able to handle your requests. Take a look at this tutorial, it is really good :
You will access your Azure Mobile App with the Azure Mobile Client SDK nuget package.
A complete guide to do this can be found here:
There is also this podcast:

Google map api + node.js realtime backend + ios

I'm new google map, so im not really sure how to start. I have few questions that Im currently confused right. I'm trying to build an application similar like uber
1) Google maps comes with and SDK, and how exactly am i going to make it in real-time, for example there are two guys with GPS, how does Guy A can see Guy B moving in reatime, do i need to use node.js + to make it work? or the SDK itself already handled that.
To start with, Google Maps SDK for IOS automatically handles access to the Google Maps servers, map display, and response to user gestures such as clicks and drags.
Please note of the following when using the Google Maps SDK for iOS in your application:
You need to comply with the Terms of Service and ensure that your app complies with applicable laws. Note that when using the SDK, your application name and version, authentication information and a cross-application anonymous identifier is automatically sent with each request.
You must include the attribution text as part of a legal notices section in your application which can be obtained by making a call to [GMSServices openSourceLicenseInfo].
Developing an application with the SDK requires the following: (1) Xcode 6.3.0 or later. and (2) iOS SDK 8.0 or later.
And for the implementation part, this SO post - how to track real time position using google map API? gives out the steps needed which could help.

AIR for iOS and Google analytics

There seems to be conflicting information on whether google analytics will work with an AIR for iOS application
Have developed a kiosk based AIR for iOS game and need tracking, specifically image uploads to Facebook.
There is a thread here
Does Google Analytics Tracking for Flash works in packaged air application for IOS?
which points to both the old gaforflash sec
and also this native extension
which is a lot more recent.
But there is a warning on the latter
'The new "app" profile on the Google Analytics dashboard won't accept any data from the trackers (1.5 and 1.5.1) currently used.'
Also there is a warning on the official Google developers page which I also assume hasn't been updated in many years
Note: Currently, Flash tracking is available for any Flash content embedded in a web page. Tracking of data sent from Adobe Air, Shockwave, or via the Flash IDE (e.g. using Test Movie) is not supported at this time.
So some confusion. Can anyone confirm whether the alebianco Native Extension will work properly?
My extension ( has been updated a few months ago, it now supports the new app profiles gracefully :)
Any info on whether the old GAForFlash component still works? I've been trying and so far, no dice.
I copied analytics_flash.swc to Flash CS6's components folder(and restarted the Flash IDE - it doesn't work if you don't restart), which got the GAFF component to show in the component panel. I've tried dragging the component on the stage, setting it's values in the properties panel, and then calling trackPageview:
And the second thing I've tried so far is to instantiate the analytics plugin via code:
var GAtracker:AnalyticsTracker = new GATracker(this, GAid, "AS3", true);
In both these cases, I'd had visual-debugging turned on(by passing the 4th variable as true when instantiating via code, and via the property panel otherwise). And in the visual-debugger everything seemed alright, and I got "Gif Request #x sent" after each analytics call. But nothing showed in Google Analytics' online portal. While setting up analytics, I'd selected that the app was a "mobile app" rather than a "web-page", and it'd given me links to GA's droid/iOS SDK. GAForFlash's official documentation says it may not work with AIR apps, as mentioned above. But when I published it with an HTML wrapper Not sure if the problem is with my implementation, or with GAForFlash...
