iOS backend service manual data storage - ios

I've searched about best iPhone backend services and best recommended are, stackmob... But what I'm interested is which one is best for storing own data by hand and then using that data for iOS ?
As I read the docs on all of these sites they are always refering to saving games data or any other data from the iPhone to the backend. But I would like to store my own data manually (so on website for example) on that backend and then use it/retrieve it on iPhone. Is that good aproach? Are those backends even used for those kind of stuff or should I create my own database for that?
If they are used, which one is the best? From all the recommendations and reviews looks like is prolly the best one.

Hmm, manually typing into could be tedious although it is allowed with a clean UI. I suggest you put all your data in an Excel sheet, write an Excel formula to generate CURL commands and run the CURL command in a terminal that would save the data to your account.

This question is old and is dead but there are many more options now.
Use Swift Vapor/Perfect to create your own backend on AWS is good you can update data manually in table.
steps create account-> create your app -> click on the dashboard-> left side click to add class analogous to table-> add rows in your class manually or through API->fill data in columns.
Best part you don't have to pay till you generate enough traffic. so if your app is not a success you save on back-end development.
If on a later date you want higher capacity you can upgrade or you can export your database and port it to your own server.


Need advice on syncing data between iOS devices in one app

I built an in-house app for selling tickets and checking-in students to our High School dances. At the moment the app can scan a QR code with the student's information and add their name to either a "Sales" list or "Check In" list. Then the app can export these lists to a CSV file and we compile all the data.
App works perfectly as expected. NOW I want to be able to sync data between multiple devices so that every device will see an up to date Sales and Check in list. The check in list is most important because then our faculty chaperones can all see who has arrived to the dance in real time. I figured I would need to build a server to hold all the data as opposed to on the individual devices like I am doing now (CoreData). Can anyone please give me guidance or advice as to where to go from here? I am using Swift and developing for iOS 10.
I would just answer the general approach to tackle this problem since the implementations would largely be depending on many factors (what database technology is available, the platform of the server, etc.)
You are absolutely right, you need a server to hold the data. Technically speaking, it is a database that holding the data. Thus, you need a database running on your server (there are tons of selections here: Maria DB, SQL Server, Mongo DB, etc.).
Next, you need to build a web service on top of the database so that the iOS app can interact with the database (add/delete/update/read rows). Web service is a very common layer in full-stack application since you normally don't access the database directly.
Finally, you need to guard your web service with some sort of authentication. I.e. you don't want any random person out there to be able to access your web service without permission. There are many implementations out there to secure your web service and you should be able to google that easily.
Firebase might be the easiest solution. Its pretty simple to setup, and its pretty simple to set up data persistence when you go off line. I'm big on trying to stick with the built in Apple services, but Firebase is hard to beat for simple apps.
Take a look at CloudKit, or perhaps Firebase or Azure, as services that will provide a back end server for you, and give you a tested SDK to build against.

link 2 iPhones for a single iOS app database

I'm developing an app for my summer iPhone class that is designed for couples, and am not sure the best way to have two different users phones reading and writing to the same database for a single account. The two users create and grant points to each other for "rewards", "penalties" and "prizes". I'm attempting to put the local databases into CoreData and then push it into iCloud. However, I'm only finding ways that that works for a single persons app. This is a two player game that needs to update a shared database. I would greatly appreciate if you would have any suggestions on ways to either send notifications directly to each and maintain congruent separate local databases, or to have a single back end database for two users in a single account that both users' phone can push and pull from to read and write. I'm having trouble finding the right path to pursue for this.
You can easily save Database on server side with the help of many mechanism like PHP Script is the best example for this.
link - Advices on server implementation for server/client structure iOS App development?
There is a third-party framework for iOS called Parse. It's a terrific backend service that adds a cloud database. You can create objects and store it in the cloud and access it anytime, and it comes with push notifications and analytics functionality. It's tuned for many platforms, including iOS and it's straightforward to access all of its functionalities.
The site is here:
Whenever you try to use one database for multiple device, you need to create / save database in server side or you can try Parse. because local database is always used for device specific.

