Deep expand not working, despite [BreezeQueryable(MaxExpansionDepth = 100)] - breeze

First off, I really have to thank the devs so much... Breeze is absolutely fantastic, and I can't thank you enough for your hard work!
I've been using Breeze with EF (latest Breeze, latest EF) for a while now, and after some DB changes, I'm now forced to query for a fourth layer of objects... At first, I hit the error that the MaxExpansionDepth was reached, but as per a few questions/answers on SO, I found the [BreezeQueryable(MaxExpansionDepth = x)] attribute. I have applied this attribute to the relevant query function on the controller, which eliminated the error... However, the data at that fourth level still does not fill.
I have successfully retrieved the data in question with a specific query (based on the key of the 4rth level data), and everything works well when playing on the server side... Relationships work properly etc... The troublesome query is below:
function getPatient(patKey) {
var query = breeze.EntityQuery
.where("Key", "==", patKey)
.expand("..., ScanDates.Printouts.BMDSites, ...");
return app.dataservice.manager.executeQuery(query);
BTW - this is all for a single patient, so there really isn't that much data - it's just compartmentalized quite a bit!
If anybody has any ideas, I'd be terribly grateful!
P.S.: Obviously, I don't need a "MaxExpansionDepth = 100", but I've also tried with low values (4,5,etc)
Edit: Thanks to Dominictus, I now realize that the real problem isn't the depth of the query - the BMDSites are coming back in the response, but not materializing entities regardless of expand depth. They do materialize if I query just for them (ie BMDSites where PrintoutKey = x)... but again, this is causing ten or 15 trips to the server. I'd still love to know how to get everything at once, or just learn why these won't materialize on an expand!
Edit 2: It just occurred to me that the Printout class is the base class of a TPH inheritance hierarchy... Looking around at some of the other questions, I suspect that this is likely the source of the issue.

Turns out it had nothing to do with inheritance, or the depth of the expand... In creating a simplified model, I of course found that it worked just fine. Adding back in the features that I thought were irrelevant, I eventually broke it, and replicated my issue by adding in some [NotMapped] properties that were providing some easy access to the list of BMDSites. For example, in a class derived from Printout:
public BMDSite _Ud = null;
public BMDSite Ud
if (_Ud == null)
_Ud = BMDSites.Find(b => b.Region == Region.Forearm_UD);
return _Ud;
Upon adding this back in, once again, my list of BMDSites were not populating. Turns out that the classes that Breeze uses don't look at [NotMapped] (which makes sense, as it is serialization, not DB mapping)... By adding a reference to in my EF model, and adding it's equivilent tag - ie: [NotMapped, JsonIgnore], it doesn't look at the properties, and everything works just fine.
Bottom line (for those that skim)... code above causes issues, code below works fine:
[NotMapped, JsonIgnore]
public BMDSite _Ud = null;
[NotMapped, JsonIgnore]
public BMDSite Ud
if (_Ud == null)
_Ud = BMDSites.Find(b => b.Region == Region.Forearm_UD);
return _Ud;

If you use some other queries to Patients action, I suggest you copy Patients method, name it something like PatientsFull and in there do .Include instead of clientside expand. Sometimes expands don't work as expected. (If this is the only query to Patients then just change that method)
For some different ideas you would have to write down any possible errors that pop into console.


Some objects not materializing (but are in query response) - inheritance issue?

