iOS app: access to Music storage allowed? [duplicate] - ios

This question already has answers here:
Add Music to iOS programmatically
(4 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
From my experience, it seems that most music-app solutions out there try to reinvent the wheel (creating a new player, that the user would need to start using instead of the iOS default one). So I'm wondering: is it because each application has its own way to access/modify the Music data?
In short: can an iOS app add or remove music from the device in order for the default iOS music player to discover the new tracks? If yes, where is the documentation about this?

Apps cannot add music to the iOS Music Player. This is so that the only way to get music onto the default phone player is via iTunes. This protects Apple's revenue from music, so you can't blame them really for doing this.
If there was a way, those apps you've seen would use it!


Can Apple reject my application if it open HTML5 games in WebView? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Will iOS apps that are just UIWebView's be rejected? [closed]
(2 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
Can Apple reject my application if it run HTML5 games in WebView?
I develop native app. One screen will contain list with data retrieved from server. Any item run HTML5 game in IOS WebView. I reed guidelines but i`m not sure in this case.
Maybe somebody can provide any published examples with the same behavior?
I am 100% sure your app will be rejected, as apple say here in point no. 2.12. And also check link1 and link2. There are lots of apps which will rejected because they are using webView to show HTML or simply load dynamic urls.
If you want your app will pass, you need to add some component natively means mix of native and webView app can be pass. I have develop an app with mix of native and webView and that was passed without any issue.

How to fetch all music apps name contains in device [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Finding list of installed apps on iphone
(7 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have to fetch all music apps name contains in device (like google play,gaana,saavan) and has to show all name in my app. I search a lot but not able to find a solution.Please help me if anyone has an idea.
Is there any way to fetch downloaded music files or list from iTunes store?
iOS applications are installed in Sandboxed environment, meaning that they cannot do anything outside their own application. It may work on Jailbroken devices!
More details given in this link,

iOS - Any way to get another app's now playing song info

5 years ago there was the same question where everybody answered
"No, you can't, it's iOS sandbox", in general, then it was a iOS 5,
but now is 2016 and iOS 9.3 is coming up and the same question:
My app need to know information (tittle, artist, album) about now playing song in system, that means it need to support any player like built-in Apple Music or Spotify, Bandcamp and more. I tried to access by MPMusicPlayerController.nowplayingitem, but it works only with Apple Music app, I tried to call MPNowPlayingInfoCenter, and as I understand, it just let me set some info to Control Centre and lock screen if your app is nowPlaying in iOS, but if not, it returns nil. Is there any way to do this? Swift answers welcome

can I send a user to the iPhone's lock-screen? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Programmatically lock and unlock iPhone screen
(8 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I've seen an app that activates the lock-screen after showing a local notification (so the user has to enter the passcode).
... and now I wonder how they did this, since I need this kind of functionality for one of my projects. It might even pass Apple's review process because it does make sense for this app... (and, yes, I'm aware that Apple might reject it, but I'd like to give it a shot).
How would I do this???
I don't believe it is possible as the framework that handles this is private.
iOS 8.1 does not offer API to do this. Most likely you have seen an App implementing its own lock screen. You will need to implement something similar.
You can find examples on GitHub, e.g.

Is it possible to answer a call programmatically in iOS? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Programmatically answer an incoming phone call on iPhone
(1 answer)
Closed 9 years ago.
Is it possible to programmatically answer a call in iPhone? I have already googled about this and found that iOS SDK does not support such feature. But I found an answering machine app in Appstore.
Please help me out.
No this is not possible, the iOS SDK does not allow any interaction with the
Also the app you have found is a prank app, one that you start if you receive a call and the play back one the messages from the app.
No, that is not possible. The CoreTelephony framework lets your application receive notifications if there is any change in the call state, but there is no way to answer it.
The app that you mentioned does not say anything about answering a call, from what I can see.
I would say it depends. If you want to make a app and publish it in app store, its not possible. However if you want don't want to publish on app store and willing to use private api, then its possible. Refer this answer.
