Is it possible to set the auth cookie in BeginRequest? -

I am working with a client that can read, but not send cookies. This is a problem since the client is to post to authenticated methods. I figured an easy work around would be to send the cookie information in a header, intercepting it in BeginRequest and attaching a fabricated cookie to the request. Since begin request occurs before Authentication I figured it would work. It did not.
Here is my current method.
protected void Application_BeginRequest()
// I have added the auth cookie to the header
var a = Request.Headers["Authorization"];
if (a == null) return;
// get cookie value
var s = a.Replace(".AspNet.ApplicationCookie=", "");
// I am injecting the cookie into the request
var c = new HttpCookie(".AspNet.ApplicationCookie", s);
I have set breakpoints to observed the "real" cookie and it matches my "fabricated" cookie. Am I doing something wrong or am I trying for the impossible ? Moreover if anyone has any Idea how I could authorize the user using the cookie information I would be great-full.
This is a MVC5 application using the now standard Owins library.

The Owins framework is called on before BeginRequest. Moreover, the Owins request context is read only. So yes, adding to the cookie is impossible using Owins.
... But it is possible to create your own owins middleware that reads the header value and 'unprotects' the AuthenticationTicket. The solution is based off the Cookie Middleware.


OWIN authentication middleware: logging off

OWIN beginner here. Please be patient...
I'm trying to build an OWIN authentication middleware which uses form posts to communicate with my external authentication provider. I've had some success with getting the authentication bits working. In other words, I can:
communicate with the remote provider through form post;
process the response returned by the remove provider
If everything is ok, I'm able to signal the default authentication provider
THis in turn gets picked up by the cookie middleware which ends up generating the authentication cookie
So far, so good. Now, what I'd like to know is how to handle a log off request. Currently, the controller will simply get the default authentication manager from the owin context and call its SingOut method. This does in fact end my current session (by removing the cookie), but it really does nothing to the existing "external" session.
So, here are my questions:
1. Is the authentication middleware also responsible for performing log off requests?
2. If that is the case, then can someone point me to some docs/examples of how it's done? I've found some links online which describe the logging in part, but haven't found anything about the log off process...
After some digging, I've managed to get everything working. I'll write a few tips that might help someone with similar problems in the future...
Regarding the first question, the answer is yes, you can delegate the logoff to the middleware. If you decide to do that, then your middleware handler should override the ApplyResponseGrantAsync method and check if there's a current revoke request. Here's some code that helps to illustrate the principle:
protected override async Task ApplyResponseGrantAsync() {
var revoke = Helper.LookupSignOut(Options.AuthenticationType,
var shouldEndExternalSession = revoke != null;
if (!shouldEndExternalSession) {
//more code here...
After checking if there's a revoke request, and if your external authentication provider is able to end the response through a redirect, then you can simply call the Response.Redirect method (don't forget to check for the existance of redirect - ex.: if you're using identity and MVC's automatically generated code, then the sign out will redirect you to the home page of your site).
In my scenario, things were a little more complicated because communication with my authentication provider was based of form posts (SAML2 messages with HTTP Post binding). I've started by trying to use Response.Write to inject the HTML with the autopostback form into the output buffer:
protected override async Task ApplyResponseGrantAsync() {
//previous code + setup removed
var htmlForm = BuildAndSubmitFormWithLogoutData(url,
Response.StatusCode = 200;
Response.ContentType = "text/html";
await Response.WriteAsync(htmlForm);
Unfortunately, it simply didn't work out. Not sure on why, but the browser insisted in redirecting the page to the URL defined by the Logoff's controller method (which was redirecting the page to its home page or '/'). I've even tried to remove the location HTTP header from within the ApplyResponseGrantAsync method, but it still ended up redirecting the user to the home page (instead of loading the predefined HTML I was writing).
I've ended up changing the redirect so that it gets handled by my middleware. Here's the final code I've ended up with in the ApplyResponseGrant method:
protected override async Task ApplyResponseGrantAsync() {
//previous code + setup removed
//setup urls for callbabk and correlation ids
var url = ...; //internal cb url that gets handled by this middleware
This redirect forced me to change the InvokeAsync implementation so that it is now responsible for:
Checking for a new authentication session
Checking for the end of an existing authentication session (handle the logoff response from the external provider)
Checking if it should generate a new form post html message that ends the current session controlled by the external provider
Here's some pseudo code that tries to illustrate this:
public override async Task<bool> InvokeAsync() {
if (Options.InternalUrlForNewSession.HasValue &&
Options.InternalUrlForNewSession == Request.Path) {
return await HandleLoginReply(); /login response
if (Options.InternalUrlExternalSessionEnded.HasValue &&
Options.InternalUrlExternalSessionEnded == Request.Path) {
return await HandleLogoffReply();//logoff response
if (Options.InternalUrlForEndingSession.HasValue &&
Options.InternalUrlForEndingSession == Request.Path) {
return await HandleStartLogoutRequest(); //start logoff request
return false;
Yes, in the end, I've ended with an extra request, which IMO shouldn't be needed. Again, I might have missed something. If someone manages to get the ApplyResponseGrantAsync to return the auto submit post (instead of the redirect), please let me know how.

