iOS add view to Button in IB - ios

I am trying to add a view on a UIButton inside IB. The only problem it doesn't allow me to put in inside the button only on top?
Is this not possible through IB or am I doing it wrong?

It's not possible in Interface Builder. You have to add it in code.

You should not do this:
Do Not Customize Controls by Embedding Subviews
Although it is technically possible to add subviews to the standard system controls—objects that inherit from UIControl—you should never customize them in this way. Controls that support customizations do so through explicit and well-documented interfaces in the control class itself. For example, the UIButton class contains methods for setting the title and background images for the button. Using the defined customization points means that your code will always work correctly. Circumventing these methods, by embedding a custom image view or label inside the button, might cause your application to behave incorrectly now or at some point in the future if the button’s implementation changes.

If you need to add a UIView on your UIButton you can achieve it in 2 different ways
The easy way is to follow Cyrille answer: you can do it programmatically because IB doesn't allow you to modify a UIBUtton adding a view on it
The hard way is to create your custom button (let me call it "MYCustomButton"), that extends a UIButton, and use it in your application. With this way when you need to modify the buttons in your interface, you can achieve it modifying the XIB of the "MYCustomButton".


Create a custom step indicator in iOS with Swift

How do I create a progress indicator as shown in swift for iOS? Tried various libraries. But nothing fits exactly.The color should be in gradient and the current state must show the step number.
If you want to create any custom control element You should inherits your class from UIControl. You can read about this here:
custom knob,
custom slider.
But You will have to write too many lines of code to create customize view.
However, You can use my turnkey solutions:
Unfortunately this library does not support touch yet.
Here is an example that uses a UIStackView, works nicely with auto layout, is animatable, and is configurable in Interface Builder.

Can you add a custom button to the Utilities Panel in Xcode?

Just wondering if it's possible to add a custom button to the Utilities Panel in Xcode that you can drag it into a storyboard scene and have certain aspects already set, color, font/size, gradient etc.?
You are describing a custom xib file containing a view and its subviews. You then load the xib and stick the view in your interface in code, wherever and whenever you need it. Okay, you won't be able to see the effects of that within the storyboard, but it solves the problem extremely neatly.
Another possibility, if this is just about a button and nothing else, would be a UIButton subclass where the button configures itself to have the features you want.
But there is no way to drag-and-drop a custom button from the Object library into the design canvas. What's in the Object library is what's in the Object library and you can't change that.

Xcode custom control via storyboard

I want to use a custom control in my project, specifically a horizontal picker view I found on ( I've been able to include it into my project, load data and it works very nicely.
The pickerView is setted up programatically on viewDidLoad but I'd really like to be able to use it via storyboards because I'm a using static tableView. I tried to add a UIView, set the class to the PickerView class and then set up the outlet. I builds without errors or warnings but the picker view does not appear. It only shows a white rectangle.
Anyone with experience in this? Is it possible at all or should I keep it programatically?
Thanks in advance!
Well, that's normal. CPPickerView does not seem to implement initWithCoder:... I only see an initWithFrame: in the source code, which obviously means you can only instantiate that custom UIView from code. Or you can change CPPickerView's implementation to support what you want. It's open source.

Create custom UIButton with multiple images and shift Label and maybe add properties

for an iPad application in ios5.0 and arc, I need to create a button that has an image covering the entire button, and needs to have another transparent image at the bottom half of this button image OR have the button text label covering the bottom half of this button image.
In posts on this site I've read that using button subclass to just change the appearance of the UiButton should not be done. However, if I don't subclass, can I add these transparent image/and shift the button label? if so, how?
In case I need to add properties to the button, what is the best way to go about it.
If subclassing is the only option, can you also pls give pointers on what are the methods that i must absolutely override and any other such memory/performance considerations that I must keep in mind
Pointers to Any tutorials or third party libraries would be most appreciated.. Thanks in advance for all your help
I don't agree on "subclassing UIButton is not good". That's exactly why inheritance and subclassing mechanisms exist. In all platforms, the framework provides a base foundation for general needs, and you do extend them in the case standard stuff does not satisfy your needs. And you do it by subclassing.
As long as you know what you do, and what you do works for you and solves your problem, you're fine.
When you subclass UIButton, depending on what you actually want to achieve, you may want to override init:, initWithRect:, layoutSubviews:, awakeFromNib: methods.
Inspecting some subclasses would also help:
For UIButton, you can inspect this component. Source code may help a lot.

How can I create a dynamic overlay for a UIButton?

My application has a few portions that have really big buttons (640x130, 230x150, etc.) What I need is to have a way to update different portions of the button, with different text. Initially, I assumed that in my code I could create various UILabels and then add them as subviews to my button. However, as soon as I try to add a UILabel to the button as a sub-view, my app crashes.
What is the easiest way to create an overlay for a button, that I can completely layout myself, without preventing button taps from being interested using overlay controls?
I imagine there are multiple ways to solve this problem. However, the best solution for my case should use the fewest lines of code (I have quite a few of these types of buttons) and I'd like to be able to continue using some form of configurable button within IB.
I'm not opposed to subclassing UIButton but, if I do, I would like to be able to use it in IB. I've never created a custom UIView for such a circumstance, so I'd need help defining that type of subclass so that it will work correctly in IB.
You need to add the subview to the containing view - not the button. To ensure that is doesn't interfere with button presses, be sure to set it to:
[myCustomTextOverlay setUserInteractionEnabled:NO];
