tables, RTF editor in polymer - dart

I started to use polymer in a dart environment.
Now I would like to create elements like "GWT cell table" or "GWT RichTextArea".
In the polymer elements I cannĀ“t find widgets like this.
Do I have to implement these manually or are the other (higher?) libraries for widgets like this.
Thank Mica

Polymer is still young. More custom elements will emerge as Polymer matures.
We are currently porting polymer-elements/polymer-ui-elements to Dart.
Polymer (JS) has more elements in the works (i.e.
There are also several projects on github that work on all kinds of additional custom elements.
I haven't seen elements such as you request though.
Building one is a very good way to learn what Polymer can do.


How can you add links, popup windows etc to layout in Vaadin?

I built some views that extend layouts from package com.vaadin.flow.component.orderedlayout. The problem is there are a lot of useful stuff in package com.vaadin.ui like Link, PopupView etc that I can't add to my views. I tried making my view extend UI from com.vaadin.ui but that doesn't work, I get the following error:
Failed to load the widgetset.
What is the best solution to my problem? How can I add the needed stuff to my view?
I have just started using Vaadin few days ago.
com.vaadin.ui is Vaadin 7 or Vaadin 8. com.vaadin.flow is Vaadin 10+. Those two cannot be used together unless you're using the commercial multiplatform runtime.
For Link, you can instead use the Anchor or RouterLink components. There isn't any direct replacement for PopupView, but it should be possible to assemble something similar by combining Button and ContextMenu. See for a full overview of the relationship between components in the old and new versions of Vaadin.

What tools do you recommend using instead of mat-grid-list?

I installed Angular Material to my project, and I really like it. However, working with the grid-list arose a lot of problems. Maybe there are some other tools that would help to simply work with grid?
Take a look at #angular/flex-layout for a way to structure your UI into a grid system that implements flexbox for a responsive layout of your pages.

Does compiled AngularDart pollutes global scope or overrides Standard objects of the browser?

I'm looking for a framework that will allow me to write a SPA and a embeddable library. I would love to have a way to share component between both. So I'm looking for a solution that has relatively small amount of potential conflicts with other frameworks and with AngularDart it self. Including case when library has been included using script tab, yes two versions of AngularDart on the same page. A framework that has less Global Objects, no Standard Object overrides, no Global Event handling and limited polyfill conflicts.
Dart and AngularDart seams what I need, but I also need more details and docs to validate my assumptions. Anything you are able to point out would be very helpful and greatly appreciated (issues, PR, blogs , roadmap, commits, specs, docs)
It's possible to run multiple AngularDart apps on the same page. I've tested AngularDart todo example app embedded in itself. But I need more details on what dart2js is doing and how compiler avoids global scope pollution.
Yes, AngularDart should be well suited for your requirements.
Dart itself shouldn't pollute your scope at all, you can try running dart2js on something trivial (like just print inside main) and verify the code - it creates a closure and executes it, so nothing inside is accessible from outside. There is also no patching of any global JS objects, so you can run it alongside anything without interference. If it's not the case file a bug.
You can run as many AngularDart applications on a single page as you wish. To get them fully isolated you can compile each one separately with dart2js, then they wouldn't be able to access any of each other internals whatsoever.

Dart polymer - javascript web components

Anybody knows whether it's possible to use regular html 5/javascript web component(s) libraries in a Dart application? I think starting from now a lot of web component libraries in html 5/javascript will arise that will be of use for developing Dart applications. As long as there will be no Dart Polymer equivalents those components will not be usable and we are bound to web components written in Dart is it?
Simply including the polymer.min.js in a Dart application throws an error? Maybe it's not that simple ;-)
Update 2: If you can't wait, try this :-)
Update: Okay, now I understand. You have to wait, see here. "Polymer base elements" and "Polymer UI elements" are assigned as "Not started". Everything in Dart is now in live developing, so I think, we all, have to wait until they have it complete. I'm now waiting for circa 4 libraries for Dart, which might be completed soon, and your Polymer UI elements are going to be finished within the next few weeks... I think, there can never be any port for JS libraries, until anybody rewrites it by hand in Dart. You can join the developer club and help them to rewrite Polymer UI elements faster ;-)
"Simply including the polymer.min.js in a Dart application throws an
Can you describe, what did you mean with this? I think you should
include Dart Polymer Library and not JavaScript Polymer (see
here or

Adding XUL to a Plugin?

I am working on a Firefox Add-on that view TIFF Files. I'm having trouble figuring out how to do the UI, buttons, scrollers etc. I'm on a mac, so the program is being written in either C or Objective-C, in case that makes a difference.
I'm thinking that XUL might be a way to do the UI. If I could wrap my plugin in some sort of XUL wrapper, and then have the wrapper send messages to the compiled code, that might solve my problem.
However, I'm not sure that this is how XUL works. All of the examples I've seen have basically been HTML, made slightly more complicated...
Alternatively, I could write the plugin in Java, if it's easier to embed a JAR file into XUL. Actually that might be the best because then It would (probably) be platform independent...
You can write C++ plugins for XULRunner using the XPCOM technology. See here for a good tutorial. Documentation is scarce though, be warned!
You can create an interface to your C/C++ code to be accessed from JavaScript using the XPIDL interface language.
I don't think you can embed Java code in XUL though. You are probably referring to JAR Manifests.