allow mvc5 c# webapi so that only my app can access it

I am making the api calls through the controller action method as below. The following is the working code of it.
But I want to secure the webapi so that only my application can access it. I have seen sources with login credentials
but in my case it is a public facing website with no login users.
Only the calls from my application should access it. Could anyone please suggest what can be done. or Is my current code with ValidateReferrer is suffice to handle?
[CacheOutput(ClientTimeSpan = 300, ServerTimeSpan = 300)]
public ApiQueryResponse GetFind(string query)
return _Worker.GetFind(query);
Validate Referrer in the controller has the following implementation:
public override void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
if (filterContext.HttpContext == null)
throw new System.Web.HttpException("No Http context, request not allowed.");
if (filterContext.HttpContext.Request.UrlReferrer == null)
throw new System.Web.HttpException("Referrer information missing, request not allowed.");
else if (filterContext.HttpContext.Request.UrlReferrer.Host != filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Url.Host)
throw new System.Web.HttpException(string.Format("Possible cross site request forgery attack, request sent from another site: {0}", filterContext.HttpContext.Request.UrlReferrer.Host));
In the worker class,
public ApiQueryResponse GetFind(string query)
var results = GetResults(Settings.ApiKey, SetFindParameters(query), Resource);
return results;
private ApiQueryResponse GetResults(string apiKey, string parameterQuery, string Resource)
var results = new ApiQueryResponse();
if (apiKey != null && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(apiKey))
using (var client = new HttpClient())
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
var response = client.GetAsync(string.Format("{0}/{1}?{2}&key={3}", WebApiUrl, Resource, parameterQuery, apiKey)).Result;
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
var responseBodyAsText = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
results = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ApiQueryResponse>(responseBodyAsText);
return results;
Again this is the case where you have to authenticate your "application" but not users. If you check facebook/twitter/gmail api's, they have a client secret and client id to authenticate the application. But still there will be an "Authorize" call made with this id and secret for which the api returns a token and this token is used henceforth to authorize the other requests. This token will also have an expiry and there are methods to get refresh tokens.
Thus said, you have to take a call on how much security you have to implement for your api's. You could have a similar approach where your client first asks for a security token by providing the client id and secret (which should really be a secret). You can check this id and secret against your store (may be database) and if that passes the validation, you can send back a token which you could authroize using [Authroize] attribute or by custom validation.
How to create tokens should be another discussion IMO. Simple approach is mentioned here for eg- how to generate a unique token which expires after 24 hours?. There are other standard ways of generating tokens JWT/OAuth tokens.
As a simple approach (not taking much security aspects into consideration) would be:
Create an app secret (may be a Guid value)
While sending request, take current timestamp and encrypt (have your
own encrypt and decrypt logic) the timestamp with the app secret. Lets call that encrypted value as 'token'
Pass the token in your request header (may be a custom header,say,
In the api, have a custom authorize filter
In the custom filter, overridden OnAuthroizeCore method, get the
token from request header
Decrypt the token using the same app secret and you will get the
timestamp sent from the client
If decryption is fine, then we are through the first step/ or the
token passed the first step
Additionaly, check whether the difference between the current time
and the time decrypted from token is more than 5(*you can have your
own expiry value)
If the difference is more than your expiry limit, return false which
would throw unauthorized exception back to the client (do the same if the token fails to decrypt)
The expiry check is to handle the scenario where someone hacking your
token from the request and then using it afterwards. In case if he
uses the token after your expiry, this would throw unauthorized
Consider the above logic and entire description just as a "food for thought" and DO NOT use it without proper research and understanding. My idea was to give some basic idea about the application authentication until someone really good at this writes up a really nice article in this post

