"Proper" MVC - Should I be using a constructor or not? - asp.net-mvc

If I have a model that works directly with my database (Personally using ASP.NET w\Entity Framework) should I be using a constructor to set variable?
public class songs
public IEnumerable<songs> allSongs {get; }
public songs()
using (var context = new entities())
allSongs = context.songs.orderBy(n => n.name).toList();
public class songs
public IEnumerable<songs> allSongs
using (var context = new entities())
allSongs = context.songs.orderBy(n => n.name).toList();
public songs() {}
Technically both are correct, but which is more correct? The only time I can think of where there is only one correct answer is if the variable I'm setting either needs to always be updated or stay the same during an operation.

You shouldn't be accessing the data from a domain class.
You should create a SongRepository which interacts with your database. You inject the controller with this repository and when you want a list of songs you simply refer to that repository.
It might become a little tricky when songs is actually supposed to be it's own entity. However I'd strongly suggest you to implement the repository pattern.
The second approach is best when working with repositories.
Example layout:
public class SongController : Controller {
private SongRepository _songRepository;
public SongController(SongRepository repo) {
_songRepository = repo;
public ActionResult ShowSongs(){
return View(_songRepository.GetAllSongs());
public class SongRepository {
public IEnumerable<Song> GetAllSongs(){
using (var context = new entities())
allSongs = context.songs.orderBy(n => n.name).toList();

What if you only want to get 1 song? I'm sure you don't want to load all songs then.
If I may add, you should take a look around at existing projects or tutorials to see how things can be done. Note that I say can, what you'll read is by no means the way to do it. For example, #JeroenVannevel recommends the repository pattern, but there are plenty of people who recommend against it (when working with EF).
I recommend browsing the top questions in entity-framework, entity-framework-4, entity-framework-5 and entity-framework-6 before deciding on your data access strategy.


How to convert DTO to View Model and then back again? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Where to convert business model to view model?
(3 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I'm using MVC 4 with the repository pattern and unit testing also. I have a typical controller that has simple CRUD functionality. I've separated my View Models from my DTOs and I would like to know the best way to convert between the 2:
I have Admin.Models.Product which is my view model and AdminAssembly.Models.Product which is my DTO.
//repo that handles product operations
AdminAssembly.Interfaces.IEntityRepository<AdminAssembly.Models.Product> db;
//default constructor
public ProductController() { db = new AdminAssembly.Repositories.EntityRepo<AdminAssembly.Models.Product>(new AdminAssembly.Models.EntitiesContext()); }
//unit testing constructor
public ProductController(AdminAssembly.Interfaces.IEntityRepository<AdminAssembly.Models.Product> context) { db = context; }
// POST: /Product/Create
public ActionResult Create(Admin.Models.Product product) {
if (ModelState.IsValid) {
//COMPILE-ERROR: how to convert to DTO?
return View();
// GET: /Product/Edit/5
public ActionResult Edit(int id) {
//COMPILE-ERROR: how to convert to view model?
Admin.Models.Product product = db.GetAll().Where(p => p.ID == id);
return View(product);
How do I convert between the 2?
Do I reference my DTO assembly in my view model and do something like: (won't this break my unit testing?)
//convert to AdminAssembly.Models.Product
//convert back to Admin.Models.Product via constructor
Admin.Models.Product product = Admin.Models.new Product(db.GetAll().Where(p => p.ID == id));
Do I need some sort of object conversion black box?
Some sort of interface?
or something else?
