xcode the signature was invalid contains disallowed entitlements Error in ios - ios

I am developing since 2 years ios Projects few are uploaded to app store.
But today I found new error while uploading app with xcode4.6.2. I have searched a lot.!
Also I realesed 1st version version of product in iTunes.
please help me to sove this problem.
I Revoke distributed cert. Delete provision.
create new distributed certificate and using it generate new provision,
I can see that cert in my keychain aceess.
also able to get provision on xcode with labeled Valid Profile.
The app build sucessfull without any error.
But still same error I found while uploading app on to appStore.

Solved issue... I have submitted the app from origin machine where the project was created... I don't know whether it is right ans or not.. But It works for me...

Don't revoke your certificate. generate a new certificate(distributed).
generate a new provisioning profile(distributed) using that certificate.
Remove existing provisioning profile from organiser.
Download and install certificate and provisioning profile again.
Sign your code with new provisioning profile.
Clean and build your project.
Achieve it for app store.


Xcode 7.3: Your account already has a valid iOS Development certificate [duplicate]

I'm having trouble exporting an app for Ad Hoc Distribution on Xcode 6 beta 2:
When exporting my project for ad hoc development on Xcode 6, I receive this alert. I've tried exporting it on Xcode 5 and had no problems at all saving the .ipa. Is anyone experiencing this problem as well?
I've had the same issue two days ago. Turns out the problem was:
I have my own developer distribution certificate with a proper private key
I have enterprise developer distribution certificate of my client without a private key
I try to make an enterprise distribution package for my client
Xcode throws at me vague error: Your account already has a valid iOS distribution certificate
The solution is: get a private key for enterprise account of my client. There are 2 possible options:
Ask you client for credentials to access his enterprise developer account on Apple website. Revoke old certificate and recreate it. You'll create the private key in the process. BEWARE: revoking an enterprise distribution certificate invalidates all apps that were signed and deployed with that certificate (official info).
Ask your client to export his private key from his Keychain Access application as a *.p12 file and send it to you with a password. You can't download the existing private key from the Apple website. The only way to get it is to ask your client. I did it and it and I was able to finally make the package.
How to find out if you have a private key for a certificate: Open Keychain Access application. Choose certificates. Find your certificate. If you see small grey triangle on the left side of the certificate, open it and you see your private key. No triangle = no private key.
This is what worked for me.
On my machine I kept both Xcode 5 and Xcode 6 beta.
From Xcode 6 beta, Archive the project. Close Xcode 6.
Open Xcode 5, go to Organizer and export as Ad Hoc build with proper provisioning profile.
That's it!
I had the same problem, I had to use the command line "xcodebuild" tool as a workaround, with only Xcode 6 installed (didn't have to re-install Xcode 5).
xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath $projectname.xcarchive -exportPath $projectname -exportFormat ipa -exportProvisioningProfile "Provisioning Profile Name"
In my case, what solved the problem was deleting all Distribution Certificates from my Apple Developer Account. Then, Xcode managed to create development and distribution certificates again, and that did the trick.
I get a solution without renew the certificate:
1 - Archive the target with the appropiate Code Signing Identity and Provisioning Profile
2 - Right button in the created file in Organizer --> Show in Finder
3 - Right button in the xcarchive file --> Show package content
4 - There, in Finder, go to Products/Applications/
5 - Upload the file Products/Applications/appName to iTunes
6 - When the app appear in iTunes, right click on it --> Show in Finder. This is the ipa file
7 - Send this ipa through App Loader 3.0
I dont think that it is a lasting solution but do not want to delete my certificates
1) Create a NEW production certificate through developer.apple.com which requires you to use Keychain Access to create a new private key on your computer
2) In the same developer portal, open your distribution Provisioning Profile used with this app and select the new production certificate which you just created. Generate the provision then download it and run it
3) Run your app, Archive it, then export the archive.