How to set the AntiForgeryToken cookie path

The former HtmlHelper.AntiForgeryToken method which allows one to override the string path is deprecated.
[ObsoleteAttribute("This method is deprecated. Use the AntiForgeryToken() method instead. To specify a custom domain for the generated cookie, use the <httpCookies> configuration element. To specify custom data to be embedded within the token, use the static AntiForgeryConfig.AdditionalDataProvider property.",
public MvcHtmlString AntiForgeryToken(
string salt,
string domain,
string path
Tells you to use <httpCookies>. BUT httpCookies Element does not have a setting for PATH.
Is this an oversight in the deprecation of this method? What is the best way to overwrite this cookie path? (manually?) Running website in a virtual application is not implicitly adding the application path to the __RequestVeririfcation cookie.
Looking at the deprecation message:
"This method is deprecated. Use the AntiForgeryToken() method instead. To specify a custom domain for the generated cookie, use the configuration element. To specify custom data to be embedded within the token, use the static AntiForgeryConfig.AdditionalDataProvider property."
It tells us we can validate additional parameters whenever the forgery token is read back. So even if we can't set the path in the cookie, we can set the path as a property inside the token. To validate it later on, for example:
public class AdditionalDataProvider : IAntiForgeryAdditionalDataProvider
public string GetAdditionalData(HttpContextBase context)
return AdditionalData(context);
public bool ValidateAdditionalData(HttpContextBase context, string additionalData)
var currentData = AdditionalData(context);
return currentData == additionalData;
private static string AdditionalData(HttpContextBase context)
var path = context.Request.ApplicationPath;
return path;
When generates the token it will store the current path (or any other unique value you want to validate) for that app and
if you have another app running on a different path, when the token gets sent to that app (due to the lack of cookie path) it will validate the previous app properties against that app's properties. If it is a different set of properties it will fail and deny the request.
Additionally, looking at the code for the AntiforgeryConfig.cs, if the app is running in a virtual directory, it will add that virtual directory in the cookie's name by default:
private static string GetAntiForgeryCookieName()
return GetAntiForgeryCookieName(HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPath);
// If the app path is provided, we're generating a cookie name rather than a field name, and the cookie names should
// be unique so that a development server cookie and an IIS cookie - both running on localhost - don't stomp on
// each other.
internal static string GetAntiForgeryCookieName(string appPath)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(appPath) || appPath == "/")
return AntiForgeryTokenFieldName;
return AntiForgeryTokenFieldName + "_" + HttpServerUtility.UrlTokenEncode(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(appPath));
So it will be like this:
_RequestVerificationToken vs
Meaning App2 although can receive tokens from App1, it won't be able to read them since it will be looking always for App2 verification token only.
For ASP.NET Core - See: AntiforgeryOptions Class
Cookie - Determines the settings used to create the antiforgery
Ex (adapted from Prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery (XSRF/CSRF) attacks in ASP.NET Core):
services.AddAntiforgery(options =>
options.Cookie.Path = "Path";
The best aproach to overwrite AntiForgeryToken's cookie configuration (Path, HttpOnly,...) is with encapsulation (Microsoft team post).
It is possible to configure the cookie path instead of setting it on the properties.
public static class AntiForgeryTokenExtensions
///Generates a hidden form field (anti-forgery token) that is
///validated when the form is submitted. Furthermore, this extension
///applies custom settings on the generated cookie.
///<returns>Generated form field (anti-forgery token).</returns>
public static MvcHtmlString AntiForgeryTokenExtension(this HtmlHelper html)
// Call base AntiForgeryToken and save its output to return later.
var output = html.AntiForgeryToken();
// Check that cookie exists
// Set cookie into the variable
var antiForgeryTokenCookie = HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies.Get(AntiForgeryConfig.CookieName);
// Set cookie configuration
antiForgeryTokenCookie.Path = "/Path";
// antiForgeryTokenCookie.HttpOnly = true;
// ...
return output;
There is a last change that must be done and it is replace AntiForgeryToken() for AntiForgeryTokenExtension() if it is an existing project.
With this code you can configure AntiForgeryToken cookie as a normal cookie.
It is also possible to add input parameters to this method, but I am not sure it would be a good practice.
There are different ways to get the cookies but I think that through Response.Cookies is the "most correct", since it is a response cookie.
It is needed to check if cookie exist first before trying to get it. If you try to get a Response cookie which doesn't exist, it will be generated. It doesn't happen with Request cookies.
It is not the question itself but explains part of the code and it is quite important to know when we are working with cookies, so I consider it is good to have this information here too.
All Response.Cookies are in Request.Cookies, but not all Request.Cookies are in Response.Cookies.
If you create a Response.Cookie it will appear also in Request.Cookies.
If you create a Request.Cookie it will NOT appear in Response.Cookies.
If you try to get a non-existent cookie from Request.Cookies it will return a null.
If you try to get a non-existent cookie Response.Cookies it will return a new generated cookie.
There is the link where the developers tell to use encapsulation and many other things that could be useful.
Microsoft developers recommendations and information
Source to knowledge of cookies, Request.Cookies and Response.Cookies differences.
Difference between request cookies and response cookies
Difference between request cookies and response cookies 2
Check if cookie exist and difference between kind of cookies