Update 1:
public static class Product {
public static Admin.Models.Product ToView(AdminAssembly.Models.Product dto) {
Admin.Models.Product viewProduct = new Admin.Models.Product();
//straight copy
viewProduct.Property1 = dto.Property1;
viewProduct.Property2 = dto.Property2;
return viewProduct;
public static AdminAssembly.Models.Product ToDTO(Admin.Models.Product viewModel) {
AdminAssembly.Models.Product dtoProduct = new AdminAssembly.Models.Product();
//straight copy
dtoProduct.Property1 = viewModel.Property1;
dtoProduct.Property2 = viewModel.Property2;
//perhaps a bit of wizza-majig
dtoProduct.Property1 = viewModel.Property1 + viewModel.Property2;
return dtoProduct;
The long-hand response
public ActionResult Create(Admin.Models.Product product)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
//COMPILE-ERROR: how to convert to DTO?
var dtoProduct = new AdminAssembly.Models.Product();
dtoProduct.Property1 = product.Property1;
dtoProduct.Property2 = product.Property2;
//...and so on
return View();
While this looks verbose and tedious (and it is) it has to happen eventually, somewhere.
You can hide this mapping either in another class or extension method, or you can use a third party like AutoMapper, as Charlino points out.
As a side note, having two classes with the same name in two different namespaces will eventually get confusing (if not for you, then for the next person who has to maintain your code.) Implement friendlier and more descriptive names wherever possible. For example, put all your view models in a folder called ViewModels, not Models. And append all your view models with ViewModel, or VM. It's also a good convention, imo, to name your view models based on the view that they are for, not so much the domain model that they will be mapped to, as not all view models will map directly to a domain model. Sometimes you'll want parts of more than one domain model, for a single view, and that will blow up your naming convention.
So in this particular case I would suggest changing Admin.Models to Admin.ViewModels and then rename the view model version of Product to CreateViewModel. Your code will be much more readable and will not be littered with namespaces throughout your methods.
All of that would result in a method that would look more like this:
public ActionResult Create(CreateViewModel viewModel)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
var product = new Product();
product.Property1 = viewModel.Property1;
product.Property2 = viewModel.Property2;
//...and so on
return View();
Check out a library called AutoMapper.
From their wiki:
What is AutoMapper?
AutoMapper is a simple little library built to solve a deceptively complex problem - getting rid of code that mapped one object to another. This type of code is rather dreary and boring to write, so why not invent a tool to do it for us?
If you dont want to use AutoMapper you may use extensions, as suggested by #Forty-Two. If the number of things to map is no very great, I would go with this approach, just because then, AutoMapper == YAGNI
public static class Extensions
public static ViewModel ToViewModel(this Model )
var vm = new ViewModel()
return vm;
public static Model ToModel(this ViewModel viewModel)
var model = new Model()
return model;
Similar to your code in UPDATE, but using extensions instead.

Entity framework add a where clause to all queries

I am using Entity framework 5 and using repository pattern. Say I got these entities Customer, Files, Images, Tasks, Invoice, User.
Each entity (apart from Customer) has a foreign key of Customer. When a user logs in I store the customerid in session (aps.net mvc). What I want is any CRUD taken on all entities to be limited to the customer who's user is logged in. e.g I can't afford to delete a Task belonging to customer 1 to be deleted by user who is from customer 2.
Is adding an argument of customerid for each method of repositories the best way to achieve this or are there any better/clever ways of doing it?
Tricky to give a definitive answer but you could make it a bit more extensible by implementing higer order functions, like this:
public interface IRepository<T>
public T GetBy(Expression<Func<T, bool>> query)
public class FileRepository : IRepository<File>
public File GetBy(Expression<Func<T, bool>> query)
using(var context = new FilesContext())
return context.Files.Where(query).FirstOrDefault();
public class SomeController
private IRepository<File> _repo;
public SomeController(IRepository<File> repo)
_repo = repo;
public ActionResult Index()
var model = _repo.GetBy(f => f.CustomerId == Session.Whatever.CustomerId);
return View(model);
This way you can vary the search query when required, rather than tie yourself in to using a hardcoded customer id property. For example, if you wanted to get the File object by the FileID, not the CustomerID, then:
var model = _repo.GetBy(f => f.FileId == someId);
and that's the only part of the code that needs to change.