I've just added a fourth layer of expand to my query - ie:
.expand("..., ScanDates.Printouts.BMDSites, ...");
And I've discovered that although the data is being returned in the response, it is not populating the objects below "Printouts" (ie. patient.ScanDates.Printouts.BMDSites is an empty array, despite several elements being returned in the response).
I've altered the MaxExpansionDepth on the controller action, and there are no errors appearing on the console or server side. I've also successfully filled BMDSite objects by just querying for them individually, but that would mean ten or twenty return trips to the server... not ideal.
Edit: I've just tried several other queries, and it seems that even if I'm just doing a single expand (ie: .expand("BMDSites")), the same problem occurs - data is in response, but not materialized into entities. When I query just for the BMDSites, (say for a specific Printout) the array is filled and materialized properly.
Edit 2: It just occurred to me that the Printout class is the base class of a TPH inheritance hierarchy... Looking around a bit, I suspect that this is likely the source of the issue.
Thanks so much for any ideas!
Looks like it had nothing to do with inheritance after all... In creating a simplified model for Jay, I of course found that it worked just fine. Adding back in the features that I thought were irrelevant, I eventually broke it, and replicated my issue by adding in some [NotMapped] properties that were providing some easy access to the list of BMDSites. For example, in a class derived from Printout:
public BMDSite _Ud = null;
public BMDSite Ud
if (_Ud == null)
_Ud = BMDSites.Find(b => b.Region == Region.Forearm_UD);
return _Ud;
Upon adding this back in, once again, my list of BMDSites were not populating (edit- more specifically, any BMDSite that was touched by an unmapped property was being excluded from the list of BMDSites). Turns out that the classes that Breeze uses don't look at [NotMapped] (which makes sense, as it is serialization, not DB mapping)... By adding a reference to in my EF model, and adding it's equivilent tag - ie: [NotMapped, JsonIgnore], it doesn't look at the properties, and everything works just fine.
Bottom line (for those that skim)... code above causes issues, code below works fine:
[NotMapped, JsonIgnore]
public BMDSite _Ud = null;
[NotMapped, JsonIgnore]
public BMDSite Ud
if (_Ud == null)
_Ud = BMDSites.Find(b => b.Region == Region.Forearm_UD);
return _Ud;
I would start by insuring that the 'expand' you are doing is in fact valid by trying the exact same query on the server using 'Include's. If this fails then the issue is likely with your model. Breeze 'expand's get turned into EF 'Include's.
If the query works in pure EF, then can you detail the relevant properties in your model and what the inheritance hierarchy looks like so that we can try to replicate your issue?

mvc in doesnt satisfy programmers

I am learning MVC4 in Visual Studio and I have many questions about it. My first statement about MVC is that MVC's Model doesnt do what I expected. I expect Model to select and return the data rows according to the needs.
But I read many tutorial and they suggest me to let Model return ALL the data from the table and then eliminate the ones I dont need in the controller, then send it to the View.
here is the code from tutorials
public class ApartmentContext : DbContext
public ApartmentContext() : base("name=ApartmentContext") { }
public DbSet<Apartment> Apartments { get; set; }
public ActionResult Index()
ApartmentContext db = new ApartmentContext();
var apartments = db.Apartments.Where(a => a.no_of_rooms == 5);
return View(apartments);
Is this the correct way to apply "where clause" to a select statement? I dont want to select all the data and then eliminate the unwanted rows. This seems weird to me but everybody suggest this, at least the tutorials I read suggest this.
Well which ever tutorial you read that from is wrong (in my opinion). You shouldn't be returning actual entities to your view, you should be returning view models. Here's how I would re-write your example:
public class ApartmentViewModel
public int RoomCount { get; set; }
public ActionResult Index()
using (var db = new ApartmentContext())
var apartments = from a in db.Apartments
where a.no_of_rooms == 5
select new ApartmentViewModel()
RoomCount = a.no_of_rooms
return View(apartments.ToList());
Is this the correct way to apply "where clause" to a select statement?
Yes, this way is fine. However, you need to understand what's actually happening when you call Where (and various other LINQ commands) on IQueryable<T>. I assume you are using EF and as such the Where query would not execute immediately (as EF uses delayed execution). So basically you are passing your view a query which has yet to be run and only at the point of where the view attempts to render the data is when the query will run - by which time your ApartmentContext will have been disposed and as a result throw an exception.
This causes the query to execute immediately and means your query no longer relys on the context. However, it's still not the correct thing to do in MVC, the example I have provided is considered the recommended approach.
In our project, we will add a Data Access Layer instead of accessing Domain in controller. And return view model instead of Domain.
But your code, you only select the data you need not all the data.
If you open SQL Profiler you'll see that's a select statement with a where condition.
So if it's not a big project I think it's OK.
I can't see these tutorials but are you sure it's loading all the data? It looks like your using entity framework and entity framework uses Lazy laoding. And Lazy loading states:
With lazy loading enabled, related objects are loaded when they are
accessed through a navigation property.
So it might appear that your loading all the data but the data itself is only retrieved from SQL when you access the object itself.