This took me days if not weeks to figure out, I hope it helps you.
Create new iOS Distributon Certificate and choose Production> App Store & AdHoc section. Also don't forget to change Target>Build Settings> Code Signing all to iOS Distribution.(but after created ipa set it back to iOS Developer)
Only this solved my problem.
I faced the same issue today with Xcode 6.1.1
When I tried to add iOS Distribution certificate via Xcode the error I got was the same. There were already several issued distribution certificates in Member Center and I did not want to invalidate them because if they are used for Ad Hoc distribution in an Enterprise environment this would also invalidate the applications that are installed on the devices (at least this is what I've read).
What I did was:
1. Through Keychain Access generated a request for a certificate from a certification authority. And saved the request to a file;
2. Logged in to Member Center certificates area Production section and requested a new "App Store and Ad Hoc" production certificate, this requested the file from step 1;
3. Downloaded the new certificate and when imported in Keychain Access it now had a private key.
Afterwords I cleaned Xcode, restarted it, checked that in my account the profile is visible and built a new Archive. And now I was able to validate the archive.
Now if I try to request a new "App Store and Ad Hoc" certificate this option is grayed out for me and I suppose this is because my account already has the certificate issued. If this is your case you will most probably need to invalidate your previous certificate before you can issue a new one. This is why Apple recommend backing up your certificate. But it is very likely that you will not need to invalidate all production certificates as I already have a number of those in the profile.
Hope this helps someone :)
Apple has changed the way of Ad Hoc build. Now you can't make Ad Hoc distribution builds using dev cert. You should use a distribution cert with an "Ad Hoc" provisioning profile instead.
I believe the actual reason you ended up in this screen is while trying to get the .ipa file to be distributed to your testers and clients.
In Xcode 6, to get the .ipa file you may use the old method for iPA generation:
Select organiser in Xcode. In the Archives tab select the Archive whose iPA file you need to generate.
Right click and select option “Show in Finder”
You will see the .xarchive file. Right click and select “Show Package Contents”
You will see folders: dSYMs, Info.plist and Products.
Open Products>Applications and you will see your .app file.
Drag and drop this .app file to iTunes in Mac.
Your .app file will be listed under "My Apps" in iTunes.
Right click on your application and select “Show in Finder”.
Now you have the .ipa file which you can send to your testers for testing.
Hope this helps.
There has been changes in way apple manages our private and public key.
The previous method to share account on two machine was
1.download provisioning
2.export/checkout certificate
install them both on the other mac
but now you dont have to do that you export your entire account.
1.XCode -> preferences -> account (select account) on bottom left there is option to export that
you will be prompted to give a password give any it will be required while importing on other system.A .developerprofile file will be downloaded on location of your choice.
2.download it on other mac and when you see the prompt your device already have valid signing identity click on import Developer Profile and import this .developerprofile file. enter password when prompted.
got help from here
I resolved it following the next steps:
1)in your apple developer account: Create a new Production Certificate Choose the App Store and Ad Hoc Option
2)in your apple developer account: Create a new provisioning profile with you current bundle id and the certificate created in the step one
3)in your xcode:
Select your target
In the tab Build Settings in the zone Code Signing
In the sub-zone Code Signing Identity - Release
Set your new distribution certificate (ad hoc)
In the Provisioning Profile - set your new provisioning profile (ad hoc)
Seems that xcode 6 now requires an ad hoc distribution certificate in order to export your IPA.
I got the same issue today, and found a good solution I think.
First of all, there're something unnormal:
the normal is:
and in the keychain:
the normal is:
then, I realize that I lack the the correct provisioning profile which contains the correct iOS Distribution certificate.
Finally, my solution is: use my CertificateSigningRequest.certSigningRequest file to generate a new iOS distribution certificate, and use the new iOS distribution certificate to generate a new provisioning profile.