Some really good info on Higher Order functions and functional programming in C# here: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/375166/Functional-programming-in-Csharp
You might be able to isolate the "Always use the customer ID when hitting DB" into a repository of it's own, using a decorator style pattern, thus: (massive disclaimer - I haven't tested this, but something along these lines should work)
public class SpecialFileRepo : IRepository<File>
private readonly IRepository<File> _baseRepo;
public SpecialFileRepo(IRepository<File> baseRepo)
_baseRepo = baseRepo;
public SpecialFileRepo() : this(new FileRepository())
public File GetBy(Expression<Func<File, bool>> query)
var parameters = query.Parameters;
var newParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof (File), "f");
var additionalQuery = Expression.AndAlso(query.Body,
Expression.PropertyOrField(newParam, "CustomerId"),
var newQuery = query.Update(additionalQuery, parameters);
return _baseRepo.GetBy(newQuery);
Then anything that's talking to a repository, as far as it's concerned, it's just a base repository, but this class is sitting in between and always grafting the "customerid = sessionwhatever" expression onto what finally gets passed to the database. And of course, anything that only cares about using the base repository, can still do so.

Automapper + EF4 + ASP.NET MVC - getting 'context disposed' error (I know why, but how to fix it?)

I have this really basic code in a MVC controller action. It maps an Operation model class to a very basic OperationVM view-model class .
public class OperationVM: Operation
public CategoryVM CategoryVM { get; set; }
I need to load the complete list of categories in order to create a CategoryVM instance.
Here's how I (try to) create a List<OperationVM> to show in the view.
public class OperationsController : Controller {
private SomeContext context = new SomeContext ();
public ViewResult Index()
var ops = context.Operations.Include("blah...").ToList();
Mapper.CreateMap<Operation, OperationVM>()
dest => dest.CategoryVM,
opt => opt.MapFrom(
src => CreateCatVM(src.Category, context.Categories)
// trouble here ----------------^^^^^^^
var opVMs = ops.Select(op => Mapper.Map<Operation, OperationVM>(op))
return View(opVMs);
All works great first time I hit the page. The problem is, the mapper object is static. So when calling Mapper.CreateMap(), the instance of the current DbContext is saved in the closure given to CreateMap().
The 2nd time I hit the page, the static map is already in place, still using the reference to the initial, now disposed, DbContext.
The exact error is:
The operation cannot be completed because the DbContext has been disposed.
The question is: How can I make AutoMapper always use the current context instead of the initial one?
Is there a way to use an "instance" of automapper instead of the static Mapper class?
If this is possible, is it recommended to re-create the mapping every time? I'm worried about reflection slow-downs.
I read a bit about custom resolvers, but I get a similar problem - How do I get the custom resolver to use the current context?
It is possible, but the setup is a bit complicated. I use this in my projects with help of Ninject for dependency injection.
AutoMapper has concept of TypeConverters. Converters provide a way to implement complex operations required to convert certain types in a separate class. If converting Category to CategoryVM requires a database lookup you can implement that logic in custom TypeConverter class similar to this:
using System;
using AutoMapper;
public class CategoryToCategoryVMConverter :
TypeConverter<Category, CategoryVM>
public CategoryToCategoryVMConverter(DbContext context)
this.Context = context;
private DbContext Context { get; set; }
protected override CategoryVM ConvertCore(Category source)
// use this.Context to lookup whatever you need
return CreateCatVM(source, this.Context.Categories);
You then to configure AutoMapper to use your converter:
Mapper.CreateMap<Category, CategoryVM>().ConvertUsing<CategoryToCategoryVMConverter>();
Here comes the tricky part. AutoMapper will need to create a new instance of our converter every time you map values, and it will need to provide DbContext instance for constructor. In my projects I use Ninject for dependency injection, and it is configured to use the same instance of DbContext while processing a request. This way the same instance of DbContext is injected both in your controller and in your AutoMapper converter. The trivial Ninject configuration would look like this:
You can of course use some sort of factory pattern to get instance of DbContext instead of injecting it in constructors.
Let me know if you have any questions.
I've found a workaround that's not completely hacky.
Basically, I tell AutoMapper to ignore the tricky field and I update it myself.
