Sorting 2 arrays that have been added together - ruby-on-rails

In my app, users can create galleries that their work may or may not be in. Users have and belong to many Galleries, and each gallery has a 'creator' that is designated by the gallery's user_id field.
So to get the 5 latest galleries a user is in, I can do something like:
included_in = #user.galleries.order('created_at DESC').uniq.first(5)
# SELECT DISTINCT "galleries".* FROM "galleries" INNER JOIN "galleries_users" ON "galleries"."id" = "galleries_users"."gallery_id" WHERE "galleries_users"."user_id" = 10 ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 5
and to get the 5 latest galleries they've created, I can do:
created = Gallery.where(user_id: id).order('created_at DESC').uniq.first(5)
# SELECT DISTINCT "galleries".* FROM "galleries" WHERE "galleries"."user_id" = 10 ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 5
I want to display these two together, so that it's the 5 latest galleries that they've created OR they're in. Something like the equivalent of:
(included_in + created).order('created_at DESC').uniq.first(5)
Does anyone know how to construct an efficient query or post-query loop that does this?

order isn't available, but you can use sort - or sort_by as suggested by jvnill in this answer
As you've stated, you can use the following code:
(included_in + created).sort_by(&:created_at).uniq.first(5)

How about:
Gallery.joins("LEFT JOIN galleries_users ON = galleries_users.gallery_id")
.where("galleries_users.user_id = :user_id OR galleries.user_id = :user_id", user_id: id)
.order("galleries.created_at DESC")
I'm assuming the name of your HABTM join table is galleries_users (which is the default).

Union the two queries and select the order from the union.


How to write sub query in active record?

I have two tables users and posts and they have association of has_many. I want to fetch details of both users and posts in a single query. I'm able to manage the sql query but I don't want to use the raw query in the code (using execute method) as i think it is kind of simple thing and can be written using active record.
Here is the sql query
SELECT,, a.timestamp,, b.user_id, b.title
FROM users a
INNER JOIN (SELECT id, user_id, title, from, to FROM posts) b on b.user_id =
where id IN ( 1, 2, 3);
I think includes does not help here because i'm dealing with large data.
Can any one help me ?
If you just want those specific columns and nothing else then this will work
.where(id: [1,2,3])
.select(",, users.timestamp, as post_id, posts.user_id as post_user_id,
posts.title as post_title")
This will return an ActiveRecord::Relation of User objects with virtual attributes for post_id, post_user_id (Not sure why you need this one since you already selected, and post_title.
The query produced will be
users.timestamp, as post_id,
posts.user_id as post_user_id,
posts.title as post_title
FROM users
INNER JOIN posts on posts.user_id =
where IN ( 1, 2, 3);
Please note you may have multiple User objects, one for each Post, just as the SQL query does.
You can execute your exact query using the string version of joins e.g.
User.joins("INNER JOIN (SELECT id, user_id, title, from, to FROM posts) b on b.user_id =")
.where(id: [1,2,3])
.select(",, users.timestamp, as post_id, b.user_id as post_user_id,
b.title as post_title")
Additionally to avoid some of the overhead you can use arel instead e.g.
users_table = User.arel_table
posts_table = Post.arel_table
query = users_table.project(
This will return an ActiveRecord::Result with 2 useful methods columns (the columns selected) and rows. You can convert this to a Hash(#to_hash) but note that any columns with duplicate names (id for instance) will overwrite one another.
You could fix this by specifying the colums you want selected in the project portion. e.g. your current query would be:
query = users_table.project(
Since none of the names collide now it can be structured into a nice Hash where the keys are the column names and the values or the row value for that record.
users = User.joins(:posts).includes(:posts).where(id: [1, 2, 3])
Will give you all the users with theirs posts.
then you can do whatever you want with them, but to access posts data for first retrieved user
first_user_posts = users.first.posts # this will not make additional DB queries as you used includes and data is already added
We use joins to have INNER JOIN statement in the SQL
We use includes to load all posts in the memory
I have two tables users and posts and they have association of
has_many. I want to fetch details of both users and posts in a single
can be done with includes like
users = User.includes(:posts).where({posts: {user_id: [1,2,3]}})
other is eager_load and preload you can use as per your requirements, for more