Note, I don't delete the old certification and provisioning profile, because my colleague works well with them. Does this affect the apps I already published? The answer is NO. I just change the code signing certificate, and some important certificate like push notification certificate is ties with app ID:
So don't worry about that.
Hope the above is helpful.
As pointed out by a commenter this has proven to be a solution for myself and others:
I deleted and re-downloaded all my required certificates along with the keys needed to generate and i was able to get past this error
I revoke my producion certificates, and request another one, solve this problem.
Maybe you need restart your xcode.
I just encountered this after upgrading from Xcode 5 to 6.
In my case creating a new production certificate and then recreating the distribution provisioning profile for my app did the trick.
In the official latest Xcode 6.0, this will happen if you accidentally created a record in your entitlements file that has a key like this:
I am not sure if Xcode automatically created it by default. But deleting that key solved my problem. I didn't have to recreate any certificates. It was not my problem.
I solved this by simply regenerating the provisioning profile on the developer portal (in my case an App Store profile) and adding to my computer via iPhone Configuration Utility. I didn't want to mess with the certificates and successfully avoided that.
I noticed this error message logged from Xcode in my console:
None of the valid provisioning profiles allowed the specified entitlements: application-identifier, beta-reports-active, keychain-access-groups.
After downloading a the new provisioning profile, the missing beta-reports-active = true was present and Xcode signed the build.
My Solution was Delete the only iOS Production Certificate which I'm using and create it again. Doing this, you must create a new Provisioning profile assigning the certificate just created.
then I did the process of Archive again and works!
Additionally I found that Xcode Accounts come into play -
It turned out that I did have a valid distribution certificate on my personal account (mobilology) so I deleted that account temporarily from the Accounts section (you may wish to leave only that account that you are distributing from).
Suddenly the signing / archiving process worked!
Step1:-Login to your apple developer account
Step2:-Choose Certificates
Step3:-Delete if there are more than one distribution certificates
Step4:-Then retry archiving ( if error still exist, revoke all certificates and create new distribution certificate and edit your provision profiles.)
I think its a bug from Xcode. to make it work, i need delete the actual distribution provisional profile and i had to make a new provisional distribution profile from devcenter. This works from me
I also faced the same problem, i was using development certificate instead of Adhoc. Issue is fixed after using Adhoc certificate.
Delete you ios Distribution certificate from the apple developer site and regenrate the ios Distribution with the certSignReq file. Works for me always. Your other apps wouldnt be affected . Atleast in my case it never did.
In my case I generated a new distribution profile and added it to XCode, then tried to submit the build. Turns out, all I had to do to get rid of this message is restart XCode and attempt again to submit. Worked.
In my case, I got the error message when trying to export and AdHoc build from Organizer. I did two things, either of which may have fixed the issue:
1) Exported the existing certificate it claimed I did not have from my keychain, deleted it from keychain, re-imported.
2) Created an ad-hoc distribution certificate, refreshed XCode account to obtain the new distribution provisioning profile.
After that I was able to export the exact same archive to an AdHoc build. I really think it was only that fact I was missing an ad-hoc distribution that targeted that specifc bundleID that led to XCode being confused.
Followup: The archive I had created before did not work, I had to re-generate it. A clue this was an issue was that when selecting the archive and opting to export an Ad-Hoc build, the default account selected was the wrong account for the build (the project had no default account selected when I archived the build).
This is what worked for me (Enterprise Account)
Import the developer profile from the other machine, which loaded the certificate I needed with the secret key.
Rename the app bundle to the enterprise name (it was named under the app store name).
Change the team name in the "General" tab to my company's team - it was defaulting to my personal developer account!
With these changes, I could export an ipa as both ad-hoc and enterprise, upload it to Hockey Rink, and download it on my phone