The updated controller looks like this:
public class OperationsController : Controller {
private SomeContext context = new SomeContext ();
public ViewResult Index()
var ops = context.Operations.Include("blah...").ToList();
Mapper.CreateMap<Operation, OperationVM>()
.ForMember(dest => dest.CategoryVM, opt => opt.Ignore());
var opVMs = ops.Select(
op => {
var opVM = Mapper.Map<Operation, OperationVM>(op);
opVM.CategoryVM = CreateCatVM(op.Category, context.Categories);
return opVM;
return View(opVMs);
Still curious how this could be done from within AutoMapper...
The answer from #LeffeBrune is perfect. However, I want to have the same behavior, but I don't want to map every property myself. Basically I just wanted to override the "ConstructUsing".
Here is what I came up with.
public static class AutoMapperExtension
public static void ConstructUsingService<TSource, TDestination>(this IMappingExpression<TSource, TDestination> mappingExression, Type typeConverterType)
mappingExression.ConstructUsing((ResolutionContext ctx) =>
var constructor = (IConstructorWithService<TSource, TDestination>)ctx.Options.ServiceCtor.Invoke(typeConverterType);
return constructor.Construct((TSource)ctx.SourceValue);
public class CategoryToCategoryVMConstructor : IConstructorWithService<Category, CategoryVM>
private DbContext dbContext;
public DTOSiteToHBTISiteConverter(DbContext dbContext)
this.dbContext = dbContext;
public CategoryVM Construct(Category category)
// Some commands here
if (category.Id > 0)
var vmCategory = dbContext.Categories.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Id == category.Id);
if (vmCategory == null)
throw new NotAllowedException();
return vmCategory;
return new CategoryVM();
// Initialization
Mapper.Initialize(cfg =>
cfg.ConstructServicesUsing(type => nInjectKernelForInstance.Get(type));
cfg.CreateMap<Category, CategoryVM>().ConstructUsingService(typeof(CategoryToCategoryVMConstructor));

Asp.net MVC Model for view and Layout

I've been trying to find a good way to handle the Models of our Asp.net MVC websites when having common properties for all the pages. These properties are to be displayed in the Layout (Master Page). I'm using a "BaseModel" class that holds those properties and my Layout use this BaseModel as its model.
Every other model inherits from that BaseModel and each has specific properties relative to the view it represents. As you might have guessed, my Models are actually View Models even if that's not quite relevant here.
I have tried different ways to initialize the BaseModel values
By "hand" in every view
Having a base controller that has an Initialize virtual method to do it (so specific controller can implement specific common behavior for exemple)
Having a base controlelr that override OnActionExecuting to call the Initialize method
Using a helper class to do it outside of the controller
Using a Model Factory
But none of those really appeal to me:
Seems obvious to me, but DRY is one reason enough to justify that (actually I never tried that solution at all, I'm just putting it to be able to loop on that point in the last point).
I don't like that one because it means that whenever a new Controller is added, you need to know that it has to inherit from the BaseController and that you need to call the Initialize method, not to mention that if your controller has overriden the base one, to call the base anyway to maintain the values.
see next point
and 3. are a variation on the same topic but that doesn't really help with the issues of the second solution.
My favorite so far, but now I have to pass a few more variables to set those values. I like it for the inversion of dependence. But then if I want to provide values from the session, I need to pass them explicitly for exemple, then I'm back to square one as I have to provide them by hand (being references or through an interface of any kind)
Of course, (almost) all of those solutions work, but I'm looking for a better way to do it.
While typing this question, I found maybe a new path, the builder pattern that might also do, but implementations can become quickly a burden too, as we can have dozens of views and controllers.
I'll gladly take any serious recommandation/hint/advice/patterns/suggestion !