Best way to check for data updates on webserver

I have an application which uses the data from web server. When you first launch the app, it downloads the data and then work with it. But what if the data on web site was changed. How can I know from the application that the data was changed, and if so, what data should I download?
My first idea was each time when you run the application to check the number of entries in the local database on your phone and the number of entries on web server, and if they are not equal, delete all data in local database and then download all data again. But I think that it will take more time than if the application just loads 5-10 needed records instead of all data.
The second idea was when the information on the site changes, website somehow has to inform the application to load some records. But I don’t know if it is possible to do(
Another idea was to compare the id of the last entry in the application database with last id on website. And if they are not equal download the information from the next id.
Are there any suggestions how can I accomplish this?
I am not sure that you have any database or web services but my suggestion is parsing data from the web with JSON or XML.
this class reference is will be clear for you.
Also in my opinion, if you are new in swift and want to choose easy way for this operation search for iOS package managers.
If you want to use a package manager for your project, e.g Pod
would be a good startig point.
Alamofire is an HTTP networking library written in Swift.
Hope to helped you

How do I perform Core Data Migration to an existing app, if all I'm changing is the SQL Db's content?

I've checked a lot of sites and answers and I can't find any solutions specific to my problem.
I don't need to change the schema for my Core data model, all I need is to modify (add some) content to the current backing SQL Database.
Any direction on this will be welcome. Thanks.
PS: I tried Apple docs and they were about as useful to me as sunshine on Mecury.
Also go easy please, I'm a beginner.
To shed more light on my issue, my app works as thus. I have preloaded static information on the app that can't be changed by the user, each day has new content. Every month, I push an update with entirely new content specific to that month. However, when my app entered production, upon the update I pushed for this month, my users were complaining that they couldn't access the month's data. This led to me spamming them with Push notifications to have them delete the app and do a fresh install to access the new data.
How can I fix this issue? my schema stays the same, only the data changes.
If I understand correctly you want to pre-fill a Core Data database ?
If you don't care about pre-existing data on existing app, you can make an iPhone or Mac app with the same model, and let it generate the database, like explain here (Any way to pre populate core data?) it's also the way recommended in a really great book if you want to learn more about Core Data (
Do not ever make SQL request directly, Core Data work in his own magic way.
Don't work on the SQLite-Database directly. Change all your Data through NSManagedObjectContext! To find a good strategy look up examples from Batch-Importing.
Update: You could actually have two PersistentStores (one with just static data (readonly) and the other one with user-generated data). You could interchange the readonly which you prefilled with a commandline util and downloaded from a server. You cannot have direct relationships between those two store though.
I would say that it depends on the amount of data in this prefilled store wether you should go this way or just use a plist and reference some string constants in your user data store. Try to do it with a plist as this is the simpler approach.

Which database can be used with Xcode and at the same time be populated through a website?

We are trying to create an iPhone application that will automatically receive data from a database. Which is a database that will work with Xcode. Our goal is that users can go to our website and input information. That data will be recorded to a database. Once the user downloads our app, the info should then be retrieved from the database and included in the app. We are wondering what database is suitable. It must be able to receive information from a website AND submit it to an application.
You're unlikely to find a iOS "aware" database that can automatically sync content over the internet.
However, you can of course obtain the data over the internet yourself and then insert it into the local database on the device, in which case the popular (and supported out of the box) SQLite would seem like an obvious choice.
As #Deepak also suggests, you could use Core Data which is a (sort-of, ish) ORM that can automatically use SQLite as it's underlying storage mechanism.
The solution that most people use in this case is to use an RDBMS like MySQL and build a web-service layer on top of the database for the entities that your iPhone app is interested in.
This way, when a user goes to the web-app, they can add the data that you allow them to add there, and later on they can access the same data from the iPhone app via the web-service layer also.
Couchbase's new iOS-Couchbase framework is in beta right now - all the functionality of Apache CouchDB on your favourite developer platform - at the iOS release is new but we're looking for it to go places!
Its awesome sync abilities would allow you to pull down any relevant content from your website via HTTP/JSON, or further formats using shows and lists if needed. Pushing data the other way is just as easy. Sync can be continuous, or on demand, bidirectional or one way.
Take a look at some of the Couch App frameworks (not for iOS but for your website) lots of comments on this thread