iOS Distribution certificate

I am having a problem with Xcode and the iOS Distribution certificate.
When I try to validate an archive, I get the message that there already is a valid distribution certificate but that it is not installed. My signing identity is also installed altho the message says it is not. I have no idea how this is possible since I have published apps to the app store before without any problems.
Anyone who knows how to fix this?
Xcode version 6.4
I solved it by doing this:
Create a NEW production certificate through developer.apple.com which
requires you to use Keychain Access to create a new private key on
your computer
In the same developer portal, open your distribution Provisioning
Profile used with this app and select the new production certificate
which you just created. Generate the provision then download it and
run it
Run your app, Archive it, then export the archive.
And viola
This took me days if not weeks to figure out, I hope it helps you.
The problem is the distribution certificate was installed in another mac.
You can:
Export it from that mac and import to your Xcode.
Go to apple developer website, revoke current distribution certificate. Then open Xcode get new distribution certificate for your mac.

Issue while submit to app store - "you are already has a valid ios distribution certificate"

enter image description hereI am trying to submit my updated version of app to app store in my machine.
While exporting I am getting the error "Your account already has a valid iOS distribution certificate”.
Previously it was done by another person in one another machine, but i am not having the old certificate and provisioning profile.
I created the certificate and provisioning profiles, so all my code signing identities are on my machine. I'm able to run the app in device with the same certificate, I can create ipa in my machine and install the ipa in iPad its working fine, but unable to submit to app store.
I am using Xcode 6.3.2, Please anyone guide me on this.
Sounds like you may have created an additional distribution certificate. Login to your developer account manually and check this. If you do have two, then delete the older one (which I will assume was created by the previous developer).

Using xcode 6 beta 6 we are unable to Create an ipa file [duplicate]