Thanks to #EBarr I came up with another solution, using an ActionFilterAttribute (not production code, did it in 5 minutes):
public class ModelAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public Type ModelType { get; private set; }
public ModelAttribute(string typeName) : this(Type.GetType(typeName)) { }
public ModelAttribute(Type modelType)
if(modelType == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("modelType"); }
ModelType = modelType;
if (!typeof(BaseModel).IsAssignableFrom(ModelType))
throw new ArgumentException("model type should inherit BaseModel");
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
var model = ModelFactory.GetModel(ModelType);
var foo = filterContext.RequestContext.HttpContext.Session["foo"] as Foo;
model.Foo = foo;
model.Bar = somevalue;
filterContext.Controller.TempData["model"] = model;
Calling it is then really simple:
public ActionResult Index()
var homeModel = TempData["model"] as HomeModel;
// Add View Specific stuff
return View(homeModel);
And it gives me the best of every world. The only drawback is to find a proper way to passe the model back to the action.
Here it's done using the TempData object, but I also consider updating the model that one can find in the ActionParameters.
I'm still taking any serious recommandation/hint/advice/patterns/suggestion for that, or the previous points.
I went through almost exactly the same process as I dove into MVC. And you're right, none of the solutions feel that great.
In the end I used a series of base models. For various reasons I had a few different types of base models, but the logic should apply to a single base type. The majority of my view models then inherited from one of the bases. Then, depending on need/timing i fill the base portion of the model in ActionExecuting or OnActionExecuted.
A snippet of my code that should make the process clear:
if (filterContext.ActionParameters.ContainsKey("model")) {
var tempModel = (System.Object)filterContext.ActionParameters["model"];
if (typeof(BaseModel_SuperLight).IsAssignableFrom(tempModel.GetType())) {
//do stuff required by light weight model
if (typeof(BaseModel_RegularWeight).IsAssignableFrom(tempModel.GetType())) {
//do more costly stuff for regular weight model here
In the end my pattern didn't feel too satisfying. It was, however, practical, flexible and easy to implement varying levels of inheritance. I was also able to inject pre or post controller execution, which mattered a lot in my case. Hope this helps.
The idea that gave me #EBarr to use an action filter was actually working but felt wrong in the end, because there was no clean way to retrieve the model without passing through a viewbag, or the httpcontext items, or something alike. Also, it made mandatory to decorate every action with its model. It also made the postback more difficult to handle. I still believe that this solution has merits and might be useful in some specific scenarios.
So I was back to square one and started looking more into that topic. I came to the following. First the problem has two aspects
Initializing the data for the views
Rendering the data
While looking for more idea, I realized that I was not looking at the problem from the right perspective. I was looking at it from a "Controller" POV, whereas the final client for the model is the view. I was also reminded that the Layout/Master page is not a view and should not have a model associated with it. That insight put me on what feels the right path for me. Because it meant that every "dynamic" part of the Layout should be handled outside of it. Of course, sections seems the perfect fit for that, because of their flexibility.
On the test solution I made, I had (only) 4 different sections, some mandatory, some not. The problem with sections, is that you need to add them on every page, which can quickly be a pain to update/modify. To solve that, I tried this:
public interface IViewModel
KeyValuePair<string, PartialViewData>[] Sections { get; }
public class PartialViewData
public string PartialViewName { get; set; }
public object PartialViewModel { get; set; }
public ViewDataDictionary ViewData { get; set; }
For exemple, my model for the view is this:
public class HomeViewModel : IViewModel
public Article[] Articles { get; set; } // Article is just a dummy class
public string QuickContactMessage { get; set; } // just here to try things
public HomeViewModel() { Articles = new Article[0]; }
private Dictionary<string, PartialViewData> _Sections = new Dictionary<string, PartialViewData>();
public KeyValuePair<string, PartialViewData>[] Sections
get { return _Sections.ToArray(); }
set { _Sections = value.ToDictionary(item => item.Key, item => item.Value); }
This get initialized in the action:
public ActionResult Index()
var hvm = ModelFactory.Get<HomeViewModel>(); // Does not much, basicaly a new HomeViewModel();
hvm.Sections = LayoutHelper.GetCommonSections().ToArray(); // more on this just after
hvm.Articles = ArticlesProvider.GetArticles(); // ArticlesProvider could support DI
return View(hvm);
LayoutHelper is a property on the controller (which could be DI'ed if needed):
public class DefaultLayoutHelper
private Controller Controller;