Session is null on first request

I'm using spring-session and I really like it. However I think I'm missing something. In my application the flow goes like this:
1) User requests HomepageController and that controller tries to put an attribute in the request:
HttpServletRequest request = ((ServletRequestAttributes) RequestContextHolder.currentRequestAttributes()).getRequest();
final String sessionIds = sessionStrategy.getRequestedSessionId(request);
if (sessionIds != null) {
final ExpiringSession session = sessionRepository.getSession(sessionIds);
if (session != null) {
session.setAttribute("attr", "value");;
model.addAttribute("session", session);
As you can see it will try to get the sessionID from the request-cookie, and if there's a session with that ID in the repository than use it (add attribute). This is perfect, but only after the second request. Why? Because if I restart the server than the cookie is left with the old value, and then the first request will not find the session in the repository. After the response is committed though the cookie will be updated, so the second request will be correct.
And here's the question: what is wrong with my logic and how should one develop the application in order to support the first request too?
BTW, here's a sample application that demonstrates the problem:
If you are wanting to obtain the session, you should not use requested session id. The requested session id is just that...what the browser requests. Some problems with using requested session (some of which you already outlined):
If you clear all your cookies and make a request, then no session is requested by the browser.
As you pointed out if the data store is restarted and is not persistent, then the requested session id is invalid
If the session expires, then the requested session will be invalid
Instead, you should use the session id:
final String sessionIds = request.getSession().getId();
This will use the requested session id if it is valid, otherwise it will create a new session and ensure the session is written to the response (i.e. included in the response as a cookie).
I would say your approach is wrong, your controller does to much and you should be just using the HttpSession for which Spring Session provides support. You shouldn't also be putting the session in the model imho as you should be just accessing the HttpSession. Your application shouldn't know about Spring Session.
Your controller should look like this
public class HomepageController {
#RequestMapping(value = "/", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String home(HttpSession session) {
session.setAttribute("attr", "value");
return "homepage";
if you don't want to force session creation inject the HttpServletRequest and do getSession(false) instead of injecting the HttpSession.
Everything else (storing the session after request handling etc.) will be handled transparently by Spring Session.