EF Reference gets lost when Web API returns IQueryable

I have been looking for quite some time now on this problem.
Here's the deal.
I'm building a website that calls to a Web API to get its data. My Web API uses a library, working with repository pattern. My database model (EF Model-first) was build in the library. In that model I have a base class Pass. Then I have two derived classes, CustomerCard : Pass and Voucher : Pass. My model from EF Designer
I have a method to get all the CustomerCards.
public IQueryable<CustomerCard> GetAllPasses() {
IList<CustomerCard> allCards = new List<CustomerCard>();
var c_cards = context.Passes;
foreach (var c_card in c_cards) {
if (c_card is CustomerCard) {
return allCards.AsQueryable<CustomerCard>();
In my ApiController, I use this method to get the passes and return them to the website, like this:
public IQueryable<CustomerCard> GetAllPasses(string version) {
return passRepo.GetAllPasses().AsQueryable();
My Web API returns JSON format. This is my config to preserve referencing and stuff:
var json = config.Formatters.JsonFormatter;
json.SerializerSettings.PreserveReferencesHandling =
json.SerializerSettings.ReferenceLoopHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.ReferenceLoopHandling.Serialize;
I'm using IQueryable because I want to be able to page the data on my website. The api method is available at '/api/v1/passes/all'.
Here's the strange part. To test my paging, I call 1 pass per page.
For my first Pass, it works fine. But when I go to my second page, he also gets the correct pass, but the reference to User is gone.
As you can see in my model, the CustomerCard class has a property User. This indicates who owns the customer card.
So this call loads the user from the pass: 'api/v1/passes/all?$top=1'
but when I call to this one, the user instance is NULL: 'api/v1/passes/all?$top=1&$skip=1'.
However, when I call to 'api/v1/passes/all?$top=2', the User for the second pass IS loaded.
So this is where my mind get's blown! I don't get it? Why doesn't the user-reference comes along with the second one? Could it have something to do with the Lazy loading feature of the EF?
When I use the extension method Include on context.passes, an error is thrown:
A specified Include path is not valid. The EntityType 'LCS_Model.Pass'
does not declare a navigation property with the name 'User'.
This is because Passes as a dbset, contains CustomerCard as well as Voucher. Is there a way I can tell my context to expect or convert it to a CustomerCard?
Can someone please help me. If you don't understand my question, ask away!
Thanks allready!
The method on my API controller is now
public IQueryable<CustomerCard> GetAllPasses(string version) {
return context.Passes.Include("User").OfType<CustomerCard>();
This gives me my correct items. I have 2 customer cards in my db. Both are from the same user. My API has the user still loaded. The moment my website receives the response, the User property becomes null. My guess is that it's because it is still referencing to the same user from the first element of the array. Is that possible? And if yes, how can I prevent that from happening?
Yes, you need to make sure any related records are included when you do your query. See this for some examples. Secondly... I fail to understand why you are doing all that work with the for loop... That's a lot of absolutely needless and wasted work for the server to do if you want to do any paging. I'm thinking, besides any other filters you might want to apply, your GetAllPasses should look something like this.
public IQueryable<CustomerCard> GetAllPasses() {
return context.Passes.Include(r => r.User);
Edit (2): I need to read better. I have to confess, I'm not familiar with type inheritance in EF. I found some things that might work here: table per hierarchy, table per concrete type, and see also also MSDN Queryable.OfType<TResult>. This is a guess, but let's try:
public IQueryable<CustomerCard> GetAllPasses() {
return context.Passes.OfType<CustomerCard>().Include(r => r.User);

How can I do an eager load when I don't know the name of the property I want to load?