public DefaultLayoutHelper(Controller controller) { Controller = controller; }
public Dictionary<string, PartialViewData> GetCommonSections(QuickContactModel quickContactModel = null)
var sections = new Dictionary<string, PartialViewData>();
// those calls were made in methods in the solution, I removed it to reduce the length of the answer
Controller.UserLoggedIn() // simple extension that check if there is a user logged in
? new PartialViewData { PartialViewName = "HeaderLoggedIn", PartialViewModel = new HeaderLoggedInViewModel { Username = "Bishop" } }
: new PartialViewData { PartialViewName = "HeaderNotLoggedIn", PartialViewModel = new HeaderLoggedOutViewModel() });
sections.Add("quotes", new PartialViewData { PartialViewName = "Quotes" });
sections.Add("quickcontact", new PartialViewData { PartialViewName = "QuickContactForm", PartialViewModel = model ?? new QuickContactModel() });
return sections;
And in the views (.cshtml):
#section quotes { #{ Html.RenderPartial(Model.Sections.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Key == "quotes").Value); } }
#section login { #{ Html.RenderPartial(Model.Sections.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Key == "header").Value); } }
#section footer { #{ Html.RenderPartial(Model.Sections.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Key == "footer").Value); } }
The actual solution has more code, I tried to simplify to just get the idea here. It's still a bit raw and need polishing/error handling, but with that I can define in my action, what the sections will be, what model they will use and so on. It can be easily tested and setting up DI should not be an issue.
I still have to duplicate the #section lines in every view, which seems a bit painful (especialy because we can't put the sections in a partial view).
I'm looking into the templated razor delegates to see if that could not replace the sections.

Session variables in ASP.NET MVC

I am writing a web application that will allow a user to browse to multiple web pages within the website making certain requests. All information that the user inputs will be stored in an object that I created. The problem is that I need this object to be accessed from any part of the website and I don't really know the best way to accomplish this. I know that one solution is to use session variables but I don't know how to use them in asp .net MVC. And where would I declare a session variable? Is there any other way?
I would think you'll want to think about if things really belong in a session state. This is something I find myself doing every now and then and it's a nice strongly typed approach to the whole thing but you should be careful when putting things in the session context. Not everything should be there just because it belongs to some user.
in global.asax hook the OnSessionStart event
void OnSessionStart(...)
HttpContext.Current.Session.Add("__MySessionObject", new MySessionObject());
From anywhere in code where the HttpContext.Current property != null you can retrive that object. I do this with an extension method.
public static MySessionObject GetMySessionObject(this HttpContext current)
return current != null ? (MySessionObject)current.Session["__MySessionObject"] : null;
This way you can in code
void OnLoad(...)
var sessionObj = HttpContext.Current.GetMySessionObject();
// do something with 'sessionObj'
The answer here is correct, I however struggled to implement it in an ASP.NET MVC 3 app. I wanted to access a Session object in a controller and couldn't figure out why I kept on getting a "Instance not set to an instance of an Object error". What I noticed is that in a controller when I tried to access the session by doing the following, I kept on getting that error. This is due to the fact that this.HttpContext is part of the Controller object.
// or
However, what I wanted was the HttpContext that's part of the System.Web namespace because this is the one the Answer above suggests to use in Global.asax.cs. So I had to explicitly do the following:
this helped me, not sure if I did anything that isn't M.O. around here, but I hope it helps someone!
Because I dislike seeing "HTTPContext.Current.Session" about the place, I use a singleton pattern to access session variables, it gives you an easy to access strongly typed bag of data.
public sealed class SessionSingleton
#region Singleton
private const string SESSION_SINGLETON_NAME = "Singleton_502E69E5-668B-E011-951F-00155DF26207";
private SessionSingleton()
public static SessionSingleton Current
if ( HttpContext.Current.Session[SESSION_SINGLETON_NAME] == null )
HttpContext.Current.Session[SESSION_SINGLETON_NAME] = new SessionSingleton();
return HttpContext.Current.Session[SESSION_SINGLETON_NAME] as SessionSingleton;
public string SessionVariable { get; set; }
public string SessionVariable2 { get; set; }
// ...
then you can access your data from anywhere:
SessionSingleton.Current.SessionVariable = "Hello, World!";
Well, IMHO..
never reference a Session inside your view/master page
minimize your useage of Session. MVC provides TempData obj for this, which is basically a Session that lives for a single trip to the server.