I'm having trouble exporting an app for Ad Hoc Distribution on Xcode 6 beta 2:
When exporting my project for ad hoc development on Xcode 6, I receive this alert. I've tried exporting it on Xcode 5 and had no problems at all saving the .ipa. Is anyone experiencing this problem as well?
I've had the same issue two days ago. Turns out the problem was:
I have my own developer distribution certificate with a proper private key
I have enterprise developer distribution certificate of my client without a private key
I try to make an enterprise distribution package for my client
Xcode throws at me vague error: Your account already has a valid iOS distribution certificate
The solution is: get a private key for enterprise account of my client. There are 2 possible options:
Ask you client for credentials to access his enterprise developer account on Apple website. Revoke old certificate and recreate it. You'll create the private key in the process. BEWARE: revoking an enterprise distribution certificate invalidates all apps that were signed and deployed with that certificate (official info).
Ask your client to export his private key from his Keychain Access application as a *.p12 file and send it to you with a password. You can't download the existing private key from the Apple website. The only way to get it is to ask your client. I did it and it and I was able to finally make the package.
How to find out if you have a private key for a certificate: Open Keychain Access application. Choose certificates. Find your certificate. If you see small grey triangle on the left side of the certificate, open it and you see your private key. No triangle = no private key.
This is what worked for me.
On my machine I kept both Xcode 5 and Xcode 6 beta.
From Xcode 6 beta, Archive the project. Close Xcode 6.
Open Xcode 5, go to Organizer and export as Ad Hoc build with proper provisioning profile.
That's it!
I had the same problem, I had to use the command line "xcodebuild" tool as a workaround, with only Xcode 6 installed (didn't have to re-install Xcode 5).
xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath $projectname.xcarchive -exportPath $projectname -exportFormat ipa -exportProvisioningProfile "Provisioning Profile Name"
In my case, what solved the problem was deleting all Distribution Certificates from my Apple Developer Account. Then, Xcode managed to create development and distribution certificates again, and that did the trick.
I get a solution without renew the certificate:
1 - Archive the target with the appropiate Code Signing Identity and Provisioning Profile
2 - Right button in the created file in Organizer --> Show in Finder
3 - Right button in the xcarchive file --> Show package content
4 - There, in Finder, go to Products/Applications/
5 - Upload the file Products/Applications/appName to iTunes
6 - When the app appear in iTunes, right click on it --> Show in Finder. This is the ipa file
7 - Send this ipa through App Loader 3.0
I dont think that it is a lasting solution but do not want to delete my certificates
1) Create a NEW production certificate through developer.apple.com which requires you to use Keychain Access to create a new private key on your computer
2) In the same developer portal, open your distribution Provisioning Profile used with this app and select the new production certificate which you just created. Generate the provision then download it and run it
3) Run your app, Archive it, then export the archive.
This took me days if not weeks to figure out, I hope it helps you.
Create new iOS Distributon Certificate and choose Production> App Store & AdHoc section. Also don't forget to change Target>Build Settings> Code Signing all to iOS Distribution.(but after created ipa set it back to iOS Developer)
Only this solved my problem.
I faced the same issue today with Xcode 6.1.1
When I tried to add iOS Distribution certificate via Xcode the error I got was the same. There were already several issued distribution certificates in Member Center and I did not want to invalidate them because if they are used for Ad Hoc distribution in an Enterprise environment this would also invalidate the applications that are installed on the devices (at least this is what I've read).
What I did was:
1. Through Keychain Access generated a request for a certificate from a certification authority. And saved the request to a file;
2. Logged in to Member Center certificates area Production section and requested a new "App Store and Ad Hoc" production certificate, this requested the file from step 1;
3. Downloaded the new certificate and when imported in Keychain Access it now had a private key.
Afterwords I cleaned Xcode, restarted it, checked that in my account the profile is visible and built a new Archive. And now I was able to validate the archive.
Now if I try to request a new "App Store and Ad Hoc" certificate this option is grayed out for me and I suppose this is because my account already has the certificate issued. If this is your case you will most probably need to invalidate your previous certificate before you can issue a new one. This is why Apple recommend backing up your certificate. But it is very likely that you will not need to invalidate all production certificates as I already have a number of those in the profile.
Hope this helps someone :)
Apple has changed the way of Ad Hoc build. Now you can't make Ad Hoc distribution builds using dev cert. You should use a distribution cert with an "Ad Hoc" provisioning profile instead.
I believe the actual reason you ended up in this screen is while trying to get the .ipa file to be distributed to your testers and clients.
In Xcode 6, to get the .ipa file you may use the old method for iPA generation:
Select organiser in Xcode. In the Archives tab select the Archive whose iPA file you need to generate.
Right click and select option “Show in Finder”
You will see the .xarchive file. Right click and select “Show Package Contents”
You will see folders: dSYMs, Info.plist and Products.
Open Products>Applications and you will see your .app file.
Drag and drop this .app file to iTunes in Mac.
Your .app file will be listed under "My Apps" in iTunes.
Right click on your application and select “Show in Finder”.
Now you have the .ipa file which you can send to your testers for testing.
Hope this helps.
There has been changes in way apple manages our private and public key.
The previous method to share account on two machine was
1.download provisioning
2.export/checkout certificate
install them both on the other mac
but now you dont have to do that you export your entire account.
1.XCode -> preferences -> account (select account) on bottom left there is option to export that
you will be prompted to give a password give any it will be required while importing on other system.A .developerprofile file will be downloaded on location of your choice.
2.download it on other mac and when you see the prompt your device already have valid signing identity click on import Developer Profile and import this .developerprofile file. enter password when prompted.
got help from here
I resolved it following the next steps:
1)in your apple developer account: Create a new Production Certificate Choose the App Store and Ad Hoc Option
2)in your apple developer account: Create a new provisioning profile with you current bundle id and the certificate created in the step one
3)in your xcode:
Select your target
In the tab Build Settings in the zone Code Signing
In the sub-zone Code Signing Identity - Release
Set your new distribution certificate (ad hoc)
In the Provisioning Profile - set your new provisioning profile (ad hoc)
Seems that xcode 6 now requires an ad hoc distribution certificate in order to export your IPA.
I got the same issue today, and found a good solution I think.
First of all, there're something unnormal:
the normal is:
and in the keychain:
the normal is:
then, I realize that I lack the the correct provisioning profile which contains the correct iOS Distribution certificate.
Finally, my solution is: use my CertificateSigningRequest.certSigningRequest file to generate a new iOS distribution certificate, and use the new iOS distribution certificate to generate a new provisioning profile.
Note, I don't delete the old certification and provisioning profile, because my colleague works well with them. Does this affect the apps I already published? The answer is NO. I just change the code signing certificate, and some important certificate like push notification certificate is ties with app ID:
So don't worry about that.
Hope the above is helpful.
As pointed out by a commenter this has proven to be a solution for myself and others:
I deleted and re-downloaded all my required certificates along with the keys needed to generate and i was able to get past this error
I revoke my producion certificates, and request another one, solve this problem.
Maybe you need restart your xcode.
I just encountered this after upgrading from Xcode 5 to 6.
In my case creating a new production certificate and then recreating the distribution provisioning profile for my app did the trick.
In the official latest Xcode 6.0, this will happen if you accidentally created a record in your entitlements file that has a key like this:
I am not sure if Xcode automatically created it by default. But deleting that key solved my problem. I didn't have to recreate any certificates. It was not my problem.
I solved this by simply regenerating the provisioning profile on the developer portal (in my case an App Store profile) and adding to my computer via iPhone Configuration Utility. I didn't want to mess with the certificates and successfully avoided that.
I noticed this error message logged from Xcode in my console:
None of the valid provisioning profiles allowed the specified entitlements: application-identifier, beta-reports-active, keychain-access-groups.
After downloading a the new provisioning profile, the missing beta-reports-active = true was present and Xcode signed the build.
My Solution was Delete the only iOS Production Certificate which I'm using and create it again. Doing this, you must create a new Provisioning profile assigning the certificate just created.
then I did the process of Archive again and works!
Additionally I found that Xcode Accounts come into play -
It turned out that I did have a valid distribution certificate on my personal account (mobilology) so I deleted that account temporarily from the Accounts section (you may wish to leave only that account that you are distributing from).
Suddenly the signing / archiving process worked!
Step1:-Login to your apple developer account
Step2:-Choose Certificates
Step3:-Delete if there are more than one distribution certificates
Step4:-Then retry archiving ( if error still exist, revoke all certificates and create new distribution certificate and edit your provision profiles.)
I think its a bug from Xcode. to make it work, i need delete the actual distribution provisional profile and i had to make a new provisional distribution profile from devcenter. This works from me
I also faced the same problem, i was using development certificate instead of Adhoc. Issue is fixed after using Adhoc certificate.
Delete you ios Distribution certificate from the apple developer site and regenrate the ios Distribution with the certSignReq file. Works for me always. Your other apps wouldnt be affected . Atleast in my case it never did.
In my case I generated a new distribution profile and added it to XCode, then tried to submit the build. Turns out, all I had to do to get rid of this message is restart XCode and attempt again to submit. Worked.
In my case, I got the error message when trying to export and AdHoc build from Organizer. I did two things, either of which may have fixed the issue:
1) Exported the existing certificate it claimed I did not have from my keychain, deleted it from keychain, re-imported.
2) Created an ad-hoc distribution certificate, refreshed XCode account to obtain the new distribution provisioning profile.
After that I was able to export the exact same archive to an AdHoc build. I really think it was only that fact I was missing an ad-hoc distribution that targeted that specifc bundleID that led to XCode being confused.
Followup: The archive I had created before did not work, I had to re-generate it. A clue this was an issue was that when selecting the archive and opting to export an Ad-Hoc build, the default account selected was the wrong account for the build (the project had no default account selected when I archived the build).
This is what worked for me (Enterprise Account)
Import the developer profile from the other machine, which loaded the certificate I needed with the secret key.
Rename the app bundle to the enterprise name (it was named under the app store name).
Change the team name in the "General" tab to my company's team - it was defaulting to my personal developer account!
With these changes, I could export an ipa as both ad-hoc and enterprise, upload it to Hockey Rink, and download it on my phone

Update app with Xcode 5

I seen similar question for earlier version Xcode, but advice not help me.
I need update ios app after fix issues for company of my client and had not publish first version app. Previous app publish another developer. I see many certification and provisioning profiles in developer.apple.com. I export certifications and profiles from account and built archive with parameters in Xcode: "Code signing Identify" IOS Distribution and Provisioning profile:* Ios Team Provisioning Profile.
Status on Itunes Connect is "waiting for upload".
When I try upload I see message: "the private key is not installed on this mac". What key is it? Need I file with previous private key for update or I can create new? I try download certificates and generate .p12 file and create new provisioning profile, but all of this not helped me.
Maybe in Xcode 5 there are additional steps necessary?
You'll need to have the original developer transfer the app to your account. You'll then be able to get the proper certificates and provisioning profiles for it.
The issue is, you have to generate the .p12 file from the keychain of your old developer machine or where it was generated. Because the certificate private key belonging to his system. Not yours.