Rails Postgres query to exclude any results that contain one of three records on join

This is a hard problem to describe but I have Rails query where I join another table and I want to exclude any results where the join table contain one of three conditions.
I have a Device model that relates to a CarUserRole model/record. In that CarUserRole record it will contain one of three :role - "owner", "monitor", "driver". I want to return any results where there is no related CarUserRole record where role: "owner". How would I do that?
This was my first attempt -
Device.joins(:car_user_roles).where('car_user_roles.role = ? OR car_user_roles.role = ? AND car_user_roles.role != ?', 'monitor', 'driver', 'owner')
Here is the sql -
"SELECT \"cars\".* FROM \"cars\" INNER JOIN \"car_user_roles\" ON \"car_user_roles\".\"car_id\" = \"cars\".\"id\" WHERE (car_user_roles.role = 'monitor' OR car_user_roles.role = 'driver' AND car_user_roles.role != 'owner')"
I should mention that a device sometimes has multiple CarUserRole records. A device can have an "owner" and a "driver" CarUserRole. I should also note that they can only have one owner.
I ended up going with #Reub's solution via our chat -
where(CarUserRole.where("car_user_roles.car_id =").where(role: 'owner').exists.not)
Since the car_user_roles table can have multiple records with the same car_id, an inner join can result in the join table having multiple rows for each row in the cars table. So, for a car that has 3 records in the car_user_roles table (monitor, owner and driver), there will be 3 records in the join table (each record having a different role). Your query will filter out the row where the role is owner, but it will match the other two, resulting in that car being returned as a result of your query even though it has a record with role as 'owner'.
Lets first try to form an sql query for the result that you want. We can then convert this into a Rails query.
SELECT * FROM cars WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT id FROM car_user_roles WHERE role='owner' AND car_id =;
The above is sufficient if you want devices which do not have any car_user_role with role as 'owner'. But this can also give you devices which have no corresponding record in car_user_roles. If you want to ensure that the device has at least one record in car_user_roles, you can add the following to the above query.
AND EXISTS (SELECT id FROM car_user_roles WHERE role IN ('monitor', 'driver') AND car_id =;
Now, we need to convert this into a Rails query.
CarUserRole.where("car_user_roles.car_id =").where(role: 'owner').exists.not
CarUserRole.where("car_user_roles.car_id =").where(role: ['monitor', 'driver']).exists
You could also try the following if your Rails version supports exists?:
Device.joins(:car_user_roles).exists?(role: ['monitor', 'driver']).exists?(role: 'owner')'cars.*').distinct
Select the distinct cars
Use a LEFT JOIN to pull in the car_user_roles
LEFT JOIN car_user_roles ON = car_user_roles.car_id
Select only the cars that DO NOT contain an 'owner' car_user_role
WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT NULL FROM car_user_roles WHERE = car_user_roles.car_id AND car_user_roles.role = 'owner')
Select only the cars that DO contain either a 'driver' or 'monitor' car_user_role
AND (car_user_roles.role IN ('driver','monitor'))
Put it all together:
SELECT DISTINCT (cars.*) FROM cars LEFT JOIN car_user_roles ON = car_user_roles.car_id WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT NULL FROM car_user_roles WHERE = car_user_roles.car_id AND car_user_roles.role = 'owner') AND (car_user_roles.role IN ('driver','monitor'));
Execute the query directly from Rails and return only the found object IDs
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql).collect { |x| x['id'] }