Cross platform authentication using ASP.NET Web API

How do I even begin coding authentication using ASP.NET Web API so it is cross-platform to support desktop, mobile and web? I'd read of some methods of doing RESTful authentication, such as using tokens in the header.
Are there any example projects out there that utilizes this method?
If not how do I fix the [Authorize] attribute to read the token?
How do I generate this token? I dont think i can use formsauthentication because that uses cookies.
How do I handle the actual authorization, do the client send raw password and username then I generate the token or is there some other way?
How do I handle when my website is using it? I heard this is handled differently than when an app is using it, such as getting the domain and authorizing it.
I think tokens would be a solid way to go. Forms authentication is based on cookies for the web. Not the most idea situation for all non browser clients though.
What I'd suggest is creating a custom AuthorizationFilterAttribute and overriding the OnAuthorization method. In that method, you could check for the existence of a token that you've issued to the client after they've supplied valid credentials. You can use this attribute on any method or controller you want validated. Here's a sample you might reference
public class AuthorizeTokenAttribute : AuthorizationFilterAttribute
public override void OnAuthorization(HttpActionContext actionContext)
if (actionContext != null)
if (!AuthorizeRequest(actionContext.ControllerContext.Request))
actionContext.Response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) { RequestMessage = actionContext.ControllerContext.Request };
private bool AuthorizeRequest(System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage request)
bool authorized = false;
if (request.Headers.Contains(Constants.TOKEN_HEADER))
var tokenValue = request.Headers.GetValues("TOKEN_HEADER");
if (tokenValue.Count() == 1) {
var value = tokenValue.FirstOrDefault();
//Token validation logic here
//set authorized variable accordingly
return authorized;
} }
TOKEN_HEADER is just a string representing an HTTP header that the client should pass back for authenticated requests.
So let's walk through it
Client requests secure data
Client is not authorized, return a response with an Unauthorized status code
Client sends credentials to authenticate, which should be secured via HTTPS
Once validated, client receives a token via an HTTP header, or whatever works for you
Client tries requesting secure data again, this time attached the token to the request
The AuthorizeTokenAttribute will validate the token and allow the action to execute.
Also, check this post by John Petersen. Making your ASP.NET Web API’s secure
There are lots of ways to authenticate users for a REST service. Using tokens is possible but just using Basic Authentication is even simpler and about as standard and cross platform as you can go.
Don't confuse authorization with authentication. The [Authorize] attribute is all about authorization but only after a user has been authenticated using some other mechanism. Authorization is completely useless without doing proper authentication first.
The best resource to check is Dominick Baier who is an expert on the subject.
I use a very simple approach:
define an access profile with its unique accessId and accessKey (e.g. MD5 hashed GUID value)
store such access profile in database
every request (GET/POST/etc.) must supply accessId, queryHash (MD5 hash value represents the query) and signature (MD5 hash value of queryHash + accessKey). Of course the client needs keep the accessKey in a secure place!!!
server gets the request will check the accessId and the signature using the same calculation algorithm to reject or grant the access (authenticate)
further authorization can be done on request type basis utilizing the access profile
the service with this approach using the new ASP.NET MVC web API can serve whatever type of client: browser/javascript and native(desktop or mobile) etc.
U can use ActionFilterAttribute and override the OnActionExecuting method.
Later on register this filter in global.cs to apply this filter for all the actions like this in Application Start method
var config = GlobalConfiguration.Configuration;
config.Filters.Add(new CustomAuthAttribute ());
namespace Customss
Public class CustomAuthAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(HttpActionContext actionContext)
// To inforce HTTPS if desired , else comment out the code
if (!String.Equals(actionContext.Request.RequestUri.Scheme, "https", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
actionContext.Response = new HttpResponseMessage(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)
Content = new StringContent("HTTPS Required")
// get toekn from the header
var userToken = actionContext.Request.Headers.GetValues("UserToken");
// Customer Logic to check the validity of the token.
// U can have some DB logic to check , custom STS behind or some loca cache used to compare the values