With regards to #1, I have a strongly typed Master View which has a property to access whatever the Session object represents....in my instance the stongly typed Master View is generic which gives me some flexibility with regards to strongly typed View Pages
SomeImportantObjectThatWasInSession ImportantObject
AdminViewModel<TModel> : AdminViewModel where TModel : class
TModel Content
and then...
If you are using asp.net mvc, here is a simple way to access the session.
From a Controller:
From a View:
<%=Session["{name}"] %>
This is definitely not the best way to access your session variables, but it is a direct route. So use it with caution (preferably during rapid prototyping), and use a Wrapper/Container and OnSessionStart when it becomes appropriate.
Although I don't know about asp.net mvc, but this is what we should do in a normal .net website. It should work for asp.net mvc also.
YourSessionClass obj=Session["key"] as YourSessionClass;
obj=new YourSessionClass();
You would put this inside a method for easy access.
There are 3 ways to do it.
You can directly access HttpContext.Current.Session
You can Mock HttpContextBase
Create a extension method for HttpContextBase
I prefer 3rd way.This link is good reference.
Get/Set HttpContext Session Methods in BaseController vs Mocking HttpContextBase to create Get/Set methods
My way of accessing sessions is to write a helper class which encapsulates the various field names and their types. I hope this example helps:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.SessionState;
namespace dmkp
/// <summary>
/// Encapsulates the session state
/// </summary>
public sealed class LoginInfo
private HttpSessionState _session;
public LoginInfo(HttpSessionState session)
this._session = session;
public string Username
get { return (this._session["Username"] ?? string.Empty).ToString(); }
set { this._session["Username"] = value; }
public string FullName
get { return (this._session["FullName"] ?? string.Empty).ToString(); }
set { this._session["FullName"] = value; }
public int ID
get { return Convert.ToInt32((this._session["UID"] ?? -1)); }
set { this._session["UID"] = value; }
public UserAccess AccessLevel
get { return (UserAccess)(this._session["AccessLevel"]); }
set { this._session["AccessLevel"] = value; }
Great answers from the guys but I would caution you against always relying on the Session. It is quick and easy to do so, and of course would work but would not be great in all cicrumstances.
For example if you run into a scenario where your hosting doesn't allow session use, or if you are on a web farm, or in the example of a shared SharePoint application.
If you wanted a different solution you could look at using an IOC Container such as Castle Windsor, creating a provider class as a wrapper and then keeping one instance of your class using the per request or session lifestyle depending on your requirements.
The IOC would ensure that the same instance is returned each time.
More complicated yes, if you need a simple solution just use the session.
Here are some implementation examples below out of interest.
Using this method you could create a provider class along the lines of:
public class CustomClassProvider : ICustomClassProvider
public CustomClassProvider(CustomClass customClass)
CustomClass = customClass;
public string CustomClass { get; private set; }
And register it something like:
public void Install(IWindsorContainer container, IConfigurationStore store)
() => new CustomClassProvider(new CustomClass())).LifestylePerWebRequest());
You can use ViewModelBase as base class for all models , this class will take care of pulling data from session
class ViewModelBase
public User CurrentUser
get { return System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["user"] as User };
You can write a extention method on HttpContextBase to deal with session data
T FromSession<T>(this HttpContextBase context ,string key,Action<T> getFromSource=null)
return (T) context.Session[key];
else if(getFromSource!=null)
var value = getFromSource();
return value;
return null;
Use this like below in controller
User userData = HttpContext.FromSession<User>("userdata",()=> { return user object from service/db });
The second argument is optional it will be used fill session data for that key when value is not present in session.