Combine a join query with a normal condition

Users have a main category and multiple sub-categories
I would like to get all users who belong to a category, regardless if it is their main or sub.
#users = User.joins(:sub_categories).where('sub_category_id = ? OR type = ?',, "User::#{category}User").page(params[:page])
A user's main category is also their STI type.
The query works, however I am getting duplicate results when trying to include the user's main type.
The query that is generated is:
User Load (0.0ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" INNER JOIN "user_sub_categories_users" ON "user_sub_categories_users"."user_id" = "users"."id" INNER JOIN "user_sub_categories" ON "user_sub_categories"."id" = "user_sub_categories_users"."sub_category_id" WHERE "users"."deleted_at" IS NULL AND (sub_category_id = 1 OR type = 'User::ModelUser') ORDER BY "users"."created_at" DESC LIMIT 20 OFFSET 0
EDIT: A user can not belong to a sub-category if its their main, so its safe to simply join the two conditions together
Because there is more than one group for each user, your join is creating multiple rows for each user, e.g.:
User Group
UserA |GroupA
UserA |GroupB
UserB |GroupA
UserC |GroupA
UserC |GroupB
Three users, but five rows!
You can safely add a .uniq on the end of your query if you're just interested in the distinct users. In the context of an ActiveRecord query, .uniq will be converted to SQL's DISTINCT().

acts as taggable on count across multiple models

I am trying to find the total number of tag counts across multiple models.
In one model, it works great:
Post.tag_counts_on(:hashtags).order('count desc')
However, I had another model as well called Organization that also takes hashtags. That leaves me with 2 separate counts:
Post.tag_counts_on(:hashtags).order('count desc')
Organization.tag_counts_on(:hashtags).order('count desc')
However, I want to be able to get the total counts across the two. When I try to add them, they don't merge, but instead just stack the tables on one another:
Post.tag_counts_on(:hashtags).order('count desc') +
Organization.tag_counts_on(:hashtags).order('count desc')
There should be a method for all the associated models that allows the equivalent of something like:
Hashtag.tag_counts.order('count desc')
Any ideas?
I think that you can go with a custom select
SELECT, count(*) as tag_count
FROM tags JOIN taggings on taggings.tag_id =
where taggings.taggable_type = 'Post' or taggings.taggable_type='Organization'
ORDER BY tag_count DESC
use arel to build this query if needed

How do I get Rails ActiveRecord to generate optimized SQL?

Let's say that I have 4 models which are related in the following ways:
Schedule has foreign key to Project
Schedule has foreign key to User
Project has foreign key to Client
In my Schedule#index view I want the most optimized SQL so that I can display links to the Schedule's associated Project, Client, and User. So, I should not pull all of the columns for the Project, Client, and User; only their IDs and Name.
If I were to manually write the SQL it might look like this:
s.project_id, project_name,
p.client_id client_id, client_name,
u.login user_login,
Users u inner join
Clients c inner join
Schedules s inner join
Projects p
on = s.project_id
on = p.client_id
on = s.user_id
order by
s.created_at desc
My question is: What would the ActiveRecord code look like to get Rails 3 to generate that SQL? For example, somthing like:
#schedules = Schedule. # ?
I already have the associations setup in the models (i.e. has_many / belongs_to).
I think this will build (or at least help) you get what you're looking for:", schedules.schedule_name, as project_name").joins(:user, :project=>:client).order("schedules.created_at DESC")
should yield:
SELECT, schedules.schedule_name, as project_name FROM `schedules` INNER JOIN `users` ON `users`.`id` = `schedules`.`user_id` INNER JOIN `projects` ON `projects`.`id` = `schedules`.`project_id` INNER JOIN `clients` ON `clients`.`id` = `projects`.`client_id`
The main problem I see in your approach is that you're looking for schedule objects but basing your initial "FROM" clause on "User" and your associations given are also on Schedule, so I built this solution based on the plain assumption that you want schedules!
I also didn't include all of your selects to save some typing, but you get the idea. You will simply have to add each one qualified with its full table name.