I have a generic repository and when I'm using a DoQuery method to select objects from the database, I need to load some of the related entities in order to not get nulls in the place of the fields that are foreign keys.
The problem is that the repository is generic, so I do not know how many properties need loading or what their names are (unless there's some way of getting them) how can I make it so that all of the foreign keys have their entities loaded while still keeping this repository generic?
Here's the DoQuery method:
public ObjectQuery<E> DoQuery(ISpecification<E> where)
ObjectQuery<E> query = (ObjectQuery<E>)_ctx.CreateQuery<E>("[" + typeof(E).Name + "]").Where(where.EvalPredicate);
return query;
And a link to the original code for the entire repository.
I posted this once before and never got the answer to it but I figure this one is a little bit more relevant since before people were assuming I knew the property names and could do:
Here's the question I posted before hopefully that will provide a little information on where I'm at with this.
Any help is appreciated.
You'll have to invert the control by passing into the method the depth that should be fetched to. I'm not familiar enough with the Entity framework with exactly how to do that. You could pass in an integer representing the fetch depth, and the method can figure out how to construct a query with the related entities to that depth.
I have solved this problem by the next way:
public IQueryable<E> GetAll()
Type et=typeof(E);
ObjectQuery<E> oq=_context.CreateQuery<E>("[" + typeof(E).Name + "Set]");
foreach(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo pi in et.GetProperties())
if (pi.PropertyType.Name.Contains("EntityCollection"))
return oq.AsQueryable();
but it steel has a problems with dipper relations. So steel thinking about this problem
You can get the relations ends names for a type and call Include for all relations.
public ObjectQuery<E> DoQuery<E>(ISpecification<E> where) where E : new()
ObjectQuery<E> query = (ObjectQuery<E>)_ctx.CreateQuery<E>("[" + typeof(E).Name + "]").Where(where.EvalPredicate);
IEntityWithRelationships entityWithRelationship = (IEntityWithRelationships)(new E());
IEnumerable<IRelatedEnd> relatedEnds = entityWithRelationship.RelationshipManager.GetAllRelatedEnds();
foreach (IRelatedEnd end in relatedEnds)
query= query.Include(end.TargetRoleName);
return query;
I added a "new" generic constraint because I need to get an IEntityWithRelationships from the queried type. I hope this helps.

First attempt at Linq to Sql in NerdDinner - Rule violations prevent saving

I'm trying to go through the NerdDinner example chapter from the ASP.Net MVC 1.0 and I've come across an error. Everything was hunky dory until I got to the part where I need to edit a dinner. I've followed the guide word for word from the creation of the project until this point (at least the best I can tell). However, when I call the SubmitChanges method on the NerdDinnerDataContext object I get an exception that says:
Rule violations prevent saving
I don't notice any differences between my code right now and the code that is in the final project (other than some additional functionality that I haven't added yet, obviously). Basically, I have no idea how to go about troubleshooting this error at this point. I've tried to look for some answers online, with no luck.
Here are some code snippets from my project, though I'm not sure how much good they will be.
from my DinnerRepository class:
private NerdDinnerDataContext db = new NerdDinnerDataContext();
public void Save()
from the DinnersController
public ActionResult Edit(int id, FormCollection formValues)
// Retrieve existing dinner
Dinner dinner = dinnerRepository.GetDinner(id);
// Update dinner with form posted values
dinner.Title = Request.Form["Title"];
dinner.Description = Request.Form["Description"];
dinner.EventDate = DateTime.Parse(Request.Form["EventDate"]);
dinner.Address = Request.Form["Address"];
dinner.Country = Request.Form["Country"];
dinner.ContactPhone = Request.Form["ContactPhone"];
// Persist changes back to database
// Perform HTTP redirect to details page for the saved Dinner
return RedirectToAction("Details", new { id = dinner.DinnerID });
How can I go about troubleshooting this issue? How can I find what these "rule violations" are?
This is my first SO question, so my apologies if it isn't that great.
RuleViolations is how Scott Hanselman, the creator of NerdDinners, decided to encapsulate business logic.
He partialed out the Linq To SQL classes and added a function named GetRuleViolations(), which is where he added all of his business rules. Take a look at that method to see what's going on.
I had the same problem like atcrawford, but thanx to Giovanni i managed to resolve it.
First, when i began this tutorial i populated the phone number from the database with some random numbers.
Now when i tried to edit my existing data i received this "rule violations" because the phone number hadn't the correct form.
So look in Models folder at Dinner.cs at:
public IEnumerable<RuleViolation> GetRuleViolations()
{//if (!PhoneValidator.IsValidNumber(ContactPhone, Country))
// yield return new RuleViolation("Phone# does not match country", "ContactPhone");
You can see that i commented that line, so the IsValidNumber method on PhoneValidator class is never called.
Or, you can enter the data for the phone number according to the regular expressions from PhoneValidator
For more information on the set up of nerd dinner, be sure to look at the ASP.NET MVC 1.0 book and the free first chapter.
There is a link to it on website you mentioned. Here it is again,
